Assassin Farmer

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Perhaps he can leave the place with Shuilian and twins, migrating to overseas, but what about her parents?

“I understand. I together with the children will wait for you to come back safely. Of course, it would be best if you can come back before New year.” Su Shuilian smiled and appeased him in exchange for Lin Sizhen’s a deep kiss.

“I have a letter, and I have sent people to give your elder brother. As for you and the children, Situ Yun is the smartest and will stay in the house day and night. Besides, his brothers and sisters will take turns guarding you. I will come back as soon as possible. Shuilian, sorry, I said, I will stay by your side, won’t go, but now…”

“Don’t say it, A Yao, this is not something taht you can decide. It is a matter of national and ordinary people. Even if it is only one percent of the possibility, it is better to be prepared first.” Su Shuilian said with her hand shot to his mouth Lin Shiyao.

“Reassured, this time, mainly to bring back Siluo. About other, I promise you, will never act rashly.” Lin Siyao nodded. He knew her expectations. They have never been separated since they met each other in the past two years.

“Well, I know it. This, I sewed in the inner layer of the bag.” Su Shuilian pointed to the empty wisteria gourd on the table. There was only one spoonful of semi-precious jade, which was filled by her. In the small porcelain bottle, the baggage compartment is sewn. This is in case of lifesaving.

“Shuilian…” Lin Siyao hugged her and whispered. After a long time, he let go of her. He looked at the twins who were sleeping in the cradle, and lifted the parcel on the table and quickly turned out of the bedroom, met with Sichong standing in the front yard. The two in the thick twilight, jumped out of the town of flowers, and went towards Langxi.

Su Shuilian leaned on the doorpost of the hall and quietly watched them leave until their strong figure disappeared into her eyes.

“The master and the uncle master are not going to have anything.” Situ Yun, who came behind her, said a little.

“Well, there will be nothing.” Su Shuilian nodded, took back the eyes that fell in the distant mountains, and turned back to the inner room. A Yao was not there, she still had to work and rest.

She will not leave because of his troubles, but the woman in the legendary Chi, looking forward his husband, and finally became a stone sculpture.

She still has to take care of her children, and many things in the house can be handled. In short, she hopes that when A Yao comes back, she will still give him a home that is still safe and sound.

The twenty-four apprentices of Sizhong, together with Situ Yun, who has been guarding the twins, are twenty-five-year-old juveniles who are played with the twins happily.

It is actually when the twins are awake, they take turns to tease them. If it is not the turn, it is natural to sit in the “Guang Ci Tower” The tacit understanding over the years has allowed them to develop a good habit of being the same whether their master is here or not.

“Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.” Su Shuilian leaned against the window and looked at the crescent moon in the cold sky, whispering.

“Yes, I have already been arranged. You can rest assured.” Mammy Liang saw that Su Shuilian had not rested, and the hot tea was brought in. The young master is not there, and the preparation for the annual festival will never be casual. After spending so many years in the palace, Mammy Liang can do a good job of dealing things.

“I don’t know when A Yao can come back.” This is the second new year after they met, but they don’t want to separate the two places.

“Young mater’s martial arts is strong so he will return safely. You do not have to worry too much.” Although Mammy Liang is not sure if young master can come back before the new night, after all, there are seven or eight hundred miles away from Langxi. The average person rushes to the carriage to go back and forth, which takes three or four days, let alone something important. However, Mammy Liang has seen the high martial arts of the young master, thinking that he might do it.

“I haven’t seen your husband. Not at home?” On the New Year’s Eve, Jiang Yingyun drove the exquisite carriage built by the “Yueyun Embroidery Building” and arrived at with gifts. She didn’t see Lin Siyao, who usually appeared behind Su Shuilian, so she was curious and asked.

“Well, he was going out.” Su Shuilian was feeding Lin Long, and she said with head down.

“What is the important thing in the New Year’s Eve? Ha… Wouldn’t it be to give the father-in-law and mother-in-law a gift?” Jiang Yingyun couldn’t help but joked.

Su Shuilian heard this statement and paused. Oh, it was necessary to send the annual gift to the family. However, in her subconscious mind, Jing King and his wife were glory guests for her and has not yet taken them as her own parents. A Yao used to be independent and murderous, and he did not know much about the celebrity etiquette.

“Young lady, the lady had already told us when she returned, saying that the emperor city was far from there so the young lady and master did not have to worry about this kind of thing. Just take care of the twins.” Seeing Su Shliani’s difficulty, Mammy Liang interjected at the right time.

“Also, the emperor city is now very messy. So do not go there.” Jiang Yingyun saw Mammy Liang’s snack on the table with aroma and the exquisite appearance, suddenly had the appetite, licked a piece of corn candy into his mouth, said while chewing.

“Emperor city…is very messy? How did you know that?” Su Shuilian said after she heard it and thought of A Yao’s words before he left.

“Embroidery building will send a team to and from the emperor city every ten days. How can this news be not knew?” Jiang Yingyun heard the anxiety in her tone. She also said that she was worried about Jing King, who was in the imperial city and waved her hand to comfort: “Don’t worry, I only heard that some exiles from the north must have been arrested by the government. You parents are in the palace, and you can’t meet this kind of thing anyway.”

“I hope so.” Su Shuilian nodded and was somewhat shy. She was thinking about A Yao, and she almost forgot her now, and her parents and brothers.

“Is there any news?”. Liang Xuanjing stepped into the big study room and asked seriously to the son who frowned in front of the desk.

“Dad.” Liang Enzai saw Liang Xuanjing, loosened his heart, tiredly pinched the tall nose, and shook his head: “Not yet. According to the line report from the north, the Xue Ming sect has sent 12 powerful horses to Dahui. But there’s no track.”

“Really?” Liang Xuanjing was shocked. Twelve powerful horses, that is the most powerful weapon in the Xue Ming country. It is rumored that the twelve horses are rode out, and there is no task that can not be done.

“Well. The line report does say this. Also, Dad, Xue sect has already acted.” The paper stripe in front of Liang Enzai was just the news from Lin Siyao asking through “Guangci Tower”. Two Langxi strange people were from Xue Sect. If the Lin Shiyao is accurate, then Xue Sect is the chess of Xue Ming Sect buried in Dahui.

“Well…” Liang Xuanjing slightly frowned, and immediately went outside the study room. “I am going into the palace now. Dahui has been rehabilitated for nearly a hundred years. It is only after the peace and prosperity of the country, and it must not be in a war again.”

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“Dad, if the emperor does not believe…”

“It is credible. If he dares not to believe… I will hit him to believe.” Liang Xuanjing did not return to the study room, striding to the gate of the mansion. While walking, he said: “Give me a carriage.”

Liang Enzai looked at Liang Xuanjing, who was far away, and shook his head in a smile. Returning to the desk, he wrote a letter, folded it and put it in an envelope, sealed it with a red seal, and called a guard quietly and siad,”speed to the ‘Guangci Tower’.”

When the guard took the lead, Liang Enzai went out of the study room, ordered to prepare the carriage, and went to the palace.

In the octagonal pavilion in the palace of the Xiang King, Liang Enzai was negotiating with a-decade friend and the party.

“Your plan?” Xiang King leaned on the pavilion, seemingly admiring the pavilion’s wintersweet, but was deeply worried.

“Dahui is the fat meat for Xue Ming Sect.” Liang Enzai held a cup and looked down at the wine in the cup, faintly analyzing.

“and so?”

“The fat meat has the possibility of becoming a hard bone.” Liang Enzai turned the cup, who had a beautiful face, and it was more and more beautiful in the cold air of winter.

“Twelve powerful horses…” Xiang King whispered again and turned to look at Liang Enzai. “If the line report is true, then try it.” They have been deployed for so many years. Don’t they wait for the fish to hook?

“Xiaer, do you still remember Feng Yao pavilion?” Liang Enzai suddenly turned the topic.

“Of course. The the famous killer organization of in rivers and lakes. In the early years, about the case of Fengshui city, we also met their people.” Xiaer nodded, just, in the last two years, it seems to be calm. Has it closed down?

“The Fengyao Pavilion has been restructured after the change of the master. As for their gold medal killer…” Liang Enzai used a toast to drink and masked his smile. Who would have thought that a killing god would become his brother-in-law? Is this the blessing of grace? It resolved his position against Lin Shiyao.

“I heard that he was dead.” Luo Xiaer sighed.

“Not necessarily.” Liang Enzai shook his head. “Right, if there is any news in the future, go to the ‘Guangci Tower’, where is safer.”

“How? Your industry building?” Lou Xiaer raised his eyebrows, never heard of it.

“No, but it must be safe.” It was also his own person. Since the brother-in-law suggested this in the letter, he believed it.

What was more, if the speculation is true, Xue Ming Sect had an attempt to Dahui, and the transmission of the message was more important. If the news leaked, it would affect the overall situation.

“Others I will be responsible, you only have to pay attention to Office of the Counselor in Chief.” Liang Enzai took a drink of the glass of wine, and then he went.

“Minister’s Office also needs to send additional staff. I suspect that the minister also have done something. Did you not think that he has always been against the Jing King Mansion?”.

“Reassure, I will naturally take care of him there.” Liang Enzai did not turn back and waved his hand. How can the minister miss it? This Xue Ming’s action is also made by him.

However, all this still need to wait.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!

Perhaps he can leave the place with Shuilian and twins, migrating to overseas, but what about her parents?

“I understand. I together with the children will wait for you to come back safely. Of course, it would be best if you can come back before New year.” Su Shuilian smiled and appeased him in exchange for Lin Sizhen’s a deep kiss.

“I have a letter, and I have sent people to give your elder brother. As for you and the children, Situ Yun is the smartest and will stay in the house day and night. Besides, his brothers and sisters will take turns guarding you. I will come back as soon as possible. Shuilian, sorry, I said, I will stay by your side, won’t go, but now…”

“Don’t say it, A Yao, this is not something taht you can decide. It is a matter of national and ordinary people. Even if it is only one percent of the possibility, it is better to be prepared first.” Su Shuilian said with her hand shot to his mouth Lin Shiyao.

“Reassured, this time, mainly to bring back Siluo. About other, I promise you, will never act rashly.” Lin Siyao nodded. He knew her expectations. They have never been separated since they met each other in the past two years.

“Well, I know it. This, I sewed in the inner layer of the bag.” Su Shuilian pointed to the empty wisteria gourd on the table. There was only one spoonful of semi-precious jade, which was filled by her. In the small porcelain bottle, the baggage compartment is sewn. This is in case of lifesaving.

“Shuilian…” Lin Siyao hugged her and whispered. After a long time, he let go of her. He looked at the twins who were sleeping in the cradle, and lifted the parcel on the table and quickly turned out of the bedroom, met with Sichong standing in the front yard. The two in the thick twilight, jumped out of the town of flowers, and went towards Langxi.

Su Shuilian leaned on the doorpost of the hall and quietly watched them leave until their strong figure disappeared into her eyes.

“The master and the uncle master are not going to have anything.” Situ Yun, who came behind her, said a little.

“Well, there will be nothing.” Su Shuilian nodded, took back the eyes that fell in the distant mountains, and turned back to the inner room. A Yao was not there, she still had to work and rest.

She will not leave because of his troubles, but the woman in the legendary Chi, looking forward his husband, and finally became a stone sculpture.

She still has to take care of her children, and many things in the house can be handled. In short, she hopes that when A Yao comes back, she will still give him a home that is still safe and sound.

The twenty-four apprentices of Sizhong, together with Situ Yun, who has been guarding the twins, are twenty-five-year-old juveniles who are played with the twins happily.

It is actually when the twins are awake, they take turns to tease them. If it is not the turn, it is natural to sit in the “Guang Ci Tower” The tacit understanding over the years has allowed them to develop a good habit of being the same whether their master is here or not.

“Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.” Su Shuilian leaned against the window and looked at the crescent moon in the cold sky, whispering.

“Yes, I have already been arranged. You can rest assured.” Mammy Liang saw that Su Shuilian had not rested, and the hot tea was brought in. The young master is not there, and the preparation for the annual festival will never be casual. After spending so many years in the palace, Mammy Liang can do a good job of dealing things.

“I don’t know when A Yao can come back.” This is the second new year after they met, but they don’t want to separate the two places.

“Young mater’s martial arts is strong so he will return safely. You do not have to worry too much.” Although Mammy Liang is not sure if young master can come back before the new night, after all, there are seven or eight hundred miles away from Langxi. The average person rushes to the carriage to go back and forth, which takes three or four days, let alone something important. However, Mammy Liang has seen the high martial arts of the young master, thinking that he might do it.

“I haven’t seen your husband. Not at home?” On the New Year’s Eve, Jiang Yingyun drove the exquisite carriage built by the “Yueyun Embroidery Building” and arrived at with gifts. She didn’t see Lin Siyao, who usually appeared behind Su Shuilian, so she was curious and asked.

“Well, he was going out.” Su Shuilian was feeding Lin Long, and she said with head down.

“What is the important thing in the New Year’s Eve? Ha… Wouldn’t it be to give the father-in-law and mother-in-law a gift?” Jiang Yingyun couldn’t help but joked.

Su Shuilian heard this statement and paused. Oh, it was necessary to send the annual gift to the family. However, in her subconscious mind, Jing King and his wife were glory guests for her and has not yet taken them as her own parents. A Yao used to be independent and murderous, and he did not know much about the celebrity etiquette.

“Young lady, the lady had already told us when she returned, saying that the emperor city was far from there so the young lady and master did not have to worry about this kind of thing. Just take care of the twins.” Seeing Su Shliani’s difficulty, Mammy Liang interjected at the right time.

“Also, the emperor city is now very messy. So do not go there.” Jiang Yingyun saw Mammy Liang’s snack on the table with aroma and the exquisite appearance, suddenly had the appetite, licked a piece of corn candy into his mouth, said while chewing.

“Emperor city…is very messy? How did you know that?” Su Shuilian said after she heard it and thought of A Yao’s words before he left.

“Embroidery building will send a team to and from the emperor city every ten days. How can this news be not knew?” Jiang Yingyun heard the anxiety in her tone. She also said that she was worried about Jing King, who was in the imperial city and waved her hand to comfort: “Don’t worry, I only heard that some exiles from the north must have been arrested by the government. You parents are in the palace, and you can’t meet this kind of thing anyway.”

“I hope so.” Su Shuilian nodded and was somewhat shy. She was thinking about A Yao, and she almost forgot her now, and her parents and brothers.

“Is there any news?”. Liang Xuanjing stepped into the big study room and asked seriously to the son who frowned in front of the desk.

“Dad.” Liang Enzai saw Liang Xuanjing, loosened his heart, tiredly pinched the tall nose, and shook his head: “Not yet. According to the line report from the north, the Xue Ming sect has sent 12 powerful horses to Dahui. But there’s no track.”

“Really?” Liang Xuanjing was shocked. Twelve powerful horses, that is the most powerful weapon in the Xue Ming country. It is rumored that the twelve horses are rode out, and there is no task that can not be done.

“Well. The line report does say this. Also, Dad, Xue sect has already acted.” The paper stripe in front of Liang Enzai was just the news from Lin Siyao asking through “Guangci Tower”. Two Langxi strange people were from Xue Sect. If the Lin Shiyao is accurate, then Xue Sect is the chess of Xue Ming Sect buried in Dahui.

“Well…” Liang Xuanjing slightly frowned, and immediately went outside the study room. “I am going into the palace now. Dahui has been rehabilitated for nearly a hundred years. It is only after the peace and prosperity of the country, and it must not be in a war again.”

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“Dad, if the emperor does not believe…”

“It is credible. If he dares not to believe… I will hit him to believe.” Liang Xuanjing did not return to the study room, striding to the gate of the mansion. While walking, he said: “Give me a carriage.”

Liang Enzai looked at Liang Xuanjing, who was far away, and shook his head in a smile. Returning to the desk, he wrote a letter, folded it and put it in an envelope, sealed it with a red seal, and called a guard quietly and siad,”speed to the ‘Guangci Tower’.”

When the guard took the lead, Liang Enzai went out of the study room, ordered to prepare the carriage, and went to the palace.

In the octagonal pavilion in the palace of the Xiang King, Liang Enzai was negotiating with a-decade friend and the party.

“Your plan?” Xiang King leaned on the pavilion, seemingly admiring the pavilion’s wintersweet, but was deeply worried.

“Dahui is the fat meat for Xue Ming Sect.” Liang Enzai held a cup and looked down at the wine in the cup, faintly analyzing.

“and so?”

“The fat meat has the possibility of becoming a hard bone.” Liang Enzai turned the cup, who had a beautiful face, and it was more and more beautiful in the cold air of winter.

“Twelve powerful horses…” Xiang King whispered again and turned to look at Liang Enzai. “If the line report is true, then try it.” They have been deployed for so many years. Don’t they wait for the fish to hook?

“Xiaer, do you still remember Feng Yao pavilion?” Liang Enzai suddenly turned the topic.

“Of course. The the famous killer organization of in rivers and lakes. In the early years, about the case of Fengshui city, we also met their people.” Xiaer nodded, just, in the last two years, it seems to be calm. Has it closed down?

“The Fengyao Pavilion has been restructured after the change of the master. As for their gold medal killer…” Liang Enzai used a toast to drink and masked his smile. Who would have thought that a killing god would become his brother-in-law? Is this the blessing of grace? It resolved his position against Lin Shiyao.

“I heard that he was dead.” Luo Xiaer sighed.

“Not necessarily.” Liang Enzai shook his head. “Right, if there is any news in the future, go to the ‘Guangci Tower’, where is safer.”

“How? Your industry building?” Lou Xiaer raised his eyebrows, never heard of it.

“No, but it must be safe.” It was also his own person. Since the brother-in-law suggested this in the letter, he believed it.

What was more, if the speculation is true, Xue Ming Sect had an attempt to Dahui, and the transmission of the message was more important. If the news leaked, it would affect the overall situation.

“Others I will be responsible, you only have to pay attention to Office of the Counselor in Chief.” Liang Enzai took a drink of the glass of wine, and then he went.

“Minister’s Office also needs to send additional staff. I suspect that the minister also have done something. Did you not think that he has always been against the Jing King Mansion?”.

“Reassure, I will naturally take care of him there.” Liang Enzai did not turn back and waved his hand. How can the minister miss it? This Xue Ming’s action is also made by him.

However, all this still need to wait.

Perhaps he can leave the place with Shuilian and twins, migrating to overseas, but what about her parents?

“I understand. I together with the children will wait for you to come back safely. Of course, it would be best if you can come back before New year.” Su Shuilian smiled and appeased him in exchange for Lin Sizhen’s a deep kiss.

“I have a letter, and I have sent people to give your elder brother. As for you and the children, Situ Yun is the smartest and will stay in the house day and night. Besides, his brothers and sisters will take turns guarding you. I will come back as soon as possible. Shuilian, sorry, I said, I will stay by your side, won’t go, but now…”

“Don’t say it, A Yao, this is not something taht you can decide. It is a matter of national and ordinary people. Even if it is only one percent of the possibility, it is better to be prepared first.” Su Shuilian said with her hand shot to his mouth Lin Shiyao.

“Reassured, this time, mainly to bring back Siluo. About other, I promise you, will never act rashly.” Lin Siyao nodded. He knew her expectations. They have never been separated since they met each other in the past two years.

“Well, I know it. This, I sewed in the inner layer of the bag.” Su Shuilian pointed to the empty wisteria gourd on the table. There was only one spoonful of semi-precious jade, which was filled by her. In the small porcelain bottle, the baggage compartment is sewn. This is in case of lifesaving.

“Shuilian…” Lin Siyao hugged her and whispered. After a long time, he let go of her. He looked at the twins who were sleeping in the cradle, and lifted the parcel on the table and quickly turned out of the bedroom, met with Sichong standing in the front yard. The two in the thick twilight, jumped out of the town of flowers, and went towards Langxi.

Su Shuilian leaned on the doorpost of the hall and quietly watched them leave until their strong figure disappeared into her eyes.

“The master and the uncle master are not going to have anything.” Situ Yun, who came behind her, said a little.

“Well, there will be nothing.” Su Shuilian nodded, took back the eyes that fell in the distant mountains, and turned back to the inner room. A Yao was not there, she still had to work and rest.

She will not leave because of his troubles, but the woman in the legendary Chi, looking forward his husband, and finally became a stone sculpture.

She still has to take care of her children, and many things in the house can be handled. In short, she hopes that when A Yao comes back, she will still give him a home that is still safe and sound.

The twenty-four apprentices of Sizhong, together with Situ Yun, who has been guarding the twins, are twenty-five-year-old juveniles who are played with the twins happily.

It is actually when the twins are awake, they take turns to tease them. If it is not the turn, it is natural to sit in the “Guang Ci Tower” The tacit understanding over the years has allowed them to develop a good habit of being the same whether their master is here or not.

“Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.” Su Shuilian leaned against the window and looked at the crescent moon in the cold sky, whispering.

“Yes, I have already been arranged. You can rest assured.” Mammy Liang saw that Su Shuilian had not rested, and the hot tea was brought in. The young master is not there, and the preparation for the annual festival will never be casual. After spending so many years in the palace, Mammy Liang can do a good job of dealing things.

“I don’t know when A Yao can come back.” This is the second new year after they met, but they don’t want to separate the two places.

“Young mater’s martial arts is strong so he will return safely. You do not have to worry too much.” Although Mammy Liang is not sure if young master can come back before the new night, after all, there are seven or eight hundred miles away from Langxi. The average person rushes to the carriage to go back and forth, which takes three or four days, let alone something important. However, Mammy Liang has seen the high martial arts of the young master, thinking that he might do it.

“I haven’t seen your husband. Not at home?” On the New Year’s Eve, Jiang Yingyun drove the exquisite carriage built by the “Yueyun Embroidery Building” and arrived at with gifts. She didn’t see Lin Siyao, who usually appeared behind Su Shuilian, so she was curious and asked.

“Well, he was going out.” Su Shuilian was feeding Lin Long, and she said with head down.

“What is the important thing in the New Year’s Eve? Ha… Wouldn’t it be to give the father-in-law and mother-in-law a gift?” Jiang Yingyun couldn’t help but joked.

Su Shuilian heard this statement and paused. Oh, it was necessary to send the annual gift to the family. However, in her subconscious mind, Jing King and his wife were glory guests for her and has not yet taken them as her own parents. A Yao used to be independent and murderous, and he did not know much about the celebrity etiquette.

“Young lady, the lady had already told us when she returned, saying that the emperor city was far from there so the young lady and master did not have to worry about this kind of thing. Just take care of the twins.” Seeing Su Shliani’s difficulty, Mammy Liang interjected at the right time.

“Also, the emperor city is now very messy. So do not go there.” Jiang Yingyun saw Mammy Liang’s snack on the table with aroma and the exquisite appearance, suddenly had the appetite, licked a piece of corn candy into his mouth, said while chewing.

“Emperor city…is very messy? How did you know that?” Su Shuilian said after she heard it and thought of A Yao’s words before he left.

“Embroidery building will send a team to and from the emperor city every ten days. How can this news be not knew?” Jiang Yingyun heard the anxiety in her tone. She also said that she was worried about Jing King, who was in the imperial city and waved her hand to comfort: “Don’t worry, I only heard that some exiles from the north must have been arrested by the government. You parents are in the palace, and you can’t meet this kind of thing anyway.”

“I hope so.” Su Shuilian nodded and was somewhat shy. She was thinking about A Yao, and she almost forgot her now, and her parents and brothers.

“Is there any news?”. Liang Xuanjing stepped into the big study room and asked seriously to the son who frowned in front of the desk.

“Dad.” Liang Enzai saw Liang Xuanjing, loosened his heart, tiredly pinched the tall nose, and shook his head: “Not yet. According to the line report from the north, the Xue Ming sect has sent 12 powerful horses to Dahui. But there’s no track.”

“Really?” Liang Xuanjing was shocked. Twelve powerful horses, that is the most powerful weapon in the Xue Ming country. It is rumored that the twelve horses are rode out, and there is no task that can not be done.

“Well. The line report does say this. Also, Dad, Xue sect has already acted.” The paper stripe in front of Liang Enzai was just the news from Lin Siyao asking through “Guangci Tower”. Two Langxi strange people were from Xue Sect. If the Lin Shiyao is accurate, then Xue Sect is the chess of Xue Ming Sect buried in Dahui.

“Well…” Liang Xuanjing slightly frowned, and immediately went outside the study room. “I am going into the palace now. Dahui has been rehabilitated for nearly a hundred years. It is only after the peace and prosperity of the country, and it must not be in a war again.”

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“Dad, if the emperor does not believe…”

“It is credible. If he dares not to believe… I will hit him to believe.” Liang Xuanjing did not return to the study room, striding to the gate of the mansion. While walking, he said: “Give me a carriage.”

Liang Enzai looked at Liang Xuanjing, who was far away, and shook his head in a smile. Returning to the desk, he wrote a letter, folded it and put it in an envelope, sealed it with a red seal, and called a guard quietly and siad,”speed to the ‘Guangci Tower’.”

When the guard took the lead, Liang Enzai went out of the study room, ordered to prepare the carriage, and went to the palace.

In the octagonal pavilion in the palace of the Xiang King, Liang Enzai was negotiating with a-decade friend and the party.

“Your plan?” Xiang King leaned on the pavilion, seemingly admiring the pavilion’s wintersweet, but was deeply worried.

“Dahui is the fat meat for Xue Ming Sect.” Liang Enzai held a cup and looked down at the wine in the cup, faintly analyzing.

“and so?”

“The fat meat has the possibility of becoming a hard bone.” Liang Enzai turned the cup, who had a beautiful face, and it was more and more beautiful in the cold air of winter.

“Twelve powerful horses…” Xiang King whispered again and turned to look at Liang Enzai. “If the line report is true, then try it.” They have been deployed for so many years. Don’t they wait for the fish to hook?

“Xiaer, do you still remember Feng Yao pavilion?” Liang Enzai suddenly turned the topic.

“Of course. The the famous killer organization of in rivers and lakes. In the early years, about the case of Fengshui city, we also met their people.” Xiaer nodded, just, in the last two years, it seems to be calm. Has it closed down?

“The Fengyao Pavilion has been restructured after the change of the master. As for their gold medal killer…” Liang Enzai used a toast to drink and masked his smile. Who would have thought that a killing god would become his brother-in-law? Is this the blessing of grace? It resolved his position against Lin Shiyao.

“I heard that he was dead.” Luo Xiaer sighed.

“Not necessarily.” Liang Enzai shook his head. “Right, if there is any news in the future, go to the ‘Guangci Tower’, where is safer.”

“How? Your industry building?” Lou Xiaer raised his eyebrows, never heard of it.

“No, but it must be safe.” It was also his own person. Since the brother-in-law suggested this in the letter, he believed it.

What was more, if the speculation is true, Xue Ming Sect had an attempt to Dahui, and the transmission of the message was more important. If the news leaked, it would affect the overall situation.

“Others I will be responsible, you only have to pay attention to Office of the Counselor in Chief.” Liang Enzai took a drink of the glass of wine, and then he went.

“Minister’s Office also needs to send additional staff. I suspect that the minister also have done something. Did you not think that he has always been against the Jing King Mansion?”.

“Reassure, I will naturally take care of him there.” Liang Enzai did not turn back and waved his hand. How can the minister miss it? This Xue Ming’s action is also made by him.

However, all this still need to wait.

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