At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

“Since you guys are here, it means that the Green Dragon and Yunying have been solved! Although I expected, it also makes me a little curious that you can come so early! ”

Shinomiya Huangguang turned his back to everyone and said unhurriedly, if it was only Shinomiya Kaguya at this time, maybe his temperament could still calm her, but at this moment, behind Kaguya was a group of very powerful teammates.

Therefore, in Kaguya’s eyes, this spectrum of the fourth palace yellow light pendulum is really a little brain-dead, knowing that the two people of the fourth palace green dragon and the fourth palace cloud eagle who are the same level as him have been eliminated, and he alone can not turn over any waves.

“It’s too late for you to get out of the way now! We can give you a pain! Shinomiya Kaguya stepped forward and said that if Shinomiya Yellow Light had not been transformed into a vampire, she could have spared his life.

“This is a private matter of our fourth palace family, are Director Yushita and Deputy Bureau Nangong sure they want to continue to participate?”

Shinomiya Huangguang directly ignored Shinomiya Kaguya, he had never cared about this little sister.

“The moment you choose to become a vampire, everything in your fourth house family becomes a business, and it is not we who liquidate you!”

Yukishita Yukino’s eyes were full of disgust, although the vampire transformed by the stone ghost face was also claimed to be immortal, but it was based on taking other people’s life energy, and she naturally did not allow any such vampire to exist.

“That’s right, Brother Huang Guang, your next opponent is us!” Kaguya’s trio stood in front of the four palace yellow lights, and three dependent beasts faintly appeared behind them.

“Extraordinary power! What I worked so hard to get, you guys got so easily! ”

Shinomiya Huangguang is extremely jealous, Shinomiya Kaguya is also a member of the Shinomiya family, what grade is that Ai Hayasaka and Fujiwara Chika, and dare to stand in front of him?

“Show your back hand!”

Shinomiya Kaguya is not in a hurry to start, and has to admit that her eldest brother Shigong Huangguang is still somewhat level, and he will definitely not fight an uncertain battle.

“I already knew that you would come to the door today, so I specially prepared hostages for the two search officers, and now it seems that it has lost its effect!” It seems that he has worked in vain! ”

Shinomiya Huangguang laughed a little mockingly, clapped his hands gently, and walked out of the inner hall directly out of several corpse people, and under the hostage of the corpse people, Mai Sakurajima and Futaba Riyo walked out, and behind them there was another person, it turned out to be Nakano-san, who had not been seen for a long time.

Or Nakano Zero Nine, but now she shows the appearance of Nakano Nino.

“Minister Yukishita!”

“Classmate Shen Ming!”

Nakano Futano saw everyone subconsciously shouting Shen Ming’s name, while Mai Sakurajima and Riyo Futaba shouted to Yukinoshita Yukino.

“Don’t act rashly! Otherwise, the corpse people don’t know what it means to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade! ”

Sigong Huangguang sneered, his task is only one, that is, to delay time as much as possible, the final strengthening stage of that adult is about to be completed, if he performs well, maybe the adult can reward him again, let him go from a vampire to another level, evolve into a night clan that will not be directly destroyed by the sun.

“Smash Valudo!” Shen Ming directly initiated the time pause, in his opinion, there was no need to waste time in the fourth palace yellow light.

It only took Shen Ming five seconds to bring the three to the other side, deliberately putting a short distance between him and the others.

“Time flows again!”

“Let’s do it, don’t talk nonsense with him, he’s just delaying time!” Shen Ming said directly to the Four Palace Kaguya, he had already felt that in the deepest part of the Four Palace Family, there was an aura that was constantly increasing.

The three of Shinomiya Kaguya no longer hesitated at the moment, since the hostages had been rescued, there was nothing to worry about.

The fourth palace yellow light quickly commanded the corpse people to rush up first, but the corpse people could not even fight for a moment, and directly turned into pieces under the giant axe of the fourth palace Kaguya.

Just as the giant axe of the fourth palace Kaguya was about to fall on the head of the fourth palace yellow light, the fourth palace yellow light suddenly took out a small white bell and shook it, and shouted at the same time.


Mai Sakurajima and Riyo Futaba suddenly took Shen Ming hostage when the bell rang, and Mai Sakurajima’s hand passed directly through Shen Ming’s chest, but her hand was not stained with a trace of blood0………

“You are arresting him, why should we stop!” Just get started! “Under the snow, Xue Nai would not worry that Shen Ming would plant a head here, which directly dispelled the doubts of the fourth palace Kaguya. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With the giant axe swinging, Shinomiya Kaguya successfully became the most justified heir of the Shinomiya family.

Mai Sakurajima just wanted to withdraw her hand, but found that her arm seemed to be stuck in Shen Ming’s body, and she couldn’t move at will, and Futaba Riyo saw that it was wrong and directly held Nakano Nino on the side.

“Classmate Shen Ming!” Nakano Erno exclaimed, from her point of view, Shen Ming had been punched through the heart.

“Don’t worry, it seems that only the two of them have been transformed?” Shen Ming sighed, he sensed something was wrong from the moment they met, the blood of Mai Sakurajima and Riyo Futaba was cold, and this blood even made him a little sick to his stomach.

“You don’t have to worry about me, just go in, the next should be the last checkpoint personally guarded by the head of the fourth palace.” Although Shen Ming had an extra arm on his chest, he said to the women casually.

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and continued to walk towards the depths, the other 4.6 people also followed behind just in case, but Madzo deliberately walked last.

“If you can’t do anything in the end, then come to me, as long as I have spiritual power, my unlimited use of the Four Bullets should be able to completely rewind their time to before they put on the stone ghost face!”

Mad San glanced at the two women who were controlled by Shen Ming and said, she also guessed Shen Ming’s thoughts.

“I understand that I also have the healing ability to rewind the time of certain objects, but now I want to see if I can use the blood of the True Ancestor to cover their current vampire state!”

Shen Ming said and let go of his control over Mai Sakurajima, Mai Sakurajima pulled out his hand and was about to escape with Futaba Riyo with Nakano Nina, but was waved by Shen Ming and brought to him.

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