At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

As Shen Ming and the two recovered the lion’s gold, the current in the dark clouds could no longer be resisted, and suddenly a violent thunderstorm fell in the Tokyo area.

“Such a heavy rain, come to my house to take shelter first!”

Shen Ming withdrew the silver mist of the carapace, and the fogged Tokyo City changed back to its original posture, and the traces left by the previous battle between the two were also covered and disappeared.

“Good!” Yukishita Yukino directly agreed, although this battle was the fiercest battle between the two, but her clothes were not damaged in the slightest, after all, it was their beasts who directly fought.

At this time, Shen Ming also had a chance to look at the time, it turned out that it was only eleven o’clock on Saturday night, so tomorrow if he had nothing else, he could try to activate the Emperor Engraving!

As soon as Shen Ming pushed open the door, Violet walked out of the bedroom, and only breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shen Ming who was intact.

“Have you ever had dinner?” I put a copy in the fridge so I could warm it up! Violet said and walked to the refrigerator, but as the angle changed, she also saw Xueno under the snow behind Shen Ming, and the two should meet for the first time.

“She is the head of the service department of the club I participated in in the school, Yukinoshita Yukino!”

“Violet, you should know!”

“I’ve already eaten dinner, isn’t it raining outside?” Let the minister take refuge in our house first! Shen Ming changed into slippers, although it was late now, but he was in good spirits.

“Excuse me!” Yukishita Xueno said to Violet, but found that Shen Ming had spare women’s slippers at home, and they had already worn them, and even Yukino under Yuki could feel that there was still a trace of temperature on it.

“Is there anyone in the family who is coming as a guest?” Shen Ming also discovered this and asked casually.

“Yes, someone came to the door, but you were not there!” Violet said with a smile that the old rivals who were also enemies and friends in the past, but now they can be regarded as retreated, and they can also be called friends.

“Shhhhh Shen Ming seemed to have thought of something, shook his head in fear, and said with some happiness.

But Shen Ming thought about it again, no, he was not her opponent before, but now it’s different, it’s a pity, he came back late, otherwise he must let her know what is the difference in attack and defense!

“Black tea, huh!” Shen Ming glanced at Xue Nai under the snow and directly poured her a cup of black tea.

“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Under the snow, Xue Nai sat opposite Shen Ming and blew the hot air of black tea and asked.

“There should be, but if there’s something going on over there, it’s okay for me to push it back!” Shen Ming said indifferently, there was only one thing he had to solve now, that is, to find Shiqi Mad Three to activate the Emperor Jike.

“Then you’re still busy, I’m just a little bored here and want to go to the zoo!” One person is boring! Yukishita Yukino shifted her gaze slightly and said softly, she had the courage to directly pounce on Shen Ming and suck blood, but she did not have the courage to directly initiate a date invitation.

“Then next Saturday!” Shen Ming thought about it and said, by next Wednesday, there will be ten more cards waiting to be drawn in his system, and maybe there will be similar tasks, so it is better not to delay the engraved emperor for too long.

“I’m not sure how long it will take for that tomorrow, maybe I won’t be able to go to class next Monday!”

“Hey, isn’t it, you yourself took Fujiwara-san’s board game to the Ministry of Service, but you yourself want to escape?” Yukinoshita quipped, her eyes full of worry.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely be fine, you also have this state before, you should be very clear about my ability!” And I’ll be back as soon as possible, and I’ll be back before school ends on Monday afternoon! Shen Ming is very confident, he has already thought about it, he will directly carry out the task later, and he will never wait until tomorrow morning.

“Okay then! The thunder outside seems to be a little smaller! Then I won’t bother! Yukishita Yukino said with another glance at the silent Violet, and then came to Violet’s side and asked her for her contact information.

“Okay! I’ll send you! Shen Ming looked at the time, it was almost twelve o’clock, if he didn’t leave Xue Nai overnight, he should really send her back.

“Violet, you rest first! I’ll send her off and come back soon! And I’m going out tomorrow morning! I don’t have to make my share of breakfast! Shen Ming stood at the door and said, he could see that Violet was already a little tired.

“If Lord Shen Ming wants to leave for a long time, you must tell me, even if it is dangerous, I will follow Lord Shen Ming’s side!” Violet suddenly plucked up the courage to say, what she was most afraid of was that Shen Ming would suddenly disappear without saying a word.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely come back!” Shen Ming touched Violet’s head to show comfort, and then he held up the umbrella with his mental power and walked into the rain curtain with Xue Nai under the snow.

After walking through two streets, Xue Nai suddenly took two quick steps and hugged Shen Ming from behind.

“Do you know something?” Yukishita Yukino suddenly spoke.


“You’re so fragrant!”

Xue Nai’s words under the snow gave Shen Ming no more, although the snow under the snow hugged him from behind, but he could clearly smell the fragrance coming out of the back, who was the fragrance!

“Can I assume you’re provoking trouble?” Shen Ming said with a black face, he was sure that although he did not spray perfume on his body, there was no strange smell.

Xue Nai didn’t say anything, stretched out his hand and groped a few times, and took out a folding fan directly from Shen Ming’s pocket, Shen Ming remembered that he didn’t return it to her after hacking Nangong’s folding fan that month, and finally brought it directly back to the main world.

“It seems that your trip today is very good!” Yukishita said and turned to Shen Ming’s body, the tip of her nose twitched slightly, she suddenly smelled another very attractive smell, and her pupils gradually turned red.

“The rest of the journey will be equally interesting, if you have the opportunity, I will bring you with me!” Shen Ming’s eyes gradually turned red, he had not done anything in line with his identity since he became a vampire true ancestor.

The next moment, Shen Ming no longer endured, directly picked up under the snow, lowered his head and opened his mouth slightly, a sweet poured into his mouth, the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and the figures of the two disappeared in the corner of the street.

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