At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Just when the headquarters of Ratatoskr, where Wuhe Qinli is located, was discussing something about Shen Ming, Shen Ming came to the door with Shixiang.

Shen Ming used gravity to bring himself and Shika to the front of Ratatoskr, and said hello casually, if he and Shika were not just wearing the uniforms of ordinary high school students, I am afraid that Wuhe Qinli would have controlled the spaceship to turn around and flee when he was excited.

“Let them in!” The black headband was re-tied, and Wuhe Qinli sat in the position of the commander and finally made up his mind, since the opposite side took the initiative to find the door to release goodwill, it was a good thing.

“Welcome, princess and unknown elf!” Qinli sat on the main seat and looked at the two people who came and said unhurriedly.

“Juka! My name is Night Saber God Juka! His name is Shen Ming! Shixiang said unhappily holding the soybean flour bread.

“Good, good, Night Saber God Juka! And this Mr. Shen Ming! Wuhe Qinli said helplessly, but unfortunately, the act of naming such a good feeling was preempted.

“You even think I’m an elf? I don’t know what the code name you gave me? Shen Ming said with great interest, he didn’t show anything like an angel, unless he regarded his beast Yemo Zhi Black Sword as an angel.

Sure enough, the next moment, Wuheqin’s words confirmed his conjecture: “We think that black sword is your angel, but your ability should be related to gravity, so you are a heavy elf, codenamed Swordsman!”

“Hahahaha!” Shen Ming suddenly laughed loudly, heavy elf, this name is too ugly.

“What’s wrong, isn’t that right?” Gokawa Qinli felt offended and asked suspiciously.

“Yes, but not exactly! Actually, I’m not an elf! Shen Ming said positively.

“But how can humans be so powerful?” Gokawa Shiori breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that her identity of Gokawa Shido does not need to be debunked for the time being.

“I wonder if you’ve heard of vampires?” Shen Ming lightly nodded his lips, revealing half of his sharp teeth.

“It’s daylight now!” Qinli said in disbelief, and when he clicked it somewhere, the wall of the spaceship suddenly became transparent, and strong sunlight shone in, but Shen Ming did not have the slightest abnormality.

“Not all vampires are afraid of the sun, but you can treat me like an elf, and I hope you can help spread my name!”

“What do you want to do?” Gokawa will believe in elves, but will not easily trust elves who claim to be vampires.

“I’m here to find someone, the worst elf you call a nightmare!” Shen Ming glanced at Shixiang, who suddenly grabbed his arm, and then took out a soybean flour bread and threw it to her.

“What do you want to do?” Vigilance rose in Wuheqin’s heart.

“Don’t worry, I look for nightmares for what I need, and from now on, nightmares will never kill people as casually as before!” Shen Ming said confidently, “And do you know the ultimate purpose of the nightmare? She must devour the spiritual power of at least one elf to do what she wants! ”

“Impossible, although Nightmare has killed so many people, it has never attacked the elves!” Gokawa retorted directly.

“I wonder if you have investigated who was killed by the nightmare? She has her principles, and naturally she will not kill elves with the same good nature! ”

“But when she discovers that someone can actually seal the spiritual power of other elves in her body, so that she only needs to kill this innocent person to obtain the spiritual power of multiple elves, I think she will also give up her principles for the time being!”

Shen Ming flashed behind Wuhe Shidao and patted her shoulder, but at first contact with Shen Ming’s expression was a little strange, he could feel that the Wuhe classmate in front of him was actually a woman.

“Are you so confident? Are you able to meet the needs of nightmares? Wuhe Qinli glanced at her sister, and she was a little shaken.

“You don’t know much about nightmares! Nightmare is just her code name, just like Princess Toka! Her name is Tokisaki Madzo, and she is the Spirit of Time! Shen Ming took out the clock that was engraved into the incarnation of the emperor and shook it.

“And what she needs most is time, as mentioned before I am a vampire, I have endless time, which is a good thing for the three parties to profit!”

“Okay, I can promise you to help publicize that the spiritual power of the Ten Incense of the Sword God must be sealed by us!” Otherwise, every time she enters this world, it will cause a space earthquake, which can easily cause huge casualties! ”

In the end, Wuhe Qinli wanted to fight again, but Shen Ming glanced at Shixiang who looked reluctant and directly rejected her, the space shock can be controlled, it’s a big deal to spend some time to help Shixiang control his own power.

I have to say that Ratatoskr’s action is very powerful, just a few days of effort, the news that an undead vampire appeared in Tiangong City spread everywhere, and even the crazy three that Shen Ming was expecting had not yet arrived, and more than one or two waves of people came to inquire about him.

Fortunately, Shen Ming did not want to make a difference, and has been hiding the spiritual power to teach Shixiang to control the elves, although Shixiang’s learning efficiency is so low that Shen Ming almost wants to directly transform her into a vampire, but in the end, Shen Ming still used soybean flour bread as a reward, and successfully allowed Shixiang to master a skill called space shock.

In addition to the affected Shen Ming, the residents of Tiangong City also suffered, fortunately at night, every once in the daytime there was a space earthquake alarm, and sometimes before they even had time to hide, the space earthquake alarm disappeared.

After tossing like this for three days, the residents were also numb, lying down directly, the space earthquake love the earthquake, and there was no real space earthquake in the past few days.

And this frequent space earthquake and the news of the vampire naturally attracted the attention of Mad San, originally Mad San planned to go to Tiangong City to take a look later, but where to collect the time is not the same, so just on the fourth day, Saki Mad San came to Tiangong City.

And at the moment when Shizaki Mad San entered Tiangong City, the Emperor of Jiji, who Shen Ming had been taking with him, suddenly lit up, and faintly guided the direction of Mad San before flashing, and Mad San also suddenly sensed the problem.

Tokisaki Crazy San could feel that in Tiangong City, there was actually another self, but that self seemed to be sealed, and Mad San immediately became cautious, she suspected that this was most likely a trap for herself!

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