At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

“Go! If you fail, come to me again, I still have a lot of magic! Shen Ming tilted his head and said, reaching out and throwing a red bead directly to Mad San.

“If you run out of time or find that you don’t even have a chance to escape, just eat it!” It might be able to help! ”

“Shen Mingsang, thank you!” Mad San’s heart moved, and she took the small bead, she knew what that bead was, if the elf was not the opponent of the origin elf, then it would only be up to the vampire to deal with it.

“Emperor Carved! Twelve bullets! ”

The huge clock appeared behind Mad San, and a black qi gushed out from the position of twelve on the clock and directly entered the short gun in Mad San’s left hand.

“That’s it! If I fail, you can help me again! Mad San smiled slightly, she also showed a trace of fear, she knew very well what kind of opponent she was going to face.

Only the next moment her fear completely turned firm, and since that incident, there was only one meaning left of her existence, that is, to kill the origin elves, the culprit who caused all the tragedies!


After a gunshot, Shizaki Mad San disappeared in front of Shen Ming’s eyes, but from Shen Ming’s shadow, another Mad San appeared.

“It’s a pity! If I had come a day earlier, I would have been the one to do this! ”

Shen Ming looked at Mad San who appeared later, she was actually wearing the same Xiuzhiyuan women’s school uniform as Shixiang’s body, and there was only a very small amount of spiritual power in her body, I am afraid that this is the minimum spiritual power needed to maintain existence.

“But now I suddenly feel a sense of relief! Let’s hope she can fulfill our wish! Mad San walked lightly to Shen Ming’s side, she is now a weak woman with no chicken power, and she still needs the protection of others.

Shen Ming stretched out his hand directly towards her, and although Mad San didn’t know why, he still put his hand up, and at the moment when the two made contact, Mad San could feel the huge spiritual power and time rushing towards his body together.

Mad San and Shen Ming looked at each other, in Mad San’s eyes Shen Ming’s black eyes were like a bottomless abyss, faintly she actually felt attractive, couldn’t help but take two steps closer, the endless time on Shen Ming’s body was an irresistible temptation for her.

And Shen Ming can clearly see that the clock in Mad San’s left eye is turning back wildly, if normally the hour hand on it represents twelve hours, then I am afraid that it has been rewinded for decades.

“Enough! My spiritual power is already sufficient! Mad San pressed his hand on Shen Ming’s chest and stopped him.

“If you’re really worried, connect her consciousness with your abilities!” Shen Ming looked at Mad San, who only reached his chest, and inadvertently showed a trace of worry, reaching out and gently stroking Mad San’s hair and comforting.

“No need! I believe in me! Mad San buried her face in Shen Ming’s clothes, although she said so, she was still very worried!

“What are you doing!” Shixiang finished eating the soybean flour bread and remembered why Shen Ming hadn’t come back yet, and quickly appeared to check the situation, but the scene in front of him suddenly made Shixiang feel uncomfortable, and someone wanted to grab her soybean flour bread.

Mad San escaped from Shen Ming’s arms when he woke up from a dream, and hid directly in Shen Ming’s residence, and Shen Ming looked at Shixiang, who was not good at coming, and helplessly took out another soybean flour bread, and Shixiang suddenly became smiling.

Thirty years ago –

“It worked!” The three strongest magicians in the world looked excitedly at the crystal full of terrifying spiritual power in front of them, and did not waste them to launch the Great Air Tribulation, which was a terrifying powerhouse summoned from another world, I am afraid that it was dozens of times stronger than the three of them combined.

The crystal soon transformed, and finally turned into a beautiful girl with long silver-white hair, the girl was dressed in a pure white goddess dress, and there was a cute bear doll around her waist, barefoot, with a gentle light band flying around her, and a wheel of light behind it, on which the ten stars were very dazzling.

This is her true body-Origin Elf Chonggong Mio!

The male eyes of the two of the three magicians flashed a trace of intoxication, which was a collection of the beauty of the world, and their thoughts quietly changed.

However, as soon as Chonggong Mio appeared, it brought a terrifying spatial earthquake, and a huge black hole appeared above the heads of the three, but at this moment, the spatial earthquake disappeared invisible.


Two gunshots suddenly sounded, and someone actually made a move on Chonggong Mio!

Chonggong Mio just raised her hand slightly, and the light belt around her directly blocked the incoming bullet, she turned her head to look, and the figure of Mad San fell into her line of sight, and in the light wheel behind her, a star began to shine.

Chonggong Mio didn’t care about Tokisaki Mad San’s intentions, nor did she care how Tokisaki Mad San had the same power as her, since the other party had already struck first, then she could only fight back and kill the other party!

On the first day, the Vientiane Sanctuary appeared at her feet, and then countless Vientiane Sanctuary emitted countless pollen light particles to fly towards Mad San, and Mad San even accelerated himself to time, but he still couldn’t dodge, just hit a glowing grain, Mad San’s body began to decompose.

“Four bullets!” Mad San traced her time to avoid the damage of the light particles, but there were countless light particles behind, and she used the Four Bullets to restore her state while dodging.

But just the other party’s tentative first round, Mad San’s own spiritual power and time consumed most of it, and although Chonggong Mio was curious that the other party could survive the first round, but that’s all, she could sense that the other party had the same spiritual crystals as her in her body, and the light belt around Chonggong Mio quickly attacked Mad San.

And Mad San also had a premonition that something was wrong, and quickly accelerated his time in an attempt to avoid this fatal blow.

But just by wiping a little edge, Mad San found that the spirit crystals in his body began to stir, and there was an intention to leave his body.

And with Mad San’s current state, she couldn’t stop the riot of the spirit crystal, no way, Mad San had to take out the red bead and swallow it directly with a ruthless heart.

Chonggong Mio stopped attacking, she could feel that the previous familiarity on the other party was rapidly disappearing, and at the same time, the other party’s spiritual power was also rapidly increasing, and it had doubled several times in a short period of time.

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