Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 41-2

Is it because she envyed me for lying the bed without attending lectures, that I catch Jenny looking at me with a pleading look as Eileen grabbed by her by the collar.

“Don’t be a nuisance, let him rest.”

“Ah! I also just want to lie down and rest!!”

With those words, Jenny was dragged away by Eileen, leaving me alone.

Hmm, by the way, I didn’t expect it to be so easy to have the first evaluation like this.

In the previous case, even though there was a difference of opinion, we ended up provoking each other.

This time, Eileen followed my opinion quite obediently when I sincerely asked her.

Well, I guess it’s not good to fight with patients for no reason?

Given Eileen’s personality, it seems likely.

By the way, the team leader is still Eileen, just like last time.

Then, since William agreed to tell Lucy that he’s not feeling well, should I go see Kim Soo-yong during that time?

As I was thinking about that, at the moment I was about to get up.


Somehow, this time Kim Soo-yong came to see me on his own.

…But why did he come?

To be honest, I am officially bullied at the academy.

I feel self-pity when I say it out loud.

Anyway, if I have to say who I am friendly with among the academy students, it’s only Eileen, Jenny, and Skaya.

Apart from these three, I don’t have any close friends among the academy students.

Kim Soo-yong and I haven’t really talked except for the conversation we had before the duel and him telling me about the situation in the church except for gaslighting at the infirmary.

“What are you doing here? Why did you come?”

“I heard that you were about to die suddenly, so I came to pay my respects. Remember when you came to see me when I was sick last time?”

“Oh… right.”

No wonder why he came.

“Anyway, it looks like you’re doing fine. I’ll be going then.”

“Hey, wait a minute.”


I called out to Kim Soo-young, who turned his head back.

“When did you decide to take the evaluation test this time?”

“Me? I decide to take it second round after discussing with Laine, who is in the same group as me, and she said we should prioritize safely.”


As expected, there was no difference from the original.

Damn it. This is not good.

Considering the main episode this time, Kim Soo-young must take the first evaluation no matter what.

That way, he can defeat the demon summoned by the cult and awaken himself.

Even Laine, another heroine, grows up even more in this episode.

In other words, there is a need to persuade this guy somehow.

Otherwise, I really can’t imagine how the future will change.

As I was thinking hard, Kim Soo-young looked at me with a skeptical expression.

“Why? Is there a problem?”

“Hmm, I see, I understand now.”

Kim Soo-young perked up his ears as I spoke in a serious tone.

Okay, I’ve sparked his curiosity.

Now, how do I explain it?

Honestly, I have no idea how to persuade Kim Soo-young.

If we were close friends, maybe I could try something. But we’re not.

But I can’t just beg him to take the first evaluation.

This is all because of those damn cult fanatics.

That’s when one thought struck me like lightning.

Wait, why do I need to persuade this guy anyway?

After all, Kim Soo-young is somewhat angry with the church.

Since they scammed him with holy water.

Yeah, so instead of persuading him, it’s better to tell him the truth.

I put on a serious expression to tell the truth, not lies.

Let’s be faithful for once.

“Well, it’s somewhat related to you. Actually, we discovered a group of men during the weekend and secretly raided their hideout with some of our family members.”

“Men? Could it be… Church?”

“Yeah, them. There were no bosses, just some henchmen, so we managed to take care of them… But due to my slight mistake, I received blow.”

“So you still have some injuries from it? and that’s why you’re here resting?”

“Yeah, just a minor wound. It’s healing quickly though. Anyway, that’s not important. The important thing is that we found out something from those men we captured. They’re planning to terrorize in this year’s Royal Academy performance evaluation.”


Kim Soo-yong’s eyes widen like a goldfish at my true facts.

“Why would they target here? Is there a reason for it?”

At his question, I nod my head and answer.

“Why? I heard they’re targeting you, specifically.”

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