Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 50-1

An hour before Kane’s party arrived, the Bill’s group looked at the new dungeon in front of them.

The dungeon was made up of dark caves, and for some reason, they felt a creepy feeling. It was too suspicious.

Although they had been to dungeons a few times, they had never felt as uncomfortable as this one. While dungeons were usually similar to the cave in front of them, this was different.

Should we just go back? The adventurer’s intuition is telling him.

We won’t see anything good if we go into that dungeon. It’s true.

At the moment, the likelihood of survival if they entered that dungeon was slim given Bill’s current ability.

Frankly, risking their lives for revenge against Kane’s party would be foolish.


“Why aren’t you going in, boss?”

“If we take too much time, they might find us!”

Upon hearing this, Bill nodded his head as if under hypnosis.

“That’s right. Let’s go in first and take revenge on those guys.”

With those words, Bill’s group entered the new dungeon.


As we arrived at our destination, we approached a cave that looked like ‘Dungeon’ to anyone who saw it. Hmmm, did those guys already go inside?

Those guys who picked a fight with us at the adventurer guild.

Their personalities aside, if it were the guys I knew, they would have definitely gone in first.

I never thought I would get involved with cult members like this. Even though I’m a seasoned player, I don’t know much about dungeons that don’t appear in the game.

But I do know who took the items created by the Constellations in this dungeon.

They were two adventurers who were near the fierce-looking one.

What were their names again? Guy and Dai, or something like that.

Anyway, it’s hard to remember properly when it’s just their names and faces that have been revealed.

Anyway, if those guys went in first, they would clear the dungeon as in the original story.

In the original story, the cult gets the items, specifically the elixir. So if those guys went in first, the traps and monsters in the dungeon would have definitely decreased.

This is totally ridiculous. As I was spinning in my head for a moment, Kersey said with an excited face.

“Master, let’s go in quickly. My body is itching.”

“Isn’t that because you didn’t wash properly?”

“No, it’s not like that!”

She glared at me with puffy cheeks and a sulky expression in response to my question.

“Well, let’s go in now.”

“Yes. Young Master. Then, I will lead the way.”

“No, I will lead the way.”

Even if those guys went in first, there is no guarantee that they dismantled all the traps and killed Monsters.

So, even though the risk may have decreased in the dungeon, it doesn’t mean it’s completely gone. It’s better for me to go ahead.

First of all, unlike those two, I have a safety device, the holy cross, and I have more than one life.

And if I increase the volume, I can prepare for traps and Monsters beforehand.

So, I feel more comfortable going ahead myself.

Well, to be exact, I don’t want to see those two die either. But I don’t want to say it out loud. It’s too awkward.

As I thought about it, I turned my head to Riche. She had a gloomy expression, as if she didn’t think she was of any help. To lighten the mood a bit, I used a meme that was popular on Earth.

“B-but! If I don’t do something like this, Riche won’t pay attention to me!”



No. Just curse at me instead. Those two are looking at me with such a weird face.

Feeling awkward, I scratched my head. Kersey opened her mouth with a stern look.

“Master. You’re an idiot.”

“….Shut up. I’m not.”

With that, I entered the dungeon, taking the lead.


It’s not unusual for someone to die in a dungeon. With various traps and monsters lurking around, it’s bound to happen.

Riche and Kersey were momentarily stunned by the situation in front of them.

It was no wonder, as right in front of their eyes lay the adventurer they had a conflict with yesterday, dead with blood dripping from his mouth and an unfair expression on his face.

And Kane was standing next to him, holding a potion imbued with holy power, which he had used in an attempt to save him.

Kane looked at the two of them with a blank expression and muttered.

“He, he’s dead.”

Before recounting what had just happened, let’s go back an hour.

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