Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 50-2

One hour ago, we found a staircase leading down to the cave. So, I adjusted the volume to about 80.

This should be enough. Actually, even raising it up to 80 can detect most sounds.

To be precise, it’s true that my physical strength has somewhat improved compared to before, but I can’t endure it for a long time yet because I haven’t raised it to the maximum level.

“Hmm, the stairs seem spacious.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Riche nodded her head in agreement with my words. I’m getting nervous because there isn’t much information.

We went down while being nervous, and we arrived at a flat floor. In front of us was a huge iron door.

Without hesitation, we opened the door and went inside.


When we opened the door, there was a straight passage that could accommodate five people. Hmm, it doesn’t seem like a maze-type map.

Usually, there are maze-type dungeons, forests that seem to be in another dimension, oceans, and so on, but this one was just a simple straight path. There doesn’t seem to be anything on the surface. Did they all clear it, so there’s nothing here?

The probability is high. Since the members of the cult saw that we were targeting this dungeon, they would have entered first to get items.

Still, let’s not be complacent. There is no such thing as an absolute in the world.

“Kersey. You have a good sense of smell. If you smell something strange, tell me quickly.”

“Yes, master!”

“Riche. You know how to use presence detection, right?”

Riche nods her head in response to my question.

“Yes, I do. I will use it right now.”

“Okay, but don’t use it constantly.”


We cautiously walked forward in a state of tension for about 10 minutes.

“Master, are dungeons usually this peaceful?” Kersey asks, and Riche answers on my behalf.

“No, they’re not. They’re usually diverse, but not this peaceful. I think someone else may have attacked and cleared it before us, which is why there are no monsters or traps. That’s just my guess.”

Insightful. Well, as someone who was trained as a professional assassin in the David family, it’s only natural that she has this level of insight.

She may not have had any experience with dungeons at all, but she’s still perceptive.

“Riche, as you said, someone probably attacked the dungeon before us, which is why it’s like this. Plus, the path here is straight, so there’s no way around it.”

Even though we walked for another 10 minutes after I spoke, nothing happened. However, two forks appeared in front of us.

“Hmm. I guess I shouldn’t have been too confident.”



Two people looked at me with a face full of doubt.

“It’s nothing. By the way, which way should we go?”

As I pondered deeply, Kersey pointed to the left and said, “Master, this way seems good.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Uh, there’s no smell of blood at all on the right, but on the left, the smell of blood is strong. I think it’s because the adventurers who went in first took care of the demons.”

What? Is she the same Kersey I know?

I feel awkward seeing her suddenly use her brain that he never used before, always eating food pointlessly without any sense.

“Who are you? Our Kersey can’t be that smart. She’s a little kid who just eats and sleeps.”

“Eehehehe! I finally thought of it!”

Yeah, she must be the real Kersey judging by her reaction.

Even if someone disguised as Kersey, they wouldn’t act like that even if beaten to death.

Anyway, a princess is always a princess no matter what.

I forgot because she acted like a child and was gluttonous, but she’s none other than a Dog Beast Kin princess. Despite her young age, she’s quite smart.

It’s a problem that she doesn’t show that side of her often. Anyway, that’s not the important thing.

I don’t know why there’s a smell of blood, but it’s true that there’s less sound coming from the entrance that Kersey pointed out compared to the right.

I turned my head to Riche, for her thoughts.

“How do you feel from your presence detection?”

“Hmm. Cerainly as Juniour feels, there’s a sense that there are no monsters on the left rather than the right, for sure.”

If Riche felt that way, at least the members of the cult would have gone to the left.

In other words, the left is relatively easier to pass through.

“Okay. Then let’s go left. There’s no need to choose a difficult path.”

The two nodded at my words, and we confidently walked to the left.

As expected, there were monster corpses scattered on the left. From low levels to intermediate ones, some were visible.

Hmm. Intermediate monsters are nothing to worry about for those two.

But even though there were only two people, some monsters were still wandering around, making it impossible for them to break through and go through all of them, even after walking for a while.

Tsk! If only the passage was straight, those guys would have had no choice but to kill all the monsters. It was truly a shame.

“Riche, take care of them.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

As the mimics and goblins, disguised as a treasure box, were in a staring contest, Riche took out two daggers from the dimensional ring and threw them at the two monsters.

The daggers not only pierced through the two monsters but also slammed into the wall behind them.

– Grasp!

Shouldn’t there have been a sound like ‘Woosh!?’ Even though the daggers were sharpened with aura, the sound of something exploding was heard, rather than the sound of the knives piercing through.

“Kersey. You’re quite impressive for staying alive..”

“I’m amazed too, Master. How I manage to survive that training every time.”

“It’s an excessive compliment. Both of you.”

‘No, it’s not praise,’ I thought, but looking at her blushing cheeks, I couldn’t say it out loud.

After discovering the first monster, we spent about 30 minutes killing the remaining ones as we walked. Then, suddenly…


I heard the sound of an adventurer vomiting blood in the morning.

Unlike me, the two didn’t adjust their volume, so therefore they didn’t hear it.

I heard the sound and used my physical enhancement to quickly run as I spoke.

“Young Master?!”


“You two, come slowly. I have something to check.”

With the use of physical enhancement, the figure appeared in my sight quickly. He was breathing heavily with a face near death, possibly from being hit by the cult members.

He turned his head towards me and pleaded with an urgent expression.

“P-please, save me. I’m sorry about what happened this morning. Please…”

“I understand. Wait a minute. I’ll cast a recovery spell on you.”

I adjusted the effect quality and brightly lit the holy water in my pocket. I dipped my hands in the glowing water and stretched out my arms.

I pressed my hands on his chest and performed CPR with all my might, trying to save him.

“Don’t die!”

“Cough! Wait…”

I heard bones crushing from his chest compressions, and at the same time, he vomited dark red blood.

This is dangerous. Am I being too gentle because my heart is weak?

I put even more strength into trying to save him next

“Kkuoek! Wait…please.”

“Hold on! You can’t go to your Mother yet!”

“W-what nonsense are you talking about? My Mother is alive.”

I used my magic to exert even more force and said, “Don’t lie! A villain like you couldn’t possibly have your Mother!”

My ruthless facts silenced him.

Soon after, Riche and Kersey appeared.

I looked at them with a dazed expression and muttered, “He’s dead.”

TL: Hello, I haven’t been feeling well for the past couple of days due to a change in weather. That’s why there has been no updates. But I feel fine now, so you can expect updates just like before.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.