Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 52-1

In normal comics and games, even villains usually wait for fusion or transformation. But that’s only in comics and games.

‘In reality, there’s no need to wait!’

He swung his sword horizontally.

The sword reached near Dai’s neck, but it seemed to be a step too late as it was blocked by Dai’s hand.

I stepped back, thinking that if I stayed still, I would be in trouble.

He let go of my sword and looked around his body in amazement.

Could it be possible to merge with that corpse?

Fusion. It was just like a romantic technique that could come out of any comic.

Originally, the two guys were known to be capable of fusion. However, I remember they decided not to use that feature because their ego would completely change.

Still, to be careful of fusion, I deliberately sent one each of Riche and Kersey. If they did something wrong, the two could merge.

But I never thought they could even do it with a corpse.

Of course, after Guy died, I didn’t care much about fusion.

It felt like I had just been hit in the head.

Phew. Let’s calm down for a moment. Even if that b*stard merged, the fact remains that he exhausted.

In other words, there is a high probability that he won’t be able to use his original power properly.

I was looking at him in a cold sweat.


A dagger flew towards him from behind.

Dai turned his head and dodged the flying dagger.

Dai had a momentary gap.

Taking advantage of this, Kersey and Riche rushed towards him.

“Annoying bugs.”

Dai kicks his feet back without looking back with a face that looks like a fly has annoyed him.

Kersey raises her arms to block Dai’s unexpected attack.


However, Dai’s attack proves to be stronger than expected, and Kersey tumbles to the ground. Riche, unfazed by this, spits out her venomous stinger.

He dodges the stinger and counterattacks with a spinning kick.

Riche blocks with her hands and uses the force to spin in the air and land next to Dai.

She then opens her mouth with a serious expression.

“Young Master…we’ll buy some time. Now…”

“Don’t talk nonsense. We’ll be dead the moment we turn our backs on that guy.”

It’s not a lie. The expression on his face shows that he won’t let anyone get away.

Should I regress? That’s also an option.

Honestly, the odds of winning against this guy are not that great.

Normally, when two people combine, their strength increases by 1+1=2, but for Gai and Dai, who were originally one entity, it becomes 1+1=3.

As a result, even though the guy is not in his normal condition, he still has the power to subdue them…no. Let’s not regress yet.

Using regress to immediately kill them both is also an option, but it should only be used as a last resort.

And besides, it’s not 100% certain that they’ll lose, so there’s no reason to use it right away.

Yeah. It’s still worth trying. Hmm! Then I should use that method.

A method I considered when I obtained the ‘Magi’. However, it’s too much of a gamble.

I don’t know what will happen to my body when I use it. I could end up fainting or worse, dying.

While he ponders this, Dai narrows his eyes and speaks.

“If you don’t move, I’ll go first.”

He uttered those words and rushed towards the strongest member of our group, Riche, with two short swords in hand.

At the same time, he swung his swords towards Riche with his aura-filled blades.

She also took out her short swords to block Dai’s attack.


The sound of swords colliding echoed in the room.

Even though they were clashing their swords, Dai had more strength, causing Riche to gradually be pushed back.

However, while Riche was blocking, Dai became vulnerable.

Me and Kersey exchanged glances and nodded our heads.

We stepped forward and rushed towards Dai from both sides.

On the left, my body strengthened and my sword imbued with Aura.

On the right, Kersey’s fist was aimed at him.

If Dai were an ordinary member of the Church, he would not have been able to respond and would have suffered some damage, at least.

However, Dai had already become stronger than an ordinary member and kicked towards Riche.


Riche couldn’t avoid his kick and was pushed back.

With both hands free, Dai used his short swords to block my sword and Kersey’s fist.

“Annoying pests. I’ll kill you first.”

Dai said those words and swung his two short swords, changing his attack patterns rapidly.

-Swish! Swish! Swish!

Sigh. I guess regression is the answer after all.

I can’t avoid this attack now, and it’s too late to use magic to defend myself.

Even if I use the Holy Cross for recovery, it’s almost impossible to defeat him.

So I close my eyes and think about returning to my previous state.

···Hmm? What’s going on? Why can’t I feel any pain? Normally, I should feel hot all over like I’ve been burned.

But I don’t feel any pain. I slowly opened my eyes, sensing that something was off.


In front of me, Riche appears with Dai’s dagger stabbed into her.

Then she turns her head towards me and says, “Young master… I’m glad you’re safe.”

With those words, she collapses.

Kersey bites her lips and looks to Dai, swinging her fist.

Dai blocks Kersey’s punch and steps back.

Normally, I should help Kersey, and attack too, but my body won’t move.

I feel like I’m losing my mind.

I’ve experienced countless deaths and done dog-like things, but this is the first time I’ve felt so much blood rush to my head.

I feel… enraged. I want to kill him right away!

But I hold onto my remaining reasoning to calm myself down. I can’t lose my mind here.

Being foolish here is something that only third-rate people do.

I need to calm down a bit. For now, I shouldn’t regress. I could do it right now, but if I do it too often, I’ll really lose my mind.

Let’s confirm if Riche is dead. If she is dead, I’ll regress without hesitation.

I looked at Riche, who had collapsed. Blood flowed from the wound on her body.

But fortunately, the dagger had pierced her side, not her heart.

In other words, she hasn’t died yet, even if she may have a fatal injury.

She’s breathing lightly, and I took out my clone from the space-time ring.

“Hey, clone.”

“Yeah, main body.”

“Take this inside. heal Riche.”

I handed the space-time ring to my clone, who nodded at my words and received it.

Then, my clone took out a potion made by Karen from inside and poured it onto Riche’s injured area.

“By the way, main body… are you really going to use that?”

“Just what you would expect from my clone. You’re quick to catch on.”

“Isn’t it more painful to tell the truth and get f**ked?”

“Well, I’ll have to die anyway, right?”

I muttered those words, remembering the time I trained with Skaya and Physical Enhancement.

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