Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 53-1

The ‘Magi’ (demonic energy) in the body flowed through the circuit.

Mana and Magi mixed together. The circuit began to expand.

The circuit started to break down, like a balloon inflating and about to burst.


The pain was no joke.

He had felt a fair amount of pain and even experienced death so far.

But this level of pain was the worst he had ever felt.

He endured the pain and activated the color setting and effect quality.

And so, blue magic was emitted from his body.


Dai, who took the magic head-on, swallowed dry spit.

‘How is this possible? Normally, a person tends to have only one type of power. For example, if you have aura now, there is no existence of Magi, divine power, or mana. Even if you have them, they should be only as small as a grain of rice compared to aura.’

But the Kane in front of him not only had mana but also had aura, and quite a lot of it.

Kane allowed the emitted ‘Magi’ (demonic energy) to settle in his body.

The ‘Magi’ and Mana mixed together with the body enhancement magic that had been used, becoming even denser and turning into a deeper shade of blue.

Dai saw this and broke out in a cold sweat.

‘What the hell…’

How can he be so calm? Even just strengthening the body puts a strain on it.

Of course, there are people who can do it effortlessly to some extent, those who have exceptional physical abilities.

However, it is a fact that using physical reinforcement is more exhausting than usual, no matter how strong one’s body may be.

In other words, using physical reinforcement requires both stamina and endurance, no matter who the person is.

But now, that guy has layered his physical reinforcement on top of itself. And he did it in a considerable amount.

This is no longer just a matter of physical strain on the body. There will undoubtedly be more pain than death.

No, leaving that aside, the body itself will not be able to endure it. Dai blinked for a moment and stared blankly. Kane lifted one corner of his mouth.


What?! Kane’s figure disappeared. At the same time, a cold sensation spread up his spine. Dai instinctively lowered his body.

I have to use all my strength for this. If I was even a second late, my face and body would have been separated.

Dai quickly backed away before he could launch another attack.

Then, he used physical reinforcement while holding two daggers.


Tch, he still has the stamina to use that much power.

Kane narrowed his eyes at the sight.

In fact, Kane looks calm on the outside, but the pain he’s feeling is far from manageable.

He’s adapted to the pain of his muscles tearing apart from his experience of dying so far and the magic infusion.

In reality, his entire body is screaming in pain.

It hurts like hell. Time is not on his side.

He has to finish this quickly. If he drags his fight like this, he’ll collapse before he can kill Dai.

The two of them stare at each other.

Drops of sweat fall down Dai’s chin and onto the ground.

At the same time, they both rushed as if they’re trying to kill each other.

So Kane’s sword and Dai’s two daggers collided.

-Clang! -Clang! -Clang!


Meanwhile, Kersey looked at the collapsed Riche with a worried expression and then turned her head to the clone that looked exactly like Kane.

“Are you… Master’s clone?”

“Just call me a clone.”

“Oh, okay. By the way, do you think Richie will be okay?”

“Don’t worry. It’s true that she had severe injuries from earlier, but since we have a healinh potion, it wasn’t to the point where we couldn’t treat her. Right now, she’s just unconscious.”

As he said, unlike earlier when riche had severe bleeding in her abdomen, she was now fine.

Moreover, her breathing was stable.

Kersey breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that words.

“Phew. That’s a relief. By the way, I never thought the Master would become so strong.”

Kersey was secretly surprised by the sight in front of her.

She just fought with a guy named Dia and knew.

It’s frustrating, but even with Riche and herself together, they would have a hard time winning against him.

But now, Kane is fighting against that guy alone just fine.

-Clang! Clang! Clang!

Moreover, Dia is gradually pushed back.

Dia is receiving Kane’s attacks, but he seems to be struggling more and more, probably because he has already consumed quite a bit of stamina.

As Kersey watched their fight with such thoughts, Kane briefly shifted his gaze to her.

“Huh? Did Master just look at me?”

“It seems like it.”

“Why did he look at me?”

As Kersey asked, the clone narrowed his eyes and looked at Kane.


Kane got hit while he briefly turned his gaze.

It seems like he’s reaching his limit.

It’s not impossible, but it’s crazy to double up on physical enhancements, even if the body has already endured death and pain.

And in reality, he’s definitely not only using that. Just looking at it, he probably has the volume turned all the way up.

No wonder his body is already reaching its limit. Let’s think about it for a moment.

Although oneself and the body are clearly different beings, they think the same way. So if you were in that situation right now, why would you gesture to Kersey?


He probably gave a signal for her to attack when the timing is right. But Kersey usually doesn’t pick up on these things.

So you have to let her know.

When Kersey is deeply contemplating Kane’s gesture.

The clone next to her gave her the answer.

“Kersey, get ready to attack.”

“Huh? Why bother? Even if I tried to help the Master, I’d only get in the way.”

That’s true. With Kersey’s skills, if she were to interfere in the fight, she would only hinder Kane.

Knowing this, Kersey wasn’t helping Kane.

But that’s only true as long as that state is maintained.

Soon, Kane’s physical enhancement will wear off.

The clone, who knew this, shook his head at Kersey’s words.

“That’s not going to happen. Kane’s physical enhancement will soon be over.”

“What?! Really?”

Kersey looked at the clone with wide eyes.

The clone nodded in response to her question.

“Yeah. So, keep your timing right. The outcome of this fight depends on your action.”

“Okay, got it.”

So Kersey watched the two of them fight with a tense expression.


As expected of my clone, he quickly noticed.

To be honest, my body is so badly damaged that I seriously wonder how it moves.

Noticing this, my clone told Kersey the answer. Now, all I can do is trust Kersey.

Thinking that, I muttered quietly to cast a spell, avoiding Dai’s attack without anyone noticing.

Dai’s stamina seemed to be running low as he swung his dagger desperately.

“I can see your reaction. Looks like you’re reaching your limit.”


Ignoring his words, I recited an awkward incantation as if I was going to kick a blanket later.

Soon, only one skill name remained.

“Hey, you shouldn’t have fixed ideas about people.”


He tilteded his head at my words. It seemed he didn’t understand my sudden words during the fight.

Ignoring his reaction, I whispered the skill name so that no one could hear.

[Mystic Slash.]

Ughhhh! It’s so cringy!

The magic manifested, ignoring my embarrassment.

A slash made of magical power was directed at Dai.

He was quite surprised, as if he didn’t know I could use magic.

However. Mystic Slash is a low-level spell at best.

Even though I strengthened my body, the power of magic did not increase.

Therefore, even though the magic I cast may be unexpected to Dai, it’s a separate story to parry it.

Dai deflected the Mystic Slash flying towards him with his dagger.


But It’s okay. I didn’t think this would bring that guy down in the first place.

I was aiming for a momentary opening.

When strong opponents fight each other, the outcome often depends on a momentary opening.

So, I used that opening to swing my sword at him. At the same time, my body’s physical enhancement seemed to have worn off.

-Thrust! -Slash!

He was cut diagonally by my attack, and I was stabbed with a dagger in my abdomen.


I frowned in pain for a moment. Seeing this He spoke as if he had won.

“*Huff* *Huff* As expected, your body was too worn out. Your last attack was shallow. You lose.”

I smiled like a villain after hearing his words. Then, I grabbed his arm.

“Hey, who said this was a one-on-one fight?”


“Hey kid, life is a battle.”

He struggled to free his hand, but I put more strength into it.

I was also at my limit, but he was tired too. And that was my chance.


Kersey killed him.


He spat out blood from his mouth onto the ground.

He turned his head like a broken robot.

Behind Dai, Kersey was wearing a Aura in her whole body and had pierced his heart with her palm.

“You were······ aiming for this.”

Ignoring Dai’s words, Kersey quickly withdrew her hand.

Dai died with his heart pierced.

“Haa! Finally over. Ugh!”

Did the confirmation of his death cause this reaction? As soon as Dai died, the tension released, and the pain became unbearable.

At the same time, the strength in my legs gave out, and I fell to the ground.


Argh. It hurts like hell. I need to treat it with the Holy Cross quickly.

Just in case, I’ve been saving the Holy Cross for this moment.

My wound is literally about to kill me.

To be honest, it might seem like I’m about to embark on the path to heaven.

And there was a little girl watching me closely. It was none other than Kersey.

Seeing me collapsed, she cries out in a trembling voice, “Master, clone! Quickly get a potion and come here!”

The clone slowly approaches at Kersey’s call. Our eyes meet.

Even though we only looked at each other, it felt like we were having a conversation. … This guy seems to be thinking the same thing as me.

While we were having a moment of eye contact, Kersey spoke urgently, “Master, clone! Why aren’t you treating the master with healing potion?”

“Kersey. It’s already too late. A potion won’t work for this.”

“I’m sorry, Kersey. I’ll leave it to you.”

As I say a cringy line, Kersey turns at me with tears streaming down her face.

“Waaa! Master, Please don’t die.”

…It’s somehow bothering my conscience. I didn’t expect Kersey to cry like this.

There was no lie, her face is covered in tears and snot. The clone looks at me.

His gaze seemed to say, ‘Hey, if we keep doing this, She’s going to lose it.’ Agreeing, as I thought that, I try to use the Holy Cross.

“M-Master. I’m sorry for eating your ice cream secretly and spitting in your coffee. Please don’t die·····.”


What? You’re the one who stole the limited edition ice cream?! And what, you spat in my coffee too?

For a moment, I doubted my hearing due to the volume adjustment, but seeing the shocked expression on My Clone’s face, it seems my hearing is wasn’t wrong after all.

Any feelings of remorse towards Kersey have disappeared.

I immediately activated the Holy Cross.

“Master, I won’t swear at you secretly anymore. Don’t die… Wait, you’re coming back to life!!”

As I slowly recover, she stops crying and smiles brightly.

Then she runs towards me and hugs me.

“Master! I’m glad you’re alive.”

“Yeah. But more importantly, Kersey.”


When I call her, she tilts her head in confusion.

It seems like she doesn’t know what she said.

Usually, I would pretend not to hear, but as someone with a heart like the ocean, I can’t let that slide.

“What did you say earlier?”

“Uh, well, I was just saying that the snack was for… No, I’m not the culprit!!”

Kersey’s face pales as she recalls what she said earlier.

Then she starts blaming me for her mistake.

“Ugh! But Master, why did you play dead while you were recovering?! Cheater!”

“Shut up. You snack-stealing brat! Take this!”

Once again, I give Kersey a well-deserved smack on the forehead.

Then I turn my gaze to the treasure Chest.

Kersey ran towards the treasure box, rubbing the lump on her forehead, with quick steps. She looked at the items inside the box and raised an eyebrow.

“Is this the treasure?”

As expected of a kid, she didn’t recognize the potion.

I hadn’t checked the inside of the treasure box yet, but I remember it was a potion (elixir).

That’s why ignorant kids like her needs to be taught about how good potions are.

As I cursed Kersey inwardly,


Riche sat up and immediately looked around, surprised at me and my clone.

“OH MY GOD! Two… two Young Master? Is this heaven?”

So the standard for heaven is two people, just like me? While I was momentarily dumbfounded, my clone whispered to me.

“Main Body. I think She’s dangerous too.”

“I know even if you don’t say it.”

While my clone and I were talking, Kersey shouted loudly, shaking two elixirs in the treasure box.

“Master, I got the treasure!”




There was silence for a moment.

Riche’s face turned red.

My clone and I understood the potion silently.

Why did the goddess make the dungeon so difficult? It was because of this reason? It’s unbelievable.

I thought it was because of some invaluable potion that made the dungeon so difficult, but it turned out that the shape of the potion was male and female genitalia.

My clone and I raised our heads to the sky.

However, the Constellation ignored our gaze and didn’t send a message.

“These goddesses are insane.”

Without realizing it, I also cursed the Constellation out loud. And that’s how the field experience learning ended.


Meanwhile, the Constellation was debating whether to write a message as she watched the situation on the screen.

It was understandable since Kersey was shaking the dark history of the Constellations, including herself, on the screen. Watching it made her face feel hot.

Why on earth was it created?

At the time, it was made with the intention of creating having fun, but looking back, it was a dark history in itself.

However, the elixir would be of great help to Kane. It would widen his circuits and remove all impurities from his body, like a miraculous cure for his body.

Nevertheless, the Constellation is not embarrassed by the power of the elixir, but by the fact that its appearance is so ridiculous. Why did they think of creating it in the shape of male or female genitalia?

She wanted to hit her past self in the back of her head and tell her not to make such shamfull things.

At the time, they didn’t want to make an ordinary elixir, so Constellations like other decided to make it in a shape that no one else would think of.

The Constellation shuddered with embarrassment for a moment.

Then, two Kanes on the screen raised their heads as if they were going crazy.

Constellation was sure they thought she was a madman.

Nevertheless, what is important now is not that.

Forgetting about the dark history revealed, the Constellation turned her head to focus on what was even more important.

‘Just little more.’

My power is gathering well. Floating beside the Constellation, a bracelet that looks holy to anyone is accumulating immense sacred energy.

Not much time left.

Soon, the moment she has been longing for would finally come true.

What did they call this in this world? With her eyes closed, the Constellation carefully remembered what Kane and the inhabitants of this world had said.


After a while, she slowly opened her eyes.

She shouted out a phrase that Kane would say.

“Perseverance always wins!”

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