Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 53-2

A few days passed. After finishing the field experience learning, there was nothing special.

Unless it’s a dungeon, encountering monsters and bandits is not common, and even if we do, it’s hard to see anyone at our level.

So, when we returned, it was just peaceful.

“Hmm. Why does it feel so ominous when nothing happens like this?”


My clone resting on the couch nodded his head in agreement to my words.

Then he looked at me and asked, “By the way, have you still not received a message from the Constellation?”

“Nope, I haven’t received anything at all. Why does it make me feel so damn ominous?”

“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. Just wait. We’ll know soon enough, whether we want to or not.”

That’s true. Even if we suspect something strange about the Constellation, we can’t just go to where she are right now.

And even if we could, we can’t just beat her and say, “Why the hell aren’t you saying anything?”

It’s more likely that we are wrong.

While I was nodding my head in agreement with my clone’s words, Kersey opened the door abruptly.

“Master! Oh? You have a clone too?”

“Yeah. My main body was bored and called for me.”

“I see. Anyway, master! If you’re bored, why don’t you train with me in hell?”

This brat is saying something ridiculous again.

I still don’t know how Riche is training Kersey, but it’s clear that the fact that it’s deadly difficult, judging from the no-will demonstrated in the previous dungeon.

“Nope~ Not interested~”


I took a bite of my limited-edition ice cream maliciously.

Kersey trembled at the sight of me, who looked disgustingly satisfied.

Her reaction is always funny.

“But wait, did you call me because of that?”

“No, actually Riche made a new potion!”

“Finally, it’s done.”

In truth, the potion could be consumed immediately if one desired.


It looked a bit strange. Usually, I didn’t care about the taste or appearance, but to be honest, the shape of the potion was a bit over the line.

What if I drank a potion that looked like a male genitalia?

“Ugh, that’s so disgusting.”



My thoughts came out involuntarily. The clone and Kersey looked at me in confusion.

Anyway, I don’t even want to imagine it, so let’s forget about that one.

Even if I drank a potion that looked like a female genitalia, it still seemed odd.

Well, there are similar snacks on Earth, but still…

To be frank, it’s not like they made it with that intention.

But the potions created by the goddesses were made so precisely that it felt like they were aiming for that.

Damn, what the hell were these guys thinking? No, should we blame the creators rather than the goddesses?

In reality, the creators were the ones who made the potion. The Constellation made it, but the creators were the ones who fully developed it.

Of course, I don’t know if they set the appearance too, but if it was them, it wouldn’t be strange for them to set such a thing.

It’s no wonder they made a game with a ridiculous ending like the Constellation ending.

If their mental state was a little more stable, they wouldn’t have made such an ending if they were sane person.

Moreover, the company that made this game wasn’t a university club or something.

It was a game made by a fairly well-known large company.

What the hell were the higher-ups in the company thinking to allow this? As someone with a normal mind, I can’t understand it at all.

“Anyway, I got it.”

With that said, we moved to the training ground where Riche is.


As soon as they arrived at the training ground, Riche was sitting on a bench holding two cups filled with a liquid that looked like it was for sure meant to be consumed.

She approached with steady steps and spoke directly to me.

“Have you arrived, Young Master?”

How does she recognize me so easily? During the evaluation, Whem I was disguised, Eillen and Skaya, didn’t seem to notice at all.

Perhaps she sees me every day? Well, Riche, who has been seeing Kane every day since I was young, wouldn’t find it strange to recognize a clone of me.

“Yes. Is the liquid in your hand the elixir?”

“That’s right.”

“Then let’s try it right away.”

I closed my eyes and drank the white liquid without hesitation.

-Gulp -Gulp

Riche has good taste. The elixir would have been really bitter if it wasn’t for her consideration. It even tasted like strawberries.

I emptied the cup without leaving a drop, and the curious faces around me watched me closely.

“Young Master, do you feel any discomfort?”

“Master, how do you feel? Anything changed?”

“Wait, let me check.”

To check for any changes in my body, I closed my eyes and focused.

My mana and narrow aura flowed as usual, and the amount of magical power was quite large.

Hmm, it doesn’t seem like there’s much of a difference.

Then, should I try to use body strengthening? To properly confirm, I channeled my magic power into my circuits.


What’s this? Something feels strange.

I put in the same amount as usual, but the circuit isn’t heating up much.

Normally, I should feel it fully charged, but it’s too relaxed. Could it be that the circuit has widened?

If so, then what happened now makes sense. Unless I used physical enhancement, the circuit shouldn’t be this relaxed.

I slowly disperse the physical enhancement.


“Master? How is it? Anything different?”

“Yes. It seems like the circuit has widened.”

My words cause Riche to widen her eyes.

“The circuit has widened?”

“Yes. I used physical enhancement, but it felt more relaxed than usual.”

Riche and Kersey have a slightly shocked expression as they listen to me.

Well, widening the circuit originally requires tremendous effort.

But I just ingested it like a potion.

So it’s not unreasonable for them to be shocked.

“Then let’s try the remaining one.”

I gulp down the potion in another cup like I did before.



“Master?” “…”

Except for the clone, everyone looks at me with worried expressions. As expected, my clone notices right away.

“It’s delicious.”



No, really? Are you guys looking at me with disdain, like I just played a prank? When Kersey and Riche look at me with contemptuous expressions.


Huh? What’s this? Why is my body suddenly feeling hot? As I wipe my forehead, my arm is covered in sweat.

Seeing me in this state, my clone opens his eyes narrowly and speaks carefully.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“No, it’s so hot that I feel like I’m going to burn.”

Without a single lie, I was sweating profusely with sweat dripping from my forehead and my whole body drenched in sweat.

Seeing me like that, Riche, who was worried, took out a towel from her pocket dimension ring and wiped off the sweat running down my body.

“Young Master, it’s better to take off your shirt. This is not because of any private desire.”


Why is her face turning red for something like this? Although I had some suspicions, I eventually took off my shirt because I had to.

After about two hours of craziness, Philip appeared at the training ground with a somewhat serious expression.

By the way, Riche and Kersey are taking a break in the room.

Philip approached me with a serious face and opened his mouth.

“Young Master, You have a guest waiting.”

“Huh? A guest? Who is it?”

As I tilted my head in confusion, Philip’s expression became flustered.

What’s going on? Is something wrong? Philip is my exclusive butler and a professional assassin.

He’s not the type to be flustered easily.

As I continued to stare at him, he whispered to me so that only I could hear him.

“She says she is the goddess of destiny.”


What the hell?

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