Back To 2005

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – I Was Cute Back Then

Chapter 1 I was cute back then


Caressing his heavy forehead, Zhou Anan opened his eyes, looking dazed at the snow-white ceiling, with old-fashioned light bulbs dangling in the air.

Before he woke up, the somewhat familiar red wooden door opened, and a familiar voice came.

“Son, wake up. It’s time to have dinner. Don’t take your father’s words to heart. I’ve already told your father. It’s up to you whether you want to repeat the reading. But, An An, you have to be considerate of your father’s wish for success.”

A middle-aged woman came in, sat by the bed, and spoke softly.

The brief fainting after the quarrel between her son and her husband yesterday really frightened her.

Whether or not he is admitted to a key university is not as important as his son’s health.

“I am. Mom.”

Looking at the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar face in front of him, Zhou Anan almost blurted out the catchphrase, and then endured it abruptly.

What’s the situation? Has the elderly mother gone for plastic surgery? Why is she so young?

He has an income of 700,000 to 800,000 yuan this year, and his status in the family is not what his father could have foreseen.

Do you still want him to earn tens of millions a year and become a senior rich man in Lizhou?

“Okay, get dressed and come out to eat.”

Patted her son’s head, the young woman who saw her son calmed down said something with a smile, and then walked out of the room.

“I’ll take the exam, what’s the situation?”

Waiting for the young mother to walk out of the room door, Zhou Anan, who came to his senses after a while, looked around at some outdated rooms. The floor-to-ceiling bookcase beside the bed was filled with all kinds of study books, and there was a white square tape playing There is a row of tape cassettes neatly placed next to it, including Huanzhu, Xiaoqi, Xiaosu, Xiaocai, and…

Isn’t this the old house he used to live in? Since he bought a second-hand house in the urban area, he also renovated the house by the way. After three or four years, he almost forgot what the old house looked like back then.

Turning his head to look at the face in the long mirror of the cabinet, Zhou Anan couldn’t help opening his mouth.

Young, fair and thin face, with a layer of light fluff on the lips, no matter how you look at it, you look like an immature kid.

I pinched it hard, and I died, it hurts so much.

Why does it still hurt in the dream?


Touching the pinched red face, Zhou Anan’s eyes became dull.

Is it a dream that spanned more than ten years, or a reborn soul after more than ten years.

Wait, why did he think of rebirth? Could it be that he has read too many novels about rebirth at the starting point recently, and the most important thing at the moment is why this dream is so real?

Let’s recall what we ate yesterday, um, no fire hot pot, a bottle of apple cider vinegar worth 25 yuan, a cup of Xinshi milk tea worth 15 yuan, and we went to an Internet cafe for an hour and 10 yuan with our new girl from the health school. A luxury box for 1 yuan, and then I fell asleep from exhaustion when I stayed with my sister all night.

As for the days after graduating from high school at the age of seventeen, I hardly have any clear memory.

Well, sure, so to speak, it was his dream in an Internet cafe.

What is there to do in a dream, wake up quickly, the girl from the health school who is about to fall is still waiting for him.

He has already made plans. When the girl who just graduated from health school is over, she will definitely be a little tired. Then he can suggest that she go to the Holiday Inn suite next to her to rest. He has even booked the room.

As for the promise of never touching the other party, it depends on the situation.

“I’m waking up.”

Clenching his hands and shouting towards the ceiling, Zhou Anan, who was thinking about stabbing himself with a knife, decided to come to a painless way of waking up.

Have a dream, don’t bleed, just pinch it, it also hurts.

“wake up.”

“I’m taking the exam, wake up quickly.”

Five minutes later, facing his mother’s strange eyes, Zhou An’an wisely closed his mouth.

Although it is a dream, it is not easy to disobey my mother.

It’s just that this dream, I slept too deeply, so I still can’t wake up.

If he doesn’t roll off the bed, under normal circumstances, the feeling of falling can make him wake up quickly.

Just like that, Zhou Anan, who was rolling the thin quilt, rolled, and rolled off the bed.

Tao, why is it so painful.

Touching the forehead that hit the desk, Zhou Anan cursed secretly.

What situation, what situation.

MMP, could it be that his soul was reborn after more than ten years? How could this kind of thing happen to him?

Putting on a strange cheap T-shirt, Zhou Anan slapped his face with cold water in the bathroom, feeling a little unbelievable.

Could it be that he was really reborn?

Can’t accept it, can’t accept it.

He recalled first, if he was reborn, when would it be?

The current time point, repeat, repeat, repeat.

Recalling what the young mother said earlier, Zhou Anan quickly searched his memory, and then locked on a time period.

God, he was reborn in the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, in July 2005, the second day of the first fierce confrontation with his father because of the problem of repeating the third year of high school in history.

Why, why, he just signed the rental contract yesterday, and took over two floors of the headquarters building with nearly 2,000 square meters. He is going to expand his tutoring school, show off his grand plans, and then reach the pinnacle of life.

At that time, beautiful girls didn’t come in large numbers.

Both parents are still alive, and I am chic and unrestrained, life is absolutely beautiful.

But, but, why was he reborn.

Then his many years of struggle were not in vain, those twists and turns of hard work were all in vain, and those many girls were not in vain.

Rebirth, isn’t it the patent of frustrated people?

How could he, a quasi-successful person, be included in the list of the reborn army? There is something shady about it.

He is not convinced.

At this moment, Zhou Anan felt so desperate.

The hardships and struggles experienced over the years have all become a dream.

The girl who was about to fall was blinded by his online chat for more than half a month.

Until the end of dinner, Zhou An’an still hadn’t recovered and could not accept this cruel reality.

“An’an, since you don’t want to repeat, dad won’t force you.”

Looking at his son in a daze, Zhou Youliang, who thought his son was still worried about repeating his studies, forced a smile on his face and comforted him.

The situation last night scared my wife and also scared him.

He never expected that his son, who had always been obedient to him, would have such a violent reaction.

Even if he wants his son to go to a famous university, he can’t force his son to repeat it. His son has grown up and has his own thoughts. The path of life still depends on him to decide.

Furthermore, if forced, his wife is going to get a divorce.

“Thank you, Dad.”

The same dialogue, hearing the comforting words from his father again, Zhou Anan’s heart was shaken, he held back the inexplicable tears in his eyes, and lowered his head to pick up the rice in the bowl.

The lacrimal glands are a little developed. It’s been a long time since he communicated with his father in such a peaceful manner.

Originally, there was some illusion that the soul was out of the sky, but at this moment, he returned quickly.

Regardless of past and present lives, the affection of his parents for licking the calf has not changed in any way, and he is still the most beloved cub of his parents.

Father and son have fought against each other for many years. After growing up and becoming mature, Zhou An’an, who entered the society, finally understood the painstaking efforts of his parents for him.

Unfortunately, just as his career was flourishing and he was ready to honor his elderly parents, he was reborn.

Fortunately, just back to his teenage years.

If he goes back to being a four or five-year-old kid, he really doesn’t know how to spend his childhood when he can’t control himself, and he’s afraid to think about it.

It seems that he is lucky.

“When you grow up, you have to think about your own path. Mom and Dad can help you, that’s all.”

Hearing his son’s words of thanks, the smile on Zhou Youliang’s face eased a lot.

Perhaps, he is really too persistent. The principal of Longchuan School can go back earlier, and book a few banquets by the way.

After all, his son has been admitted to an undergraduate university, and there are not many in the village, so naturally he has to celebrate it.

“Mom, let me wash it for you.”

After dinner, seeing the young mother getting ready to wash the dishes, Zhou Anan, feeling guilty, volunteered to help.

He still wants to try again, whether he, who never washes dishes on weekdays, will wake up from his dream.

“No, no, you can watch TV by yourself, and you can go to the village if you have nothing to do.”

Waving away the troublesome son, Wang Jingyu fastened her apron and started to clean the kitchen.


Facing the strength of his mother, Zhou Anan gave up the act of selling well and walked back to the living room.

Dad has already gone for a walk in the village to brag. Zhou An’an is the only one in the living room watching the TV with constantly changing screens. Familiar cabinet leaders appear on the news.

The country’s major measures to benefit the people were mentioned one by one by the host. Even if he didn’t pay much attention to it, he still had some impressions, and some vague memories gradually became clearer.

There is no sense of disobedience.

Dream, it doesn’t have such a strong sense of reality.

Looking back and forth at the old-fashioned living room that has not been greatly remodeled, and touching the old wooden sofa that will not be eliminated for several years, Zhou Anan’s thoughts are spinning rapidly at the speed of one thousandth of a second.

This is July 15, 2005, a certain time point when the college entrance examination volunteers have been filled.

According to the trajectory of his previous life, he is about to spend two months eating and sleeping and eating after sleeping, and then he will report to the university, and then spend four years of college life with no achievements.

After graduating, Zhou Anan finally found his own position and engaged in education and counseling after a few years of wasting and ignorance.

A few years later, Zhou Anan’s training department flourished and developed into a tutoring school with dozens of employees.

It’s just that he was far behind his peers and missed many beautiful scenery, which made him full of regrets.

Perhaps, this is a common experience of most ordinary college students after the expansion of university enrollment.

Even what Zhou Anan achieved later was enough to make many people envious.

But Zhou Anan knew that there were some things that could not be undone no matter what.

For example, the girl I once chased.

Well, it looks like he hasn’t even touched a girl’s hand before graduating from college.

Returning is still a teenager, and he is still cute now.

(end of this chapter)

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