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Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Crayfish Also Have Dignity

Chapter 9 Crayfish also have dignity

You know, when he came here to buy lobsters in his previous life, as soon as he entered the demarcation point of the aquatic area, there were rows of them, which shows the charm and huge profits of crayfish.

Now, I want to find a merchant who sells crayfish, but it has disappeared.

After shopping around, Zhou Anan finally saw a pot of lively crayfish in a booth in the corner.

The appearance and size seem to be good.

“Boss, how do you sell this crayfish?”

“Four yuan and five pounds.”

The bald boss, who was processing fish scales for another client, didn’t look up, and replied casually.

Anyway, no one buys it, whether you want it or not.

“How many?”

Hearing the price, Zhou Anan asked in astonishment.

“Boss, your fish. This little boss, all the crayfish I have here have been picked. Look at this head, it is so clean. It must have been raised in my own pond. The water in my pond is full of fish. The water in the Shanghuang Reservoir does not come out of any sewage ditch. If I tell a lie, I will pay ten for the lie.”

Handed the repaired fish to the waiting customer. The middle-aged bald boss who thought the other party was too expensive directly took out a crayfish and showed it in detail in front of Zhou Anan.

It’s not easy to sell some crayfish these days. If it wasn’t for his mother-in-law’s insistence on keeping them and selling them at a high price, Xu Feng would have wanted to crush these unsalable crayfish and feed them to pigs.

It’s all caused by rumors that the crayfish are raised in sludge and heavy metal sewage. The bigger the crayfish eat, the more heavy metals they eat, which makes it impossible to sell the thousands of lobsters raised in his family.

Although Hangzhou has risen, but in this small county of Lizhou, no one eats lobster at all. Some customers even questioned him sternly, and the original business ran away.

Those who drink soup can’t afford to be hurt.

“can it be cheaper?”

Shocked by the current cheap price of crayfish, Zhou Anan asked weakly.

Compared to the price of more than 20 yuan a catty in the previous life, 4.5 yuan is already very cheap, but the prices after more than ten years have also increased several times compared to now.

Seeing how vigorously the other party is selling, it seems that the price still needs to be negotiated.

No way, it is a little bit to save a little.

“Four yuan, if you want more than five catties, I will give you four yuan per catty.”

Feeling that the little kid in front of him couldn’t buy much, Xu Feng directly dropped fifty cents a catty.

This is the second customer who came to buy crayfish today. If they cannot be sold, the rest will have to be put back into the pond.

If it wasn’t for the force of the woman at home who came back from university in Hangzhou, he would have wanted to sell it for a dollar a catty. The crayfish in the markets in the countryside are only seven or eight cents a catty, even if their lobster seedlings are good. , can’t sell at such a high price.

He swore that after this batch was sold, he would never raise crayfish again.

It’s just that the daughter-in-law wants to eat, and the big deal is that the family will raise less, and it is impossible to sell it.

“If I buy them all, can it be cheaper?”

Feeling very comfortable with the boss’s straightforwardness, Zhou Anan asked, pointing to the crayfish crawling around in the basin.

Damn it, you lowered the price so casually, have you considered the feelings of crayfish? Crayfish also have dignity.

Since this is the case, he cannot be blamed for continuing to bargain.

For the dignity of crayfish

“All of it? Okay, okay, I’ll give you three yuan and eight, no, three yuan and five pounds.”

After hearing what the little kid said, Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and lowered the price again.

The lobsters in the basin are still more than 40 catties at least. If they can be sold, it will definitely be the first time ever, and the woman at home will be happy to hear it.

The first big customer.


Originally, he wanted to say the price of three yuan a catty, but seeing the other party’s sincere smile, Zhou Anan’s conscience ached, and he couldn’t say it.

After all, he was still a little embarrassing.

“I want them all.”

No further bargaining, Zhou Anan, who had decided on the price, estimated the price and nodded in agreement.

Even if you can’t sell it, you can burn it and eat it yourself, just to satisfy your cravings.

Such cheap crayfish, if you don’t eat them for nothing.

As for whether you can eat it or not, hehe, people who like to eat crayfish will tell you what a real foodie is.

“Well, I’ll weigh you right away.”

Seeing that the other party agreed, Xu Feng, who was afraid that the other party would regret it, quickly put the crayfish into two large black bags, put them on the scale and weighed them.

“A total of forty-six catties and seven taels, counting your forty-five catties, a total of 157.5 yuan.”

After weighing, Xu Feng showed the calculator with the calculated price in front of the other party’s eyes.

“it is good.”

Looking at the other party’s calculator, Zhou Anan had no doubts, and directly took out two hundred-yuan bills.

This is the last funding, a little heartache.

But looking at those crayfish, Zhou Anan decided to turn grief and anger into appetite.

“I find you 42.5 yuan.”

After counting the change to the other party, Xu Feng poured the crayfish back into the basin, ready to repair them all.

“Boss, wait, don’t fix it yet. Well, I opened a barbecue shop opposite the Shangshang Supermarket. Can you lend me the pot first? I’ll return it to you tomorrow.”

Thinking that the weather is so hot and there is no freezer for storage, Zhou Anan does not dare to repair all of them.

He also wanted to let the crayfish live for a longer period of time. After all, fresh ones are delicious.

Repairing in front of customers can also prove the freshness of the ingredients at their barbecue stand.

Zhou Anan believes that as long as someone eats the first time, there will be a second time.


Unexpectedly, the other party still opened a barbecue stall, so Xu Feng agreed without thinking too much.

All the crayfish worth more than 100 yuan were sold, and there was only one pot left, so I could give it away for nothing.

“Xiao Anzi, what is this?”

Wang Rong, who was cleaning the table, looked curiously at a large basin on the ground, covered with a grid, and there was a rustling sound, which made one’s scalp tingle.

“Crayfish, we’ll have this for dinner later.”

Patting the grid, Zhou Anan said with great interest.

At this time, a tenacious crayfish grabbed the edge of the basin and protruded half of its body from the gap between the basin and the grid.

Zhou Anan, who noticed, hit it with the leather case in his hand, and let it return to the big home.

The crayfish lying on its back in the basin raised two big pincers angrily, as if complaining about the injustice of fate, and felt sad for the hard work of climbing up.

“I’ll eat you first.”

Seeing that the crayfish was so active, Zhou Anan threatened.

“Is this delicious?”

Wang Rong, who had never eaten crayfish before, was full of doubts, and he didn’t seem to see anything delicious.

Such a hard shell and such an ugly appearance, can it be eaten? Will I have diarrhea if I eat it?

“I guarantee that you will want to eat after eating, and you won’t be able to stop at all.”


“Wait, then.”

Glancing at the frantic crayfish, Zhou Anan touched a handful of change in his trouser pocket, then turned and walked towards the small commodity store not far away.

(end of this chapter)

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