Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 - You may Leave Now

“This is quite refreshing to hear; I enjoy it!”

“Mother, there's nothing physically wrong with you. It's just a touch of melancholy, coupled with a cold. Drink three doses of the prescribed decoction and try to relax. You'll surely feel better,” Tang Yue noted down the prescription, intending to prepare the medicine himself and deliver it later.

The Palace harbored numerous clandestine methods that couldn't be exposed. Caution was never misplaced.

Madame Hu nodded in quiet approval. She held a favorable opinion of her daughter-in-law, deep within her heart.

Initially, she had reservations about her son marrying someone like Tang Yue, but her son had been astute since his youth. His decision remained steadfast. Moreover, Madame Hu had faith in her son's foresight. He must have his reasons.

Yet, emotionally, it was challenging for her to fully embrace this union, even if Tang Yue was exemplary and exceptional in her eyes. If not for this marriage, she might have even considered adopting him as her foster son, as a token of gratitude for saving her son's life.

“Mother, you've been eating bland food for these past few days. Today, your son brought freshly made river flour and lamb soup. Please, have a few bites.”

“River flour?” The Queen regarded her son with curiosity. Crown Prince Zhao grinned. “It's prepared by Tang Yue. It's delicious. Give it a try. I had her wait for you to recover before sending it over.”

“Alright, alright. Pass it to me,” Madame Hu felt exceptionally content today. It had been a while since she had seen such a radiant smile on her son's face. His spirits had evidently improved since he got married.

She only had a few mouthfuls of the so-called river flour, but its taste was exquisite, and the texture was velvety. It was genuinely delightful. She had heard rumors about Crown Princess's exceptional culinary skills, and she had initially dismissed them as exaggeration. However, tasting it firsthand revealed the truth in those stories.

Crown Prince Zhao handed her a handkerchief and inquired, “Mother, did you summon me to the Palace for something important?”

He understood his mother quite well. If it were merely due to her health, she wouldn't have insisted on his presence at the Palace.

“There is indeed something…” Madame Hu hesitated momentarily, finding it difficult to put into words.

“Mother, I've also heard about what occurred last night. Royal Father has been growing more apprehensive of us, mother and son, all these years. His favor toward the Hu family has waned. Mother just didn't anticipate that he would actually dispatch investigators for such an absurd matter.” She sighed.

Madame Hu wore a bitter expression, her smile tinged with bitterness. Tang Yue empathized with her emotions. Anyone who discovered that their husband didn't even trust their own son would shiver with apprehension.

“That's true,” responded Crown Prince Zhao calmly.

“Father, in his old age, lost his vigor due to alcohol. I've occasionally heard from the maid who took care of him that he'd spend sleepless nights plagued by nightmares. He must be terribly frightened.”

“Mother, it's undeniable. It's not an exaggeration.”

“We shouldn't fault him for his suspicions. If you put yourself in his shoes…” Madame Hu paused for a while before realizing, “What did you say?”

“It's true. The private army is real. So is the weapons production!”

“Mother, I believe that raising troops isn't your intention. You are already the crown prince, and the throne is destined to be yours. But if Father discovers this, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

“I understand, but some things can't be accomplished if we're overly concerned about the consequences. We have to take risks.” Tang Yue believed that the greater the risk, the greater the reward. He deemed this risk worthwhile.

Madame Hu sat up slowly, her expression turning serious. “Do you know where Li Xu got wind of this? He suddenly emerged from hiding and exposed everything. He must have his own plans.”

Both Tang Yue and Crown Prince Zhao understood that Li Xu's plan must be to vie for the throne, making it an additional obstacle on Crown Prince Zhao's path to success.

“We've almost traced it back. He lacks concrete evidence and is merely making allegations based on bits of information. I'll be cautious.”

“You've always acted with great assurance, my son. But there are moments when tigers nap, and no one can avoid their eye. I hope you'll exercise caution. Safety should be your top priority.”

“Yes, Mother, don't worry. I'm no longer alone now. My strength has grown significantly.” Crown Prince Zhao cast a meaningful glance at Tang Yue. While he had married Tang Yue out of genuine affection, the advantages of the union were also substantial.

Tang Yue raised an eyebrow at him and subtly smirked. If not for the presence of the queen, he might have given Crown Prince Zhao the finger.

Madame Hu naturally comprehended the various interests at play in this marriage. When she had married into the royal family, it had been a political alliance. It was just that women were often innocent and straightforward. Once married, they would follow their husbands like chickens and dogs, placing their hearts entirely on their spouses.

“Marquis of Yueyang may be a low-profile individual who avoids the limelight, but he is a man of his word. He is highly capable and is in no way inferior to other noble dukes. You must show him respect and never overlook him.”

“I understand, Father. Don't worry.”

“That's good. I had wanted to invite you to the palace for some solace, but it appears unnecessary now. You have your duties to attend to. Please kneel and pay your respects.”

“Very well, Mother. We will visit you another day.” Crown Prince Zhao and Tang Yue respectfully bowed and prepared to take their leave.

“Yue'er is always welcome to visit me in the Palace when she has the time. Bring some delicious food for your mother. The Palace can be quite lonely, with no one to converse with.”

Tang Yue readily agreed. Not only had he met the gracious and beautiful Madame Hu before, but he would also care for her due to her relationship with Crown Prince Zhao.

Exiting the queen's chambers, Crown Prince Zhao naturally held Tang Yue's hand. “There's a Merlin in the Imperial Garden, and it's the season for plum blossoms. Would you like to go and have a look?”

“Is Your Highness in the mood for admiring flowers?” Tang Yue found this to be an unusual suggestion from Crown Prince Zhao.

“Am I not allowed to appreciate beauty with grace?” Did he appear so uncouth as to lack refinement?

Chuckling, Tang Yue replied, “Alright, I'd love to admire the palace's exquisite scenery. After all, this place is becoming my second home. I may end up spending the rest of my life here. Surprisingly, I've never had the chance to explore the palace properly. I hardly know my way around, always coming and going in a rush.”

After the New Year, winter had passed, leaving behind a particularly cold season. Someone like Tang Yue, accustomed to warmer climates, felt the chill even when wrapped in several layers of clothing.

As they entered the Imperial Garden, most of the scenery had withered away, except for some cold-resistant pine trees.

Merlin was located to the west, and Tang Yue realized he had forgotten to check the calendar before venturing out. In the palace, women could be categorized into two groups: those serving men and those attending to women. Here, they encountered a group of women right after passing through the arched gate.

Tang Yue regretted not verifying the date earlier. There were only two types of women in the palace, and it was apparent that among them was the Queen of South Jin.

“Is it Crown Prince? What brings you to the rear garden?” The speaker was a lady nearing her thirties, with delicate features and a seductive aura. She wore a deep peach-red gown and a fox fur coat in the same shade. Every expression on her face seemed alluring.

Tang Yue silently cursed in his heart, “It's fortunate that this kind of woman, who doesn't seem too serious, is confined to the harem. Otherwise, I shudder to think what mischief she might cause in the court.”

Crown Prince Zhao's demeanor returned to its typical coldness upon encountering this assembly of women, resembling a mobile iceberg.

He chose not to respond directly and instead issued a chilly command. “I wish to reward Mei. You may depart now.”

“Your Highness, this Merlin is extensive. There's no need for you to monopolize the reward for Plum. Why be so domineering?”

“Who are you? Shouldn't you show some respect when you see me?” Could she not observe that the rest of the palace maids remained kneeling on the ground, too afraid to move?

Tang Yue was also intrigued by her identity. This woman displayed an air of arrogance, yet her eyes remained as innocent as ever. Given the number of servants trailing her, she clearly held favor within the palace.

The woman's countenance stiffened momentarily. She delicately touched her belly and smiled. “Forgive me, Your Highness. I carry the heir of the dragon's bloodline. The imperial physician has cautioned against overexertion.”

Tang Yue shuddered at the audacity of her words. How could someone so foolish thrive in the palace, unscathed?

“Your Highness, considering her pregnancy, please be lenient. She doesn't appear well either. If any harm befalls her, you'll lose a potential sister.”

When it came to sharp-tongued remarks, Tang Yue could hold his own with anyone. It all hinged on whether he was willing to engage.

“Nonsense! The Imperial Physician attests to Bengong's excellent health. She undoubtedly carries the dragon's heir!”

“Impudent! Is there no decorum in the palace? A concubine like you dares to raise her voice to the Crown Princess!”

Tang Yue discreetly pulled on Crown Prince Zhao's arm and whispered, “Please avoid causing trouble for your mother.” It was wise not to antagonize a favored woman who carried the heir and was with child. Any conflict would surely end in bloodshed.

Apparently, this woman had been excessively pampered and forgotten her place. She rolled her eyes and knelt while cradling her belly. “Oh! Someone, fetch the king immediately… Bengong is experiencing abdominal pain…”

The Imperial Garden descended into chaos instantly.

Tang Yue couldn't help but roll his eyes helplessly. This time, it seemed he wouldn't be able to reward the flowers at all.

Crown Prince Zhao's face became so rigid that it appeared frozen in place. Tang Yue suspected that he might draw his sword and confront this woman in the very next moment.

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