Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 - Life Is a Man's Life

Crown Prince Zhao rode his horse while Tang Yue engaged in a playful skirmish with Ping Shun and Zhao Sanlang on the carriage. Both of them exhibited remarkable audacity, entering the carriage under the Crown Prince's keen gaze. Fortunately, Tang Yue managed to withstand the pressure.

“Why haven't we seen Huangfu Chun around lately? Has His Highness confined him?” Zhao Sanlang had never held much affection for this lad. He always found him excessively vivacious. Honorable men like them remained oblivious to being deceived.

Despite no one ever openly admitting their honesty.

“I'm not sure. I'll check on him once we return.” Tang Yue also found it peculiar. Given Zhang Chun's disposition, he didn't seem the type to keep such a low profile.

The group entered the Crown Prince's Palace. Tang Yue guided Zhao Sanlang and Ping Shun to Zhang Chun's residence. Following his noble title inheritance, Zhang Chun should have moved to his own Marquis's Mansion. However, he continued to reside in the Crown Prince's Palace, citing his youth as the reason.

“Where's the young duke?” Tang Yue stepped into the courtyard and inquired of a servant boy attending to Zhang Chun.

The young lad appeared flustered, his legs nearly giving way when Tang Yue grabbed him. He remained silent for an extended moment.

“What's happening? Where is he?” Tang Yue's brow furrowed.

“I can't… Would anyone in the Crown Prince's Palace lose face?”

“I'm asking you a question. Are you daft?” Zhao Sanlang grasped the servant and gently slapped his cheek.

“No… young master, the young master is inside…”

Tang Yue regarded him with suspicion. “Are you certain?”

Without waiting for a response, he kicked the door open and entered the room. A waft of warm air enveloped the space. Beneath the covers lay a human-shaped figure.

“Could it be? You're still sleeping at this hour?” Tang Yue chuckled and approached to pull back the blanket.

The individual beneath the blanket stirred, rolling over to continue sleeping, undisturbed.

Tang Yue frowned anew, sitting at the bedside and patting the figure's back. “Hey, were you out thieving last night? Have you had your dinner?”

Tang Yue grew alarmed as Zhang Chun remained unresponsive. He gently tugged Zhang Chun closer and noticed the redness of his face, the sweat on his forehead. A basin of cold water sat beside the bed, its cloth handkerchief soaking within.

He placed his hand on Zhang Chun's forehead, testing his body temperature. Then, he opened Zhang Chun's eyes and examined his pupils. Only then did he ascertain that the lad was sick and running a rather high fever.

“What's happening?” A concerned Ping Shun inquired from the side. His bond with Zhang Chun was peculiar—they hadn't known each other long, yet their friendship felt remarkably deep, as if they had known each other in a previous life.

“He has a fever.” Tang Yue then called out, “Someone, come!”

Without delay, the four servants hurried into the room, keeping their heads bowed as they knelt on the ground.

“What happened? When did the Young Marquis fall ill? Can you provide any details?”

The servant, who had been seized by Tang Yue, stepped forward and spoke in a hushed tone, “Young Master, the Young Duke began feeling unwell the previous night, but he didn't wish to trouble anyone.”

Zhao Sanlang was taken aback by the servant's unbending attitude. Didn't they understand that a chill in the air could be deadly? “If he didn't want help, why did you secretly inform the butler? Are you not servants of the Crown Prince's household?”

If the Young Duke were to pass away in this room, all the servants attending to him would meet the same fate!

“Yes… the Young Duke insisted… it's just a minor fever. Nothing to worry about. It's Lunar New Year, we don't want to bring bad luck to everyone.”

At this time, such beliefs were prevalent, particularly among affluent families, who were cautious about anyone falling ill during Lunar New Year celebrations, especially when they were conducting ancestral ceremonies.

Tang Yue sighed and covered Zhang Chun with a blanket, then instructed someone to fetch another blanket. Afterward, he examined the young man's pulse and prescribed a remedy.

The room fell silent, with everyone cautious not to make a sound. After a while, the Heir to the Noble State of Duke Heng asked in a daze, “Tang Xiaolang, does Huangfu fear troubling you? Should we have him stay at my place?”

Tang Yue's back stiffened, and he turned around with a bitter smile. “Please don't jest. He just doesn't feel comfortable here.”

He understood this sentiment all too well. It was akin to his own experiences when he had first arrived in this world—feeling lost in an unfamiliar environment.

Fortunately, he had the support of the Yueyang Marquis's family and knew Crown Prince Zhao, gradually integrating into this era. He had built a career, found love, and established a home.

Zhang Chun, however, was in a different situation. He had just landed in this new environment, devoid of relatives and a small circle of friends. Despite his cheerful exterior, he carried a fragile heart, especially being so young. It was easy to see him as carefree, but his heart remained sensitive.

The Crown Prince's residence also had a pharmacy. Tang Yue sent someone to collect the prescribed medicine. When it was prepared, he brought it back to the room. He poured a cup of warm water and fed it to Zhang Chun bit by bit.

Zhao Sanlang and Ping Shun sat beside the bed, their expressions grave. Zhao Sanlang even reached out to touch Zhang Chun's forehead.

“His fever is quite high. Is he seriously ill?”

“Yes. He delayed taking the medicine, and his fever hasn't subsided. If it persists for another two days, it could have dire consequences,” Tang Yue replied with a hint of helplessness.

“When you think about it, he truly has a challenging life. Growing up without parents or elders must have been tough for him,” Zhao Sanlang suddenly realized that he had no reason to complain.

Tang Yue thought of Zhang Chun's previous life and let out a quiet sigh. As he had told Tang Ya before, everyone's life had its unique challenges.

“Each person's fate is their own, Sanlang. Life takes various paths.”

Zhao Sanlang sneered, “I get it. When will you stop your habit of teaching people lessons?”

Tang Yue rolled his eyes, silently thinking, I taught you because I care about you. Who'd want to waste their breath otherwise?

After administering a bowl of medicinal soup, they waited patiently for another half an hour. Finally, Zhang Chun stirred awake, only to be startled by the room filled with people.

“Oh my God! Am I about to kick the bucket? Did you all come to witness my demise?”

Tang Yue smacked him hard on the head. “We came to send you off. If I hadn't shown up today, I'd have ordered a coffin for you tomorrow.”

“Haha…” Zhang Chun chuckled awkwardly. “It's not that bad, is it? It's just a minor cold. I'll be fine with some rest.”

“Do you not realize you have a fever? Do I need to remind you how many people succumb to a cold each year or become mentally impaired due to high fever?”

“Don't scare me. It's not like I haven't had a fever before. I can't be that foolish,” Zhang Chun replied, shifting slowly and lying back down, feeling aches throughout his body and weak limbs.

“Don't you know you've had a fever for three days and nights? Do you have any common sense?” Tang Yue questioned, teeth gritted.

“It's been… three days?” Zhang Chun's expression shifted dramatically. Though his face remained flushed, some unhealthy pallor had crept in.

“What do you think?”

“Brother, hehe… Well, you're a miraculous doctor, aren't you? This little issue is nothing, right?” Zhang Chun wrapped his arms around Tang Yue's and began to act a bit spoiled.

Tang Yue leaned in closer to his ear and hissed, “Cut it out! You, of all people, should know best whether I'm a miraculous doctor or not. And since you know I'm a doctor, why did you hide it from me?”

Zhang Chun rubbed his ears and edged away slightly. “Isn't it the New Year season?” He was aware of Tang Yue and the Crown Prince's recent busy schedules, where they often went without seeing anyone for days and nights. Besides, it was the New Year. Could it be that they wanted everyone preoccupied with his illness?

Ultimately, he was just using this place as a temporary residence. He was merely a guest. A guest ought to behave as such.

He had already been shameless enough to latch onto Tang Yue, a fellow villager. If he caused any more trouble, he'd end up hating himself.

“Can't you take a break from treating patients during the New Year? Moreover,” Tang Yue continued, “it's just a matter of taking some medicine. Do you plan to drag the Lunar New Year on forever? Is that fun?”

“Alright, brother. I know I messed up. Aiya, I'm feeling sleepy again. Can I sleep?”

“Still sleeping?” Zhao Sanlang hurried over and pulled him upright. “No, no. We heard you've been sleeping for three days. Come on, let's chat. Play some cards; we can sleep later.”

Ping Shun spontaneously grabbed a deck of cards and placed a small table on the bed. He sat on one side, casting a glance at Tang Yue.

Tang Yue conceded defeat to them and sent someone to inform Crown Prince Zhao before joining the game.

Tang Yue diligently monitored Zhang Chun's body temperature every hour and administered medicine four hours later. He only relaxed once the fever had subsided.

Zhang Chun observed the people around him and couldn't deny feeling touched. After all, Tang Yue hailed from their hometown, and in his eyes, Zhao Sanlang was an aristocratic young master. Such a person should not treat him as a friend, despite their hometown connection.

This left him greatly flattered.

Ultimately, he struggled to assimilate into the role of the Loyal and Brave Marquis. He couldn't grasp anything, lacked a sense of purpose, and found it uncomfortable to live there.

Before he departed, Tang Yue inquired, “Have you learned how to write?”

“Yes,” Zhang Chun replied. It had been a while, and not learning would label him as foolish.

“Alright then, starting tomorrow, you don't need to bother with nearly everything. Just stay by my side. All those high-minded principles of governing the country and the Four Books and Five Classics are meaningless,” Tang Yue advised.

Zhang Chun chuckled inwardly. While his lips wore a smile, he retorted, “Let the Loyal and Brave Marquis run errands for you? Aren't you afraid for your life?”

Tang Yue snorted, “If you're running errands, I'd think your legs are too short. I'll have you observe people and situations. That's far more valuable than studying in seclusion.”

“You don't need to be so literal,” Zhang Chun acknowledged, realizing that he was currently not very tall and uncertain how much he could grow.

Tang Yue curled his lips. Knowing that Zhao Sanlang and Ping Shun planned to visit him tomorrow, they left together.

Once everyone had departed, Zhang Chun lay in the quiet room, staring at the ceiling for a while. Eventually, he drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep, a welcome change from his previous restless nights.

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