Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 10

Episode 10: Reason is no match for flesh and lust

Orchids harden their expressions after dropping off a beautiful bell that melts happily.

With beautiful bell saliva and love fluids, we put the wet ones in our pants and spin our words toward the trees in a playful pose.

“… you’re quite a bad tailor, aren’t you?”

“Hate, because I’m not a ninja or a detective.”

Behind the trees, the dark long hair gets the wind and colors the night view.

Kanami Inugami, a girl student with her legs shoulder-width apart and arms braced in front of her chest.

Orchids carefully observe Kanami.

Cut frontal hair – crisp and refreshing.

From there, you peek at the colored eyes.

Sharp and brave as an eagle that found its prey.

A smooth stretched nose and cherry blossom-colored lips.

A stunning ponytail peeks from the neck.

Each of the parts that made up her – everything created an atmosphere of female swordsmen from Kanami.

There is also a seriousness in the sheath on the waist.

When he saw it, the orchid snapped his neck.

The fact that she wears a beautiful bell every night.

I thought you’d find out someday, but I didn’t think Kanami was the first to notice.

Besides, if it stays this way, it’s going to be killing.

The orchid’s expression collapsed into a swallowing atmosphere.

“I thought you were dead, but I didn’t think you were alive.”

“… don’t look at me like my parents are avenged. But I’m still pretty scared.

While buying time, he tried to release his family training to Kanami.

But I can’t feel Kanami’s enslavement because the distance is too far away.

And I’m worried that just activating the skill will do it.

Mizuki was less alert to orchids and was able to easily take them to Deep Kiss, the next stage.

But in this situation, can you kiss Kanami in this atmosphere?

Can I suppress her by training her family in the first stage?

“… in the meantime, could you put down your sword? If you have that skill and have a monophonic sword, you can’t help but be scared of your classmates.”

Above Kanami, the words “countless judgments (overkill critical)” appear.

A powerful attack skill that shoots down countless slashes in a flash.

I don’t know how powerful it is, but if I allow it to be activated in an instant, the orchid’s life could easily be blown away.

Under such pressure, I don’t think I can round up Kanami with even more awkward talk.

Well, that’s true too. Kirishima is full waist. It would be unfair for me to have a sword. ”

That said, Kanami pulled out her sword from her waist and stood up to a nearby tree.

The sword is too close.

Now, even if you jump into Kanami’s pocket with no-guard, you’ll be ripped apart the next moment.

How can I steal Kanami’s lips?

“But why would you want to tear me apart from Mizuki? Maybe he was jealous of us who loved each other like every night…”

“Jealous? Why would I do that?”

There is no fooling around, and the spar that entered into the petty investigation is completely cut off.

This is tough.

Especially this time, the opponent, Kanami, is clearly witnessing Orchid and Mizuki.

Moreover, from this state of affairs, it is likely that there is a general prediction of how orchids made the beautiful bell look like that.

If you move poorly, you may be able to escape and summon a trusted male student for another raid.

That’s all you have to avoid.

We must train our families here and now.

“Mizuki and I love each other. Why is that irrelevant? I’m just a classmate. I have to be disturbed by the dog god!

“You love each other? Isn’t it a false affection, accumulated with a terrible skill?

All the words spinned from Kanami’s mouth are correct.

Kanami, a typical female swordsmith dog god, is a member of the Taoism Committee and Kendo team. I can’t think of fighting her.

First you have to get close and manipulate your body.

Orchids show the appearance of thinking something, tang, tang, tang on the ground with their toes! and tripled.

Immediately afterwards, the orchid’s mouth twisted.

Kanami, confronted head-on, leans her neck at the slight change in her expression.

Once again, the orchid stepped on the ground with its fingertips and jumped like a bullet into Kanami’s pocket while guarding his face with his arms.

“- Huh!?

“Passed sense of justice sometimes destroys itself!

Kanami confronted the orchid that had forgotten me with seriousness.

Nevertheless, the opponent is a classmate of the same age.

Use your skill with your sheath on, and do it rarely.

Orchids that don’t have physical skills are easy to stop moving.

If Mizuki or someone recovers afterwards, Kanami’s guilt that she injured her classmates will be relieved somewhat.

Kanami doesn’t like to lift it, but the orchid should be completely bad in this case.

You’ll have to knock it in properly.

Kanami holds the sword and sets it up in Kendo’s position.

With the skill activated in mind, I was about to wave my sword down toward the incoming orchid…

Suddenly, countless signs appeared behind Kanami.

The next moment when I was temporarily conscious of that feeling, I filled up Kanami’s vision with countless flying butterflies.


Surprised by the sudden appearance of a flock of flying butterflies, Kanami inadvertently guarded her face with her arms.

Skills that were in the middle of activation are canceled, and Kanami creates a huge gap.


“Kanami Inugami – you will be my family!

At the moment the flock of fried wings dispersed, Kirishima Orchid already appeared in front of Kanami.

The orchid face jumps into Kanami’s chest as she plays the seriousness she grabbed in her hand.

An orchid that twists its arms and strokes its buttocks.

Unexpectedly, Kanami meditated on one eye in the discomfort of suddenly hips, buttocks and chest.

Even though it’s supposed to be uncomfortable for a boy student who’s not close at all.

I wonder why I thought it felt so good.

The place where the orchid is hugged is strangely hot.

Nothing, Kanami didn’t think about orchids in this way, but her body is really hot and she has no choice but to sneeze.

Normally, I would shake it off with my proud skill trained in Kendo.

Before you think about it, you’ll reflex into action.

But why?

Now I want to hold the orchid in my chest like this.

I want the temperature of orchids.

“─ ─ Nh, I can’t be fooled!

Keeping the orchid down, Kanami put her arms together in front of her chest.

While staring at the orchid with its buttocks, Kanami desperately cheated on her fast heartbeat.

I know it in my head.

When I look at the boy student in front of me, I feel tight because of the family training he used.

Even if you understand it in your mind, you don’t listen to what your body says.

Family training begins at a stage when family members are enslaved.

Start by activating the skill.

And a deep kiss of love that makes you the only one inside your head.

Finally, by guiding the family to climax by the user’s hand, you will fall into complete obedience as a slave.

Kanami is still in a state where only a little reason and will remain.

Wherever you want to shake it, you can shake it off, and if you want to run, you can run.

But at the same time, the feeling that you don’t want to reject the orchid also springs up.

Your heart rate is fast, and your mouth is tense and thirsty. If you want to see more, that’s what you think.

Even Kanami, who sees the opposite sex in such a state, is unable to refuse basari and orchids.



This hateful boy student, Kirishima Orchid, strokes his cheeks, making him feel good and painful.

If you can stroke your chin, your mouth will melt unexpectedly.

Touching is lewd.

“You don’t have to put up with your voice. Nobody’s coming. Nobody’s asking.

“… you’ll ask me, won’t you? If they see me like that, I’ll die.”

“Ku, kill him?

“I’ll knock you down.”

While saying strong things in his mouth, Kanami was already captive of orchid hands.

I think I want you to touch it more because of the heat where it touches.

I stroke – I can’t say that in words like that.

If the place were one, Kanami would have climaxed many times already.

The orchid’s fingertips reach Kanami’s mouth and are slowly traced.

The irresistible Kanami’s lips opened with her fingertips, and the orchid’s fingers slowly entered Kanami’s mouth.

While making a loud noise, Kanami’s mouth is ravaged by orchid fingertips.

I know it’s pathetic, and just thinking that Kirishima Orchid is playing with my mouth makes my shameful cheeks get hot.

But I can’t resist.

It’s not like it’s instinctive or inhibited by something.

The man in front of you plays with his mouth – there is a man who remembers the obvious excitement in his actions.

She strokes her tongue, pushes her inner cheek, and sticks her gums in.

I want you to rape me more.

I want Kirishima Orchid to ruin my mouth.

I want you to say that Kanami is a lewd woman who drools in her mouth.

I want you to think it’s attractive.

“… ah, ahh, ahh”

While drooling from the mouth, Kanami stays wet.

Why do orchids use their fingers to ravage their mouths?

I want you to scratch it with something softer.

For example, yes – the sweet tongue that grows in the orchid’s mouth.

“Ki, fog, – Kirishima. Why did you do that…?”

Orchids don’t answer.

While gazing at Chilari and Kanami, she kept her mouth shut.

Why are they fingers?

Anyway, I want you to stick your tongue in it.

I want you to play gently with your soft lips.

I want you to screw it up.

“─ ─ ─!”

Despite the teasing behavior, Kanami grabbed the orchid’s cheek sharply.

Orchid plays with Kanami’s mouth as he plays around with his strange abilities.

If you don’t have the courage to rape me, don’t do this from the beginning.

Kanami is not a doll who listens to anything.

I feel it if I can touch it, and if there is a boy in front of me, it is exciting.

You’re at your limit.

“I will make you regret what made me strange. It’s Kirishima’s fault.”

Keeping the orchid’s wrist tight, Kanami pulled her fingertips out of her mouth.

Kanami’s mouth and the thread of light connecting the orchid’s fingers felt a sudden excitement, and the mind was ready.

I was ravaged in my mouth.

Now it’s Kanami’s turn to attack.

“─ ─”

Kanami attracted the orchid’s face and snatched his lips in a selfless fashion.

You can’t stand the hot pleasure of attacking your whole body unless you do this.

Orchid must have tried to keep Kanami as his family so that someone wouldn’t break her relationship with Mizuki.

There should be no favor.

I’m sure you’ll be glad to be kissed by a heterosexual person you don’t think you are.

“Fufu, you’re a straighter girl than I thought. Inugami-san.”

The moment I heard a strange voice from somewhere, I burst into the mouth of Kanami and wondered if the orchid’s tongue was still there.

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