Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 114

[]/(adj-na, n) (yoji) (yoji) (yoji) (yoji) cluttered

A few days have passed since Kirishima Orchid’s survival was discovered. In a room of the royal palace, the Queen’s minister gathered face to face.

Not all ministers gathered, of course. It was the ministers involved in summoning, educating and nurturing saints, as well as other tasks.

A central figure who was moving in the shadows without knowingly eliminating the use of family training, which is an unintentionally born failure. In other words, orchids are the most vigilant enemies, and for saints, they are the ones to be caught.

He was the culprit who dared to commit mass abduction across the world for selfish reasons, driving the lives of 21 good high school students mad.

“To officially incorporate the escaped Saint Kirishima Run into the Demon King defeat members. Your Majesty, it’s a personal order. We can’t do anything anymore.”

The power that should have been lost – the presence of the twenty-first saint.

Those who knew nothing were rejoicing at the new strength of Kirishima Orchid and seeing hope for increased combat power.

But it was the work of the late Father who did not know the original reason hidden in the saint’s summons. Crusade against the Demon King and unleash the curse that invades the King. It is the feeling of those who have only heard the rumors of the wind.

All this time, technology, and magic is needed to save the dying king, not for such a small reason.

“Stupid people. There is no way that the situation will improve with just one more failed work. No matter how many people you gather, it’s impossible to kill the Demon King.”

“But that’s it. Driven by the desire to return, it is possible to lie that we succeeded in extermination.”

“No problem. They’re just kids who can handle their own magic – after all, they’re just ignorant people. It’s not that hard to break the hearts and minds of a peaceful high school student.”

They had already expected no shards from the current king. Loyalty is not as hairy.

All they want is a better future. A ploy to prosper and secure the country even after the King’s death.

The Queen herself doesn’t even know her true purpose. Some of the Queen’s ministers who took part in the plan deceived even the Queen Mother of the Nation and exercised this saint summons without difficulty.

“You don’t have to destroy them all. Long live any military weapon that swears allegiance to the nation and continues to fight until the end of its life. Our strategy can be called success.”

“Each saint has an immortal biological weapon and a vicious barrier, so it’s impossible to destroy them all.”

Hiroshi Yamashiro with instant regeneration (Burth Infinity) and Takeo Shinkaki holding the absolute defensive wall (Mirror Force).

Thinking of their faces, the ministers distorted their lips.

“There are also women like the Cat Wesen (Ket Shi) with Enhanced Healing (Schwartz Energy). If you don’t survive, your plans for the future will be compromised.”

“I wouldn’t have bothered you in the first place…..”

The air gets heavier when one murmurs. The names of the associates consisted of strings that did not differ in size.

“Family training (Lunatic sexual)…. Without the Saint Kirishima Run, things would have been done sooner.”

“An abominable sorcery that robs women of their ego and dignity and ravages them. I had no idea there was such pressure from outside.”

“Without Kirishima Run, the relationship between saints would have been good by now. As a comfortable companion with the same goal of defeating the Devil King and returning to his former world.”

“Its unity and cohesion… were the most essential to our future strategy.”

In the first place, he was supposed to be given the ability to produce all sorts of things: alchemy (abstract creation), not family training.

Due to the disappearance of that unique magic (skill), it took extra effort and time to procure transportation and armor.

“Who will take responsibility?”

“It would be good if it were the Summoner’s trouble. If you insist that you have deliberately redesigned the magic team, it will be a blow. – He’s losing his trust even in front of the Queen’s minister.”

“It’s because it imitates the habit of a civilian ascending. The fact that you have benefited from the inherent magic (skill) of nature puts you in your current position. Let’s be arrogant and mistake ourselves for our values.”

Behind mastery. Emphasis is placed on the family that was born and raised. Opportunities to become civilians are unnecessary.

The presence of civilian summoners and subordinate aristocrats in Walkins is not negligible for people on the Queen’s side who think like that.

“What should I do if Kirishima Run is alive?”

Suddenly dropped remarks come silence in the name of reflection.

“Assuming that his inherent magic (skills) will henceforth be treated as a biological weapon for the defense of the nation, we can also think of it as a convenient ability.”

“It might be a good idea to use family training to disable enemy swordswomen and sorcerers. But that’s no good.”

One of the characteristic bearded ministers meditated and shook his head to the left and right.

“He was already captured on the first side of the room, as was Walkins’ dog. I have no idea what kind of things are being blown in and brainwashed. It’s too dangerous to deal with him.”

“Even if we make it back safely, it’s best to take care of it.”

“It would be best if you could frustrate me halfway, just like the Apostle I summoned before.”

This was not the first time I summoned a warrior from another world under the name of the King’s Decurse.

But all the warriors who summoned them in the past could not be the key to their success.

A person who fled or died in the course of a journey and did not return. A person who survived without defeating the Demon King for some reason, but who was secretly exterminated because of his defiant attitude towards his subsequent treatment.

An unaccompanied, lonely existence. Has the title of the chosen hero become the predisposition to arouse a proud mind?

Until now, the Summoned Alternate Brave Candidates could not be incorporated into their plans as one.

“But this brave man is an ignorant and ignorant child. It is not the only“ strongest ”, but warriors who show true value by being with forgiving friends. I hope that you will deepen your bonds with your peers without overstepping your personal strengths and that you will explore them through adventures.”

Trusted relationships born at the end of each other’s lives are above all powerful and glorious.

We must make use of that wonderful bond for the country’s prosperity.

“I’m glad that big blonde pie girl is obedient. I can’t help looking forward to it now.”

“You mean Saint Mikoshiva Aya? It does hurt to lose the owner of infinite magic.”

Young ministers nod with a serious look, even though they look suspicious in the face of the minister who stretches out under his nose.

“If you take a woman with long tongues to the battlefield at night, you’ll have a lot of fun. I think the little woman I’m with is also attractive.”

“A myriad of adjudicators (Overkill Critical) also like the Swordsman. When I was young, I met Lord Cyancane in Christos. I want to tie you up in chains and carefully twist you from top to bottom… and make you adorable with care.”

The young minister put his hand on his chin as he looked sideways at the old man who was jumping his tongue with Pelopero.

A blonde man, Takeo Shinagaki, if you say so simply. Others are Kenjiro Odagawa, a weak-haired boy with long forehair. They have the potential to decay depending on their training.

Haruhito Tanaka and Snow White – Kanami, the dog god named earlier, will be able to make the enemy’s calculations go wild if they are mixed up in the garrison as swordsmen in the coming war.

“Hehe, it’s settled. I will receive Mikoshiba Aya and Jougaoka Reika. Blonde is the best.”

“Shall I go with Inugami Kanami and Onigawara Hibiki? Even so, Nippon high school students are wearing lustful bodies and clothes.”

The ministers, who were blooming with carefree laughter, looked at the young minister troubled with a difficult face and asked with interest.

“What about you, by the way?

― ―, what is it?

“Let’s decide. It’s about the saints who are most interested. If you’re alive, I’d like to educate you carefully with my hands – is there a saint who thinks so?

After a moment of reflection, the questioned minister glanced straight at him and answered without hesitation.

“It’s a difficult problem. That’s right – I’m interested in Nigaki Takeo, Otagawa Kenjiro – Tanaka Hart, and more. They seem to be worthy of training.”

The air froze.

The elderly minister, who was exposing his lewd Suhei face, looked at the two faces and blinked his eyes in surprise.

The speaker, the minister, leans his neck in disgusting silence. Did I say something wrong?

“Oh, hey… Aren’t those three men?

“What’s wrong with you, man?

“There must be a big problem!


It took a lot of time to solve the misunderstanding with the young minister.

◇ ◇ ◇

Then a few days later. The date and time of the saint’s departure has been set.

The presence of orchids was accepted as if nothing had happened.

The orchids also participated in the ceremony of the brave march.

The people on the Queen’s side seemed to have looked away, but that didn’t mean it would atrophy.

He was dignified and quietly watching the sword dance performed by his fellow (…) knights in festive clothes.

Is it because of the overlapping of efforts? The queen gave each saint a word of encouragement while showing herself to be quite exhausted.

Good luck, saints.

It must be like an amulet in the original world.

He handed over the blessings of the martial arts gods and the holy charms that were passed down to him – the ritual was once and for all over.

Thus – 21 modern Japanese. The saint’s journey of demon king crusade began.

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