Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 115

Episode 96 Fun Before Departure

I heard a siren from afar.

Suddenly ringing alarms are as aggressive as anger and can unwittingly block your ears.

The thumping and woody applause instantly snatches away precious memories and wipes them out.

The burning heat of the tingling skin ignited the face and painted the scene with unrealistic colors.

A pillar of flame rises up and burns the sky at night. The scene, like fireworks, seemed like a ritual of launching a soul that relied on the world into heaven.

Orange particles shine like stars. The crystal-like circle of eyes observed the end without sparing, and unfortunately remembered all the phenomena.

“–It’s okay, Ran-chan. Because it’s absolutely fine. I’m sure your mom and dad will be saved!

The fingertips of an old woman holding her arm swallow the meat over her shirt. Little children who didn’t know the world could not understand the hell that bright nights meant.

Zero inspiring voices from above. The word “it’s okay” is repeated like a curse. The voice of a defiant woman was always entangled in her ear.

◇ ◇ ◇

His eyelids were burned in the bright white sun, raising his consciousness that had precipitated to the bottom of the water.

The carelessness of the whole body was like lead, with limbs tied to a snowy field named the bed.

Heavy numbness extending to the end rejects the drive of the body. It’s like a straitjacket. When I twisted my moving neck to the side, it touched my lips.

Still only blurry skin tones can be seen in the blurry vision. As soon as the focus was on it, the orchid finally recognized the identity of the girl who did the “Good Morning Chew”.

“Ha ha… I’ll finally wake you up.”

“Good morning, Beauty Bell. You’re early. You’re up already.”

“I woke up earlier than usual, so I watched Ran-chan sleep.”

Your noses are slightly snuggled together, and you smile like a tickle.

While waving her supple naked body with a sheet, the bell was small and lacking, rubbing a tearful lid.

Yesterday, it was intense.

“Oh, I didn’t think this was going to bloom…. by the way, Beauty Bell. I’m barely feeling my body right now, but can you explain what’s going on down there?

Feeling the physical weight, orchids slowly twist their bodies. The bluntness of this range of motion is probably not due solely to last night’s excessive friction.

Maybe something – no, someone is on the orchid. I must have fallen asleep on the orchid and exposed myself overnight with my weight on.

“Naked Kanami is hugging Ran-chan. * Giggle *”

“Thank you, Mizuki. –Well, was it Kanami? The one who’s shackling me right now.”

Relying on the sensation of the body that somehow came back, I woke up with a slight shock to my body and body.

Kanami’s arm slipped over the scalp and fell onto the sheets.

He must have buried his face on the orchid’s chest in depressed clothing. The saliva dripping from the mouth was lewdly connecting the orchid nipples with the mouth of Kanami.

“… nnh, more orchids. Play with me even more and rape me….”

Kanami shook her body and body while murmuring her slutty slumber. He sucked his finger on the beard, turned around and lay on his back.

The exceptional nudity that embodies Boncubon is relentlessly exposed. The stunning growth of the Gladle body was beautiful in the morning and sun.

Kanami frowned in agony.

When I grabbed the full-bodied breast with my empty hand, I started scratching the valley of my chest. A tight black girl scratches between her breasts defenselessly.

You feel like you’ve seen something you shouldn’t see, and you’re accidentally distracted.

“─ ─ ─ Ugh!?

Beyond my eyes, Lily, who had thrown out her limbs, was asleep with her crotch facing this way.

Literally big, she’s exposed without hiding any shards.

At this angle, you can see the whole hole in your ass. Slowly open, grown pussy * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I felt a fever in the back of my hips as if I were inviting you.

“Ran-kun, you ejaculated so much last night, and you’ve been doing that since morning. You’re so lucky.”

“I’m a high school student throughout puberty. I can’t beat instinct.”

“But no matter how much Ran-kun, I think it’s cool to attack a sleeping girl!”

“There’s not enough stamina left in the boulder to shake your hips. And to be honest, it’s hard to get hard. I can’t resist instinct, but reason is making a noise saying,” Stop it. “I’m about to fall.”

“Not at all. Not at all.”

Though she shrugged her shoulders in amazement, the gentle bell seemed to understand the orchid’s intentions as chitin.

Keep your hands on the orchid’s waist with your sheets wrapped around it and apply Reinforced Healing (Schwartz Energy). With the gentle warmth, the firm energy and vitality rose, and the tired orchid’s face returned to vigor.

All right. Cheer up. We’re in perfect shape!

Jesus Christ, who are you?

With his head turning around, the orchid once again recalls last night.

To describe last night’s situation, just say “it was awesome”. It was really the most wonderful and wonderful night ever.

One or two pieces were missing to get to the top, if I may say so. Wanting more would be too greedy for the boulders.

“Still, the royal palace people are generous. I can’t believe you rented me a room with such a big bed just for one night.”

I cried that it was absolutely necessary for a morale ritual, and I borrowed it in the middle of the day. As a result, you lent me a pleasant loan, so you can say that the operation was a success.

They looked at him like he was dangerous, but he had to be tolerated. Even if you throw away your pride and audience, you can do it once before you leave, so I wanted to.

“All the girls in my class have a fancy chaotic relationship – I’m the only boy in the class who plays premium multiple games. Born as a man, it’s a paranoid play once in my life.”

Take a cute, naughty puberty girl high school student and hold her even longer. Nevertheless, since there is only one toy × po, you can only know how many people there are and the breadth of play that extends.

That’s what I’ve always thought. At the same time, we are targeting eight people – Shayaka has rejected us. It seems to be visually satisfying, but it must be just densely populated. 3P or 4P is the limit. More than that, snake feet. I thought so.

“Last night was really awesome….”

Peach memoirs run around the brain, and orchids melt their faces happily.

Multiple plays surrounded by exhilarating JK. Holding a beautiful bell and deep kissing while you blow from Sakuya.

Kanami and Satoshi hugged from both sides, and the kissing rain poured on their cheeks as wet as possible. My back is a resonant territory, and I was able to lick my neck by burying my face from behind.

When I finished kissing Mizuki, “I’m next,” Princess Sha and Lily went into their arms. While comparing Kanami’s breasts with those of Sound, I was able to get Megumi to do the pizzling.

I had a kunni while riding, and I also enjoyed a double blowjob while alternating kisses with the two samurai beside me.

Your mouth, your legs, your pussy… and, of course, your boobs. The soft parts that make up the female body exert no effort to heal the orchid’s limbs.

It is difficult to express the beauty in words alone. No matter where you look or where you reach, it’s super easy for a high school girl to accept and wrap her whole body naked.

I don’t even remember how many times I ejaculated. I tried everything I could think of, drowned in pleasure, and sinked into depth without knowing my limits.

Neither self-weight nor restraint exists there. There was only instinct and reproductive desire.

The lusts of high school students collide relentlessly and both sides accept it without refusal. Does the lack of any cuts fill that much?

I’d like to do it again if I had the chance.

Wipe the saliva with your hands and look for a change of clothes. The training clothes I was wearing last night had sounds firmly embraced in my chest.

The right hand of the sound that is still sleeping is stretched under the navel. It’s about lustful sounds. Even after the orchid fell asleep, he might have been interested in playing solo alone in search of incense.

I watched Aya, Sakuraya, Megumi, and Princess Sha and their defenseless sleeping classmates before I took a uniform that was falling under the bed.

“As I go to the bathroom, I’ll take a little walk around there. I’ll be back before it’s too late.”


A beautiful bell sitting on a bed and waving her hands. From the clearance of the sheets, a modest valley emerged.

The way she leans her head with a slight face is strangely adorable. Return to the starting position and become thin to the bell. Tilt your face and kiss lightly.

All right, I’m coming.

“Welcome. Ran-kun.”

A beauty bell that spins a drop off word looks like a newlywed wife.

Raised her chest in a happy mood – Orchid left a bedroom with eight naked high school girls trapped behind.

◇ ◇ ◇

Washing your face and moisturizing your dry throat made your tired body a little easier.

When you stretch your limbs, you hear the bones crunching. There is no point in stretching out, and the sun feels dazzling.

Though physical fatigue has been removed by Mizuki’s enhanced recovery (skill), the vague laziness brought about by the depletion of vitality is still at an end.

“One more time later, Mizuki needs to strengthen her recovery….”

In any case, it is poisoning for intensive recovery, and reliance must be avoided.

Over time, your lower body regains its vitality and your instincts overtake your reason. If that happens, I’ll end up falling.

It is the restoration of energy by intrinsic magic, which retains a solid potency. After that, it will be a matter of feeling.

Walk in the hallway of the royal palace with your shoulders twisted. Fill your eyes with white light and place your hands on your eyebrows to create a brush.

Tears seep into the white light that burns your eyes. Wipe wet wipes with fingertips. Then I saw a shadow floating in a pure white world.

Morning, Kirishima-kun.

It was Shayaka. Shayaka, wearing a winter clothes sailor, narrowed her eyeglasses and had a lonely smile.

After a while face-to-face, I found that the face of Shayaka was slightly cloudy. I can’t deceive you enough about your expression. She lay down her eyes and lips tightly, then opened her mouth small enough to exhale.

“How was yesterday?

“Honestly, it was great. Shayaka would have liked this.”

I thought I’d spit a nice lie, but it seemed to betray the girls who worked so hard last night, so I told them the truth without lies.

I was reported to have enjoyed a promiscuous party where I was left alone. I was ready to be beaten by a speech that was lacking in delicacy, but Shayaka didn’t do anything in particular to raise her hand.

“No, I definitely don’t want to see Kirishima-kun delude another girl.”

I see. Sorry, Shayaka. ”

She hugged Sayaka’s body as she spoke. She was upset by the sudden embrace, and Sayaka became dissatisfied in her arms.

“You can often do this with a nasty smell. I refused Kirishima-kun’s invitation, but this kind of thing hurts the boulders.”

Running away from the embrace, Shayaka sends her eyes to the orchid once again. It was an awkward way to say something, but I snorted my throat unintentionally and the dialogue I went out was swallowed up.

“I don’t want Kirishima-kun to hate me, so I don’t want to say something like a heavy woman.”

Licking and dampening her lips, Shayaka looked up at the orchid.

“Protect me properly. Just take care of the other daughters and don’t ignore me.”

“Of course.”

Like a repetitive movement, orchids hug Sayaka’s body again.

Are you irritated by the repetition of the work you refused? Shayaka looked nervous and tried to push the orchid’s chest back by hand.

“That’s why I’m telling you-”

Words emitted with angry voices are blocked before they are exhausted.

Tilt your face and fold your lips. The mouth, which was blocked without touching it, was tightly tied. The soft feeling also relieved Shayaka’s tension, or the color of rejection quickly disappeared.

Kuchuri-kun, warm warmth is intertwined. Moist breath and saliva mix together, and the emotional switch makes a clicking sound.

Nuchu, kuchu, chukuu , a slutty water sound connects the two. After a deep kiss, the lips finally came apart.

Her breath leaked like a cage, and she smelled soft and sweet. Wipe your cheeks and bump your foreheads against each other.

Shayaka, who was relieved by a sudden kiss, still stared at the orchid with a dreamy look. To meet that vision, the orchid turns his hand to the waist of Shayaka, and strokes him with labor.

“Even if you risk your life, I will definitely protect you from Sayaka…. so don’t worry.”

“Really, let’s cheat….”

Shayaka presses her head against the orchid’s chest to hide her cheeky face.

With merciful eyes, the orchid gently stroked Shayaka’s head, shaking defenselessly.

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