Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 116

Episode 97 Dragon Car

A few days after literally playing multiple (Harlem) games.

Twenty-one saints, including orchids, were gathered together in the cabin of the royal palace, the barren dragon cabin.

As long as you keep livestock, that’s not going to help. Cold and humid air was drifting down more and more, crawling on the ground.

The soil that covers the earth is also slightly wet, and countless sticky footprints are engraved. Does the crunchy feet feel like a frosty flowerbed, if you like?

The weight of the ground is entangled in the soles of the feet. Even the saints who departed with exhilaration now had fewer mouths, and only a faint voice could be heard.

Well then, please wait while I prepare it.

The Knight Kintetsu, the guide, bowed lightly and disappeared to the site of the local dragon hut.

It must be because it’s an open place. Sometimes the trees shake and the wind blows.

Again, the orchid unconsciously picks its nose despite the smell of a different animal from the horse.

The earthen dragons packed in huts – which were a shabby size to call them – were in a grotesque shape reminiscent of the dinosaur picture books that had been read in childhood.

Sharp, aggressive fangs. In the original world, it is celebrated as a legendary creature, like a dragon. It is the embodiment of a myth. Without this smell, orchids might have been instinctively excited as boys.

“Unfortunately, this is a different world… I can’t imagine this kind of flat treasure in modern Japan.”

From the most popular lizard of all children to a four-legged herbivorous dinosaur.

The surface of the body is as glossy as armor and glowing black in the sun. If not mistakenly seen, the long necked dragon with its face coming out of its end was slightly blowing fire from its mouth.

Some local dragons are spraying red brown gas from an empty cob-shaped area on their back. The gas that erupted from the dragon came to us in the wind. It smelled like iron powder.

“I’m starting to want to play hunting… If I make armor with that black one, it looks like my defenses are high.”

“From what it looks like, fire resistance seems low. I feel strong against soil and wind. It seems like you can stop intimidating me.”

I heard that conversation from the boys.

If you’re a hunting game, you only have one orchid. I heard it was popular and it was good to buy it, but it wasn’t as difficult as being able to conquer (clear) by myself, so I stopped going at the beginning, and I got tired of it and left it behind.

It seems to be a game that can be played by one person over time and in front of others. There is no hobby-free, dry orchid with enough concentration and obsession to bet your life on one piece. If you don’t have a competitor, you won’t be motivated. Content that can’t be enjoyed by isolated people.

“Hunting game… I miss you, too. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.”

Shayaka murmurs such a thing as if she were talking to herself.

“That’s what Sayaka does, too. I’m a little surprised.”

“Yuri-chan and Megumi recommended me. It was pretty hard at first, but it was fun getting used to it.”

“Before I get used to it… Was that not the case with Sayaka?

“Ah… Yuri-chan was up to the scrap level, so I pushed him forward with communication play. Someday it was cleared.”

Shayaka draws an arc around her mouth with an eight-shaped eyebrow. With a deep face, she looks backwards.

Moving his face, he saw Lily and Megumi blooming like boys in the game.

Friend power after all. For the second time, it may be a painful journey for lonely people.

“If Kirishima-kun has one, why don’t we do it together next time we get back to the original world? If it were my data, I’d be able to help.”

“Reliable, but just helping beginners doesn’t make Sayaka interesting.

“That’s not true. Kirishima-kun and I can play alone, so I’m happy.”

It’s a shabby incense that sticks to your modest chest.

The day the man enjoyed a promiscuous party. Sometimes I got on my nerves and said something extra, and on that day– I was shocked by Shayaka in the morning.

I was a little worried about that. Apparently, there was no crack in the relationship.

Rest in relief and stroke your chest down. As she raised her gaze, Sayaka smiled with a nimanic and sadistic smile.

“Kirishima-kun, the beginner, will experience an unknown world.”

“… that’s a hunting game. It’s not a real hunting thing, is it?

Am I still angry? I thought I’d ask, but the Kintetsu Knight came back from inside the hut and the opportunity was lost.

Well, there will be plenty of opportunities for us to talk alone from now on. Anyway, from now on…

“Physical condition, condition, and more are fine. Now, saints, please get in this dragon car.”

From the entrance of the open hut, a carriage-like vehicle was pulled by them with a rattling noise from the dragon.

◇ ◇ ◇

There is a unique skill called alchemy (Absolute Creation).

It is a unique magic (skill) summoned from different worlds to defeat the Demon King and prepared to be given to warriors – the reality of which is a vicious ability to create everything.

Weapons such as swords and hammers, of course, firearms and bombs, and masochists and love dolls are not like swords and magical fantasy worlds – which can be described as blasphemous – can be produced without any problems, whether it is matter.

It’s impossible to create creatures in a boulder. It is a versatile skill that can be dealt with in any situation if you use your imagination and the knowledge you have developed in modern Japan.

Even with alchemy, you can prepare as much as you need, whether it’s armor, means of transportation, clothing, or fine daily necessities.

Exactly magic skills. If there is only one party member with that skill, it will definitely be valued.

“I was planning to“ smelt ”the right vehicle on the spot, but I made a slight mistake and quickly rented the royal palace dragon and the dragon car.”

With a rattling noise, the carriage and the dragon carriage are pulled by the earth dragon and come to the saints.

The black glossy body surface has a metallic shine and gives a mechanical impression. If you describe it roughly, it’s a four-legged piece of iron.

It doesn’t resemble a dragon that appears in mythology. It looked more like a tortoise than a dragon.

The earthly dragon shakes its burning red eyes and stares at the saints under its eyes. It creates a sense of oppressive intimidation, but you have to get used to it.

They – perhaps she – are comrades who are going to die together and can be important partners in saving lives.

“The saints will travel to defeat the Demon King in this dragon wheel.”

The earthly dragon roared with a gruuuuuuuuuuuu as if it were responding to the words of the Kinsai Knight. Even as the sound echoing at the bottom of her belly builds up feelings of fear, Sayaka looked up at the throat of the dragon.

If it’s an RPG or something, it might seem a little weird because the image of a brave party is strong on foot.

“You’re going on a journey with that? It seems prominent, but I don’t know if there’s any other way.”

The chief who crushed one of the means muttered in a state of indifference.

By the way, this is the alchemy I mentioned earlier. Of the 21 saints who are here, none possess the inherent magic of alchemy.

I’m not sparing any time. Like Shinzo Kawasaki’s Physical Attack Reflection Reflection (Axel Lolita), if someone’s skills wake up and evolve into alchemy, that’s not the case.

Whatever you hide, the student who was supposed to be given the skill (…) is Kirishima Orchid, who is nothing else. Orchids were supposed to perform alchemy instead of family training and play a great role as members of the class.

By the way, there’s no need to explain the small part about what happened to reality now.

The Summoner’s mistake was also some kind of malicious intervention or orchid trained as a family member instead of alchemy, and the students were abandoned by even the royal palace human beings, making it a feather to be hunted by only one.

I went back to my classroom and established my current position. Whatever the circumstances, the alchemy that was supposed to have been prepared interfered with the family training skills, lost their place, and secretly disappeared without anyone noticing.

Thanks to this, everything needed for the journey, including weapons, was sourced locally.

Though the will of the orchid does not intervene there, he is a sinful man, as is the case with Absolute Creation and Lunatic Sexual Training.

“Because it is a local dragon specially trained for the Royal Palace, we cannot lend you only a dragon car. It is manipulated by experienced people. Don’t worry about that.”

While listening to the Knights of the Kintetsu, several students approached to surround the dragon carriage.

Are you checking the safety? When I touched the outer wall and wheels, I looked anxiously.

“I’m a little scared to say goodbye.”

“Besides, it looks pretty shaky. Even those who don’t like rides will be exhausted.”

Mizuki blurred her face worried, and next to her, Kanami, who was wearing her arms, fluffed out her nose.

“In this world, it is iron plates that may not be paved with roads. If you shake too much, it might hurt your buttocks….”

“The breathability seems to be poor. I know it’s rude to complain about what you’ve provided, but it looks like you’re going to break your bones.”

Yuri and Megumi were discussing things and watching the dragon carriage with a gaze like a standard.

Suddenly, the voices that chat with each other in your allies overlap and grow louder. It is unlikely that we will be able to hear the contents, but the tone of voice and expression will convey the dissatisfaction of the saints to the Kintetsu Knight.

When this occurs in the auditorium, serious students begin to raise their embarrassing voices in a low voice. But after all, it’s the pattern until the paralyzed teacher scolds you, “Be quiet.”

The orchid thought vaguely that it was placed in a student-like vortex after a long time.

“As for vibration, there is no problem. I’m asking the magician’s teacher to give special protection to the saints in case anything happens to their bodies.”

A beardless little man dressed in dirty clothes appeared bending his hips as he came over.

I wonder if he’s from the dragon hut. It’s a pretty bad costume for a royal man. He may be a low-ranking employee.

Wipe his reddish face with his hands, and the little man sniffs his nose with his sleeve. From each technique, I can’t feel the quality.

After imitating something like biting a mess, I smiled with my teeth. Incidentally, the missing teeth were yellow as if they were dirty with yarns.

“Special protection – so you don’t have to worry about shaking or breathability”

“Yeah, I’m totally fine now. I don’t think so, but please be assured that even if there is a defect and the protection will expire, one of you who will bring the saints here will immediately restore the protection.”

One of the masters of the earth dragon raised his hand to attract attention.

Looking at it, Kanami nodded relieved.

“That’s a reliable thing. I don’t know what protection is, either. I hope you don’t have to worry about it.”

Eh, Kana-chan, have you forgotten where you studied? I remember a little too, but I remember exactly what I learned.

Um, was that so?… strange, I thought I was good at studying… ”

Kanami suddenly tried to dig up her memory after being pushed into her by Princess Sha. Immediately beside such a Kanami, a blushed bell leaned down, poking Kanami’s flank with its elbows.

“… Kanami, Kanami! Here, you’ve learned. Ran-kun and I… it was about the time I was cheating every night.”

“… I see. Back then, I only enjoyed hanging out with orchids every night, and there were parts where I was relaxed.”

Kanami and Mizuki looked at each other as if they were illuminated.

The orchid, who could not hear the two of them secretly, strangely leaned his head. I felt like my eyes were right, so I smiled and they turned away.

I was so nervous about being distracted for a moment. From the technique of the shy dog god Mt. Cat (Wanyan) combo, it didn’t seem like he was hiding something dark behind him, so he didn’t have to pursue it.

“Kirishima-kun. Let’s sit next to the dragon wheel.”

“When I smell the sand at night, I’m already… It’s not an excursion bus.”

I’ll gently stroke the sticky head of Shayaka even more than usual.

I’m embarrassed to joke. The orchids themselves may have thought a little lightly about this journey of demon king crusade.

Even if it is not an easy victory, it is unlikely that it will be a continuum of misery on the road, as most of these numbers possess the ability to fight on a single horse.

I suppose he was a little careless in that regard. And not just orchids, but all the saints here must have felt so.

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