Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 140

Episode 121 Remaining in the Empty Hand

Burr, burr, burr.


I was eating it.

A black, little demon-like monster with wings.Sena carries the demon with a faint voice to her mouth.

Squeeze your legs, rip off your flesh, and chew your resistant arms.

The thin arm coming out of your mouth is moving like a broken threaded doll.

It’s just annoying, biting and crushing.The sole that fell off the edge of her mouth twitched for a while after falling to the ground.

“… uhh, ufu”

With a pale exhalation, Sena chuckles and licks her mouth.

Senna – Queen Sucubus does not have the power to use Drain’s Dark Magic.

The dark magic of “Drain”, which attracts vitality from other creatures, and “Charm”, which captivates the opposite sex, is an exogenous ability that can only be exercised by the succubus at the main house.

The Queen, who is in a position to obey the unseen succubus, will not be able to perform these magic tricks.

Therefore, another method must be used for Senna to absorb sperm.

One is how to make a succubus that can use Drain absorb sperm and accept it as Vitality (Energy) from them.

The other is to prepare a “bag suitable for storing semen” and put the whole sole into your body.

Little succubus is a man-made monster.

Dark magic exclusively for the Queen of Sucubus – a monster created by the birth of the demon “Last Family Works”.

Born for the Queen, die for the Queen.That’s all. That’s why it’s no wonder that a creature called Little Sucubus has a convenient ecology for Senna.

Chewing on the gorillas and cartilage, Senna sees the misery around her.

Around Sena, the same kind of monsters fell down.

a dull, blonde mixture of silver and silver fur.Healthy brown skin. It looks like a human even if you live in a world that is likely to be misunderstood.

Though her golden eyes were a little cloudy, Sena thought she must have had beautiful eyes when she was alive.

“But unfortunately, they’re all dead.That’s why Little Succubus has no tricks.If you’d kept me alive for a minute, I would have made you so cute on the way. ”

Little Succubus is a fake after all.

Disenchantment and fascination are immature, as is the beauty of the shape that Sena made with all her heart.

If you accumulate semen to the limit, you will use all your energy to maintain your accumulated semen, and the effect of the tentative initial “delusion” will expire, returning to its original shape – that of an ugly black demon.

Besides, you can’t “add or subtract” like the main house succubus, and sometimes you kill subjects like this.

That was the most difficult question for the Queen, who wanted beauty in her diet.

The monster’s semen isn’t delicious, is it?

Still, there is a good reason why I dared to attack the monster.

To name the biggest reason, it was fear of retaliation.

As long as there is a fight between monsters, there is no problem.Queen Senna, the long queen of the succubus, who exercises her peculiar dark magic, will never take a step backwards against a safe monster who lives in a nearby forest.

Little Succubus, who was thrown into the woods, also accomplished most of his goals and never had time to collect semen from pacifist monsters.

However, it is difficult to say that it is a good idea to strike a lewd little devil (Little Sucubus) at a human opponent.Humans are cute creatures that are faithful to desire, greedy to sexuality, and deceived by succubus opponents, but they have extremely advanced learning abilities.

By analyzing and gathering results, they will most easily uncover what we are trying to hide.

“You cannot know the presence of a queen.Knowing my existence, which is not left in any book, is a great pain for the succubus. ”

Little Succubus.Using a collection of intelligence (Ultimate Technology) to search and browse books around the world did not help us understand the existence of the Queen of Sucubus.

That’s because she – Senna – carefully overlayed her caution and concealed herself.

If the leprechauns attack humans and even one of them is trapped by them, they may know that a small demonic monster similar to Sucubus is flooded.

Sucubus has the means to use his beauty as a weapon to defend himself, but it won’t come true with a crippled little slut.

Above all, I can’t even see the weakness of the main succubus if I rely on the information I got from the carcass of the leprechaun.

“Yes, this is only an emergency measure.If you can only gather sperm with the power of succubus, you’ll never surpass it.I can’t let Little Succubus scratch my feet. ”

Senna was eating the leprechauns to get rid of the evidence.

If you eat it, there’s no evidence left.When Karakara finds the remains of the monsters he exploited, he’ll think it was a succubus.

Even if the trail of the lewd demon disappears, it doesn’t matter what happens next.

“Nevertheless, poor boys. I can’t believe the last of them was a prostitute like this.”

While picking the small, wild part, Sena smiles sadly.

Senna rubs her silver hair with her fingers like love, mixed with dull gold.

Silver hair. Healthy brown skin.And most importantly, a shape very similar to that of human beings.

Though not known to Senna, the monsters eaten and scattered by the Little Sucubus were the same kind of monsters as Mishyu, who were protected by Izumo Tiger.

The settlement of Mishuyu was attacked by the Little Sucubus.

Literally ravaged, showing the difference in overwhelming power.Artificial demons dominated by instinct and appetite were unable to “eat beautifully” from the edge.

At first, the Little Succubus (Little Succubus), who was trying to retrieve semen after a gentle sexual act from Charm, finally began to exercise his abilities.

Peaceful settlements turned into hell in an instant.The more a group of beautiful women strikes a male, the more it transforms its face into ugliness.

The fight against the enchanting Little Succubus is a complete power.The young males took refuge in the women and children, and fought desperately to protect the settlement.

Suddenly the monsters who were chased by the dwellings scattered and fled, and Michiyu fled from the flock there.

The subsequent conclusion will no longer have to be explained again.

An artificial demon created by the hand of the Queen of Sucubus cannot be left behind by the inhabitants of the peaceful forest.

Above all, lewd demons are demons who specialize in taking sperm from males.Whether the charm is solved or not, it is an unshakeable fact.

If we examine the body, it will be clear.They were not defeated by the beauty of the leprechauns.Most of the males who fell here were physically taken from them after they were killed.

There are only countless individuals who have been squeezed to death through sexual activity.They fought for the herd, risking their lives, and recovered the Spirit as an engraving of the defeated.

“Nh, but, well, there’s plenty.I don’t think we need to feed the succubus for a while. ”

Crush the black lump and roll the dripping cloudiness over the tip of your tongue.Having finished preying on all the leprechauns, the Queen of Sucubus noddenly stretched her hair.

“The forest has been vandalized, and the Alliance seems to be watching, so it would be better to retreat as soon as you’re done with it.”

The queen clapped her hands in front of her chest after making sure there were no signs of the lewd devil.

“Yes, I think I’ll go to the castle (…) for the first time in a while.–I ‘d like to see how the Devil King is.

◇ ◇ ◇

Out of the bushes was a feminine monster, very similar to Michiyu.

dull silver hair mixed with gold.Healthy brown skin with a neat, childish look.

The supple body grew more elongated than Michelin’s, but fleshy is apparently less sensual.

In terms of human values, should it be regarded as having some kind of poor body?Your chest is small and your hips are thin.She looked like a child girl, but her crotch had hair of the same color as her hair that grew like a cotton cloud.

Together with his stretched hair, Tiger saw the future of Mishyu and hence Mt. Cat. Mizuki.

“… myu, shu?”

It was a sound voice.

The monster, very similar to Michelin, looks around in a fluffy manner.

Was it a hunch of good or evil that Tiger Raw attacked him then?Before we could get confirmation, the hands that had been tied broke.


I won’t let go this time. I should have made up my mind.

Absolutely. I should have been ready.

You may dedicate everything for her.I should have expected that.


But Tiger Raw can’t do that.

All of this disappears into the word fantasy in front of him.

Feeling helpless. Feeling lost. Something thick without color or temperature seems to be falling out of your body.

I suppose so. I was instantly crushed by the value of my existence in front of me.

No matter how outrageous it gets, you can’t keep your back running happily.

The person I’ve been looking for.There is no substitute for you, family and companions.

Mushu!Miu, Miu! Mishu! ”

I’ve been in contact with Michelle for a long time.It quickly occurred to me that she was one of Michelin’s kind.

Mishuyu speaks loudly to prove his existence.

Female monsters roaring with sleepy eyes noticed the voice and raised their voice as well.

Mummy, mummy!

Whistle-spinned sounds resonate like ripples on the surface of the water and resonate far away.

As the sound matches, Michelle begins to turn around as she wriggles.Like dancing, sometimes even spinning.

Mishuyu, who had gone a little too far, flipped over his leg after taking a cod step.



When she realized it, she rushed to Michelle, holding her body up.

I don’t know why I did that.My body was moving before I even thought about it.

I’ll put my hand on Michelle’s fluffy forehead and perform a light healing magic.

Mishuyu looked at the heavens with a soft face, and then looked at the raw tiger face he was holding, showing his teeth happily.

“Whoa, whoa!”

Good. Mishyu is the usual Mishyu.

As soon as I found my buddies, I didn’t forget my previous encounters and relationships.

Mishyu-like monsters who were singing stared at Mishyu and Tiger Raw with a sleepy gaze.

I don’t blame you. I don’t feel hostile or harmful.I’m just checking out the view that I saw. Looks like that’s all.

I feel a little sick in Tiger Raw.

There is no indication that she will do anything to Michelle or herself.

In the first place, it is not even clear whether Michelle is properly aware that she is one of his own.

Just hold Michelle and run.Don’t you have to leave the girl in your chest?



Mishu, mishu!

Some monsters resembling her appeared from behind the bushes.

All of them are women.—-Some small individuals hang things pegged at the base of their legs, so there seems to be a male type as well.

The more I count. It’s all smaller than Michelle.

Tiger students who acquired the skills of Fong Metamorphose as saints of the Royal Palace can easily break through.

“… how could you do that?”

Serve the fingernails that came out.Tiger Raw can’t use force and despise others’ feelings with selfish theories and desires.

Nobu Toru will do the same thing as the man who hates more than anyone.Ethics Before all this, emotions denied the outrage.

“… fuu”

The leaking sigh is not a sign of abstinence.It seems that I was completely convinced by the answer I gave myself.

Put your hands on Mishuyu’s head, which is stirring in your arms.When she stroked her silver head, Mishuyu looked up at Tiger Raw with a tickle.

Uhh, ooh


Tiger Seisho desperately suppressed his determination to blunt his smile forward.

“Let’s go. We got company waiting for us.”

Did you push your back as hard as you could?

Don’t look at Michelle’s face and put your hand on her shoulder.The hands trembled at the rising emotions, but did not shed tears.

When I met him, he looked more pathetic than anything else.I want you to make me bluff about when I say goodbye.

Mishuyu, who was trying to peek, ran towards his friends because he lost interest in tiger students who didn’t fit his gaze.

Tiger Raw raised his hand lightly to Michelle, who looked back a few times unfortunately. Still, I stuck it.

“… Mishu, Yu”

The voice leaks unexpectedly.

After seeing off his back, Hayashi Tiger sat down on the stump to hang.

The warmth in your arms fades like sand.

I am not accustomed to losing the feeling of budding with parting, no matter how many times I experience it.

When my favorite girlfriend (Mizuki Katayama) rejected me.When my trusted girlfriend (Kanami Inugami) abandoned me.When a cheerful mood maker (Snow White) distanced himself.

Every time, Nobuaki Toru quietly broke his heart.

A quiet and ruthless world with cold winds blowing in the desert of mind.The anxiety and fear that something that was supported was moving away are very unlikely to be expressed in words.


At least try to fill in this pointy hole and deceive the loneliness by calling her name.

Huh, oh?

“… eh”

The monologue was answered by someone.

I felt a sign and raised my face, and there was Mishyu.

Michelle, who was supposed to have broken up earlier, stood in front of him.

Mishuyu smiled at Tiger Raw staring at him.

“Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.”

When I put my hand on the protruding grip, a small shard fell into Tiger Raw’s hand.

A beautiful green stone remains in the open palm.As soon as I realized that it was a gift from Michelin, I felt like a ray of light was pouring into the desert of dark and cold hearts.

Glossy, smooth stone that sparkles green.How pathetic it is to see your face there.

Wipe the face of despair and change your mind.What do you want me to lie about?The reality remains unchanged as we strayed from our eyes.Not to mention getting better.

Shouldn’t we face each other with a sincere smile at the end?


As he raised his face with that in mind, Tiger Raw was stripped of his lips by Michelle.

Mishyu hugs her with her arms fluffy around her neck.A pale kiss seemed like eternity, but that fact was an instant event.

The feeling of disappearing quickly, however, the mouth I had just touched certainly had something so hot that it looked like a burn.

“Whoa, whoa. But if you don’t, uhh!”

Show me your eight-degree teeth and bend your arms.

It was a slow pronunciation with an extended scream, but it certainly sounded like a word of encouragement to Tiger Raw.

Mishyu turned his back and ran away without looking back.

Turning his back, he burst into the herd.After seeing him off, Tiger Raw drops his gaze in his hand.He squeezed it tightly and pressed it against his hot, heartbeating left chest.


Hot. Chest, lips. The remnants of the memory that came into contact with Mishuyu burn all over the body.

The lips you were touching were warm and tender to melt.Her left chest, with its hands on it, still thinks of her (…) and seems to be burning.

Michelle’s last words refresh his brain many times.

To put it realistically, Michelle had no intention of encouraging them.

Say goodbye and thank you.Even if there is, to that extent. To be honest, I doubt if there was any favor in a romantic sense.

Immediately before the farewell, Tiger said to Mishuyu, “If I’m with Mishuyu, I think I can do my best.”

I’m sure he just imitated it.I just tried to repeat what I remembered.

Even so, for the heartbroken Tiger Raw, Michelin’s final greeting penetrated deeply into his heart.

“You can’t just look back at the past….”

Every day I feel guilty and regret not returning to the past.Even if you know it’s pointless, you can’t stop it.

Tiger student, like someone else, could not call it retaliation and hit the culprit of resentment with emotional violence.

Though I imagined an unparalleled number of tragedies in my head, I could not put them into practice.Never before have the roots been so serious and innocent.

“But that’s what it is…When I tore him to pieces, Cat Mountain didn’t come back like an unclean angel…. ”

I had countless delusions about calling my name.

But in conclusion, I don’t remember taking off one of my teeth.Though there should have been many opportunities, after all, a man named Toranomo Nobunaga couldn’t be as bad as he thought.

◇ ◇ ◇

The sun was still high when we broke up with Michelle, and it seemed like it was going to sink now.

Burning sunsets cover the area.I wonder how long Tiger Raw was here.

On the dazzling western day, Tiger raised his hips.

Let’s go down to the book the other night.Night forests are full of danger.That’s enough of the sentimentality.

When the wind returned to Tetsutei at night, Takeo Niigataki (Niigataki Takeo) was outside.

Looking anxious, he looked temporarily confused and immediately exhaled relief.

“I was too late to come back, so I thought I’d pick you up.Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay. ”

“That’s a big deal. I’m a thousand saints too, so I won’t get involved in any of this.”

“That one thousand saints have been missing recently.”

What Shinagaki is saying is that the Ota group attempted to disappear earlier.

I don’t know the details, but all three of them seem to have returned safely, and I didn’t think it was necessary to be so careful.

“Since then, the god of dogs has been posting” absolutely forbidden to act alone. “The fact that you didn’t come back just now made the air a little tingling. ”

Although under the influence of family training, a girl student named Kanami Inugami hates bending.

It was presented as a top priority to return to the original world without any shortage, and he should have been aware of Ryuzaki Wing, who was isolated and alone, and Hidenobu Toru, who often acted alone with heartbroken feelings, as a caution figure.

It is stupid to say that you don’t realize that someone with the most important precautions is lurking close to you, but there is nothing you can do when you pursue it.

Anyway, Kanami Inugami is a girl like a chunk of morality and rules.

She is silent about Tiger’s solitary actions because she insisted that Shinagaki bring her back responsibly before something happened.

Although I admit it on the surface, I don’t know what I think.

“If something happens to Tiger Raw, I don’t know what the god of dogs will tell you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, don’t worry.”

When she lowered her head lightly, Shinagaki said, “Never mind.”

In the meantime, were the anxiety seeds spreading in the inn?The door of the baton and inn opened, and a girl in uniform jumped out of it.

She tried to rush into the dark with her stunning black-haired ponytail, but she stopped looking at us, noticing the appearance of Shinkaki and Tiger Raw standing just outside the premises.

When Shinagaki raised her hand and signaled, Ponité’s girlfriend nodded loudly and turned her back into the inn.

Shinagaki welcomes a series of figures with distant eyes.

There was something in his eyes that made Tiger Raw suddenly shut up.

After a deliberate silence, Shinagaki shouted ahead as he was about to return.

“… I’m sorry.”

“It’s my fault. [M]Shinagaki convinced Inugami-san to do it for me. ”

“No, that’s not true. It’s not about today, it’s about turning points.”

I don’t know. If I didn’t know, I tilted my neck and Shinkaki tried not to hesitate to bite gum.

“Kirishima. Yes, but I had to admit Kirishima in front of Tiger Raw.”


At a time when the room is cramped, we can’t discuss a lot of things.

Just because there was nobody around, Shinagaki began to talk about it.

“I’ve been anxious for answers in front of some weird guys (Walkins).Later on, it might have been a thoughtless act. ”

“… I think Shinagaki was calm.I don’t think I rolled in the right direction when I fought there.I didn’t have anything to do with it. ”

“Still, I thought I had to apologize to you.I understood what was happening to Tiger Raw’s mental state, and I made that statement.Honestly, I wonder how I was doing back then. ”

“It was like a night of suspicion and malice all at once.I don’t suppose there were any boys who stayed calm there. ”

Words stop each other.

But it wasn’t uncomfortable air.


A past I don’t want to remember. I wanted to forget it without steaming it back like this.

Just remembering makes your stomach heavier.Humans were so filthy that they even felt frightened through their anger.

Squeeze the stone of courage in your hand.

But I thought it would be more painful to end up with indigestion as it is.

Shinagaki is amazing.


“Even though the Inugami-san and Snow Shirakaki did that, Shinagaki is still penetrating herself as if nothing had happened.”

Even if I say it’s disgusting, I get suspicious eyes.Tiger shook his head against it.

I’ve been friends for less than a year, but I had a fairly strong friendship, including living in other worlds.

Apparently, you know what’s not stupid or sarcastic.

“Ha! I told you so many times.I couldn’t be normal either.Inugami, of course – especially with Snow White.I was quite prepared to face reality. ”

But then, Shinagaki continued.

“Above all, I want to return to the original world.We have to go back. My family, my friends, my ex-girlfriend, they all left me in that world.I just remembered it on the verge of burning out my reason. ”

“I want to go back, too…. but I couldn’t be as strong as Shinagaki.I was so depressed that I couldn’t even face Cat Yama-san. ”

The person who stole the bell. Somewhere in the corner of your heart, you might have doubted it.

However, she continued to blame herself for not admitting it, and eventually she began to feel the distance from her girlfriend who was close to her.

If I persisted in blaming myself in a maze with no answers, and if I was to come up with clear answers, I would have lost my technique other than crushing and crawling with rebellious temper.

Shinagaki was calm in that regard.

Kanami Inugami. Even though he was stolen from a like-minded person, he never broke his heart.

Without becoming emotional and making things rough, he grasped the priority of things, and chose to calmly, temporarily reconcile and fight together.

Without Shinagaki, we would not have been able to admit symbiosis with Kirishima orchids, and the class would have been completely divided.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Shinagaki snorted his nose just as he had lost his temper.

“Either way, the situation is different between me and you.Mt. Cat is your girlfriend. Me and Dog God are just friends.I was just thinking about it.–I wouldn’t have stayed calm like that if I had gone out with the Dog God. ”

“It’s the same. I don’t know what Shinagaki thought about the Inugami-san.”

“No, not at all. She and her friends must be very dear friends.But she’s the first priority, and she’s the one you should always be concerned about. ”

Unexpectedly, it makes me hazy. After seeing the reaction of Tiger Raw, Shinagaki continued even further.

“I’ll leave the process and cause at this time.Even if someone steals someone you think about on your own, it’s just a result of your slow behavior.Curse your modesty and you’re done. ”

It is also important to switch without obsessing forever.Shinagaki says that if we make use of the reflection points next, we can get good results.

“But it’s totally different for someone to sleep with her.Moreover, it would have been premature if the woman had not felt that way.Your roughness makes you hurt even the most important thing.I feel responsible and I regret it.It’s only natural that you should continue to blame yourself for your foolishness and be so depressed that you can’t help it. ”


Are you aware of what you said? Shinkaki turned his back and scratched his cheek.

“Well, that’s what happened. It wasn’t like you were going down to regret it or be shy…. rather, if you had been ruthless, you might have been ruthless.Was Mt. Cat that much to you? ”

It’s also a cover, and it energizes me like that.

Existence to that extent. Certainly, it was not so easily severable.

Tiger Raw was hurt so much because she was a precious girl without changing the bell.

It reminded me of such a natural thing.

Well, I see. If it wasn’t for me, I wouldn’t have been so moved. ”

“For tiger students, Mt. Cat was such a precious woman.More than I think of the dog god. ”

“Yeah, maybe, but…”

I was ashamed to keep my gratitude in shape, and Tiger Sheng joked and opened his mouth.

“But I never thought I’d stroke Cat Yama-san’s underwear with a boulder.”

“Forget it! I don’t always think like that.I was just stressed out in my training life. ”

It was a shingaki that was stirring up.She stopped her words unexpectedly and stared seriously at Tiger Raw’s face.

“What if you think I’m joking?You look a little blown out. ”

Unexpectedly touches my face.

When I was told, I did feel like my shoulders were lighter even though it was just a little.

But I didn’t expect others to point it out.Have you ever lost so much energy, or…

“… the wound isn’t blocked at all yet.”

Grasp the stone in your hand and look up at the sky.Apparently, the encounter with Michelle was more powerful than I thought.

Looking at such a friend, Shinagaki gave a reassuring smile similar to “ha” and breathing.

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