Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 26

Episode 22 Lovers and Slaves

The dazzling light burns the eyes over the eyelids, and tears unexpectedly appear in the eyes.

The orchid slowly opened its eyes, feeling repulsive and relieved at the busy morning visit.

The orchid turned upside down troublesome, distressed by tiredness all over her body.

Morning, Kirishima-kun.

At the tip of his tortuous body, his classmate Sadogajima Sayaka, who was wearing a cutter shirt, gently loosened his mouth while turning a hot gaze.

From the gap in the shirt without buttons, Sayaka’s delicate breasts and cherry blossom colored nipples look lewd.

Stunned by the unexpected sight, the orchid woke up unexpectedly and fell out of bed without balance.

“Nh, wh, wh!

Bare skin is worn on the carpet as it falls off the back.

And so I realized that the orchid was not wearing anything at the moment.

“Eh, that? Why, who am I?

The orchids dig up their memories last night, feeling the gentleness of those who are already half-standing because of the awakening.

Last night, the orchid finally tried to carry out the warm plan.

Use Senior Servant Ryan’s figure to break into a room used by a girl student and reveal her identity while at the same time making her dependent.

And then I tasted the body of a girl high school student, and then I tried to go to bed slowly this evening, and I certainly remember that.

But last night an unexpected event fell on the orchid.

A girl student, Sadogajima Sayaka, appeared at the orchid that was ready in front of the room.

How did you find out about this place?

Why did Shayaka come here looking for orchids?

The orchids don’t know the details.

Anyway, I rescheduled and had sex with Shayaka in my bedroom last night.

It was impressive that she thought she was big and slutty, and that her face was pretty cute when she thought it was plain.

Just remembering that slutty figure makes Chi X Po feel better.

“Maybe I slept like that without clothes on?

I followed the line of memory, but I don’t remember putting on my bedtime clothes last night.

I don’t remember taking Shayaka out of my room.

It’s not because I’m losing my memory.

Because I didn’t actually do that.

“I was naked, and Shayaka and I were alone in the morning…”

As I was about to say, a yellow chick danced in front of the orchid to see where it came from.

As if I was there, I was busy spreading my feathers.

I didn’t forget about the orchids, either.

“Was it bad that I slept defenselessly in front of my unaccompanied classmates…”

Even orchids don’t trust Shayaka.

But he was mercilessly expelled from the royal palace by his classmates, who thought he was one of them.

If you ask me if I can trust you wholeheartedly, I’ll have to shake your neck.

Nevertheless, it is also true that we actually had a safe morning.

The room is locked from the inside.

When the orchid awakened, Shayaka was already awake.

You could have escaped.

However, Shayaka rolled next to the orchid in a very naked cutter shirt.

An orchid filled with fear, fear and suspicion because of past events.

I can’t afford to keep suspecting Shayaka while in prison because I’m being shown this situation.

“Why didn’t you run away?

“Why… I didn’t have to run away from Kirishima-kun, did I?”

Strangely, Shayaka put her finger on her cheek.

Leaving the front of her shirt on, Shayaka sat on the edge of the bed.

Naturally, I don’t wear anything on my lower body.

Between the open thighs, a slit of semen poured into her face last night was peeking at her.

The orchid smiles unexpectedly at the words that there is no reason.

There are many reasons to run away from orchids.

An unwanted vicious skill – to escape family training.

If the orchids were in the opposite position, they would flee in the middle of the night and bring someone they can trust to attack.

“If you stay with me, my family will be enslaved. I don’t think there’s any reason why I shouldn’t run away.”

I wonder what the orchid is saying.

But if you don’t, you’re scared, scared, and unbearable.

Shayaka voluntarily indicated her intention to escape.

The moment the opponent you loved so much last night remembers the existence of the skill and returns to me, he turns to the enemy.

It’s, above all, terrifying and painful.

Anyway, if it’s a reminder, the wound on your heart is shallower when you walk in from yourself.

In fact, the orchid intended to train Shayaka’s family last night.

It seems that you fell asleep right after orgasm, and that plan collapsed.

“… Was Kirishima-kun such a lowlife?

But the reality was different.

Rather than fleeing the orchid, Shayaka leaned towards it.

The nipples peeking from the gap in the shirt are pressed against the orchid’s chest, approaching zero distance.

At a breathtaking distance, Shayaka stares at the orchid.

Your eyes are narrowed because of weak vision, creating a blaming wind that makes you uncomfortable.

Then you can call me.

Shayaka spreads her arms and dresses defenselessly.

The morning sun plugged in through the window is backlit and shadows appear.

“Kirishima-kun’s skill – family training? You can call me.”

“What are you…”

“You don’t want me to go back to everyone’s place and talk about Kirishima, do you? That’s why Kirishima-kun looks at me like he sees an enemy.”

In the words of Shayaka, the orchid hides the tree by accident.

“I’d rather be Kirishima-kun’s slave. You know how it feels to be able to turn a hostile eye to someone who was in love with you?

In the silent orchid, Shayaka continued even further.

“Sure, I think the trigger was a bit endless. I don’t think Kirishima-kun had enough love to dedicate his life to. – But I don’t want to spill what I wanted anymore.”

While wearing a shirt, Shayaka hugs the orchid’s body.

Normally she looks down, but now she looks firmly at the orchid.

“It’s not provocation, it’s strength, it’s bullshit, it’s betting. Kirishima-kun, if you want, you can train me as a family member. I still don’t hate Kirishima.”

A serious expression that doesn’t resemble her with little self-assertion.

“I might give skills to girls other than Sayaka.”

“I don’t mind. I’m not greedy enough to just look at me.”

“I might rape you until it breaks and throw you away.”

“I know Kirishima-kun doesn’t do that.”

“I’ve studied in the same studio – like slaving my classmates?

Kirishima-kun is going to like it too.

Only one understander saves the heroes of tragedies isolated from the world.

Perhaps Shayaka yearns for such a position.

You may be excited about this desperate situation and lose sight of yourself.


It is no wonder that Shayaka stayed in this room without fleeing the orchid last night.


Reach out and reach for Shayaka’s cheeks.

She stroked her cheeks and looked at each other.


“Sadogajima Sayaka. I want you to be my family.”

Plant false lusts on your classmates who love orchids from the bottom of their hearts.

Without this, you would no longer spin peace, cursing yourself with a weak heart.

◇ ◇ ◇

In order not to float in the class, Sayaka left her room behind, lowering her exquisite black hair, which had only been dyed a little.

Eyes over your glasses tend to lie down, and you walk down the hallway like you’re scared of something.

The skirt stretches to the knee with thin legs wrapped in black stockings.

How many people who have seen her will notice her change?

My spine is slightly stretched and my expression is a little grown up.

Sado Gajima Sayaka, connected to her beloved classmate, knows the “man” and goes up the adult stairs.

The future of Shayaka is different from her until yesterday.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Shayaka sat down at a table where adult women gathered, as usual.

The few friends who ate together every morning were already seated.

“Good morning, Lily, Emi.”

Ohaya, Sayan

Good morning, Sadogashima-san.

After a light public conversation mixed with greetings, Sayaka decided to wait quietly for the food to be transported.

The world is still passing today, as it has always been.

Lily Fujiyoshi (Fujiyoshi Yuri), who publicly talks about rotten girls, talks enthusiastically about two-dimensional coupling as usual.

Always smiling, Megumi Otomezaki smiles as she nods to such stories of Fujiyoshi.

Shayaka is gently tilting her head as she looks at them.

Everyday life in this world is the same as yesterday.

“Well, the transformed heroin I was dealing with thinking she was a beautiful girl was actually a man’s daughter– Ah, Tanaka-kun.”

In response to Lily Fujiyoshi’s dialogues, Sayaka lay down and turned her face sideways.

I saw Haruhito Tanaka, a serious and clean boy, wave his hand at Shayaka.

Shayaka raised her hand in a hassle-free manner.

“Sawagashima-san. Um, may I join you for breakfast today?

“I don’t mind….”

Turning to Megumi and Lily, Lily stepped forward and shook her neck vertically.

“Very good. Something unfit to talk about during dinner may pop up, but if it’s still good.”

“Well, why don’t you stop in front of the boy with the boulder? Tanaka-kun will be in trouble too.”

“I’m the one who’s bothering you, so don’t worry about it.”

While behaving in a polite tone and smiling, spring people don’t hesitate to sit next to Shayaka – oh? And I tilted my neck.

She drew her nose to avoid being noticed and stared at Shayaka with her eyes alone.

While noticing the gaze, Shayaka looked at Maimazaki and Fujiyoshi silently.

Seeing Shayaka through the strange wind, Spring Man exhales in a boring manner.

The boulder is a boy.

I wonder if you noticed the smell of a boy from Shayaka as soon as possible.

It’s the first time I’ve known you, and you haven’t connected your hands yet.

The smell from the opponent is impossible.

The confusion and upset that arose among Spring Man will be immeasurable.

“Ah, I see. That’s it, fufufufufu.”

Spring people turned away from Shayaka with their hands on the side of their head with a cold expression.

He sat next to Fujiyoshi, the seat furthest from Shayaka, and exhaled a deep and long sigh while treating it as if it were nothing.

“Hey, Fujiyoshi-san. Do you have a boyfriend right now?

“I’m not here. I’m not interested in three-dimensional love.”

“Eh? Eh! Huh!? Tanaka-kun, you mean Fujiyoshi-san?”

Megumi Mayuzaki’s face turned red as she stunned.

Even though he is not a party, he is quietly making a noise as he looks at the side of Spring Man.

The eyes of the surrounding people gather instantly, but it is usual for Megumi and Lily to flourish with “the story of their hands”, so the interest quickly dissipates.

I don’t know what Spring Man’s actions mean.

In the meantime, I want her, so I just switched from Shayaka quickly?

Are you harassing her with jealousy when you cheated on her overnight while receiving a confession?

Was he such a light person originally?

Regardless, Shayaka didn’t try to think about Spring anymore.

I became one with my beloved.

For Shayaka now, spring people didn’t matter.

What happened last night to Sayaka was a happy thing to come to this world – above all.

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