Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 29

Episode 25 Witnesses to Voice-Over

“… are you okay, Aya? Something’s really tiring.”

Heiki, it’s just a lack of sleep.

The color of the bear under my eyes was enhanced by the hand of Mizuki.

The fatigue and weight that was corrosive to your body disappear and restore your normal health.

“If you get sick, say it right away.

“… wow. I’m not a child either.”

Reinvigorated Aya walked away from the bell – crouching down the hallway and holding her head.

–I did it again.

When she returned to her room after dinner, she felt a feverish tingling in the back of her stomach.

Nevertheless, it’s already night. Today, I dived into bed trying to put up with it and go to sleep, but my thighs twitched and I couldn’t sleep because I was worried.

When I stroked my hand a little bit and said that it would heal, I drained a lot of love juice like applauding the contact of the color crevice.

With the soft touch stimulation of contact, the wet and moist cracks react with the cucumber.

Your breathing gets rough and you accidentally open your crotch.

While telling herself that it was just a little bit, Sakura slipped her pants down and used her fingertips to play with the vagina wall.

The colors that have become habitual in both a contact and an act sense can never be stopped with such a little stimulus.

“I ended up doing it… Ah, depression from the morning.”

I managed to relieve the pain caused by overdoing with my own healing magic, but with spiritual magic, I couldn’t relieve tiredness or sleep deprivation.

Spirit magic – a popular magic in this world – is magic exercised by activating the magic that sleeps in your body with the help of the Spirit.

There are magical particles called spirits in this world, and people live with the help of spirits to embody the phenomenon of magic.

It is the work of the Spirit to construct meaningless energy as a meaningful phenomenon in a single unit called magic.

There is also magic other than spiritual magic, but clearly it is not very user-friendly.

For example, unattributed magic that embodies and uses magic with only its own power.

Far back in the year – a kind of self-defense technique developed by a species called the monster who broke his vows and broke his covenant with the Spirit.

There is nothing aggressive about it, but it seems to be such magic that it increases resistance to natural healing and bacteria.

That’s why people who have a covenant with spirits don’t need to remember.

After that, dark magic can only be used by high levels of monsters.

It is a monster-specific magic that uses evil energy that is different from magic, generated in the body of the monster, as imagined by the name of darkness.

It has a great name for dark magic, but not only aggressive ones, but also healing and detoxification magic.

But since this can only be used by monsters, there is not much research going on among humans.

Finally, intrinsic magic.

To put it simply, the skills given to the saints.

Unlike spiritual magic, which can be used by anyone who even possesses magic, it is a special ability that can only be used by “talented” people – or specially trained people.

Of course, the infinite magic of color and orchid family training are worth using without the help of spirits, such as summoning magic that summoned saints to this world.

Inherent magic is the ability to be exercised indefinitely as long as the person’s energy and physical strength continue.

So a human possessing offensive intrinsic magic can be used as an important military weapon?

It may be strange to think that the inherent magic, which is a mass of talent, is completely different because it helps to exercise spiritual magic in the case of color.

It seems that creatures that can use both spiritual magic and dark magic do not exist in the world.

There is no such fact that people who can use natural magic cannot use spiritual magic.

“Anyway, I have to go to practice….”

After roughly completing basic training, Aya is now essentially self-training.

Activate proper spiritual magic on the spot without mistake – it is a practice for that.

So even if I sneak out, there’s nothing to blame.

“Because no one’s watching, it’s not good enough.”

Although she has broken many of the rules in the world of school, she has never neglected to study or strictly observe time.

It is a colour that has been decorated with a non-serious letterhead, but the reality is that it is a serious girl high school student.

She is a healthy girl student compared to a good girl in the front and a bad girl in the back who is interested in social assistance or something.

Follow an unusual path, and Aya will walk to her usual practice area.

Anyway, the destination is the same every time, so it would be inevitable to meet each other.

I wanted to spend as little time as possible with “them”.

“… hehe, I’m having a nice boob today.”

“Nh, wow. Stop it, Rigel!”

Walking as far away as possible, the maid and the minister could hear a loud voice in the room.

When you look at the passers-by, you can immediately see the naked minister having sex with his maid.

Blonde maids who shook their hips while desperately suppressing their voices, have a happy expression.

“… hmm!

I dyed my cheeks, pretended not to notice the color, and left early enough.

Is it really pleasant to connect with a man of such a different age?

Certainly, it would be comfortable for the opposite sex to grind deeper than it can reach with its fingers.

That’s the other guy.

“Oh, shit! Something’s going on again.”

My crotch didn’t get wet on the boulder because I had just washed it last night, but the back of my waist was itchy and I couldn’t help it.

The soft, stiff meat stick stimulates you to the depth where something touches your nails and makes you feel painful.

Just thinking about it makes my back twitch.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that anyone can do it.

I definitely don’t want to open my crotch to Kawasaki and Niigata in particular.

But somehow. The men surrounding the colors surrounded by the Yarimanvich Bad Girl’s retell simply don’t match the colors’ taste.

In fact, if one of my classmates asks me if I have a colorful boy student, I can only deny it.

“I don’t want to have sex because I don’t have anybody I like -”

“Oh, isn’t it Mikorin who goes there?

Summoned from behind by a familiar voice, the color stops shivering and shaking.

“I’m worried because I’m not coming to practice. What’s going on here?”

With your hands on your shoulders, the colors tremble.

This squeaky voice and reckless contact. – It’s Hideichi Gigane.

“If you’re not feeling well, tell me right away. I always think about Mikorin.”

Bird skin stood all over my body.

The hand that strokes the shoulders also contains something slightly lewd, and the breathing feels a little closer.

“… you smell even better today. I love the sweet scent of this flower that drifts from Mikorin.”

I don’t know the reason for women’s actions, but I don’t know.

Prior to the practice hall, he tried to use the words of labor to work hard on his own practice every day.

I was really worried about her when I shouted at her.

Although I can’t say that I have no evil feelings, I don’t think I have only treated it with my heart.

I think the last one would have been lost to the boulder.

In any case, color is not a bad sane person.

I don’t intend to despise people’s cares from the front.

I’m just not good at spinning relationships, and I’m not rejecting contact with others straight away.

But the timing was bad.

Immediately after painting with trouble due to the occlusive space and witnessing the earlier sex scene. The color of the brain was bouncing peach.

“Hey, don’t touch me!

“Oops, what you did with me is rude… Are you all right?

Colour distorts your face by the reckless act of touching your sore body comfortably.

I know it’s no offense, but touching someone with a burning body – especially a female root – is nothing but discomfort.

“- Go away, quickly!… when I look at you, it’s… uneven!

No, it’s not.

I made a mistake.

Aya narrowed her mouth aggressively, but the words that had already been released never returned to the back of her throat.

Certainly, she was uneasy.

And I was frustrated.

Speaking of which, I also had a murmur.

It was mixed. Unfortunately, at this time.


The feeling that time has stopped doesn’t follow your thoughts.

Words to throw out were thrown out as a line with the opposite meaning.

The tingling air wore off the skin and the colour caught your body unexpectedly.

A woman who would have been shocked by a sudden confession is half-opening her mouth with a faint look.

The cartoon’s expression of gratitude to the woman who bowed down greatly, while fixing the dragged glasses, shook her throat with joy.

“Recently, I thought Mikorin and I had a good eye for each other, so that’s what happened….”

Female root feels farther away as she wipes off her slightly habitual forehair with her fingers.

While dressed up as a strange wind, the woman smiled at Nihill as her excited right leg twitched little by little.

The smile on his face doesn’t suit him at all, but no one who maintains the mental state to point out such a thing in a disciplined manner is here at the moment.

“Chi, no… No, it’s not!

“It’s okay. I can’t be wrong about Mikorin’s feelings.”

“Listen to people, eh!

“… if you make too much noise, your lovely mouth will be blocked.”

The gloss retreats from the senseless lips.

“Mikorin is absolutely adorable.”

A woman who conveniently interpreted her behavior, which stemmed from disgust, said, “My youth comes spring! She ran happily as she screamed.

It was a colour that looked at his back in vain, but when he disappeared, he finally recovered himself.

He held his head and bowed to the scene moaning at words that were irrevocable.

Since the arrival of Aya Goshiba in this world, it was the second (…) (…) misstatement as early as possible.

◇ ◇ ◇

“… this could have witnessed an incredible moment.”

In a small room packed with subtle equipment, Sadogashima Sayaka looked surprised and covered her mouth with her hands.

Around Shayaka are rusty swords, broken armor – and broken torture equipment.

None of these items are useless as is.

I couldn’t understand why Sayaka was putting such a thing in place.

“More than that.”

From the door of the small room, Sayaka looks around.

Only the long, thin hallways of the royal palace are visible.

After confirming that no one was outside, Sayaka began to rebuke the sight she had just seen in her brain.

Wrong view – or wrong hearing?

No, but people’s tastes are vast. It would not be good to put up a free letterhead just because of the appearance and atmosphere.

It is a common setting for girl cartoons, such as the fact that unfriendly bad girls like small animals, and the fact that girls who are masculine (boysh) are girlish hobbies.

I can’t say no.

In fact, even Sayaka thinks of herself as a grown-up literary girl or a lewd sadist.

I know that judging people by their appearance and appearance is not good.

“Mikoshi-san loved you, Giragane-kun….”

There are no good memories for Sayaka when it comes to a girl student named Okoshiba.

Somewhat of a bad type.

Immediately after I moved to this world, I yelled at Tiger Seiko and Shinkai.

Girl Saki and Shayaka, who could cry in shock, were also exposed to a lot of abusive gossip from Mishifu.

Well, I originally knew it was such a student, so it didn’t mean it would be traumatic.

From Shayaka’s point of view, the image of a girl student named Okoshi Aya is, in short, a poor girl.

I wonder if it was a little too short.

Nevertheless, Shayaka doesn’t know much about your firewood.

I’m always alone, and I don’t move while I’m at my desk.

Megumi Maimazaki and Lily Fujiyoshi said that several seniors and juniors were bad girls who strolled with only physical relationships.

However, the feeling of Megumi and Lily is not very credible because it is like a non-virgin equal play woman.

“We’ve been together a lot lately with Ms. Gagane and Mr. Okoshiba… I can’t believe this happened.”

A lone wolf floating from the class and a group of Ota at the bottom of the class castle.

It is true that there were some rumours that there were no roots or leaves in the class that Goshiba and the women were getting along.

It is a bitch JK (rumored) who is always smelling like a man with no feminine roots and dark otters. Normally speaking, it is incompatible.

And as for appearance – it’s a rude story, so it’s hard to say clearly – I don’t feel like it’s going to match.

Although Misashi Aya is the bottom of the class, she is a fascinating girl student with a stunning proportions from style to face.

If they wanted to be bright and prominent, they would have captivated the boys instantly – well, they were beautiful girls, to say the least.

That’s what the world doesn’t understand.

“I want to share this exciting feeling with someone, but I can’t talk to Megumi or Lily….”

I’m tired of hearing rumors of tribute, bodily relationships, hidden roots.

I want to talk to someone about pure romantic patterns (from a third party’s point of view) that don’t go through the eyeglasses.

Even Shayaka is a girl.

I can’t talk about my love pattern due to various circumstances, but I like the love banana itself.

“Well, now we have to focus on what’s in front of us.”

While holding the rusty shield and armor used for self-training, Sayaka left the smelly little room behind.

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