Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 57

Episode 47 Oniwa Echo-2

While brushing her beautiful black hair, as shiny as ink, with a comb, the orchid stared softly at her sounding face.

The hairstyle is a little shorter for girls than they can easily hide their ears. From the delicate, rough hair that doesn’t get entangled in your fingers even if you scratch it so messy, there is an unspeakable fragrance.

I shave my hair, gently stroke my forehead, and then I stick my cheeks with my fingertips.

If this is done with family training (skills), it is impossible for ordinary girls to penetrate faceless expressions first. At first, even if you endure it, your mind gradually melts away, and eventually you entrust yourself to the pleasure, and it is imperative to show a lovely smile.

However, the girl student in front of her – Oniwa – didn’t break her expression so easily.

The touchless eyes look straight at the orchid’s face, and the mouth is tightly closed to boredom.

However, the sound of the monks is also an interesting female high school student.

The cheeks were cute and red dyed while showing the appearance that I didn’t feel.

Above all, I can’t bear not being aware of it at all.

Sound herself is going to pierce through the faceless expression, but the orchid that caresses her in front of her finds out.

Rather, I want you to appreciate the orchids that straddle her face so that she doesn’t understand it.

In any case, even if you just play with your hair and cheeks, it won’t get boring, so I will gradually lower the place you caress.

Gently stroking your neck, gently stroking your clavicle and curved shoulders.

After rubbing his arms together, which felt a good muscle in the softness that he would have exercised by swimming, the orchid basically wrapped the echoing breasts in both hands.

“Nh, hah”

“Fluffy, soft. Wow, seriously, it looks like marshmallows.”

From a school swimsuit in a half-leaf condition, a large swelling brilliantly exposed to the boron.

Young, healthy tits greet the sky, and thumping breasts are soft and very warm on the underside, unlike their robust appearance.

The sounds of boulders also seemed unable to maintain their faceless expressions when they touched their tits, and they narrowed their eyes obscenely as they drooped their tongues from the edge of their mouths.

While his seductive expression stirred up his lust, the orchid picked the echoing nipples with his fingertips and squeezed them up with a frustrating hand.

“–uhhh! Nhhh!

“You finally responded.”

Play with the beautiful bud, and then start rubbing your breasts again with your hands full.

The sound of the loss of intense stimulation reverted back to its original faceless expression – as if – but its eyes narrowed as if they were pleasant with its tongue hanging from the edge of its mouth.

Plenty of open mouth, long tongue moisturizing.

Without wearing a plump, moist lip, the orchid kissed the ringing lip and pressed it all the way to the mouth.

Driven by the urge to push your tongue as hard as you can, but this time I’ll keep my weight to myself.

Because I don’t plan to corrupt her to three levels.

Instead, carefully lick the sound lips, then the orchid releases its face and stares at the sound face.

Untouched eyes.

Coloured cheeks.

A long tongue that peeks into your face like a prank.

After rolling his mind at all those sights, the orchid rubbed the sound of his boobs and stroked his lower body.

“I can’t stand it anymore, so should I insert it?

“… ufu. Okay.”

After I replied with an insensitive voice while showing my happy face, the sound shifted the crotch part of the squid water and opened my flirting pussy with a flirting hand.

The sound of your legs flapping open and your tongue licking sending a gaze to your lower abdomen.

The orchid pushed its hips into the echoing vagina after baking into her eyes the figure of a high school girl who opened her pussy with a full expression of expectation.

The tip of the erection × po touches the hairless pussy × po, making a slutty sound.

After feeling wet again, the orchids put their weight on their hips.

“Nh, nnh, uhhh!!!”

“Fufu! Looks like a tight pussy!

Because it is a swimming area, I tighten the tighter tighter than I thought from the outside.

There is no rebellion to push back on the boulder, but it is never loose.

It’s a tight slut pussy that makes you wonder if it’s an urban legend that the vagina hole of a player (bitch) has already been left open.

“–ahh. Ah, uuuuuuu!

You don’t have to put up with your voice.

As you push in the squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky.

The quietly blinking eyes turned into inviting eyes, and the mouth that had been blocked by pressing the leaking murmur opened freely.

The bitterly leaking breath creates a lewd flavor, with a long tongue hanging erotically.

“Fu, hawow… Ha-ha-ha”

The sound of seeing the joints and dyeing your cheeks happily.

Where did you go with the faceless expression just now?

As soon as I pushed Chi X Po into the back, the cold atmosphere disappeared – a smile appeared that lit up against the sound of the women’s kite tiles in the swimming area.

The orchids are inadvertently nailed to sweetly narrowed eyes and colorfully open lovely lips.

I don’t think he’s the one who made a scattered rape in Ilamatio just now.

We loved each other for a long time, and we couldn’t take courage from each other. Tonight, for the first time, we shared our love and were united. ― ― Happy expressions like such fantasy stories come to mind.

The orchid’s lust explodes in front of the sound of a cute smile dyed on the cheeks.

A few times, orchids hate to force a girl into rape.

Whatever the means, if you can, I want the girl to moan happily during the act.

I want this time to end quickly, and I want you to do it quickly – if such thoughts are seeped out of your face and manners, the exuberant sexual impulse will also spray away in an instant.

In fact, orchids were anxious to know what to do if they let such air out of the faceless, insensitive sound.

I realized that the anxiety was worrying about the strange sounds of the cheetah inserted into the cheetah.

Oniwa-san. It’s cuter than I thought. ”

“It’s more than I thought. Besides, are your hips okay? Sex with Saki seemed to be shaking as much as I could.”

While displaying a lewd expression, the sound was the same as normal sounds – a cold, dull tone with no suppression.

Well, I’m recovering with healing magic and imparting magic, so I guess I can afford it.

“But healing magic won’t stop you from getting tired. Okay, tell me if it’s painful. I’ll move you.”

The sound of caring for orchids while being pushed down by orchids.

Certainly healing magic only removes pain and physical defects, and physical imparting magic only activates energy and produces semen.

You can’t get a feeling of fatigue all over your body.

It is only possible to strengthen the healing (skill) of Mizuki.

The orchid’s heart shook instantly in the words of its classmates.

In any case, it was only a moment of shaking.

“Daijubu. I’m not that soft either.”

Sometimes it’s because I’m fighting.

You don’t have to worry about getting upset when you wake up tomorrow.

Or rather.

The sound turned into a leopard for such a naughty girl.

Wouldn’t it be a normal desire as a high school boy to rape you at your own pace?

Further roll up the semi-dropped school swimsuit to expose the sound of the upper body – from the lower nipple to the navel.

While the contrast between dark blue and skin tone was about to dazzle me, I started moving my hips slowly with my hands pointing to the soft double hills that created a sense of rupture.

“Fuah… Ah, ah!

You can hear lewd voices that are unimaginable from the sounds that create a cool atmosphere in everyday life.

Her eyes narrowed and her moaning mouth remained half-open.

From the edge of the half-opened mouth, a long tongue painted with saliva flashes out her face.

Together with the pumping of the hips, the colorful tongue twitches and moves.

It was a girl’s tongue that she didn’t normally look at consciously, but it moved around strangely, wielding a monstrous fragrance.

It was an orchid playing with a stunning peach buds.

I wonder why. Instead of shaking your tits along with the forward and backward movements, you lose interest in the dancing tongue at your mouth, making it impossible to lose sight of it.

“Kfuuuuuuu!… I’m going to punch you in a really good place with my hard feet.”

The orchids shook their hips and put their hands on the cheeks of the slutty, disturbing sound.

It was an orchid that lost its soft, shape-changing feel and felt its instantaneous loneliness.

The orchid’s interest has already been poured into the shaking peach tongue in front of her.

“… Oniwa-san”

“Hmm? Kirihima…?

While stroking your cheeks, gently carry your fingertips to the sound of your mouth.

At first, I’ll use both thumbs to stretch out the edge of my mouth and play with it.

Make sure you don’t look disgusting, and then insert your fingers deeper and deeper.

An orchid that is raping the mouth of the cheeks, whilst stirring up the lubricating oil secreted by the mouth in response to intrusion from the outside.

The sound of the first strange face eventually accepted the act and only looked at the orchid’s face irresistibly.

While staring at the sounds of lewd moaning while dying your cheeks, the lubricating oil accumulated in the mouth of the sounds scratches warm saliva out of your mouth.

The orchid finally picked up a long, resounding tongue with her fingertips, holding an unmistakable fan to the swimming woman who wetted her mouth with her own saliva.

“N-huh. N-huh? Ah, ahhh…”

With your tongue picked, the sound of a reflective moaning stopped.

Your spine is twitching as your face melts.

Pinch your thick, hot tongue with your fingers and roll it around.

“Nhiu? Hyuu… Nhh, nnhh!

Covered in the sound of her body, she swings her hips faster as she plays with her mouth.

A resounding oral cavity that you want to raise your voice to the pleasure of decapitating the back of your vagina. As if to seal it, she plays with her sensually-drawn tongue and scratches around her mouth.

“Kinihihi? Kinihihi?

Neither tits, nor navel nor buttocks – the sound of the orchid relentlessly blaming its mouth and tongue turns a strange gaze.

The unfamiliar face is sensual and unbearable.

More than that fine boob that pushes up your uniform or swimsuit. Better than being shaved for club activities, plump plump plump plump plump plump.

Smooth curve, better than the chisels and longitudinals and navel.

A long, charming tongue peeking through your pleasant mouth is above all erotic and cute.

That the person is completely unaware of it.

It’s like you’re raping an ignorant, innocent, childish girl.

It seems that I used it for the evening gift with my cousins and childhood friends who are not awake in sex and are delusional about being handsome.

Only here – this part of her is a kind of exclusive feeling that she is the only one who controls.

A sense of conquest that I noticed before anyone else the erosion of the echo tongue.

“Nyah, where are you? So, you’re just playing with Bello?

Judging from this reaction, it would be the first time you’ve had your tongue rolled around during an act.

No one has ever noticed the charm of an echoing tongue while keeping it so attractive.

Or did you notice that you didn’t spin a relationship so intimate that you could stick your finger in your mouth?

“I got it for the first time for Oniwa-san…”

“Nh, nnh!?

That doesn’t matter.

Anyway, right now – only orchids can like the echo tongue.

Regardless, the organ called the tongue is a place where the person’s will can immediately enter the oral cavity.

If you play too much, you may close your mouth reflectively.


“Hyahh!? Hyuhh, hyuhh!

In order not to serve your tongue, I’ll stick out your hips and rape your murmuring pussy.

Cool swimming women’s kite tiles that pierce the impressive and cold expression.

The cold face breaks only when you’re scratching your vagina around like this – enveloping the echo with sexual pleasure.

Which means, yes. To touch, stroke, and enjoy the sound of your tongue with one full eye.


“Hmm? Phew, Phew? fuuuuuuuuuuuuu…”

Without giving you time to shut your mouth, I’ll shake your hips and scratch the sound of your pussy as hard as I can.

There’s no doubt that you’re actually getting pleasure.

The sound of tears and melting smiles in the cheeks.

With a sweet voice, he shook his whole body with his charming tongue.

“Fufu, fuah… Wow…..”

While dripping saliva from the edge of her mouth, she bounced around her hips.

The vaginal cavity that was swallowing it tightly tightened, and the echo quietly meditated in a pleasant way with its tongue hanging down.

“… uhh, ah”

A dangerous voice sounds like you’ve crossed some critical point.

The acoustic abdomen – especially the crotch part of the school swimsuit that would have been made to secure the area around the important part – gets wet and slowly wet with some liquid.

Above all, there is a sensual gap – an important area – between the squeaky water and the acoustic groin that has been slipped down to insert the chi × po.

And above all, this pose.

The act of pushing down a defenceless girl by a boy – normal position.

The warm liquid spreads through your crotch, which was more open than necessary to welcome your beloved opponent in.

“Ah. No, no!

With orgasm pleasure, a golden liquid is ejected from your loose groin.

During the act – and because of the shame of peeing in front of the boy’s eyes, the echo’s face blushed red.

I try desperately to reach out and stop urinating, but it is quite difficult to stop what comes out once.

While making a noise with the bottoms, the sound-specific urine is released into the backing of the squid.

“Wow, it’s amazing after all…”

This is the second time I’ve seen my classmate’s girl urinate, but I still have a different excitement than seeing my boobs.

The sounds that make your body tremble while reaching out and holding your navel are treacherous and very erotic.

Besides, he leaked while wearing squid water.

Classmates who pee on half-dropped squid lining are rarely seen.


My tongue was hanging while I was urinating.

You may have had an orgasm in your vagina, but it must have felt good.

A swimming high school girl who devours pleasure and pees on her face – what an erotic thing to do.

After a mild orgasm, the orchid scratches around the vagina with its own meat stick.

She may want to immerse herself in the finish.

The orchids are at their limit.

I can’t wait any longer in front of my lewd classmates who feel so easy and feel so good on their faces.

“Heh… Ahh, ahhhh…!?

Play with your hot exhaling mouth and carefully stroke your charming peach tongue with your fingertips.

While savoring a plump and damp feel, orchids can’t keep an eye on their slutty, disturbed classmates.

The sound of catching orchids with the eyes you seek.

Orchid’s desire to cum is stirred up in his classmate’s toro face, which can’t be imagined from his cool, senseless expression.

You must have climaxed once.

The sounds that are easier to feel than before raise the sound of happiness every time the orchid shakes its hips.

A moaning sound that mixes with the sound of stirring up your saliva and plays cutely.

A sense of treacherous fulfilment that rapes the upper and lower mouth simultaneously.

Eggy love liquid overflowing with melting pussy after swallowing it.

Above all, a swimming woman drowning in pleasure with her long tongue, tears in her mouth – a kiwi sound.

“Crack, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo”

“Kchuuuuu, ahh.” Jibunra, fufu, I’m soooo soooo soooo soooo soooo soooo soooo ”

“The sound of my pussy feels so good…”

“Chuuuuuuu! Ehehehe, I’m so happy when you cum.”

With his tongue hanging down and his mouth showing his saliva-coated face, the sound looks at the orchid and makes him happy to make a double piece.

Is this the original sound of a stick?

Usually, it’s cool, and compared to Sakuraya, the guard seems to be a little more robust while leaving an atmosphere.

I can’t believe you’re playing with your body like that and making such a naughty mess.

“Cool girl turns into a leopard. That’s too good.”

From now on, it will not be easy to see the sound in the image as before.

If you put on your butler’s clothes and put on a little skill, you will immediately give out your mouth and groin. Sometimes you don’t have much chance to get to know each other, but in orchids, the sound is already a convenient onahole girl.

Animal – I can’t express it in words like that.

A lewd classmate who takes pleasure in your rising libido and lust.

Your desire to get pregnant and your desire to reproduce outweighs your desire to cum.

“Crack-uh, uhh. So, let’s cum!

In response to orchid screams, the squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky.

The rising testicles bounced happily, spitting out a thick burst of sperm from the stick of meat sucked by the sounding pussy.

Bubububu, bububu, bububububu, bububububu, bububu.

Ejaculation is so intense and continuous that you can take it off.

The sound of being poured into a thick overflow of semen grows as pleasant as a cat facing the sun, making your face melt happily.

The echo swallows plenty of semen, as it moves around your hips and says it won’t even drop zero.

“─ Ha, uhh. Oops!?”

With an incredible amount of ejaculation, the orchid will inadvertently fall into a leaning forward position.

As a boy, the orchids that have successfully completed their most important work are dark blue costumes and boobs that resonate with huge tits.

A sounding flesh that takes in the fatigue associated with ejaculation all over your body and softly envelops you.

It’s a superb natural cushion.

Orchids are stunned by how convenient a woman is for a man.

“Nh, hah… It’s still out.”

“Gome-, the sound of my pussy * * feels so good that I can’t stop.”

“Sex feels good. I know.”

The sound of chewing on the aftertaste of sex and exhaling hot, but it has subsided considerably.

Your slutty, disturbed eyes begin to return to their normal, untouched, normal, and the sweet voice that tickles your manhood also returns to its normal, cold voice.

However, it seems that the body is still feeling better and can’t help it.

The evidence leaves the mouth as it is – the lovely tongue dripping lewdly.

After pouring in plenty of semen, the orchid soaked well in the aftertaste of pleasure and slowly pulled out the sounding pussy.

At the moment I pulled out the chi × po, a thick cloudy liquid spilled out from the part of the girl that was open.

Bold and fluffy with his crotch open, the sound leapt his tongue and gently dyed his cheeks.

“Will you do it again?

“Of course, if you want a resonance.”

Seeing the sound of her cheeks dyeing happily while blinking her impatient eyes, the orchid stroked her head to work on her.

With joy from the bottom of my heart, I got two convenient onaho girls at the same time.

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