Break Into Another World

Chapter 2346

Chapter 2312: Middle World

“Xu Ming! This time, I don’t believe where you can escape!”

Xu Ming was full of shock and despair!

The speed of the three people from the Thousand Machines Realm is too fast!

And Xu Ming is still far away from the space where the teleportation channel is located!

In terms of strength, Xu Ming is only at the pinnacle of the god-level, and he has not really stepped into the level of the supreme realm!

If he was only chased and killed by Qianji Jie Zun alone, Xu Ming might be able to escape while fighting, support him to the teleportation channel, and then escape into a certain sea of cosmos. But now, Xu Ming was being chased and killed by three reincarnators at the same time, and there was no chance at all to escape.

As for opening…

Xu Ming’s plug-in is only useful at the Qiling-level Jie Zun level at most; when it reaches the god-level level, it is of little use. In the face of the highest realm level, the “seckill” link is invalid, and the “infinite resurrection” link is also invalid. Everything can only rely on Xu Ming’s own strength.

“What should I do?” Xu Ming was still the Great Senior after all! Even if he has just stepped into the realm level, he will not be so powerless!

But now, there is absolutely no chance for Xu Ming to break through the world!

boom! boom! boom! …

At this moment, Xu Ming saw that the six mountain masters including Wuxiang Mountain Master also broke through time and space.

“Master Wuxiang, what are you doing here?” Qianji Jiezun asked coldly, “Could it be that you want to interfere in our affairs?”

Xu Ming couldn’t help but raise a glimmer of hope.

If the six masters of Wuxiang Mountain are willing to help him, then he has every hope of escaping.

“Don’t get me wrong!” The Mountain Master Wuxiang smiled faintly, “We are just here to have a look, we won’t interfere!”

“That’s good! Otherwise, don’t blame our three top samsara forces for being rude!” Qianji Jiezun snorted coldly. Of course, he knew exactly what the Wuxiang Mountain Master was thinking, and he definitely wanted to see if there was a chance to seize the opportunity.

However, the three reincarnators of the Thousand Machines World are not worried about it – immortal luck! How could a few ordinary Supreme Realms be qualified to meddle with such opportunities?

Soon, Qianji Jiezun, Tianqi Jiezun, and Beidou Jiezun surrounded Xu Ming. Before, the three of them did not expect Xu Ming to have the strength of a god-level peak, so they gave Xu Ming a chance to escape; now, the three of them are serious about taking action, and the strength of the three supreme realms will naturally not allow only Xu Ming, who is at the peak of the god-level strength, has another chance to escape!

“Xu Ming, be obedient and capture it!” Qianjijie Zun sneered, “Actually, people like you have always been the hunting target of our reincarnators! Three thousand big worlds, ninety thousand middle worlds, hundreds of millions of small worlds The world…there are many people like you! However, almost no one can escape the hunting of the reincarnators! Although you are one of the best among them, you are no exception!”

Tianqi Jiezun also sneered: “If you dormant in a low-key manner, wait until you become a reincarnator before exposing yourself! Then, it is difficult for other reincarnators to hunt you down! However, if you are only the Great Venerable and expose yourself, then For sure death!”

Three thousand worlds? Ninety thousand middle world? A small world of billions? -Xu Ming didn’t have the time to pay attention to these words, but the six of them, the Wuxiang Mountain Master, did.

“Ninety Thousand Middle World? So many?” The Mountain Master Wuxiang was a little shocked.

Middle World…

A complete world has yin and yang, life and death. The countless billions of cosmic seas representing “life” and the magic abyss representing “death” form a world; where Xu Ming and Wuxiang Mountain Lord are now is a middle world!

“I didn’t expect that there are 90,000 in the middle world!” Wuxiang Mountain Master sighed. After all, several mountain masters are not reincarnators, so they don’t know much about the world of reincarnations!

“Master Wuxiang!” At this time, Mountain Master Wuxiang suddenly received a private voice transmission from Beidou Jiezun.

“Huh?” The Mountain Master Wuxiang was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up – Beidou Jiezun’s voice transmission to himself at this time, obviously he wants to discuss the rhythm of the transaction with himself!

When it comes to transactions, Wuxiang Mountain Master likes it the most! With a deal, he can get more benefits!

“I don’t lie to you! Xu Ming should have immortal luck on his body! Otherwise, he is only the cultivation of Da Zun, and his strength cannot be so strong!” Beidou Jiezun said again.

“Immortal luck?” The Master of Wuxiang Mountain was puzzled.

“Don’t think about it! The secret method of refining immortal luck is only available to our three top samsara forces! Like our Great Fortune Pavilion, only the pavilion master can teach this secret method; even if I have the heart to teach you, I will not. The law is taught!”

The Wuxiang Mountain Master nodded secretly, expressing his understanding: “Then why are you telling me so much?”

Big Dipper Jiezun continued: “You don’t have to think about the immortal luck on Xu Ming’s body! The three of us can’t teach you the secret method! We can’t even pass it on! But…except for the immortal luck, Xu Ming There must be a lot of top-level luck on your body! Even if you only get one-tenth of the top-level luck, it will be enough for you to reincarnate a thousand times!”

Reincarnation a thousand times? Or is it just one-tenth of the top luck?

The Mountain Master Wuxiang was shocked!

You must know that the Wuxiang Mountain Master and the others have worked hard to attack hundreds of cosmos seas, and the top-level luck they have obtained is only enough to reincarnate once! And Xu Ming’s top-level luck can be reincarnated a thousand times with only one tenth of it?

What kind of majestic top-level luck is this?

“You help me get immortal The rest of the top luck is all yours! How?” Beidou Jiezun said straight to the point, “Qianji Jiezun and Tianqi Jiezun may also find you! But With all due respect, the reputation of the two of them has never been very good, and they have always eaten people without spitting bones! How many people have cooperated with them, and they have lost their lives in the end!”

The Wuxiang Mountain Master fell into contemplation, how to maximize the benefits! Even thinking about whether to keep Xu Ming first, after all… Although he can’t get immortal luck now, it doesn’t mean that he won’t have the chance to get it in the future!


Without giving the Wuxiang Mountain Master a chance to hesitate, Qianji Jiezun has already shot at Xu Ming!

“Xu Ming, die with peace of mind!” The Thousand Machines World Venerable looked grim, and instantly killed Xu Ming, “It is your honor to be able to immortalize me!”

“Qianji Jiezun, you are really in a hurry!” Tianqi Jiezun and Beidou Jiezun also attacked immediately, and they also attacked Xu Ming – anyway, the three of them must kill Xu Ming first! As for who can get immortal luck later, it depends on their ability!

But at this moment-


The lower space was suddenly torn apart!

A figure so suffocating that it forcibly broke through the space and came straight to Xu Ming in a destructive attitude! The momentum is strong, even far surpassing the three reincarnations and the six mountain masters!


The expressions of Qianji Jiezun, Tianqi Jiezun, and Beidou Jiezun all changed: “How come there are still strong people?”

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind?

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