Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1156: You Gave Him?

Chapter 1156: You Gave Him?


Replicus couldn't understand what this meant, and Sause didn't seem to be in a hurry to elaborate on what he truly meant by this word.

How did a Deity losing their world lead to this Corruption?

The first thing that came to mind for the Warmoth's Progeny was what Serenity had said about Caxellac refusing to officially transcend into Deific power. He chose to remain as a Divine instead, adding to his power with the privileges he was given by his Dominion.

The same apparently was true of Fulgardt, though Replicus wasn't sure it was for the same


In any case, it seemed the responsibility that came with becoming a Deity somewhat contradicted their immense strength if held recklessly.

Replicus' phantoms created a plethora of images about the Deities of Aigas losing the land, which was Quintess' body, the sea, which was Listafelle's, and the sky, Suzamete's. Did that mean that, for the former two, they would become Corrupted too despite being far away - presumably?

"What is Corruption?" Aurolio was the one who asked, growing a little impatient that the oh- so knowing Sause hadn't rushed to elaborate what he meant despite knowing they were

oblivious to its meaning.

Replicus listened raptly.

"I don't know," Sause said with a small smile, his eyes still staring into the large pit. "That much is beyond my comprehension and no record of it lies on Aigas, on Edagon."

It came as quite a shock that there was something Sause didn't know to both Aurolio and Replicus. Yuyui puckered her lips.

"I suppose there is only so much beings like myself can know. Well, I'd say you've learned plenty today though, haven't you? You have become the first" - he glanced at Benzard - "in a while to see Aigas' true secrets."

Indeed, it couldn't be denied that the trio had learned quite a lot, and several questions remained between them.

"Your other self has the soul of a Corrupted Deity in his possession, Skullius," a voice spoke from within Replicus and he nearly jerked in surprise.

'What? What do you mean?' he asked, frowning.

"Your other self procured such an item capable of sealing a Corrupted Deity. A highly dangerous artefact. I only hope that he hasn't managed to tame the entity within using the artefact in the time that I've been gone."

Serenity had hurried to retreat within him after helping to safely stow away Stylla's soul in Beyrmir. Replicus had stowed the guilt-stricken Ferex within his most formidable Apostle's scales as well. It would have been a chore to have him follow after them on foot in his current state.

Replicus tensed.

Skullius had acquired such an item with a Corrupted Deity?


As this shocking information was shared, another shocking bombshell was revealed. "Curiously, the one who gave that item to your other self" - Serenity gave a dramatic pause - "is that pale man."


Replicus was flabbergasted.


Aurolio had given Skullius such an item?

Where the hell would he have found such a thing and why in the world would he willingly give it up?

Replicus glared at Aurolio, who, upon sensing his gaze, turned to look at him.

"What?" he asked with a scowl.

Replicus weighed several options, but before he could stop himself, he was already asking: "Where in the world did you get an artefact with the soul of a Corrupted Deity?"


"Huh?!" Aurolio donned a look in-between fear and bewilderment.

Benzard and Sause turned to look at them, as did Yuyui, their curiosity rising. The Giant looked to have been hooked up to a tank of intrigue. His severe-looking face faintly disappeared.

"Answer me," Replicus said coldly to Aurolio.

The pale man maintained a tense expression before scoffing.

"Right. I almost forgot you and him are the same. You seemed the same before at least," he said and waved his hand. "I wonder, does your benefactor talk to you as it did him. I remember stopping her from interfering when I was talking to that guy, Festos, I think. How does it work for a clone like you? Does it talk to you too? Are you even the clone or the original?"

"Stop stalling and answer me," Replicus said and the burst of Ju`wtte around him intensified. He even went as far as summoning the Fallen Reincarnator's Shadow, which everyone felt pulse with deadly power.

Aurolio frowned.

He didn't like the feel of that weapon; not one bit.

He sighed.

"Fine. It's not like it's a secret anyway," Aurolio said before muttering 'fuck' under his breath. "I bet you with your Null powers, you get access to a stash of weapons and all, right? I've read in my Book of Alignment that Null Life - which I wasn't too familiar with until a few months ago has a treasure, unlike Undeath and Voided Death Essence, one that others covet. Well, Void gives her champions gifts after they choose to become her bearers. Three gifts; and we don't get to choose what kind they are. That page was one of the gifts I received. There's

nothing more to it."

Replicus frowned.

"Hmm. That may be true," Serenity said, validating what Aurolio's explanation. "Void has access to everything that her darkness spans across. She can provide some truly terrifying artefacts outside of worlds - objects without claim."

'Really?' Replicus thought.

For real?

He had had the thought, upon learning that Void was the literal void outside Aigas right now, but it seemed surreal. Void was practically boundless, but somehow, she wasn't absolute.

Giving Aurolio a sharp look, Replicus asked:

"Why did you give up such a powerful weapon?"

"Weapon?" Aurolio made a face not unlike that of one forcing himself not to laugh. "Do I look like I fancy fighting with weapons to you, Four Arms? Even if I could subjugate a Deity on my own, I wouldn't want to cultivate strength like that. I don't even know what a Corrupted Deity is! It was better for me to trade that thing for something with some fucking value to me."

Replicus' eyes further narrowed.

He didn't find a reason not to believe Aurolio.

During the fight across Null Remnants, apart from the horn he used to disorient Jerthrax, Aurolio didn't really use weapons to fight. He seemed to value strength cultivated only in

one's body and expressed as such.

Replicus scoffed.

What a simple yet foolish mindset.

Perhaps Aurolio thought that the Skullius he met back then wasn't going to be able to use the artefact at all, deluding himself that he had the advantage in whatever exchange they had, but now... if Skullius really was stronger than Actuass and still growing stronger...

"You've really made things complicated for me," Replicus said scathingly to an Aurolio who raised a brow, a bead of sweat dropping from his temple.

"I think," Sause interjected dangerously, "this is better handled away from my ancestors. As curious as I am, I wouldn't dare allow you to argue in a place like this."

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