Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 341 - Worry Can Only Be Relieved with the Right Remedy

Chapter 341 Worry Can Only Be Relieved with the Right Remedy

Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi are planning to go to the hospital to visit Lin Xiaoyue’s mother. Then her phone rings, which makes her shiver and stop her feet immediately.

Han Siqi also turns quickly and stares at her hand groping the phone.

Fu Zhengzheng pauses slightly and then takes out the phone from her pocket slowly. When she looks at it, she finds the call is from Yang Tao, and she can’t help sighing with relief. She looks up at Han Siqi. Then they realize they were too nervous just now and can’t help chuckling.

Her phone is still ringing. Han Siqi nudges Fu Zhengzheng, signaling her to answer the phone while he goes to open the car.

Fu Zhengzheng answers the call quickly while getting into the car.

“Zhengzheng, if that guy calls you, have you figured out how to deal with it?”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

“OK. Call me anytime if something happens.”

“I know.”

“Don’t be afraid though. We’re all behind you.”

“Yeah. I know that. Are you still in the hospital?”

“I just came back from the hospital this morning. Now I’m in the station.”

“Oh, I’m going to the hospital to visit Aunt Lin.”

Hearing that, Yang Tao tells her at once, “Be cautious when you are out. Watch out for what will happen around you, too.”

“Don’t worry. Siqi is going with me.”

Han Siqi is driving. When he hears what Fu Zhengzheng says, his face cracks into a smile.

“I only praised you a little, and you already feel complacent secretly?” Fu Zhengzheng, who has hung up the phone, sees Han Siqi’s smile and can’t help teasing him.

While driving, Han Siqi reaches out his right hand to touch Fu Zhengzheng’s left one and smiles, “Thanks for your trust, darling. I will try my best to protect you.”

“Don’t be garrulous while you’re driving. Be careful.” Fu Zhengzheng glances at him smilingly.

They come to the ward of Lin Xiaoyue’s mother in the hospital soon. Seeing them enter, Lin Xiaoyue stands up at once to greet them.

Mrs. Lin who is taking infusion also wants to rise, but Fu Zhengzheng goes up quickly and stops her.

“Aunt, don’t move. Watch out for the syringe needle!”

Mrs. Lin tells Lin Xiaoyue at once, “Go get seats for Mr. Han and Zhengzheng.”

“I can help myself.” Han Siqi goes to fetch stools.

“Xiaoyue, make some tea to Mr. Han and Zhengzheng!” Mrs. Lin gives another order to Lin Xiaoyue.

Fu Zhengzheng knows Mrs. Lin is always grateful to Han Siqi and his brothers, and her warm heart can’t be stopped, so she goes up to help herself for some tea.

“Aunt, please sit still. We can help ourselves.”

Mrs. Lin knows how nice Fu Zhengzheng is, and she also realizes her behavior is unnatural. Finally, she stops saying polite formula and just looks at Fu Zhengzheng with a smile.

Fu Zhengzheng sits before her with a cup in hands and smiles, “Aunt, don’t stand on ceremony. You are sick, but Siqi and I come to see you with empty hands. You see we don’t stand on ceremony at all.”

Then she glances at Han Siqi to remind him of the carelessness with her eyes. Then Han Siqi realizes they forgot to buy fruit for their visit, so he can’t help shrugging at her.

Mrs. Lin waves at once, “I’m happy enough that you make the time to see me. You don’t need to buy anything. There is everything at home. Even if you buy fruit, it will spoil.”

Lin Xiaoyue sits down close to Fu Zhengzheng. She looks at Fu Zhengzheng and pouts at her mother, feeling both worried and discontented, “Sister Zhengzheng, you’ve come at the right time. Please persuade my mom. Since my brother went to C City after the Spring Festival, she has been so worried about him every day that she rarely even ate or slept. Now it becomes worse. Her health has broken down and she has to come to the hospital frequently. Luckily, Yang Tao often helps me, or I will fall ill too.”

Mrs. Lin defends herself immediately, “The illness doesn’t come from my worry about your brother. I’m old and have more and more age troubles.”

Lin Xiaoyue grumbles, “I think you only have one trouble that you are afraid my brother can’t find a wife. Even if you worry yourself sick, can my brother find a wife? If he doesn’t want to find one, no matter how worried you are, it will be in vain.”

Fu Zhengzheng slightly pulls Lin Xiaoyue secretly. Then she looks at Mrs. Lin and comforts her, “Aunt, Xiaoyue is right. It’s useless to worry about it.”

Finding her thought has been seen through by her daughter, Mrs. Lin looks at Fu Zhengzheng and lets out a long sigh, without hiding her worry anymore, “I know it’s useless to worry about it. But I can’t control myself every day. Look at Mr. Han. He is of the similar age to Yongcheng, but Xingxing will be old enough to go to the primary school. How time flies. More years will pass soon. At that time, he will be over 30 years old. It will be very hard if he wants to find a girl of a suitable age!”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and says, “Aunt, as old sayings go, ‘one radish, one hole’ and ‘one jar, one lid’. Don’t worry, he will be married sooner or later.”

Mrs. Lin sighs, “If he is married too late, I’m afraid I will not be able to see that.”

“Mom!” Lin Xiaoyue hates to hear that most. She casts her eyes to Fu Zhengzheng, “Sister Zhengzheng, I have persuaded my mother for countless times to stop hurrying my brother. My brother can’t be forced to live with a girl that he doesn’t like, right?”

Obviously, Mrs. Lin doesn’t agree with her daughter, “It doesn’t matter whether he likes her or not. So long as she is down-to-earth and cares about him, that’s enough. They will fall in love with each other after they getting married and live together day after day. Before I was married to your father, we only met once. If he hadn’t died of cancer, we would be living together happily, wouldn’t we?”

Lin Xiaoyue responds sulkily, “Times have changed! Mom, please just take my advice. Marriage without love is meaningless. Anyway, I stand by my brother. If he can’t find his Miss Right, it’s better to remain single forever than to get married reluctantly.”

Hearing “to remain single forever” said by Lin Xiaoyue, Mrs. Lin bursts into tears immediately, “What evil things has our family done? Why is it so difficult for your brother to find a wife?”

“Xiaoyue, please be silent.” Fu Zhengzheng knows Lin Xiaoyue is worried about her mother so she just said that. But Fu Zhengzheng pushes her away and turns around to comfort Mrs. Lin.

“Aunt, take it easy. Yongcheng may find his Miss Right quickly when the opportunity comes. Siqi’s elder brother has been 30 years old. He hadn’t fallen in love with a girl before he met his Miss Right. Others even suspected that he didn’t like women, and his parents were extremely worried. But he met my good friend before the Spring Festival. They fell in love at first sight and had been engaged before they knew each other for one month. They have got their marriage certificate now. You don’t know how deeply they love each other.”

Mrs. Lin shakes her head and sighs, “Mr. Han has a wealthy family. Even though his brother gets older, there will be girls willing to marry him. Yongcheng is different.”

“They are not different…”

“Aunt, Yongcheng has a girlfriend actually.” Han Siqi who kept silent just now interrupts Fu Zhengzheng and says suddenly.

“He has a girl friend?” Mrs. Lin is shocked, but soon she shakes her head, “Mr. Han, I know you just want to please me. But it will only make me sadder.”

Lin Xiaoyue, who is still sulky aside, is also shocked by what Han Siqi says. She is suspicious too, “My brother called me today and told me he would come back in a few days. He didn’t tell me he had a girlfriend!”

“I’ve never lied.” Han Siqi says calmly.

Hearing that, Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue look at each other. Then they cast their eyes to Fu Zhengzheng.

Now that Han Siqi has said that, Fu Zhengzheng nods immediately to confirm it, “Actually, before we came back to B City, Yongcheng had begun to develop the relationship with a girl in C City. But it just began, and we didn’t know if they could go further, so we didn’t dare to tell you. Now that Siqi has told you, there must be good news.”

“Really?” Mrs. Lin’s eyes light up. She grabs Fu Zhengzheng’s hands and asks a series of question at once, “What’s her name? Where is she from? What does she look like? How about her temper? Tell me right now.”

When Fu Zhengzheng is about to respond, Han Siqi breaks in again, “Yongcheng will take her back in a few days. Why don’t you ask her then?”

“My brother (Yongcheng) will take his girlfriend back?” Lin Xiaoyue and Mrs. Lin ask simultaneously.

Han Siqi smiles, “Yongcheng told me on the phone today. But he asked me not to tell you and wanted to give you a surprise.”

“I like the surprise. Surprise is good.” Mrs. Lin grabs Fu Zhengzheng’s hand excitedly.

“Watch out for the syringe needle!” Fu Zhengzheng is afraid that if Mrs. Lin moves crazily the infusion will be affected, so she presses Mrs. Lin’s hand instantly.

Mrs. Lin doesn’t pay attention to that apparently. She keeps shouting to Lin Xiaoyue, “Hurry up! Call the nurse here!”

Thinking her mother is sick, Lin Xiaoyue becomes anxious and rushes to call the doctor.

Fu Zhengzheng intends to help Mrs. Lin lie down, “Aunt, are you dizzy again? Lie down now. The doctor will be here any minute.”

Mrs. Lin beams and waves, “My illness was caused by my worry about Yongcheng. Now that he has got a girlfriend, I am cured.”

While she is talking, a doctor and a nurse run in together. Xiaoyue follows them.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Mrs. Lin answers energetically, “Doctor, I’ve never been more comfortable than I am now. Please ask the nurse to remove my syringe needle. I’m going home.”

“Remove your syringe needle?” The doctor is surprised at her high spirits and tells the nurse immediately, “Hurry up. Prepare emergency!”

When he made the rounds of the wards, he examined Mrs. Lin. Though she was not well, her illness wasn’t very serious. Why does she look energetic just like a person does before death only after such a short time?

Mrs. Lin explains at once, “Doctor, I get well really! My illness was caused by worry. Now that it has been solved, I get well of course. Doctor, if you don’t believe, you can examine me again! I have never been more comfortable than I am now.”

Then Lin Xiaoyue understands what’s going on. Feeling embarrassed, she goes to the doctor and explains in a low voice.

Hearing Lin Xiaoyue’s explanation, the doctor looks at Mrs. Lin with a wry smile. He examines her again. Sure enough, everything is normal. He can’t help teasing her smilingly, “Mrs. Lin, it seems that your daughter-in-law is really powerful. She even can cure your illness when she is away.”

The medicine in the infusion bottle almost runs out, so the doctor asks the nurse to remove her syringe needle.

Once her syringe needle is removed, Mrs. Lin wants to get out of the bed. Fu Zhengzheng and Lin Xiaoyue stop her immediately, “Your syringe needle was just removed. You should sit for at least three minutes.”

“How can I sit here patiently? I have to go home to clean the house. We should give a good impression to the girl. Besides, your brother’s room needs cleaning too. Xiaoyue, book a table in an upscale restaurant. When your brother is back, we won’t eat at home. We might as well eat out. And…”

“Mom! We don’t know when my brother will come back!”

“Oh, right.” Mrs. Lin looks at Han Siqi, “Mr. Han, did Yongcheng tell you when he would come back?”

Han Siqi smiles, “Not yet. He won’t come back until the work is finished there. Aunt, you are not well. Let me arrange it.”

“How can it be…”

“It’s a deal. You pretend to know nothing. I will arrange everything. If you don’t accept my arrangement, I will tell Yongcheng not to take the girl back.”

What Han Siqi says makes Mrs. Lin swallow back all she wants to say, but she can’t hide her excitement.

After sending Lin Xiaoyue and her mother home, Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng return to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

On the way, Fu Zhengzheng asks Han Siqi worriedly, “Are you sure Qiao Keren will come back to B City with Lin Yongcheng?”

Han Siqi smiles silently, but he looks confident.

Now that he doesn’t tell her directly, Fu Zhengzheng stops asking. She smiles and says, “If Qiao Keren doesn’t come, Aunt Lin’s illness will possibly get worse. Let me see how you can take the responsibility.”

While they are talking, Fu Zhengzheng’s phone rings. She takes out the phone. As soon as she sees the caller’s number, her body becomes stiff and she straightens her body instantly.

It’s an unknown number!

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