Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 346 - The Trick is Seen Through

Chapter 346 The Trick is Seen Through

Fu Zhengzheng says she is also anxious to find the coffer and she brings the map with her. Then she hands the map to the man. He takes it, has a look and then returns it to her.

“The map is fake.”

“Fake?” Fu Zhengzheng looks at the man in surprise.

Of course, she is surprised that he can find the map is fake easily rather than what the man says.

Han Siqi pulls Fu Zhengzheng secretly, and Fu Zhengzheng gets over the surprise. Her evasive eyes become serious. She straightens her body and asks, “How do you know the map is fake?”

“Do you think I haven’t seen the map?” The man sneers, “I had seen it when you didn’t know there was a trap map.”

“You’ve seen it?” Fu Zhengzheng is shocked again and she begins to rack her brains.

The man says he has seen the trap map. Was he once Li Ming’s trusted subordinate too?

Fu Zhengzheng looks carefully at the man again. He is over 30 years old. His skinny face looks pale. He looks sickly and doesn’t seem to have a relationship with the sinister gang!

Is he also a drug’s victim?

The man weighs the brocade bag in his hand, puts it into his pocket carefully and then casts his eyes to Fu Zhengzheng. After coughing for quite a while, he says slowly, “You must be curious about when I saw the trap map and how I got the necklace, just as I am also very curious about how you got the trap map. But so long as we can open the coffer by cooperation, others are not important, right? I was worried before that what I did would make you think that I was not sincere, so I took such a big risk to show you the key. To my surprise, the one without sincerity is you! It seems that it’s hard for us to cooperate happily.”

Then the man steps outside after saying these.

“Wait!” Fu Zhengzheng calls the man anxiously, trots in front of him and laughs drily. “Um, let’s have a talk.”

“Talk?” The man shakes his head, “Without the basic trust between us, do you think we can continue to talk about our cooperation?”

“Trust needs to be established slowly.”

“I’ll wait until you are willing to trust me.” The man turns around and goes to the door again.

Han Siqi, who kept silent just now, breaks in, “It’s not wrong to be cautious. It’s true for you. So is it for us.”

“It’s reasonable to be cautious, but you shouldn’t take others as fools.” The man says lightly.

Fu Zhengzheng says, “You’ve changed the meeting place for several times. I give you a fake map. All these mean that we don’t trust each other indeed. We are even. From now on, let’s reconsider our cooperation, OK?”

Knowing she is at a disadvantage, Fu Zhengzheng speaks in a softer tone.

The man laughs, “We should indeed reconsider it. I have shown my sincerity to you. I hope you can show yours to me.”

“How do you hope I can show my sincerity?”

“Show me the true map, of course.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng agrees quickly, “OK. Let’s appoint the time of our next meeting. I’ll bring the true trap map and you’ll take the key. Let’s go to open the coffer together then.”

“I mean you bring the map to me first. After I confirm it’s true, we can appoint a better time to open the coffer together.”

“Why bother? It’s not easy for us to meet. Why not finish it once for all?”

“It’s a big deal. We should plan it slowly. There is no hurry.”

They can’t reach an agreement after talking so long. Han Siqi breaks in impatiently, “I told you not to come here, but you didn’t listen to me. We have gone a long way and wasted much time and energy, but you can’t reach an agreement with him. Who knows if there is huge wealth in the coffer really? Perhaps its money is less than the taxes my family pays to the government each year. We are not short of the small sum of money! Let’s go. I’d rather spend the time having a sauna.”

Then he intends to drag Fu Zhengzheng away.

“Hey, please be patient. We’ve been here. We can talk again!” Fu Zhengzheng stops Han Siqi immediately.

“What’s the point of talking? It seems that you can’t reach an agreement even if you talk until tomorrow morning.”

“Mr. Han, take it easy. You can’t be so impatient when you talk about your business. You will scare your clients away.” The man stands before Han Siqi and laughs lightly, “Mr. Han, I don’t know how much tax your family pays to the government each year. I only know the wealth in the coffer can’t be counted with words. It’s said that cultural relics and antiques account for the major part. Each of them is invaluable. Of course, innumerable people are coveting the huge wealth. We should think carefully and figure out a perfect strategy, shouldn’t we?”

Then Han Siqi becomes quiet, stops his feet and looks at the man.

Seeing the situation reversed, Fu Zhengzheng praises Han Siqi secretly.

The man pauses and softens his tone, “I believe Miss Fu is also very interested in the coffer. Although I don’t know how Miss Fu got the trap map, it must have been difficult to get it. Now that we have the same goal, we shouldn’t have other misgivings. Let’s meet at Glamour Restaurant at 10:00 p.m. tomorrow. Take our respective things and go to the coffer together. As for the box number, I will contact you after the reservation tomorrow, OK?”

“OK.” Hearing the man agree so easily, Fu Zhengzheng sighs with relief.

The man laughs, “I hope Miss Fu won’t fool me with a fake map again.”

Fu Zhengzheng replies directly, “Of course! I hope you won’t fool me with a key that can’t open the coffer.”

“I won’t! I wish we’ll have a happy cooperation!”

The man stretches out his hand to Fu Zhengzheng and she reaches out her hand too.

The man laughs finally, but he begins to cough again while laughing. He withdraws his hand quickly, takes out a piece of napkin from his pocket and covers his mouth. After quite a while, he stops coughing.

“Excuse me. I have a cold recently.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles.

“I’ll ask the driver to send you back.” Then the man goes out first. He walks to the minibus and says quietly, “Xiaomei, send Miss Fu and Mr. Han back. Drive slowly. Be careful.”

The female driver nods. After Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi are in and seated, she starts the car slowly and drives off.

After they leave, the man unfolds the napkin in his hand. A red bloodstain meets his eyes!

At the city entrance, the female driver pulls over.

There will be surveillance equipment if she keeps driving forward. Fu Zhengzheng understands her meaning. When she is about to open the door, the female driver suddenly turns to them, makes a gesture of calling and then reaches out her hand to Fu Zhengzheng.

Han Siqi points to her pocket. Fu Zhengzheng realizes the driver is asking for the mobile phone. Then Fu Zhengzheng takes it out quickly and gives it to her.

The female driver points at the taxies running past them sometimes. Fu Zhengzheng nods and gets out of the car with Han Siqi. After the minibus turns around and leaves, she says, “To my surprise, she is dumb. But it’s not bad to be dumb. She can’t leak anything easily.”

Han Siqi smiles, “Being silent means that she must be dumb? Perhaps she is afraid that she will leak something if she opens her mouth.”

“You mean…the driver is a man?”

Han Siqi compares Fu Zhengzheng’s hands with his, “What can you find?”

“My hands are smaller, fairer and smoother than yours.”

“You observed her carefully. Darling, you are so great!” Han Siqi laughs.

The female driver’s hands on the steering wheel flash through Fu Zhengzheng’s mind. She nods and praises Han Siqi, “You observed the driver more carefully.”

Han Siqi hails a taxi. They come to Glamour Restaurant to take their mobile phones. After getting into the car, Han Siqi calls Lu Song, and Fu Zhengzheng calls Yang Tao.

Once the call is connected, Yang Tao begins to ask worriedly, “Zhengzheng, are you all right? We lost the track of the minibus and failed to follow you.”

“We’re all right.” Fu Zhengzheng tells him in detail what happened, especially the trap map.

“Yang Tao, please investigate how many trusted subordinates Li Ming had, besides Zhou Bing and Yu Xiaolong. Is there a man about 35 years old and 175cm in height?”

“I’ll investigate it now.”

After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng leans against the backrest and closes her eyes. She keeps recollecting what happened just now.

“Perhaps the man hasn’t seen the trap map.” When they are close to the house, Han Siqi says suddenly.


“When he said the map was fake, he might be deceiving you.”

“Ah?” Meditating carefully, Fu Zhengzheng thinks what Han Siqi says is reasonable. Indeed, when the man said the map was fake, she was shocked. Apparently, she was afraid of being found out.

“If you had insisted a little longer, he might have believed it’s true.” Seeing Fu Zhengzheng regretful, Han Siqi corrects himself at once, “But, it’s not bad, because we will have more time to prepare. If we go there with him rashly today, it’s hard to say what would happen later.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows Han Siqi is comforting her, but she still feels depressed and heaves a long sigh.

“I’m really impatient and not smart. I am only a dutiful policewoman, but I’m not a qualified one.”

Han Siqi parks the car, turns his head sideways, holds Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and smiles, “Darling, you’ve been great enough. I’m proud of you.”

“Enough. Let’s go home now.” Fu Zhengzheng gets out of the car. They walk to the house of Han Siqi’s parents.

It’s already 3:00 a.m., but she is not sleepy at all.

“I suddenly feel the life full of twists makes me frightened and restless. I really hope these days can pass by quickly and we can skip to the perfect ending directly, just like turning pages of a book.”

Han Siqi laughs, “It has been a long time since I had such a tense feeling last time. I experienced it again today. It’s not bad.”

“You will not only be tense tomorrow night.” Fu Zhengzheng is vaguely worried.

“The police are really disappointing.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng retorts immediately, “Lu Song also failed to follow us, didn’t he?”

Han Siqi doesn’t get angry. He holds her shoulder smilingly, “Let’s stop talking about it. It’s late. Let’s go to sleep.”

They don’t want to disturb those sleeping downstairs, including Chen Qiaolan, so they open the gate quietly. When they are about to creep up the stairs, someone rushes to them in the dark suddenly…

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