Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 365 - A New Task

Chapter 365 A New Task

“OK, I’ll be there soon.” Fu Zhengzheng puts down her phone, tells Zhang Lin briefly that she has something to do and then rushes to Yang Tao’s office at the fastest speed.

She opens the door and sees a middle-aged man beside Yang Tao and Ji Muxian.

Seeing her come in, Yang Tao introduces the middle-aged man to her instantly. It turns out that he is Miao Kangjian succeeding Xiao Hui in charge of the coffer case.

Fu Zhengzheng has no contact with Miao Kangjian, but Yang Tao mentioned him to her before, so she is familiar with him and greets him smilingly.

Miao Kangjian points to a seat nearby with a smile and signals Fu Zhengzheng to sit down.

Fu Zhengzheng sits down at once and looks at them.

Miao Kangjian nods at Yang Tao slightly. Yang Tao speaks first, “Zhengzheng, we’ve decided to ask you to help Zhang Min know about Li Xiaomeng’s all information before we give her a new identity.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “What can I do?”

“Your mom isn’t well, so you need to go back to C…”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “What’s wrong with my mom?”

Yang Tao waves, “No, no. I mean that you go back to C City with the excuse that your mom is sick. After you get to C City, someone will contact you and arrange everything.”

“OK. When shall I go to C City?”

“If you don’t have other things to deal with, set out tonight. You can go there by means of transportation as you like. You just need to tell us, and we will arrange for someone to protect you. Before departing for C City, go to visit Fu Wenhai. After all, he helped you a lot. Don’t make him suspicious. You will deal with him on many occasions.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng nods. When she sees Miao Kangjian staring at her, she asks instantly, “Deputy Chief Miao, do you any other instructions?”

Miao Kangjian looks at her approvingly, “Fu, you have suffered a lot for the coffer case.”

Fu Zhengzheng replies with a smile, “No, everyone works hard for it.”

“Be cautious anytime.”

“Thanks for your care. I will.” Fu Zhengzheng stands up, smiles at Ji Muxian, who keeps silent and then goes out.

She doesn’t return to her small office. Instead, she goes to the director’s office to ask Director Lu for leave. Without asking much, he gives her a written request for leave. She fills in it and asks for leave formally.

Out of the director’s office, Fu Zhengzheng calls Zhang Lin, saying her mother is sick, and she will have a few days off. She asks Zhang Lin to cope with her work. Zhang Lin agrees without hesitation.

After hanging up the phone with Zhang Lin, she calls Han Siqi and tells him the task Yang Tao has assigned to her.

“Go to C City tonight? I haven’t finished the work in hand.” Han Siqi never thought she would get the task so suddenly.

“I can go there alone. Just concentrate on your work.”

“How long does it take?”

“It’s up to Zhang Min’s performance. I think it will take three or four days at the soonest.”

“I’ll arrange for the company business right now. Wait for me.” Then Han Siqi hangs up the phone.

It will take three or four days at the earliest, but it may take more days if it can’t be finished soon. How can he feel easy if she goes there alone?

Though he knows the police will send someone to protect her secretly, he doesn’t think they are reliable.

Han Siqi puts down his cellphone and dials the internal phone, “Inform senior management to have an emergency meeting in five minutes.”

“OK, Mr. Han.” Xu Yan issues the notice without delay.

When Han Siqi is about to go to the meeting room, his cellphone rings. Fu Zhengzheng calls him again. He answers it immediately.

“The company is so busy, and our brother is away. I think you’d better not go with me. What if there is something wrong with the company?”

“I will arrange for it.” Han Siqi pauses and then adds, “I’m worried about you.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows he doesn’t believe the policemen and smiles, “If you are really worried, I’ll call my brother and ask him to send someone to protect me. His soldiers are all great. Are you reassured now? The company can’t be operated without a mainstay for so many days!”

“But you’re not safe on the way.”

“It’s only a two-hour drive. Don’t be nervous extremely.” Finding Han Siqi is about to say more, she continues to say, “After you drive me to C City and see my brother’s soldiers, you come back, OK?”

Han Siqi thinks and doesn’t object, “I’ll ask Lu Song to arrange it.”

“Hey, wait!” Fu Zhengzheng speaks faster in case he will hang up the phone, “I want to visit Fu Wenhai today. When can you go with me?”

Han Siqi looks at his notebook and says, “I’ll schedule the time at 2:00 p.m.”

“OK. I’ll wait for you.” Then Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone.

Han Siqi calls Lu Song at once. At this moment, Xu Yan knocks at the door lightly outside, “Mr. Han, every one of the senior management is in the meeting room. What materials do you need me to take?”

“Cancel the meeting. Let them go back to work.”

“Ah? Oh.” Not daring to ask more, Xu Yan goes to the meeting room to convey the notice without delay.

Ignoring the astonishment of Xu Yan and others, Han Siqi gives Lu Song some instructions. Lu Song nods and promises he will do it right away.

Knowing Han Siqi won’t be free until 2:00 p.m., Fu Zhengzheng drives to the hospital where Qiao Keren and Mrs. Lin are, because it’s not yet noon.

But when getting to Mrs. Lin’s ward, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t see Mrs. Lin. She feels strange, goes to the nurse station to ask, and is told that Mrs. Lin has moved to Qiao Keren’s ward.

Fu Zhengzheng comes to the outside of Qiao Keren’s ward. When she is about to enter, she is surprised by the chuckle inside. Then she opens the door slightly and peeps inside through the crack. Qiao Keren is sitting on the bed while Mrs. Lin is seated next to her. They are watching something and chuckling.

“Miss Zhengzheng? You’re here.”

Lin Xiaoyue says softly behind. Fu Zhengzheng straightens her body immediately and looks back.

“Um, I want to know how Keren is.”

Lin Xiaoyue smiles, “The doctor says she is fine. My mom asks my brother to cook soup to build her up every day.”

“Your brother and Keren…”

“Sister Keren is still unwilling to talk with my brother, but I can see she isn’t really angry with him. Perhaps because her anger hasn’t subsided completely, she even doesn’t glance at the soup my brother cooks himself.” Then Lin Xiaoyue begins to laugh, and whispers to Fu Zhengzheng, “Each time my brother brings the soup, my mom and I will go away deliberately. Then my brother will feed Sister Keren in person.”

“Does she drink?”

“Yes. But she says it tastes bad each time.”

“Your brother doesn’t say something pleasant when he feeds her?”

“No! Each time when my brother feeds Sister Keren, I will eavesdrop with my mom outside. We are anxious extremely because my brother is poor at speech and can’t say anything pleasant! I used to think that Yang Tao was not good at pleasing me. Unexpectedly, my brother is worse than Yang Tao.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “If he can please a girl, he isn’t your brother.”


Mrs. Lin calls in the ward. Then Fu Zhengzheng realizes she laughs too loudly. She opens the door, enters the ward, and smiles at Qiao Keren embarrassedly.

“Keren, do you feel better?”

Qiao Keren nods smilingly, “Aunt and Xiaoyue take good care of me. I feel much better now.”

Lin Xiaoyue waves at once, “Sister Keren, I have done nothing. My brother is the most toilsome one.”

Qiao Keren doesn’t think so, “It’s his duty.”

“I’m not toilsome.”

A man responds at the door. They look back and see Lin Yongcheng come in with a heat preservation container.

Fu Zhengzheng casts a quick glance at Qiao Keren and finds the smile in her eyes. But she pulls a long face soon and looks indifferent. Fu Zhengzheng is amused by the sudden change of her expression. If the object is Tian Xin or Sun Qiubo, she will tease them. But it’s Qiao Keren, so she gives up the idea.

Seeing Lin Yongcheng put the heat preservation container on the table, Lin Xiaoue stands up instantly and says, “Sister Zhengzheng, let’s take a walk with my mom.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng stands up too and helps Mrs. Lin go out of the ward with Lin Xiaoyue while choking back her laughter.

When they walk to the small garden under the building of the inpatient department, Mrs. Lin holds Fu Zhengzheng’s hands and shows her gratitude.

“Zhengzheng, I don’t know how to thank you and Mr. …Um, Siqi. Yongcheng has told me, without the help of you two, he can’t be a couple with Keren.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “You’re welcome. Siqi and I just give them a push. If they don’t love each other, we can’t succeed, so in the final analysis, they are destined.”

Lin Xiaoyue breaks in, “It’s also Mr. Han that straightened Sister Keren out.”

Fu Zhengzheng waves, “Keren cares about Yongcheng a lot, so she would be so emotional that day. Even if Siqi doesn’t persuade her, she will straighten out her thinking. It’s just a matter of time. After all, she and Yongcheng love each other sincerely.”

They talk till almost 12:00. Then Fu Zhengzheng comes back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. She tells Han Siqi’s parents that her mother is sick, so she is going to C City and will stay there for a few days.

Ji Yashu and Han Tengyue are worried to hear that and ask many questions. Fu Zhengzheng explains that her mother only has a cold, and it’s not severe. Then they are reassured.

After lunch, Fu Zhengzheng goes back to the room to pack her suitcase. She will be away from Han Siqi for several days, so she prepares the clothes that he will wear tomorrow. She also irons them and puts them tidily on the sofa.

At 2:00 p.m., Han Siqi calls her and says he will get to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort soon. She goes downstairs immediately. They come to the hospital where Fu Wenhai is.

Fu Wenhai has a good physical quality, and his injuries are external. After nursing his injuries for a few days, he has got better apparently. When Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi come to his ward, he is half lying on the bed and reading. Seeing them come in with gifts, he struggles to rise at once. Han Siqi goes up and stops him.

Fu Wenhai can’t get out of the bed and smiles embarrassedly, “Mr. Han, thank you for sparing time to see me.”

Han Siqi smiles, “I’m really busy, or I would have come to see you earlier.”

“I heard that Chairman Han is away on holiday. You must be very busy.” Finding that Fu Zhengzheng is still standing, Fu Wenhai points to a nearby stool and says immediately, “Miss Fu, please have a seat. Thank you so much for saving my life!”

Fu Zhengzheng sits down and says smilingly, “You have saved my life several times. Can’t I save your life once in return?”

Fu Wenhai smiles, “I hope we will never encounter the danger where we need to be saved again.”

Fu Zhengzheng responds at once, “Yes. May kind people be blessed with life-long peace.”

Then they laugh together.

They have a small talk. After telling Fu Wenhai to take good care of himself, Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi leave Fu Wenhai’s ward.

For fear that it’s not safe for Han Siqi to drive back alone, Fu Zhengzheng hurries him to drive her to C City earlier. After she calls Yang Yao, they go back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort for the luggage and then depart for C City.

On the way, she can’t help sighing about Fu Wenhai, “Look at how Fu Wenhai chatted with us today. If we were not clear about his secret, we could not imagine he would be such a person.”

“You should think about your next plan now.”

“The plan might have been made. I guess it’s being improved. I haven’t asked Yang Tao. What I need to do is to find the contact in C City and then help Zhang Min know everything about Li Xiaomeng.”

“Without me around you, don’t go out and move around casually. Pay attention to the surroundings. No matter what happens, you must protect yourself…”

“I will! Concentrate on driving for safety.” She never thought a man would be so garrulous.

Then Han Siqi stops talking and concentrates on driving.

After over two hours, they reach C City.

As soon as they drive through the expressway toll station, Fu Zhengzheng points to the roadside and shouts suddenly, “Stop!”

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