Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 369 - A difficult Choice

Chapter 369 A difficult Choice

“What about Scarman?”

“Hopeless. Boss, before Scarman was arrested, he had told Lean not to rescue him if he was arrested, and he wouldn’t blame us. The police have begun to suspect us. We must leave before they get hard evidence! Old Yao has secretly transferred a large sum of money from Rongsheng. I think it can’t be much less than the coffer wealth.” Jiang San knows Fu Wenhai has the closest relationship with Scarman and Old Yao.

Fu Wenhai glances back at Jiang San drily and then continues to look at the distance.

“I’ve dreamed of it for six years.”

“Boss, actually, I am unwilling to leave either. Perhaps we can leave temporarily and then come back later with a new identity.”

“A new identity?” Fu Wenhai keeps murmuring the sentence.

He used to be Wen Jun, but afterwards he became Fu Wenhai. Then he encountered Li Xiaomeng and murdered her. He can hardly understand himself.

If he has another identity, he may not even know who he is.

Fu Wenhai tightly purses his pale lips.

A voice always reminds him in his mind that he must get the coffer.

He must get it!

It seems that only if he gets the coffer can the vacancy in his heart be filled.

“Boss!” Jiang San is anxious.

In fact, he had become anxious before Scarman was arrested.

He began to follow Fu Wenhai when he was still named Wen Jun. He has followed Fu Wenhai much longer than Scarman and Old Yao. Just because of it, he keeps away from Fu Wenhai in case someone will find their relationship.

He is clear about what Fu Wenhai has experienced.

“If I leave now, Scarman will sacrifice himself in vain, won’t he?” Fu Wenhai turns around and walks towards the parking lot.


Jiang San can’t hold him back so follows him resignedly.


After Zhu Ting leaves, Fu Zhengzheng continues to work.

Zhang Lin doesn’t know that Zhang Min will approach Fu Wenhai with a new name Zhu Ting. She has been sent away for a three-month training to avoid unnecessary trouble. Another girl has been arranged to work with Fu Zhengzheng.

But the girl isn’t well recently and often asks for sick leave. It enables Fu Zhengzheng to meet Zhu Ting conveniently.

Fu Zhengzheng’s phone rings.

The call is from Li Yin’s shop. She answers it immediately.

Since Lin Jiao’s death, she has seldom gone to see Li Yin. She usually calls her and asks about her situation, because she will think of Lin Jiao when she sees Li Yin. She is more afraid that she will blurt a secret if Li Yin talks about Lin Jiao with her.

The baby is so prominent in Li Yin’s belly, so she can’t be stimulated.

“Is that Miss Fu?” It’s an old lady’s voice. Liu Lin’s aunt?

Fu Zhengzheng responds at once, “Yes.”

“This is Liu Lin’s aunt. Miss Fu, are you free to see Li Yin?”

Hearing the worried voice of Liu Lin’s aunt, Fu Zhengzheng thinks something happened to Li Yin and asks anxiously, “Does she have pregnancy discomfort again?”

“No. I feel something is wrong with her recently. She doesn’t look after the shop and just locks herself in the room every day. Sometimes she even says something strange to me. I’m afraid it will be harmful to herself and the baby. Li Yin only has one friend to talk with now, and that’s you.”

“When did it begin?”

Liu Lin’s aunt pauses as if she is thinking, “Since she knew the death of her cousin.”

Fu Zhengzheng is startled, “Li Yin has known Lin Jiao’s death?”

“Do you know that too?”

“No, I mean Lin Jiao is dead?” Fu Zhengzheng conceals herself at once.

“Yes. It’s said that she died from a traffic accident. Li Yin couldn’t contact Lin Jiao. She felt worried and went to ask her eldest cousin Lin Hong. Lin Hong wanted to conceal her from it, but a neighbor blurted the secret out. Hearing the news, Li Yin passed out immediately. Oh, poor girl. OK, Miss Fu, I have to stop here. A customer comes to buy fruit. When you are free, please come to see her. The baby is so big in her belly. She must be fine. The Liu family is expecting her to carry on the family lineage.”

“I will.” Fu Zhengzheng promises, and then Liu Lin’s aunt hangs up the phone.

Li Yin and Lin Jiao are cousins, but their relationship is closer than that between Lin Jiao and Lin Hong. Fu Zhengzheng is clear about it, so she didn’t dare to tell Lin Jiao’s death to Li Yin.

But she knows she can’t conceal Li Yin from such a big deal for a long time. Now Li Yin has known it, and her sadness is within Fu Zhengzheng’s expectation.

She looks up at the time and finds it’s not yet the time to go off duty. She begins to consider how to comfort Li Yin at noon.

Once it’s the time to go off duty, Fu Zhengzheng leaves the office quickly and drives to Li Yin’s hop.

She parks the car and goes straight into Li Yin’s fruit shop. But she finds the door is opened and no one is in it. She can’t help feeling strange.

“Li Yin? Li Yin?” Fu Zhengzheng raises her voice because on one answers her.

“Coming. Can I help you?” Liu Lin’s aunt responds from upstairs.

Fu Zhengzheng walks to the back of the shop, looks towards the landing, and sees Liu Lin’s aunt staggering downstairs.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng, Liu Lin’s aunt is happy. She stops her steps and shouts toward upstairs, “Li Yin, Li Yin, Miss Fu comes to see you.”

“Li Yin is still staying in the room?” Fu Zhengzheng points to upstairs.

Liu Lin’s aunt sighs, “From this morning to now, she has only got out for breakfast. I have to look after the shop for her and take care of her. I’m so tired. If she is still like this, I think the shop has to be closed.”

“Does she behave in this way every day? Is it because the baby gets bigger, she becomes tired easily?”

Liu Lin’s aunt shakes her head, “Miss Fu, you know that Li Yin is usually hard-working and can bear hardships. No matter how tired she is, she won’t be like this. Lin Jiao’s death must come as a terrible blow to her.”

“But even so, she has to take care of the baby in her belly.”

“I have no idea what’s going on. Anyway, I feel she has changed a lot recently. Sometimes I go to her room and calls her once more, she will lose her temper at me and drive me out.”

“Lose her temper at you?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes confused too. She knows Li Yin usually respects Liu Lin’s aunt very much.

Liu Lin’s aunt nods, “Her temper is worse and worse.”

“Is it the antenatal depression?” After Fu Zhengzheng says it, she thinks it can’t be. According to Liu Lin’s aunt, she seems to suffer from mania rather than depression.

“I don’t know. I just feel something is wrong with her, but I don’t dare to comfort her. I want to take her to the hospital by the chance of antenatal examination, but she refuses. She just lies on the bed and listens to music every day.”

“Does she lose her temper at you because you interrupt her listening to the music system for the baby?”

“I’m not clear. Miss Fu, could you figure out an excuse to take Li Yin to the hospital and see the doctor? No matter what the result is, I can’t be relieved unless she goes to see the doctor.”

“Let me go upstairs to see her.” Fu Zhengzheng walks past Liu Lin’s aunt.

Liu Lin’s aunt walks down two steps and then turns her head to ask, “You haven’t had lunch, right? Lunch is ready and placed on the table. Please try to take Li Yin out to have lunch with you.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng responds and then goes upstairs.

It’s a small apartment with two rooms. Fu Zhengzheng came here before, so she knows Li Yin lives in the south room. She goes to the door and knocks at it lightly. No one answers her, so she raises her voice and shouts, “Li Yin?”

Li Yin’s sharp voice comes from the room, “I don’t want to eat. Don’t bother me.”

Fu Zhengzheng swings the door open.

The room is dark, and the curtains are drawn tightly. Only the wall lamp and the computer case are glowing. The computer is with a screen saver. Music that Fu Zhengzheng has never heard comes out of the loudspeaker box.

Fu Zhengzheng manages to adapt to the dusky light. Li Yin is half lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Fu Zhengzheng walks to the window and pulls back the curtains.

The strong light stimulates Li Yin’s sight. She opens her eyes suddenly, sits up and shouts at Fu Zhengzheng, “Draw the curtains right now!”

“Li Yin, it’s me!”

Fu Zhengzheng turns around and walks fast to Li Yin.

Li Yin pauses for a while and then says, “Zhengzheng?”

“Why don’t you go downstairs to look after your shop in the daytime? You are loafing on the job.”

“I don’t want to go to the shop. Once I enter it, I will miss my cousin. Zhengzheng, my cousin died.” Li Yin holds her and bursts into tears.

Fu Zhengzheng pats her back to comfort her, “I heard of that. It’s a traffic accident. A dead person can’t come back to life. Your cousin was so close to you before her death. I’m sure she doesn’t want to see your look now. You need to be strong. The baby of you and Brother Liu is in your belly.”

“No matter how I look like now, my cousin won’t be able to see it.”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs, “Your cousin can’t see it, but I can. So can Brother Liu and Aunt Liu. You make us heartbroken.”

Fu Zhengzheng pushes away Li Yin lightly and strokes her sallow face. Her throat becomes choked.

After weeping for quite a while, Li Yin wipes her tears and sobs, “I’m all right. Don’t worry. I just don’t want to go out. When I go out, I will miss my cousin. Only when I listen to music in the room, I can feel comfortable.”

“You can’t stay inside the room all day. You should go out and walk around, or you will suffer when you give birth to the baby. Get up now. I haven’t had lunch. After lunch, I will walk with you.” Fu Zhengzheng draws Li Yin up.

Then Li Yin rises slowly.

Fu Zhengzheng walks to the computer and moves the mouse to turn off the computer while asking, “What is the music? I have never heard it.”

“It’s recommended by a client. It’s pleasant to hear. Whenever I am upset, so long as I listen to it, I will feel more comfortable than before. If I see the client again, I will ask a disk for you.”

“The music is so magical?” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t believe the disk’s effectiveness, of course.

“The music is very popular now. There is a link on the Internet, but it’s not as effective as the disk.”

While they are talking, Fu Zhengzheng’s phone rings.

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