Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 372 - She Can Hitch a Lift Conveniently

Chapter 372 She Can Hitch a Lift Conveniently

Hearing the story, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help asking, “Was someone following Fu Wenhai? Or the car was just parked by the roadside by chance?”

Zhu Ting explains, “When I ran out to look, I found the car running towards the direction of Fu Wenhai. There were not many cars on the road, but this car didn’t run quickly. It seemed that it wanted to keep Fu Wenhai at a distance.”

“Did you see the person inside the car clearly?”


“What about the license plate?”

“Neither. When I ran out, the car following Fu Wenhai’s car was also followed by another one, so its license plate was covered. I only saw it’s a black car.” Perhaps she was confused by Fu Zhengzheng’s questions. She says with hesitation, “My first feeling was that the car was following Fu Wenhai. Maybe I thought too much.”

“It never hurts to be more cautious. Don’t approach Fu Wenhai actively in the following days.”

“I know.”

“It’s the first day of your period. Go to bed earlier.”

“Thank you, Sister Zhengzheng.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “You can’t call me in such an intimate way when we meet later.”

Zhu Ting laughs too, “I can call you Sister Fu, right? I will contact you again if necessary.”


They continue to talk about how to do if they meet Fu Wenhai together. Then they hang up the phone.

Fu Zhengzheng puts her cellphone aside. Han Siqi is looking at her, and then she lies down against him.

“Everything is fine. Let’s sleep.”

Han Siqi doesn’t ask anything. He turns off the light, embraces her and goes back to sleep.

However, Zhu Ting can’t calm down after she hangs up the phone. Fu Wenhai’s deep eyes flash in front of her eyes for several times.

When he saw her at the first sight, his eyes showed both incredulity and excitement. The joy from regaining could be seen clearly in his eyes. But soon sadness and disappointment flashed through his eyes. Then he tried his best to hide his emotion with a peaceful expression. He looked at her for no more than five times all the way. But that’s enough for her to notice his emotional fluctuation and his unwillingness to part with her when she got out of the car.

It proved that he once loved Li Xiaomeng deeply.

He didn’t value her until he lost her. It’s so sad.

He’s got what he deserves!

Zhu Ting shakes her head and closes her eyes. Fu Wenhai’s eyes disappear in front of her eyes instantly.

It rains again outside the window. Raindrops beat against the windowpanes. She walks to the window and draws back the curtains. Looking at the waterfall-like flow on the window, she rejoices at such a stroke of luck. Luckily, she comes home quickly, or she will get wet.

She didn’t expect such a heavy rain in May. It seems May is destined to be unusual.

Luckily, she has snatched her only umbrella from Tang Feng. Otherwise she will get into trouble when she goes to work tomorrow if it rains.

The bastard dares to molest her for several times. He’d better keep away from her, or she will give him a lesson sooner or later.

Zhu Ting snorts and then puts on her nightgown.

The next morning, Zhu Ting gets up early. She has been used to getting up early and exercising due to years of military life. But it’s raining outside, so she cancels the plan of exercising outdoors resignedly. Instead, she exercises in the room. When it’s about time to go to work, she packs things up and leaves home.

She intends to buy breakfast from the breakfast bar where she went yesterday. But thinking that she may run across the hooligan Tang Feng, she decides to have breakfast around the law firm. She comes to the bus stop and sees many people waiting for buses. After waiting for a long time, a bus comes, but she is squeezed out of the crowd and then watches the crowded bus away in surprise.

“I’m tired of scrambling for buses every day.” A long-haired girl beside her complains to a short-haired one.

Zhu Ting can’t help asking, “Isn’t necessary to wait for the bus in line?”

When she lived in B City, the citizens were not so uncivilized.

“Wait in line?” The long-haired girl laughs, “We line up when the weather is fine. But if it rains, there will be a traffic jam. It takes a long time to wait for a bus. If you don’t squeeze yourself into it, you will be late.”

Seeing Zhu Ting’s confused expression, the short-haired girl says, “It seems you just moved here. A subway is being built ahead, and the four-lane road is changed into a two-lane one. It’s congested of course. The attendance time of our company is 8:30, but my colleagues try to come out to wait for the bus at 6:30, or they will be late.”

The long-haired grumbles, “Isn’t it your fault for oversleeping? We are sure to be late today.”

“I didn’t mean to. You didn’t wake up earlier than me, did you?”

“We can’t play so late at night again.”

“Forget it. We’ll just be late for this time. It’s not a big deal.”

“Shut up. We’ve just come to the company for a few days, and the boss hates employees that are always late.”

“OK. OK. Bus is coming. Let’s squeeze into it.”

Zhu Ting was listening to the girls’ argument with interest. Hearing that, she looks up immediately and sees the bus coming to the bus stop slowly. She looks at the watch and it’s already 7:40. She is going to scramble for the bus, but it has been surrounded by a large crowd. They are squeezing into it without order. She tries to step forward, but she is squeezed out instantly. She shakes her head and watches the bus off again.

Forget it. It’s better to take a taxi to the law firm. She isn’t good at scrambling for the bus. According to the situation, she may not be able to reach the firm even at noon.

When she is about to hail a taxi, a car stops by her.

“Where are you going?”

Seeing Fu Wenhai, Zhu Ting is excited. She never thought she could see him again so soon.

“I’m going to work, but I fail to squeeze into the bus.”

“Shall I give you a lift?”

“Um, but I don’t want to bother you.”

“You just need to pay me the fare.” Fu Wenhai opens the door lock jokingly.

Zhu Ting doesn’t decline anymore. She gets into his car while joking with him, “You are caught carrying a passenger without a license again.”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “The unlicensed taxi driver has to make a living. Where is your company?”

Zhu Ting tells him the address of her law firm.

“Are you a lawyer?”

Zhu Ting smiles “embarrassedly”, “A new lawyer that has never dealt with cases.”

“You are excellent even if you are a new lawyer. May I consult you if I have questions?”

“You can ask me questions about laws, but don’t expect me to help you exploit law loopholes. I’m very principled.”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “Me too. Though I may not be a good man, I will never be a bad one.”

Zhu Ting laughs too. The car is close to the law firm. She looks at the watch and smiles on purpose, “Thank you for detouring and driving me to the firm. I’m sorry to delay you.”

“No, actually my company is on this road too.”

“So coincidental?” Zhu Ting shouts in surprise deliberately.

“The fact proves it is really so coincidental.” Fu Wenhai stops the car by Zhu Ting’s law firm, points ahead and says smilingly.

“I am new here and not familiar with the surroundings.” Zhu Ting laughs “happily”, “It seems that I can often hitch a lift, right?”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “No problem, but please don’t report me about carrying a passenger without a license.”

Zhu Ting claps her hands joyfully, “A subway station is being built near my home. It’s difficult to take a bus. I will never report you so that I can often hitch a lift.”

“Thank you. Thank you.” Then Fu Wenhai laughs loudly too.

“Great. The happiness comes so quickly.” Zhu Ting makes a “V” gesture and then gets out of the car smilingly.

When walking to the gate of the firm law, she looks back. Finding Fu Wenhai’s car is still there, she waves at him.

Fu Wenhai smiles at her. Then he rolls up the window slowly, starts the car and drives forward.

Zhu Ting is happy. She enters the law firm and stops at her own seat. Colleagues have come in, and it’s inconvenient to call. She edits a cipher text message to Fu Zhengzheng, telling her briefly that she met Fu Wenhai again and can take his car to work.

When receiving Zhu Ting’s text message, Fu Zhengzheng just comes to the office. She feels excited too and tells Zhu Ting not to rush and to approach him slowly.

As soon as she sends the text message, the office door is opened. Yang Tao comes in.

Yang Tao smiles, “I come to look up household registration information.”

“OK. Which district? Let me help you.”

“OK, thank you.” Finding no one is around, Yang Tao walks to her, lowered his voice and asked, “It’s said that Zhu Ting has met Fu Wenhai twice since last night. How is it going?”

“You’ve known that before I report it to you? You are more informed than me. I just got Zhu Ting’s report.” Fu Zhengzheng raises her cellphone smilingly.

Then she tells him in detail what has happened between Fu Ting and Fu Wenhai since last night till now.

Yang Tao looks excited too, “It seems that everything is going as we expect. I hope it can also go well later.”

“Fu Wenhai looks gentle and always wears a warm smile. But actually, he is reticent and has a high taste. He will not give a hand unless the person can bring benefits to him. Otherwise, even if he smiles at you, the smile is perfunctory. Besides, he is very wary, and it’s difficult for a stranger to be trusted by him. However, he can become so familiar with Zhu Ting within such a short time and allows her to take his car to work every day. It can prove that Zhu Ting has occupied a position in his heart. Thus, so long as Zhu Ting’s performance is flawless, everything will go well as we expect.”

Yang Tao regards Fu Zhengzheng’s analysis reasonable and smiles, “You have a clearer knowledge about Fu Wenhai now.”

“Of course!”

Yang Tao tells her, “Remind Zhu Ting that she has got the upper hand, so be impatient and take it easy.”

“I know. I’ve reminded her.”

“You are more and more competent.” Yang Tao praises her.

Fu Zhengzheng straightens her face deliberately, “Wasn’t I competent before?”

“You were, but now you are more competent.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs,

“I have to go back to work. When we’re free, let’s have dinner with Muxian together and talk about it.”

“OK. By the way, I’m wondering how Aunt Lin and Xiaoyue talk with Qiao Yunhan and his wife.”

After Qiao Keren recovered, she went back to C City with Lin Yongcheng. For fear that something unpleasant would happen to them again, Mrs. Lin begged Lin Xiaoyue to go to C City with her. She intended to talk with Qiao Yunhan and his wife openly about the relationship between Qiao Keren and Lin Yongcheng. They have gone there for two days. Fu Zhengzheng forgot to ask about it.

“Xiaoyue told me Qiao Keren’s parents were in favor of the marriage.”

“That’s good.”

Yang Tao smiles and then goes out.

When Fu Zhengzheng is about to work, the computer prompts suddenly that she’s got an e-mail.

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