Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 374 - My God, It’s Too Horrible!

Chapter 374 My God, It’s Too Horrible!

She looks up immediately and sees a woman with loose clothes staring at her with horror. She guesses the woman must have seen Li Xiaomeng. She pretends to be confused and looks over her shoulder.

Fu Wenhai also looks towards the direction of the cry. The woman looks familiar, but he doesn’t remember where he met her.

“Ms., What seems to be the problem?” A waitress goes forward to support the woman shuddering with horror.

The woman looks pale. She points to Zhu Ting but can’t speak anything.

Her weirdness arouses attention from many people. They cast their astonished eyes to Zhu Ting.

Zhu Ting asks Fu Wenhai “puzzledly”, “The girl seems to be scared of me, doesn’t she?”

When Fu Wenhai is about to respond, a man and a woman rush inside through the door. His face changes slightly.

The man and the woman support the scared woman on both sides and ask her softly.

Finding the woman rushing inside is Fu Zhengzheng, Zhu Ting becomes nervous. She pretends to be unhappy, “I never thought I would meet the person I don’t like at dinner. I’ll say hello to her.”

When Fu Wenhai sees her looking at Fu Zhengzheng, he is surprised, “Do you know her?”

“Yes. She works in the household registration office.” Zhu Ting lowers her voice deliberately, “She isn’t easy-going. Now that I run across her, I might as well say hello to her.”

Then Zhu Ting stands up and walks to Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Wenhai opens his mouth, but he doesn’t stop her.

Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi are asking Zhu Linglong what happened. Zhu Linglong is frightened. She just holds Han Siqi’s arms, buries her face into them and shouts there is a ghost.

Zhu Linglong came back from C City today. She called Han Siqi and asked him to treat her to dinner. Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng went to pick her up after they went off duty. Fu Zhengzheng wasn’t picky of food, but Zhu Linglong wanted to eat steak, so they came here. Zhu Linglong couldn’t wait for Han Siqi to park the car to a stall. She got out of the car first and was going to order upstairs before them. Unexpectedly, she ran across Zhu Ting who looked the same as Li Xiaomeng on the first floor. She thought she saw a ghost. She was so frightened that her legs became feeble.

In fact, when Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi come in, they notice Zhu Ting and Fu Wenhai sitting by the window. They rush inside and see Zhu Ting and Fu Wenhai coming over. Ignoring them, they comfort Zhu Linglong, “Don’t be afraid. She is a human rather than a ghost.”

Zhu Linglong opens her eyes slightly and glimpses. When seeing Zhu Ting’s smiling face, she is frightened to turn her back to Zhu Ting while closing her eyes, jumping and screaming.

“Don’t come over! Go away! I haven’t done anything against you. Don’t come to scare me.”

Han Siqi didn’t expect Zhu Ting and Fu Wenhai would appear here together. He pretends to be disgusted at Zhu Ting and doesn’t look at her. He tells Zhu Linglong not to jump, because she has been pregnant for over two months.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at Zhu Ting coldly and snaps, “Stop! Stay away from my friend! Don’t come to scare her!”

Zhu Ting stands there embarrassedly and says perplexedly, “Sister Fu, sorry. I don’t mean to scare her. I just want to say hello to you.”

“You have said that to me. You can go.” Fu Zhengzheng turns around sullenly, holds Zhu Linglong and comforts her softly, “Linglong, don’t be afraid. Calm down. She isn’t a ghost. She just looks like Li Xiaomeng.”

“Mr. Han, Miss Fu, what’s going on?” Fu Wenhai comes over and looks around with pretended confusion.

Han Siqi is “surprised”. He points to Zhu Ting and asks, “Is she your friend?”

Fu Wenhai nods, “Yes, she is my friend Zhu Ting. What’s up?”

“Is she really your friend?!” Fu Zhengzheng stares at him “with shock” and then turns around to look at Han Siqi.

“Mr. Fu never saw Li Xiaomeng. No wonder he doesn’t know.” Han Siqi pats Zhu Linglong’s shoulder while telling Fu Wenhai, “Nothing important. Your friend looks like our friend. She died half a year ago, so my cousin is scared.”

Fu Wenhai looks at Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi with pretended confusion.

“No! She is Li Xiaomeng’s ghost! My aunt said a pregnant woman was unlucky and prone to see unclean things. It’s true.” Zhu Linglong buries her face into Han Siqi’s arms and fears to look up again.

“Linglong, not only you but also we see her. She isn’t Li Xiaomeng. Didn’t you hear Mr. Fu call her Zhu Ting?” Fu Zhengzheng explains patiently.

“Is she really not Li Xiaomeng?” Zhu Linglong shows one eye to look at Zhu Ting. She still looks surprised, “But they look very alike. Even if she isn’t Li Xiaomeng, she must be Li Xiaomeng’s twin sister. I cursed Li Xiaomeng before. Now her sister appears for no reason. She must want to take revenge on us.”

“Stop. Don’t talk nonsense. Mr. Fu has said she is his friend.” Han Siqi holds Zhu Linglong, takes her outside while saying to Fu Wenhai, “My cousin is pregnant and slightly sensitive. Tell your friend not to mind. Let’s get together when we’re free.”

“OK.” Fu Wenhai nods.

“Mr. Fu, you…” Fu Zhengzheng glances at Fu Wenhai and then sweeps Zhu Ting coldly with seemingly complicated eyes. But she doesn’t say anything more. Then she turns around to follow Han Siqi and Zhu Linglong.

Zhu Ting keeps silent for quite a while and stands there restlessly. After they go out, she says regretfully, “Sister Fu’s friend seems to be scared by me. I shouldn’t have come to say hello to Sister Fu, right?”

Fu Wenhai stares at her and asks seriously, “Are you very familiar with Fu Zhengzheng?”

Zhu Ting looks grieved right away, “If only I were familiar with her. I am a divorce lawyer. Due to the job, I often go to the residency administration department to look up relevant information. Sister Fu is in charge of it. I have just seen her twice. Each time, I call her respectfully and try my best to please her. But she is always indifferent to me and even puts me in a tough spot. She seems to be disgusted at me. I don’t know how I offend her. Who did she say I looked like? Why was the pregnant woman so scared of me?”

Fu Wenhai stares at her for quite a while and then says slowly, “Didn’t she said you looked like her departed friend? She reminds me of something. I told you I seemed to have seen you, right? I have a close relationship with Miss Fu’s husband, Mr. Han. I might have run across Li Xiaomeng when she was together with him. But I don’t remember where and when I ran across her.”

Fu Wenhai disassociates himself from his encounter with Li Xiaomeng with only one sentence.

“Mr. Han? Is he Fu Zhengzheng’s husband? He was together with Li Xiaomeng? Did they…” Zhu Ting covers her mouth deliberately and pretends to be surprised.

Fu Wenhai smiles, “I have no idea. After all I didn’t see anything by myself. But after Li Xiaomeng died, it’s rumored that they had an intimate relationship.”

“No wonder Sister Fu is so disgusted at me. It turns out that Li Xiaomeng was the third woman in their marriage! How unlucky I am! I can accept that I look like a departed one, but it’s disgusting to look like a detestable third person. No wonder Fu Zhengzheng always puts me in a tough spot.” Zhu Ting adds with a pretending long face, “I went to her office yesterday. It could have been finished within one minute, and it was a justified request. But she kept me waiting for one hour. It’s really irritating. I hadn’t been treated in this way before then.”

Listening to Zhu Ting’s sobbing voice, Fu Wenhai takes her to the seat while comforting her slowly, “Now some people like make things up to boss people around. Don’t take it to heart.”

“I don’t want to, but I feel injured sometimes. What’s her official rank? So bureaucratic.”

Fu Wenhai orders another dish and then asks Zhu Ting, “How about coming to work in my company? We just want to hire a legal adviser with a high salary.”

“Work in your company?” Zhu Ting’s eyes light up, but soon they darken, “I have just worked in the law firm for two days. If I hop from this job to another one and my parents know that, they will think I am fired. I don’t want to be looked down upon by them.”

Fu Wenhai laughs, “There is no rush to make your decision. Please think about it. If you come to my company, I won’t let you be wronged by others at least.”

Zhu Ting gazes at him, pretending to be interested. After thinking for quite a while, she smiles noncommittally with pretended lightness.

Fu Wenhai smiles and rises to fetch fruit.

They finish dinner enjoyably. When walking to the door, they find it just rained outside, but they didn’t notice it. On the way to the car, there is a puddle of water. Fu Wenhai needs to go through the back door to drive the car. He points to a landscape tree by the roadside and says, “Go there to wait for me. I’ll detour to drive the car.”

Zhu Ting nods and walks to the landscape tree slowly.

When coming to the landscape tree, she looks back and Fu Wenhai is nowhere in sight. She begins to look around while recollecting what happened in the restaurant.

Fu Wenhai is so shrewd. She doesn’t know if the scene of her encounter with Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi can fool him.

Fu Wenhai is indeed foxy. She appeared before him so suddenly, but he managed to restrain himself. It seems that it will be difficult to be completely trusted by him.

However, now that he has invited her to work in his company, it means she occupies a position in his heart. So long as she can dispel his doubt, everything will be all right.

Take it easy. It’s just the beginning.

Zhu Ting comforts herself in the heart.

“Hey, pretty girl, why are you standing here alone? Are you waiting for me?”

Zhu Ting hears the voice and looks up immediately. Some yellow-haired hooligans appear from nowhere, standing before her and winking at her.

Damn, do they want to molest her? They are so stupid.

Zhu Ting glances at them coldly and wants to step aside. But these brazen guys think she is frightened. One of them even reaches out his hand to her chest.

Zhu Ting is raging. She looks down on them and poses for a fight immediately…

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