Catastrophe Card King

Chapter 409 - 153: Magic Energy Hot Melt Knife and Mechanical Gorilla_2

Chapter 409: Chapter 153: Magic Energy Hot Melt Knife and Mechanical Gorilla_2

Translator: 549690339

But he sniffed the air, picking up a strong scent of blood, quickly transforming into his Werewolf form, “There are some powerful creatures on this level. The ones earlier seemed to have missed out on dealing with them.”

Seven Brown nodded in agreement.

The pair moved on.

Soon, they came upon human corpses scattered on the ground.

A severed arm lay there, still clad in its military exoskeleton.

Leonard Churchill picked up the severed arm and examined the smooth yet slightly charred cut, sternly furrowing his brow.

This was not the kind of wound that would have been made by an ordinary sword.

Seven Brown also expressed her confusion, “There aren’t any remnants of curse power, it looks like it was made by some kind of mechanical equipment that generates high heat.”

Churchill thought about the Magic Energy Light Sword that the Miller Family had exhibited in the Upper City of Sinless City, speaking with a serious tone, “A weapon that can cut through armor in one slice…Rita, be careful.”


Seven Brown nodded.

In terms of defense, a mechanic is strong, but there is a breaking point.

If a monster’s attack surpasses that breaking point, the machinery is as good as paper and becomes a burden instead.

Not long after, they came across the remains of the body to which the severed arm had belonged.

The head had been chopped off.

The cut was still the same – smoothly carbonized.

Churchill instantly recognized the identity of this corpse – it was indeed that man “Rob Smith” who had entered here earlier along with the four second-tier beings.

Looking at the Mechanical Exoskeleton, Seven Brown seriously remarked, “This is a ‘War Bear Ninth Generation Mechanical Exoskeleton’ from Morgoth Military Factory. Its armor defense is stronger than most second-tier card masters. It’s considered a high-quality single-soldier skeleton in the market.” Even though the dead man had considerable strength and superior equipment, he was killed swiftly, which bore testimony to the monster’s power.

Having spotted the corpse, Churchill’s gaze scanned the remaining traces of the battle on the scene.

Images of two shadowy figures engaged in intense combat in the corridor flashed across his mind.

Each footprint corresponded to every displacement.

Each row of bullet marks traced the monster’s evasion route…

There were no obvious collision marks; it seemed like the battle took place between an ordinary man and a creature akin to a ghost.

With this inference, Churchill made a direct judgement, “The monster might be a mutated human, possessing excellent swordsmanship. Its power should be around second-tier B level. It’s not physically large but has an exaggerated agility attribute, over 40. It has great explosive power in its legs but its upper limbs are average. It also owns a unique form of mechanical weapon.” Seven Brown was a little surprised, just from the traces on the scene, he seemed to have gathered so much information?

However, hearing that its agility attribute was over 40, it was already beyond the reach of most third-tier card masters.

This kind of agile monster posed a significant challenge to relatively slower mechanics.

However, having said all this, Churchill’s mouth curved into a smile, “You might be about to receive a potent weapon.”

Seven Brown, failing to keep up with his logic, exclaimed in surprise, “Hmm?” Churchill smiled regarding that matter, and replied, “Since it has appeared, killing this Catastrophe, given our high passing grade, we stand a great chance of drawing a card from it or getting its blueprint.”

Almost all mechanical equipment cannot be transported out of the Alternate Dimension.

However, it can appear during card drawing.

A veteran in the Alternate Dimension, he was familiar with the rules.

As long as something has been encountered and killed inside the dimension, The related plot items or blueprint has a high probability of appearing in the settlement card pool.

After about a moment, Seven Brown understood fully and said, “So…you’re preparing to kill it?”

She was indeed interested in that kind of sword that could cut through a mechanical skeleton in one slice.

But… it would be dangerous.


Leonard Churchill nodded.

This wasn’t just about an evaluation of the settlement phase; there was more to it.

He said, “If I am not mistaken, this monster might be the key Catastrophe on the second floor. To get the key clues, we can’t avoid this monster.”

The fact that Iron Hand’s people failed to kill this monster doesn’t mean that he too wouldn’t succeed.


Seven Brown glanced at the body on the ground, initially worried about the dangers of the monster.

But upon watching the figure in front of her, calmly facing the darkness ahead, her eyes lit up with determination as she quickly decided to follow him.

There were numerous traces in the corridor, suggesting that the previous group was in a rush.

They had practically charged forward, dropping bombs along the way.

On the way, they came across four more bodies, each bearing different kinds of wounds.

There were other mutation monsters on this level as well.

Leonard Churchill and Seven Brown were not in a rush.

The weaker monsters on the previous level appeared to have been drawn away, leaving the second floor relatively deserted.

As they moved along, they only encountered a few mutation monsters which were not tricky, and killed them right away.

Whether it was luck or not, after wandering around for the major part of the second floor, they never came across any challenging monsters.

As they moved along, they also picked up some research material, and nonchalantly set up a few bombs to block crucial intersections.

Eventually, the two of them reached the front of a locked office door.

It was situated right under the T64 cabin on the first floor.

Gazing at the door in front of him, a smirk appeared in Churchill’s green glowing eyes, “It’s here.”

The sharp senses of an Ancestral Werewolf allowed him to clearly sense the presence of the Monster inside.

This was an alloy password door.

Without specific access identification, it was impossible to open. Standing in front of the door, Leonard Churchill had a strange feeling of familiarity.

As if he had encountered a worthy opponent, one who his Soul could resonate with.

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