Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 126 The second floor situation II

Chapter 126 The second floor situation II

Meanwhile at the same time, in another place on the second floor.

An orange-haired girl was fighting with a group of (E)-Rank turtle monsters alone. The monster's skin was completely green and the brown shells present on their bodies emitted a dark glow.

The girl was an archer that's why she was standing on top of a large tree. Her black eyes shone with a glint when she used her enhanced vision to see the situation behind the trees in front of her.

"More are coming."

She wispered and after releasing another arrow she winced because her figures stretching the bowstring were aching.

"I have been fighting for a whole day. Why are these strange turtles coming toward me nonstop?"

The orange-haired girl was Lara, from her aura one could sense she was only (E+)-Rank. While moving around the second floor, she saw two (E)-Rank turtle monsters.

She killed the monsters easily with the help of her bow but after the two turtles died the tree she was standing in was surrounded from all sides.

"It's good they can't climb the tree."

One of the turtles standing beside the tree trunk banged its head on the tree trunk. With gritted teeth, Lara nocked another arrow and directly aimed at the turtle head that was banging the tree.

With a whoosh the arrow directly pierced through the turtle's head and the turtle died on the spot.

"Sigh, I am tired. Also, I don't have any more mana present inside my body."

Soon, a few more turtles started banging their heads inside the tree and the tree shook violently.

Lara who was standing above a tree branch almost lost her balance but she hurriedly grabbed a tree branch and propelled herself toward another thick branch.

A curse escaped from her beautiful lips. It was the first time she felt so frustrated. A week ago she saw some elves who asked her to team up with them but she just left without replying.

"I should have agreed to team up. At least I could have avoided this situation."

She whispered and looked at the turtles who were banging their heads inside the thick tree trunk.

"If they continue to attack the tree truck, it will break within a few minutes."

Her grip on her bow tightened as she gazed at the turtles.

She hurriedly knocked another arrow and aimed at the turtles.

"Frost Arrows."

A low voice escaped from her lips before the arrow present inside her hand started emitting a chilling aura. Her sharp gaze was fixed on the turtles.

After stretching the bowstring she released the arrow and within a second one arrow turned into ten arrows before directly penetrating the heads of a few turtles who were banging their heads on the tree trunk.


A painful voice came out from her lips as the tiny bit of mana present inside her body disappeared within a second.

While she was coughing, suddenly two humans came out from a nearby bush.

One of the humans had golden hair while the other had black hair.

They looked at the turtles and then at Lara before the golden-haired youth shouted at her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Lara looked at the two humans who just arrived with narrowed eyes. She didn't know who they were but she felt the golden-haired youth was somewhat familiar.

After thinking for a second, she remembered she had seen him on the 6th floor when they were climbing the golden stairway.

When the golden-haired youth shouted some of the monsters gazed at the two new arrivals and hurriedly started running toward the duo.

The black-haired boy standing beside the golden-haired youth frowned when he saw so many (E)-Rank turtles coming toward them.

"Hey Kelvin, we only saw a few monsters from behind the tree but there are so many turtle monsters!"

He shouted and immediately stepped back. Kelvin gazed at the black-haired youth.

"Henson it's not like both of us are weak. Also, the monsters are only (E)-Rank. I think we can try to fight them."

Henson was hesitant but nodded. Both he and Kelvin were (E+)-Rank so it was possible to kill some of the monsters.

"Okay but if the situation gets too dangerous I am running away."

Kelvin didn't say anything and immediately rushed at the approaching monsters. He took out a spear from his storage ring and slashed at a turtle.

Henson also took out a weapon from his storage ring and attacked a nearby turtle.

Lara watched the duo battle with the turtles from above the tree. She wanted to help but her mana was depleted. After resting for a minute, she also joined them.

A sharp arrow was released from her bow that directly killed another turtle monster.

Henson gazed at Lara who finally decided to help them.

"I thought you were just going to watch us do all the killing."

He shouted and killed another turtle monster.

Kelvin gazed at Henson and didn't say anything.

After ten minutes, both of them were panting heavily while all the turtle monsters were finally dead.

Lara was also not standing anymore. Her breath was heavy but after resting a few minutes she jumped off from the tree and walked toward Kelvin and Henson.

She was hesitant but after thinking for a while she thanked the duo for their help.

Henson looked at Lara. Even though she thanked them her voice was cold and her face was expressionless.

"We didn't save you. We saw something strange behind those trees that's why we killed these monsters."

He patted his clothes and with Kelvin started moving toward the place from where the turtle monsters were coming.

Lara looked at the leaving duo and didn't follow behind them.

Suddenly Henson stopped in his tracks and looked back at Lara who was standing at the same place.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Follow us, I can see your condition isn't good enough to fight. If you stayed alone you will probably die."

Lara blinked her eyes and looked back at Henson. Even Kelvin was surprised but then he smiled. He had been with Henson for a while now and somewhat knew his personality.

Henson was nonchalant on the outside but whenever they saw another human in danger he was always the first to help.

Lara didn't say anything and just followed behind the duo quietly. After walking for a while they arrived in front of a strange underground tunnel.

"I think the turtle monsters were protecting this tunnel."

Kelvin said and with caution he entered the tunnel.

Lara and Henson also followed behind him. After walking in the tunnel for a while, they arrived inside a black room. The room was illuminated by some shiny stones scattered around on the ground.

In the middle of the room, two skill cores and a white color book were floating.

The trio looked at each other, Lara didn't say anything. Henson approached the skill cores and book.

He grabbed the skill cores and threw the book toward Lara.

"You killed half of the turtle monsters so I think you should take the book."

Kelvin didn't mind and took a skill core from Henson.

Under their gaze, Lara opened the book and a white light flashed before enveloping her whole body.


She exclaimed softly. Within a second, all her injuries disappeared and a large amount of pure mana entered her body.

Lara closed her eyes, and a crown-like golden lining appeared on her forehead.

After a few more seconds, her rank started increasing and only stopped when she reached (D+)-Rank.

Henson and Kelvin's eyes widened. They looked at each other with a bitter smile.

"I am kinda regretting giving the book to her."

Henson said with a jealous expression. Kelvin also nodded. If they knew it was something amazing why the hell would they give it to someone else?

After another minute, Lara opened her eyes. She looked at the duo who was staring at her with sour expressions.

'Are they going to attack me because the book was something precious?'

She thought inwardly and took a step back. She didn't want to fight with them because they just helped her a few minutes ago. She knew from experience humans were greedy. Even her childhood friends tried to kill her just because they were jealous of her.

Henson and Kelvin seemed to have guessed what she was thinking.

"Don't worry we won't do anything. Anyway even if we want to we won't dare because now you are stronger than both of us."

Henson chuckled and started walking toward the exit of the tunnel. Kelvin also started following behind him. Suddenly Henson stopped and looked back at Lara.

"Well, only one week is left before the Tower sends us all out. So do you want to follow us? You are stronger now so we won't force you."

Lara thought for a while and nodded.

'I think I can trust them.'

After the three of them left the tunnel together.

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