Celestial Bloodline

Chapter 128 Leaving the Tower II

Chapter 128 Leaving the Tower II

On the other hand, inside the white room. Kyle was sleeping peacefully when Jian hurriedly kicked his left foot.

With a startled expression, Kyle immediately jolted awake. He wanted to attack thinking that some monsters attacked him while he was sleeping but when he saw the red-haired boy standing in front of him he stopped.

"Jian don't touch me so suddenly! I almost punched you."

He sighed. Because of living between monsters for the past six months, he became too sensitive to his surroundings.

Jian looked at Kyle with a panicked expression.

"Hey, I would have never disturbed your sleep but we need to leave."

"Huh? Leave where?"

"Both of you hurry up! The black-haired man said if he didn't leave within a minute we would be locked up inside this place for twenty years!"

Alec yelled at the duo who were wasting time in useless conversation.

Kyle immediately looked at Alec, he was standing in front of a golden portal. He hurriedly looked back, the black-haired man was looking at the trio with squinted eyes while occasionally flipping the pages of the book he was holding.

Within a second, Kyle grabbed Bia who was too quiet for the past whole week, and hurriedly approached the golden portal. After hearing Alec he immediately understood the situation.

He gazed at Jian and Alec who were looking at him and nodded before jumping inside the golden portal.

Alec blinked his eyes while looking at Kyle's fading image.

"This guy is always the fastest whenever he sees any danger."

With a sigh, Alec also jumped inside the golden portal. Jian eyes widened for a while but he also jumped inside the portal.

The black-haired man looked at the trio's fading image and waved his hand. The golden portal trembled and turned into gusts of wind.


Meanwhile, outside the Tower. After the white light present in the middle of the Tower stretched and became circular, some bright rays of light flashed out from the circular portal.

Vice Principal George and 4 more powerful individuals from other Kingdoms started floating and seriously gazed at the white ray lights.

"First floor."

Someone whispered lightly but because everyone was quiet the voice traveled far and wide.

The Tower always followed a pattern and first sent out the individuals who were present on the first floor. After the first floor, the individuals present on the second floor would be sent out. That means those who climbed up to the highest floor would come out in the last.

Under their intense gaze, the white rays of light landed exactly at the same place from where they entered the Tower. After the light faded they could see the faces of some young and tired kids.

The older people from each Kingdom hurriedly shielded their kids from all the prying eyes.

After a second, some more white rays of light flashed and this time a lot of kids came out from the Tower.

A lot of familiar faces could be seen among the kids who just arrived outside. Lara, Mia Carcel, Kelvin, and Nine. They all arrived at the same place from where they entered the Tower.

Nine gazed at Carcel who appeared a few meters ahead of him. He hurriedly approached him and grabbed his shoulder with a smirk.

"Hey, I told you I will survive."

Carcel looked at Nine smug faces and just nodded.

Nine grumble after not getting any response from Carcel.

He looked around and his expression turned grim.

"Where's Alec and Kyle?"

Carcel looked around and didn't see them. His expression also turned serious.

"It's seemed they haven't come out yet!"

Lara and Mia who were standing beside them heard their words and hurriedly looked at the circular portal present in the middle of the Tower.

Nine gazed at the circular portal that was shining brightly but then he smirked and looked at Carcel.

"How about a bet? They have probably traveled to the highest floors!"

Carcel pondered for a while but then he frowned.

"Alec should have gone up but what about Kyle? Didn't he fail the 6th-floor trial with us?"

Nine sighed with a jealous expression and removed his hand from Carcel's shoulder.

"Bro, If I am one hundred percent sure Alec is fine then I am one thousand percent sure Kyle is even better than him."

"Heck, I will even believe if someone said he accidentally entered the 9th floor!"

Carcel raised his brow hearing so much confidence in Nine's voice.

Elder Han who was standing in front of the people of Kingdom Escalante frowned. He was also worried about Kyle.

The circular portal present in the middle of the Tower flashed for the 6th time but no one came out.

At the 9th flash, everyone's heart tightened as they gazed at the empty white portal.

"So everyone else is dead."

Vice Principal George sighed emotionally while floating in front of the Tower. A total of 500 individuals entered the Tower but now only 200 or something came out. It means more than half of the kids who entered the Tower died.

Just like the others, he turned around to leave but then the portal trembled again and three rays of light flashed out from the portal.

With wide eyes, Vice Principal George hurriedly turned around and immediately fixed his eyes on the three rays of light.

One of the rays landed among the people of Kingdom Whiteland. The light landed next to Kelvin who was wearing an anxious expression because he hadn't seen Jian coming out yet.

After the light landed, Kevin finally sighed with relief when he saw the red-haired boy appearing beside him.

'Thank god Jian is fine!'

At the same time, under everyone's curious gaze. The other two rays of light landed among the people of Kingdom Escalante.

Vice Principal George's eyes widened as he hurriedly landed in front of one of the kids who just arrived.

He released his aura and a sturdy shield appeared around the people of Kingdom Escalante.

Alec appeared next to Lara. She looked at him and sighed with relief because she was worried about him a little.

On the other hand, Kyle arrived at the same place where he was standing. Almost at the end of the group. He rubbed his back.

"The teleportation experience wasn't good. My body is aching."

He mumbled while standing up properly. Bia also balanced herself on top of Kyle's head. All the kids and old individuals standing above him looked back at Kyle curiously.

Nine also looked back at Kyle and smirked.

"I told you!"

He wispered toward Carcel who was processing the situation where Kyle came out with Alec.

'Did he really reach the 9th floor?'

Elder Han looked at Kyle and his tense body relaxed but after a few seconds, his expression changed into horror.

While Kyle was moving his legs, he sensed some gazes on himself. He looked in front of him almost everyone was staring at him.


Kyle said awkwardly but then suddenly huge pressure descended on his shoulders. His legs gave in and he fell on his knees.

Blood oozes out from the corner of his mouth. The pressure wasn't something he could handle.

With gritted teeth, Kyle looked at the place from where the pressure was coming from. Four floating old individuals were staring at him with serious eyes. No! The four individuals weren't staring at him but they were staring at Bia!


Bia's broken voice sounded inside his head. She was also feeling the pressure.

'Fuck! Because of that strange black-haired man, I forget about this matter!'

He cursed inwardly but then Vice Principal George immediately rushed in front of him and shielded him with his aura.

The pressure around Kyle disappeared and he finally took a breath.

Vice Principal George glared at the four floating individuals with dark eyes.

"What's the meaning of this!"

He shouted before looking back at the bird sitting on top of Kyle's head with gritted teeth.

Before Kyle, a lot of individuals came out from the Tower. They told their elders about the things that happened on the 6th floor. Of course, with his heightened sense, he was able to sense the whispers of those kids.

'How the hell is this small bird talent (SSS+)-Rank?'

Naturally, just like him the powerful individuals from other Kingdoms also heard those whispers. That's why the moment they saw the bird present on top of Kyle's head they immediately tried to probe Kyle and the bird's body.

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