ChangNing’s Imperial Army

Chapter 110 - Live Or Die For His Majesty

Chapter 110 – Live Or Die For His Majesty

When Shen Leng talked about bringing a girl on campaign, he heaved a long sigh of relief. Thereafter, he wanted to see how Master Cha would respond.

Master Cha responded, “Hehe, that good?…huh? What?!”

After that, her face gradually sank. “The emperor wants you to bring a girl on campaign?!”


Shen Leng could tell that something was amiss. He said something romantic and poetic, so shouldn’t he be receiving a hug in return as a reward? Or perhaps, shouldn’t Master Cha be smiling bashfully?

Before he could finish feeling sad, he saw a black figure appearing right before him. Thereafter, he was greeted by the smell of perfume…Master Cha grabbed Shen Leng by the collar and said, “Judging from your facial expression, you seem very happy. Trying to pick up other girls on imperial orders, huh?”

She looked at the tree by the door of the kitchen.


Mr. Shen glared at her. “Let that tree go…silly child, why don’t you get it? What he’s trying to say is that he’s already a Class A Fifth pin official!

“Huh? What?”

Master Cha looked at Shen Leng. She gradually released her hand. “Class A…Fifth pin?”

Shen Leng sighed, “Let me tell you, if you threw me against the tree earlier on, my story would make it into the records of redressing injustice, and it’s going to be one that is of the highest injustice. And no matter how much you try to redress it, it can never be fully redressed…”

“It’s your fault for saying you’re bringing a girl on campaign.”

“I was referring to you.”

“Hehe, I’m a girl? Oh…I am…”

Master Cha looked up into the sky. “Why do I keep forgetting that I’m a girl.”

Shen Leng replied, “So you regard me as a brother? But when you want me to acknowledge you as a big sister, why didn’t you forget the fact that you’re a girl.”


Master Cha responded, “I was wrong…”

Shen Leng asked, “What did you say?”


Master Cha answered, “I was wrong!”

After that, she ran back into her room and slammed the door shut. She leaned her back against the door as she gasped for air. She felt as though her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She covered her chest and felt her face burning. When she covered her face, she felt as though her heart was going to explode… Leng became a Class A Fifth pin official in such a short period of time. In the future when he campaigned or went into battle, he would be able to bring his wife with him without special permission. In other words, her new identity would be Shen Leng’s wife.

Ah…previously, she felt that he was rising the ranks too slowly. But now, it was all too sudden and it made her scared.

In the future, would she have to socialize more with the wives of the other generals? Eat with them or play cards with them?

She heard that the wives of those officials were fond of keeping cats. When they headed out, they were seen carrying an adorable cat in their arms, making them look very graceful and poised.

Master Cha thought about herself carrying their black dog, going over to socialize with those women.


She shuddered, thinking to herself about how she must absolutely never bring the black dog with her because it could devour three adorable cats at one go.

Several thoughts ran through Master Cha’s mind; she thought about how she was going to marry Leng soon, and yet she was still not ready or prepared…or perhaps she was already ready? Ah, they had not found a person to make a newlywed quilt for them. And as for their wedding clothes – where did they have to go to get it made? Was Mr. Shen her in-law or her father? Did he have to prepare a betrothal gift or dowry?


Or perhaps both.


Thereafter, she thought about what Mr. Shen said before, that ultimately, she would be unable to marry anyone. Her face became extremely red.


Do I have to leave the door unlocked for him tonight?




Master Cha slapped the door hard. She thought about how scary that thought was.


Too scary.

At this moment, someone on the outside asked, “Does Shen Leng live here?”

After hearing the unfamiliar voice, Master Cha, who was currently like a cat whose hair stood on end, opened the door. Not too long ago, the Guan Tang Kou men did the same thing and showed up at their door just like that too. Those fellas still had not given up.

Her Po Jia was hanging next to the door; when she heard that person talking, she immediately took her sword down.

A middle-aged man, who seemed to be around thirty to forty years of age, was standing at the door. He wore a very ordinary-looking cotton robe. However, from his aura, he was evidently not an ordinary person. He was standing straight; even though his clothes were ordinary-looking, he exuded the aura of an esteemed soldier. It was something that was fundamental. Even if he wanted to conceal it, he would not be able to. Master Cha was unaware that his aura was in fact his way of concealing.

Apart from the evident military aura, there was a type of gloomy feeling to him. Master Cha could not understand why she was able to see that he was hiding something dark and gloomy within his eyes. It made her feel very uncomfortable, as though he was not a righteous person.

“General Cen?”

When Shen Leng turned around and looked at that person, he was clearly stunned. He had not gone to look for Cen Zheng, and yet Cen Zhong was in a hurry to look for him. It did not make any sense.

When Cen Zheng secretly sent him to the northern border, he did not notify Zhuang Yong immediately. Now that Shen Leng was back, in order to avoid arousing Zhuang Yong’s suspicions, shouldn’t he wait for Shen Leng to look for him instead? Even though he changed into casual clothes, by looking for him directly at his residence, wouldn’t it be hard to keep everything a secret?

Cen Zheng smiled and pointed to the yard. “Are you not going to invite me in to sit?”

Shen Leng quickly said, “Please come in.”

Cen Zheng grunted. After he walked into the yard, he saw Mr. Shen laying on the deck chair. Something flickered across his eyes. Thereafter, he lowered his head and cupped his fist. “Daoist priest.”

Mr. Shen sat up and sighed, “I haven’t heard anyone call me that in more than a decade.”

Cen Zheng said, “More than a decade ago, I am indebted to you for your guidance. To date, I dare not forget your words.”

“You exaggerate. Come in and sit.”

Cen Zheng nodded. “Previously, when Liu Yun Sect’s Hei Yan went to look for me, I was wondering if Shen Leng’s master was truly the Daoist priest from that time. General Zhuang Yong does not know my identity, but if you saw me, you would surely know. Even if I look different after all these years.”

Mr. Shen grunted. “After all, I was the one who taught you the first lesson.”

Cen Zheng said, “Hence, you will always be my master in my eyes.”

Shen Leng looked at Mr. Shen, feeling puzzled. Mr. Shen laughed, “When you mentioned General Cen, naturally, I don’t know who that is. But now that I have seen him, I recognize who he is. At that time, His Majesty…”

Cen Zheng looked at the people in the yard. Chen Ran was there, and so were Uncle Chen and Master Cha.

He shook his head, “Daoist priest, you should not casually talk about what happened back then. Because Hei Yan has already gone to Changan and delivered your message, which is why I can come here to see you. If His Majesty did not approve of the things you said, you should know why I’m here.”

Indeed, Mr. Shen did not continue talking. He looked at Uncle Chen and Chen Ran. “Go back to your room first. There are some things that are inconvenient for you to know about. If you know about it, it will put you in danger.”

Chen Ran quickly supported Uncle Chen into the room and shut the door tightly.

“Come to my room.”

Mr. Shen got up and returned to his room. Shen Leng and Cen Zheng followed behind and entered his room. Shen Leng looked at Master Cha and shook his head slightly, indicating that everything was ok. Only after that, she released her hand that was holding onto her sword tightly.


After entering the room, Cen Zheng turned around and closed the door. He looked at the furnishings of the room and said, “Daoist priest, you’re still as unworldly as ever.”

Mr. Shen spat and said, “That sounds so fake. How was my residence back then tacky and how can I make myself appear to be wealthy and how should I arrange everything?”

Cen Zheng forced a smile and shook his head. He thought to himself about how Daoist Qingsong was still the same Daoist Qingsong as before. Even if he stood right before him, he still looked fearless and unwilling to budge at all.

“I came here to tell Shen Leng some things.”

He took down a bundle from his back and placed it on the table. He placed his hand on top of it and did not move it away.

“Soon, I will be transferred to Pingyue for my new post. It should happen within the next seven days.”

Cen Zheng looked at Shen Leng.

Shen Leng’s first reaction was – he wondered if this was what Zhuang Yong was planning behind his back. However, very soon, his assumption was debunked. If Cen Zheng was someone His Majesty placed in the Navy to supervise everyone within the Navy, then Zhuang Yong would not be able to transfer him out…there was only one person who could do that.


Mr. Shen looked at that bundle and had a sudden realization. He looked worried. “His Majesty is really planning to do that?”


Cen Zheng nodded. “His Majesty mentioned before that you thought of this back then. Even though you mentioned it in passing, His Majesty has always kept it in mind.”

“What is it called?”


“Inside intelligence box.”


“He did not even change the name…however, I casually thought of it back then.”

At that time, His Majesty was not the emperor yet; he was still Prince Liu at that time. Prince Liu was a mere idle prince, who was stripped of his military power by the late emperor and banished far, far away. Hence, he chatted in private with people who were close to him, such as Mr. Shen, without any rules or apprehension. Of course, if the late emperor found out about the content of their conversations, they would be beheaded. Prince Liu included.

What they talked about was…how could the emperor increase his control over the military.

At that time, it did not occur to His Majesty that he would become the emperor. The late emperor, Li Chengyuan, was only older than him by two years; he was in the prime of his life. Who would have expected him to die so suddenly?

It was just a casual chat and nothing more, and a sudden thought simply flashed across Mr. Shen’s mind at that time as well.


However, His Majesty turned it into a reality. Furthermore, he used the name that Mr. Shen coined back then…inside intelligence box.

“No way.”

Mr. Shen suddenly shook his head. “Leng is too young. Moreover, he does not know anything about it. He is unable to do it well, and neither can he do it.”

“No way?”


Cen Zheng laughed, “Daoist priest, could it be that you’ve forgotten that here is only one person in this world nobody can say no to? Since I have already brought this item over, don’t tell me that you still don’t understand? Do you think that you and I can control who this item ends up with?”

Mr. Shen has a grave look on his face. Shen Leng saw from his eyes that he was shrinking back. Over the past couple of years, when did Mr. Shen ever cower?


In that moment, Shen Leng could even sense Mr. Shen’s determination to give up on everything and take him and Master Cha to escape to somewhere far away.

“He does not have a choice. Even if he wants to or does not want to, he has to want it.”

Cen Zheng looked at Mr. Shen and said earnestly, “Only the people in the prince’s mansion back then have the duty to protect this top secret. By giving it to him now, it is such a great honor. Daoist priest, you know better than anyone else; because we are people who were taught by you…we shut the door, but we have to say it more clearly. At that time, His Majesty took us orphans in and cared for us. He arranged for someone like you to train us. His original intention was to allow us to continue living well. However, you kept His Majesty in the dark and gave us another mission, and that mission altered the nature of our existence. Why is it that now things have reached this stage, you seemed to have actually forgotten about it?”

Mr. Shen turned pale. “I did not forget.”

How could he forget?


At that time, His Majesty took several war orphans in. If those children were not well taken care of, they might end up being stranded in the streets, and possibly end up dying or go rogue. His Majesty raised them and taught them skills because he wanted them to survive and lead a decent life.

However, at that time, the former emperor, Li Chengyuan, did not loosen his suspicions and misgivings towards His Majesty. The latter’s prestige in the military was too high – Li Chengyuan did not dare to relax, so much so that he looked for every opportunity to eradicate him.

Hence, Mr. Shen gave those orphans a mission. The mission was very simple.

To live for Prince Liu.

But at this moment, things were already very different. Those people were no longer living for Prince Liu – they were living, or dying, for His Majesty.

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