Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 12

Page 12

Yangquan Restaurant, the strength is respected!

This is also the reason why Kuai Dao Wang, who is not well-liked, has always been able to serve as the boss of the chopping block area.

“Come on, here’s a white radish!”

“Cut him as thin as you can!”

The King of Quick Knives picked a quick turnip from the washed vegetables and said contemptuously.

This kid, I heard that he is a new apprentice.

In the morning, I was transferred from the water platform area to the chopping block area.

I heard that it was ordered by Chef Ji Di himself.


Wash vegetables well, who believes.

I guess someone’s relatives.

In my life, I hate people going through the back door the most.

Watch Lao Tzu take care of this kid.

The King of Kuaishou held his hands in front of him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although Meng Chuan was upset, he didn’t say much.

After all, in the kitchen, everything speaks with strength.

He went straight to the wall covered with kitchen knives.

After some careful observation, he raised his hand and chose a kitchen knife with a cold light.

The King of Quick Swords on the side couldn’t help sneering.

This kid can’t be human.

Eyes are good!

The kitchen knife he chose was named [Silver Sealed Snowflake Knife]!

Extremely sharp.

It was left by the boss of the previous generation of chopping blocks.

However, after he became the boss of the chopping block area, this kitchen knife has been ignored.

Until now!

Meng Chuan held the kitchen knife in his hand and closed his eyes slightly.

Until it opens again!

I saw sword energy overflowing in his eyes.

As if there was a golden light emerging.

The momentum of the whole body also began to rise in an instant.

There seems to be endless sharpness, emerging from his whole body.

There is no wind.

His chef robe rattled.

The guys around felt a chill.

And the King of Quick Swords couldn’t help but tighten his body.

As if threatened by something.

Meng Chuan ignored the reactions of the people around him.

With a twist of his finger, the silver-printed snowflake knife spun.

Knife flower blooms.

Followed by.

Meng Chuan held the white radish with his left hand, and the kitchen knife in his right hand turned into a silver shadow.

Cut down quickly!

[Moon Halo Huaguang Saber Technique! 】

He chose the most suitable one among his twenty-eight types of swordsmanship.

What is the moon halo knife technique.

It is cutting vegetables, which can cut the ingredients like a moon halo.

Transparent and white!

Da da da!

I saw the kitchen knife in Meng Chuan’s hand, so fast that he could see the afterimage.

Pieces of white radish, picked up by the blade.

Fly into the air.

Each slice of radish is as light as a butterfly.

They fluttered down from the sky.

(Brother Meng, please support! Ollie give it!!!)*

【9】Master Shiquan!Knives and halberds showdown! (1/3, please collect!)

The guys around couldn’t help but look sideways.

This radish slice can float up, how light it must be!

This kid can do it.

Many senior chefs are unable to cut radish slices so thinly.

There was also a hint of surprise in the eyes of the King of Quick Knives.

He raised his hand and squeezed a slice of white radish in his hand.

I saw this white radish slice, pure white.

When you hold it in your hand, you can’t feel the slightest thickness at all.

You can even see blurry figures through it.

But that’s all.

If it were him, he would definitely be able to cut thinner and more transparent.

Even so, this kid, in his teenage years, has done it quite well.

It’s a bit of a deal!

But in front of him, the King of Swords, it was just a trifle.

The King of Quick Knives flicked the sliced radish in his hand.

Then continue to make things difficult.

“It’s not thin enough, it’s not qualified!”

“Go there and practice cutting radishes for a month!”

The King of Quick Swords put his hands behind his back and said with a sneer.

How good is this knife.

You are the boss of this chopping block.

Whatever you say, what this kid has to do!

Meng Chuan turned his head, expressionless.

“Why, not happy!”

“Boy, this chopping block area is Lao Tzu’s territory!”

“If you don’t want to cut radishes, get out of Yangquan Restaurant for me!”

The King of Swords snorted coldly.

“Really? Whoever gets out of this Yangquan Restaurant, not sure!”

“I remember, this Yangquan Restaurant should have a tradition of eating halberds!”

“If that’s the case, then let’s compare the swordsmanship!”

“The loser, get out of this Yangquan Restaurant immediately, how about that?”

Meng Chuan raised the kitchen knife in his hand and aimed it at the King of Quick Knives.

Responded coldly.

The so-called halberd!

It’s a showdown between chefs.

This has happened from time to time in previous years.

For example, two restaurants are too close together.

However, the number of guests is certain.

This will lead to poor restaurant business.

At this time, the restaurants on both sides will eat halberds.

Send two chefs to fight each other.

The loser loses, and the winner kills.

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