Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 17

Page 17

Meng Chuan picked up a square tofu.

Then, together with the kitchen utensils, immersed in the water.

Rhythm with both hands, spread it out!

Everyone looked confused.

I don’t understand what medicine is sold in Mengchuan’s gourd?

“Master Shiquan, what is Meng Chuan doing?”

Dudu was on the side, a little puzzled.

“Meng Chuan, he should be carving tofu!”

The Shiquan master on the side is well-informed.

He stroked his beard and explained why.

It turned out that the tofu was extremely tender.

It cannot be directly carved like ordinary fruits and vegetables.

Requires gentler water, supplemented by gentle knife work.

This is how you can carve it into the desired shape.


This tofu carving is extremely difficult.

It’s like being placed in a water tank, out of sight.

So when carving, it’s all about feeling.

As long as there is one wrong carving, all previous efforts will be lost.

Therefore, he has not seen this tofu carving for a long time.

It was originally thought that such a technology would soon be lost.

Unexpectedly, Meng Chuan can actually display it now.

I just don’t know how complete it is!

Time goes by minute by minute!

The incense stick was slowly burning.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became anxious.

Everyone stood on tiptoe and looked at the two competing in the field.

But King Kuaishou and Meng Chuan have both fallen into the realm of forgetting things.

They are all immersed in their own world.

Everything around him has long since turned a deaf ear.

There were drops of sweat on the foreheads of the two of them.

(Everyone, please collect it!)*

【13】White chrysanthemum nectar!Failed work? (2/3, please collect!)

Obviously, cooking the tofu took a lot of their energy.

The second incense stick will soon burn out.

And right now.

The fast knife king finally cut the last knife.

He carefully picked up the tofu on the chopping board.

Then gently put it in a teacup filled with half a bowl of tea!

The tofu, which originally seemed to be slumped into a puddle of mud.

In that tea water, it gradually stretched out.

Like two white flowers blooming.

King Kuai Dao placed two bright red wolfberries on the two white flowers.

“White chrysanthemum nectar, complete!”

When everyone saw this, they all gathered around.

I saw that tofu, which was cooked by the King of Quick Knives for thousands of knives.

It is becoming finer than the strands of hair.

They are suspended in the water, rippling back and forth.

Thousands of gestures.

Like two white chrysanthemums blooming.

The wolfberry at the top added a lot of color to the two white chrysanthemums.

Impressive at first sight.

“Alright white chrysanthemum nectar!”

“The knife work is delicate and solid. Without more than ten years of knife work, it is impossible to complete such a masterpiece!”

Master Shiquan couldn’t help but praise.

This dish, in fact, the real name, should be called chrysanthemum tofu.

It is a famous Henan dish.

However, ordinary chrysanthemum tofu has thicker petals.

But it was made by the King of Knives.

Its level of sophistication can be compared with the “Wensi Tofu” of the Su cuisine.

Su cuisine is known for its delicateness.

And that Wensi tofu is one of the dishes that tests knife skills the most.

To make this dish, the tofu must be cut as thin as a hair.

And this King of Swords combines the advantages of the two.

Create this white chrysanthemum nectar!

Everyone was also amazed at the stunt of the King of Quick Swords.

“My white chrysanthemum nectar not only looks good, but tastes even better!”

After King Kuaishou finished the dishes, Yu Guang glanced at Meng Chuan next to him.

I saw that he was still dancing with his hands.

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that this time, I finally have a solid victory.

And Dudu, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

This Meng Chuan, why hasn’t he finished his work yet!

It’s about time!

And Meng Chuan didn’t notice Dudu’s eager expression at all.

All his thoughts were on the tofu in his hand.

Countless crumbs peeled off from the tofu.

Gradually sink towards the darkness below.

A piece of exquisite artwork is slowly being born in his hands.

And the other side.

Master Shiquan picked up the teacup, squinted his eyes, and squinted lightly!


In an instant, his eyes opened.

This white chrysanthemum nectar is smooth in the mouth!

The tofu shreds spread out in the mouth.

It is as delicate and silky as silk.

This taste is incredible.

“The bean fragrance of this tofu and the sweetness of the tea are perfectly blended together!”

“What a white chrysanthemum nectar!”

Master Shiquan nodded.

Take another sip.

This taste is really enjoyable!

Watching Master Shiquan behave like this.

The King of Knives and the guys in the chopping block area immediately felt that the situation was stable.

Their faces were full of smiles.

“Not yet!”

Dudu turned his head to look at Meng Chuan, and then looked at the burning incense beside him!

The incense in the furnace is about to burn out.

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