Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 2

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“I can’t believe I’m still only a third-rate chef!”

Meng Chuan smiled bitterly.

Thinking about it, he was just a fresh graduate in his previous life.

How high can the cooking skills go?

However, doesn’t he still have a system!

“By the way, what is your role?”

Meng Chuan asked quickly.

[This guild system can help the host invite chefs from all over the world to join! 】

[Gather the power of chefs from all over the world to help the host reach the peak of cooking! 】

“The chef of Wanjie?”

Meng Chuan couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback.

The power of one person is indeed limited.

But if the chefs of the heavens meet.

What kind of sparks will there be when food cultures collide?

Exciting to think about it!

“But that’s how to invite?”

Meng Chuan continued to ask.

[When the host is appreciated by others, you can get experience points! 】

[Experience points are used for leveling up, and every time you level up, the host can get an invitation quota! 】

[In addition, the guild has many permissions to open! 】

[Please upgrade the host as soon as possible, and explore the rest of the content by yourself! 】

[Because the host has logged in for the first time, a special gift package for the president will be given, do you want to receive it? 】

“Of course!”

How could Meng Chuan refuse the gift of the system.

[The president’s exclusive gift package is open, and the rewards are being withdrawn! 】

[Congratulations on getting the golden talent scroll: ingredient identification technique! (The super talent who can observe and discern all the ingredients in the world!)]

[Congratulations on getting the golden skill book: Eighteen ways to wash vegetables at the master level! (Eighteen types of vegetable washing stunts!)]

【Congratulations on getting the golden prop card: Food Cell! (Super cells that can give birth to gourmet demons!)]

Meng Chuan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

This system is really interesting!

Such a great gift to start with.

In the identification technique of ingredients, you can tell by the name that you can identify the ingredients.

If a chef wants to cook good food, he needs good ingredients.

With the talent for identifying ingredients, choosing ingredients is like a godsend!

Not to mention the gourmet cells.

A god-level item in Gourmet’s Captive.

As long as it is implanted in the body, the body will evolve whenever it tastes delicious food in the future.

There is no doubt that the entire two are top-of-the-line presences.

But what the hell are these [-] ways to wash vegetables?

Meng Chuan was stunned!

Is it even considered a golden skill to wash vegetables these days?

[Host, don’t underestimate the vegetable washing technology! 】

[Washing vegetables is the first step in cooking! 】

[Whether the ingredients are delicious or not, whether they are nutritious or not, they are all on the dishes here! 】

[Kung fu in washing vegetables, knowledge is great! 】

The system seemed to see Meng Chuan’s doubts and quickly explained.

In the system, various skills are provided.

But it is also divided into three, six, nine and so on!

These eighteen ways of washing vegetables, as a gold-level skill, can be said to be the top-level existence.

It can be said.

This will grow up gift package, all are the best items.

But then, if you want to get such high-quality things, you need to buy food points.

[The ingredient identification technique and the eighteen methods of washing vegetables can be used by the president at any time. 】

[Gourmet cells can only be used under special circumstances. 】

After all, once the gourmet cells are activated, they need to devour a lot of gourmet food.

Otherwise, it may form a backlash.

At the current level of Meng Chuan, once it is opened, it is a dead word!


Meng Chuan secretly said in his heart.

Randomly, he clicked on the skill book and talent scroll, and chose to use it.

I saw the skill book and the talent scroll, and a burst of golden light erupted.

Then it flooded into my mind!


all of a sudden.

Meng Chuan only felt that his mind was bright for a while.

Countless pictures appeared in front of his eyes.

All kinds of dishwashing skills, first-class.

“It turns out that washing vegetables must be like this, so as not to destroy its veins!”

“Does the fat intestine have to be cleaned like this to retain the most perfect flavor?”

“The fish can’t be cleaned first to remove the scales, so it is.”

Meng Chuan was amazed.


In any skill, the knowledge in it has grown greatly.

Just a small dish washing, it contains so much knowledge.

Not to mention other things.

In addition to the mind, there are countless ways to wash vegetables.

Meng Chuan’s body was also slightly hot.

Tongue tingling.

It seems that countless taste buds are opened.

Other than that, not much has changed.

Just when he wanted to calm down and feel it.

Master Ji Di in front has finished his lecture.

“Okay, next, I’ll take you to visit the back kitchen of Yangquan Restaurant!”*

[2] Eighteen ways to wash vegetables!Seven types of kitchen work! (2 more, please collect!)

Yangquan Restaurant, as the first floor of Yuezhou.

The scale is naturally not small.

The back kitchen alone is [-] square meters.

There are hundreds of chefs!

Although it wasn’t dinner time yet.

But in the back kitchen, the voices were already full of people, and the fireworks were full of fire.

Countless chefs are busy in it.

“Bring three big plates, hurry up!”

“There’s not enough oil here, hurry up and get oil here!”

“What are you in a daze, hurry up!”


The hustle and bustle burst out.

The flames poured out, and the delicious ingredients were cooked into delicious dishes.

The surrounding is full of fragrance.

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