Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 24

Page 24

After climbing over the fence of Yangquan Restaurant, he was about to run away all the way.

But right now!

There was a thunderous roar behind him!

“If you want to run, take it for me!”

Whoosh whoosh!

I saw four chains suddenly shot out.

It grabbed his legs and feet all at once.

Cao Zheng, the swordsman, was immediately tied up tightly.

Then, the chain was pulled.

Cao Zheng fell a dog and ate shit.

“Who caught Lao Tzu!”

“Let me go!”

He struggled on the ground.

But still can’t break free.

It can only keep beating like a fish on a cutting board!

But Master Shiquan and Meng Chuan hurriedly chased out after hearing the noise outside.

I saw Yangquan Restaurant outside.

A man is riding a tall horse, his face is full of majesty.

He was wearing an official uniform and looked not of low grade.

Behind him stood a group of black-clothed guards with knives.

Looking majestic.

Master Shiquan and Master Ji Di recognized the person at a glance.

Back then they went to the capital to see the Dragon Chef Competition.

It was he who was in charge of entertaining.

“See Admiral Li!”

The two stepped forward and bowed slightly.

Then there was a chef’s peculiar etiquette.

This Admiral Li was a person in the royal kitchen of the palace.

The status is naturally higher than that of ordinary folk chefs.

Even if the Governor of Guangdong Province saw him, he should treat him with courtesy.

Of course they are not rude.

“Master Shiquan, please get up!”

Upon seeing this, Admiral Li hurriedly dismounted and stepped forward to help Master Shiquan up.

Although he came from the royal court industry.

But when it comes to his status in the culinary world, he can’t compare to Master Shiquan.

Because this Master Shiquan is the only remaining Dragon Chef in the Chinese cuisine world.

He is nothing but a chef.

After the two chatted for a while!

Admiral Li cast his gaze on Meng Chuan.

Just outside the door, he had already seen Meng Chuan, his amazing knife skills.

Such a talented young man was exactly what he was looking for.

This time, he came out of the palace and toured the eight provinces.

There are two important tasks.

The first is to select a group of talented chefs from the people.

Over the years, the group of chefs in the imperial kitchen has gradually aged.

And the latecomers can’t hold up the beam.

I want to continue to maintain the palace imperial kitchen.

It is necessary to select a group of people from the people.

The purpose of Admiral Li this time is to travel all over the country.

Discover a group of potential and talented young chefs.

The chefs discovered by him will become the seed players in the Chinese cuisine industry.

Enjoy special attention.

If the conditions are right, you will be directly recruited into the imperial kitchen!

The second is to investigate the situation in the dark cooking world.

Why should it be so?

(I’m asking for a collection, I’ve been writing for a few days, but there are still very few collections! I don’t want to ask for a bright red evaluation ticket!)*

[19] Admiral Li’s assessment!Fool again! (4 more, please collect!)

Because of the past few years.

The power of the dark cooking world is getting stronger day by day.

The corresponding bright cuisine world, but gradually decline.

After the death of Lord Yi, known as the “Cook Fairy”, the leader of the bright cooking world.

The originally bright cooking world suddenly became a mess of scattered sand.

The chef associations all over the place are not convinced by anyone.

According to the different cuisines, they go their separate ways and form eight major alliances.

The dark cooking world is different.

Since the new leader, [Incoming Cloud Dragon] Kai You came to power.

Under his leadership, the dark cooking world has been climbing steadily.

They controlled a lot of big people through cooking.

Trying to subvert the existing rule.

This is absolutely intolerable to the court.

These guys are like the White Lotus Sect of the Ming Dynasty.

Bewitching the people, manipulating dignitaries.

It has reached the point where it cannot be ruled out.

So the court decided to take action.

And he, Admiral Li, was the vanguard of the investigation.

Before, he has toured Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Several talented young chefs were also discovered.

Among them, there is a genius girl chef who is proficient in Confucius cuisine.

There are also young geniuses in Huaiyang cuisine from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

It’s a little gain.

However, there has been no progress in the investigation of this dark cooking world.

Because those guys have been hiding in the dark.

Can’t catch it easily.

Unexpectedly, he just came to Guangdong.

Actually caught a secret agent in the dark cooking world.

This is really his blessed place!

“Come here, take this guy from the dark cooking world down and watch it strictly!”

Admiral Li’s serious face could not help but show a smile.

Cao Zheng, the swordsman, was brought down swearing.

“Admiral Li, please put it inside first!”

Master Shiquan said with a smile.

As the owner of Yangquan Restaurant, he naturally cannot neglect the guests.

“it is good!”

Admiral Li nodded.

Then he entered the restaurant with Master Shiquan, Master Ji and others.

He saw the two slaughtered buffalo head-on.


Even the well-informed Admiral Li was shocked by Meng Chuan’s skills.

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