Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 27

Page 27

But luckily.

The system is quite human.

On top of that, there is also a search bar.

As long as you enter the name of the corresponding ingredient, the corresponding dish will be displayed.

Meng Chuan said nothing.

Open the search bar directly and enter the word beef.


all of a sudden.

More than [*] recipes have become dozens of beef recipes.

And the information is more detailed than before.

Not just pictures.

There are corresponding qualities, practices.

and the corresponding purchase price.

【Burgundy Red Wine Stewed Beef】

【Cuisines: French】

[Quality: One-star dishes]

【Materials: red wine, beef, seasoning…】

【Price: 30 points】


【Rose rice bowl with rose beef petals】

【Cuisines: Japanese】

[Quality: Two-star dishes]

[Materials: 5A-grade wagyu beef, rice, butter, garlic…]

【Food Point: 40 points】


【Kingboro Chariapin Steak Rice Bowl】

【Cuisines: Japanese】

[Quality: Two-star dishes]

【Ingredients: beef, onion, potato powder, soy sauce, plum… 】

【Food Point: 28:[*]】*

【21】Shocking!Glowing Cuisine! (2 more, please collect!)

After reading through it, Meng Chuan calculated the price of these beef dishes.

All added together, but only 500 food points.

Before myself, I used the ingredient identification technique and the eighteen methods of washing vegetables.

A total of 3300 food points were earned from the members of the cooking club.

After deducting the cost of purchasing the sword technique before, he still has more than 700 points left.

Even if you buy all of them, there are still leftovers.

Meng Chuan suddenly felt that he was full of local tyrants.

Click Select All.

Place an order to buy!

All in one go.

This feeling is simply too cool.

It’s like emptying the shopping cart on Double Eleven.

[Ding Dong, congratulations, twenty beef recipes have been purchased successfully! 】

The system beeps.

at the same time.

In Meng Chuan’s mind, golden bright spots sparkled.

They are like pages of a book.

And like a star.

Meng Chuan closed his eyes and felt it well.

When opening your eyes again.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a mad cow collapsing.

The whole person is full of energy!

He already knew how to prepare each part of beef.

of course.

Before that, he still needs to do some preparatory work.

This kitchen, on his own, can’t work.

So Meng Chuan went out for a while.

When he came back, there were two more people behind him.

One is Dudu and the other is Tang Sanjie.

Both were asked by Meng Chuan for help.

Dudu grew up in the kitchen since she was a child.

And Tang Sanjie is the descendant of Longzhen Restaurant.

As their own cooks, the two of them naturally have no problem.

“Okay, since that’s the case, let’s get started!”


Tang Sanjie and Dudu both nodded together.

The two of them were very enthusiastic about helping the cook this time.

Tang Sanjie wanted to secretly learn some cooking skills.

And Dudu, naturally, I want to help my sweetheart to share a little.

Meng Chuan began to handle the beef according to his own ideas.

Brush brush!

The snow-white kitchen knife in his hand was like an elf.

The thick beef was instantly transformed into flakes of snowflake-like existence under his knife cooking.

On the side, Tang Sanjie is in charge of heating the pot!


The roaring flames burned.

Several iron pots were also supported.

Pour hot oil into pan.

Then, there was a crackling sound.


After half an hour, the guys in the kitchen next to them were cooking.

Suddenly, one of the guys with a keen sense of smell suddenly sniffed.

“What’s the smell, it smells so good!”

After his reminder.

The other guys also reacted.

“Yes! Such a strong fragrance!”

“Just smelling it makes my saliva flow out!”

“What the hell is this doing!”

They looked up and asked.

“That’s Meng Chuan, cooking for Admiral Li!”

There is a guy who runs the hall, explained.

He was in the box just now, and naturally he witnessed everything.

That’s it!

Everyone nodded.

However, there was a hint of sourness in his eyes.

It took less than a day for Meng Chuan to enter the Yangquan Restaurant.

It has already won the appreciation of Admiral Li.

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