Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 28

Page 28

And they have been in Yangquan Restaurant for a few years, but they are still nothing more than unknown people.

This is the difference!

People are more than people, it’s really maddening!


And now, in that kitchen.

Fierce fighting is still going on.

The sound of fire, the sound of frying, the sound of frying!

All come together.

Like a beautiful symphony.

An hour later.

Meng Chuan finally completed all the preparations.

One dish after another, he made it with a near-perfect technique.

When the last dish is placed on the plate.

Meng Chuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Finally finished!”

In order to be able to complete this dish within the stipulated time.

He put a lot of thought into it!


Tang Sanjie and Dudu also wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

In this hour, they are also in high-intensity work.

No rest.

“Let’s go, let’s serve!”

Meng Chuan patted the two on the shoulders.

However, due to the dishes made by Meng Chuan, they are large and complex.

So he purposely borrowed a small cart.

After all the dishes are installed, close a huge lid.

Then go to the box!


At this time, in the box.

Admiral Li and Master Shiquan finished discussing the issues in the Guangming cooking world.

The current light cooking world is indeed a mess.

Facing the gradual encroachment of the dark cooking world.

They must take action as soon as possible.

This time, all of Admiral Li is going to tour the country, and it is for this purpose.

Master Shiquan, will tell you the relevant situation of the Yuezhou Kitchen Federation.

In order to facilitate the work of Admiral Li in the future.

Afterwards, the black-clothed guards were whispering.

“Hey, look! It’s almost time!”

“Isn’t that little guy’s dish ready yet?”

The sound of their conversation reminded Admiral Li.

He frowned slightly and took out a well-crafted Western watch from his arms.

This thing is a gift from the foreigners to the emperor.

Has the function of preparing to record the time.

Because of his merits, the emperor specially gave him this pocket watch as a reward.

Look at the time, an hour is coming.

If time passes.

No matter how delicious the food is, he will not be merciful.

Because as a chef, you have to be on time.

Don’t let the guests wait for you even for a second.

Just when the time was about to end, the special door of the box was opened directly.

Meng Chuan came in from outside.

He put his hands in front of him and said.

“Admiral Li, the cooking has been completed, I will present it now!”

“it is good!”

Admiral Li nodded.

Meng Chuan turned his head and shouted.

“Sanjie, Dudu, serve!!”

“it is good!”

Outside the gate, Dudu and Tang Sanjie pushed the cart together and walked in.

“What a great meal!”

“What does this do? Roast a whole cow?”

As soon as he entered the door, the people in the box were amazed.

“Admiral Li, please taste it now!”

Meng Chuan pushed the car and put the big plate on the table.


Admiral Li was puzzled!

He just asked Meng Chuan to make a dish about beef.

And this Meng Chuan took out such a big plate.

What kind of food did he cook?

The guards next to them joined forces.

One to open the huge lid.


All of a sudden!

A golden light soaring to the sky shot straight out from under the cover.


The golden light soared upwards, making the ceiling of the box shine brightly. *

[22] Domineering · Quan Niu Banquet!Wine-flavored beef! (3 more, please collect!)

“This…this is!”

Admiral Li saw the golden light, and his eyes were trembling.

He hadn’t seen such a scene for a long time.

The entire box was plunged into a golden Wang Yang.

After a while, the light slowly faded away.

Everything was back to the way it was before.

At this time, everyone woke up like a dream.

“what happened?”

“What is that light?”

The black-clothed guards rubbed their eyes with disbelief.

“Could it be that I had hallucinations just now?”

The guy on the side who was serving tea and water also opened his mouth and said.

And only Admiral Li and Master Shiquan knew that everything just now was not an illusion.

“Is it actually a luminous dish!”

Admiral Li and Master Shiquan looked at each other and said in unison.

Glowing Cuisine!

This is the hallmark of ace cuisine!

To know.

Food is also graded.

Ordinary food can only fill one’s stomach.

Other than that, there is no other effect.

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