Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 33

Page 33

Exactly, taking advantage of this time, let’s take a look at the newly acquired virtual space.

Meng Chuan turned the system on at once!

Then found the virtual space.

He just clicked on it!


next second.

His thoughts came to a blank space.

It was pure white, as if there was nothing.

And right now.

The sound of the system appeared.

【Welcome to the virtual space of God of Cooking! 】

[In this space, you can create objects, environments, and weather at will! 】

[The system will automatically help you match the appropriate kitchen utensils and ingredients! 】

“Is there such an operation?”

Meng Chuan snapped his fingers.

A crisp sound echoed throughout the virtual space.


In an instant, time and space are reversed.

The originally pure white space changed in an instant.

In the distance are mountains and rivers, and the trees are lush.

The air is so fresh.

A round of the sun, suspended in the sky.

The ground is green lawn.

Inside, there is a slightly modern kitchen.

The side is full of high-quality ingredients.

A smile appeared on the corner of Meng Chuan’s mouth.

This feeling of doing whatever you want is so refreshing.

He looked at the pile of ingredients next to him.

A5 grade Kobe beef, Spanish Iberian ham, Australian blue dragon…

Everything is top-notch.

“Unfortunately, this God Chef space cannot create creatures!”

Meng Chuan said regretfully.

Otherwise, this God of Cooking space would be interesting.

[In addition, the virtual space of God of Cooking can also freely adjust the ratio of the time to the outside world! (up to 1:10)]

As soon as the voice fell, a transparent sliding screen appeared on Meng Chuan’s right hand.

There are 1 to 10 numbers on it.

This number represents the proportion of time.

For example, you tune to 10.

1 hour passed outside, 10 hours passed inside.

All this, for him as the president.

All are free.

But for the members of the dimensional cuisine world, they are all charged.

This is another great opportunity to generate income.

[You can practice cooking here, and the experience you gain will be directly projected on your real body! 】

The system reminded again.

“Really? Then if I drink gourmet cells here, will it affect the real body?”

Meng Chuan seemed to think of something and couldn’t help asking.

The gourmet cells in the novice gift package.

He has never used it!

【When you swallow gourmet cells in this space, you can not only gain power, but also eliminate the negative effects of gourmet cells! 】

“Is there such a benefit?”

To know.

For the first time swallowing gourmet cells, you must eat a lot of gourmet food.

Otherwise, the body will be completely evacuated.

So before, he didn’t take it rashly.

But now, since he has such conditions, he doesn’t have to worry anymore.

As soon as the system space opened, Meng Chuan took out a glowing test tube.

In this test tube, there are colorful streamers flowing.

Inside is the original solution of gourmet cells!

Food cells can make a food devil born in the deepest part of a person’s soul.

The food devil that everyone gets is different.

The acquired abilities are, of course, different.

For example, in the prisoner of food, the protagonist Alu’s food cell can summon two demons, red and blue.

It can also be transformed into a knife and fork.

I don’t know what kind of existence will be summoned after I swallow it.

In this regard, he is full of expectations.

Without too much hesitation, he opened the bottle cap and gulped down the gourmet cells.

next second!

Meng Chuan’s body began to tremble violently.

An invisible aura enveloped his body.

His originally thin body continued to grow stronger.

A phantom gradually condensed behind him.

The phantom was very blurry.

But very arrogant.

The whole body exudes a breath from the top of the food chain.


A shocking roar came from the phantom.

The phantom gradually solidified.

It looked like a giant dragon twisted together.

If Meng Chuan turned his head, he would find that the phantom looked very much like the statue master in “The Adventures of Jackie Chan”.

But soon.

The ghost disappears.

And Meng Chuan’s body was finally transformed.

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was full of power.

“This feeling is so cool!”

Meng Chuan felt the surging power in his body and couldn’t help roaring. *

【26】The Crisis of Medicine King!Member benefits! (1 more, please collect!)

In the kitchen god space, Meng Chuan stayed for a long time.

This reluctantly withdrew from it.


And this time!

Another time and space!

Yukihira Soma, who was staying among the cooking teachers, frowned.

Tomorrow is the day of eating halberds.

And the dishes he prepared for tomorrow were leaked in advance.

And according to the information, that guy is still improving on the basis of his own cooking.

There you go!

There is no chance of winning at all.

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