Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 37

Page 37

In the sparerib soup, add small ground sesame oil, special soy sauce, minced ginger, minced green onion, and dozens of other flavoring agents.

Only then can the bun fillings be prepared.

“Let the old man come and taste it, what is the difference between this and the steamed buns in Tianjin!”

Master Shiquan held the steaming steamed buns and said with a smile.

The taste of this Goubuli bun should logically have three layers.

The first layer is the aroma of the buns.

Needless to say this!

Everyone present was attracted by the fragrance.

This second layer is the taste of steamed buns.

For those who really know how to eat buns, the first bite will definitely bite the bun skin at the top.

This is called opening.

The purpose is to release the heat in the buns so as not to be scalded.

Master Shiquan took a light bite!

In front of him, a field of wheat swept by the breeze suddenly appeared.

The rich wheat aroma is blowing.

This feeling is refreshing and refreshing, as if it is integrated into nature.

After a long while, Master Shiquan pulled away from it.

This bun skin, at least two, no, three different types of flour are used.

Only in this way can this taste be presented.

So what about the last layer!

The rich gravy splashed out in an instant, and Master Shiquan hurriedly inhaled it.

The freshness and wonder of this soup filling immediately caught Master Shiquan in it!

Fresh, salty, sweet and fragrant!

All kinds of strong flavors, flashed by.

Finally, he stuffed the half-yellow bun bottom into his mouth.

The bottom skin partially soaked in the soup filling not only does not make people feel greasy, but it dilutes the greasiness brought by the previous meat filling!

A flavor that perfectly combines the aroma of wheat and pork bursts open in the mouth, connecting the past and the future, and ending it perfectly.

This Goubuli Baozi actually surpassed the third level and reached the fourth level.

“It’s really wonderful!”

On the other hand, Master Ji Di also tasted the taste of steamed buns.

The way he looked at Meng Chuan became more and more complicated.

This kid, what is there that he can’t!

Dudu couldn’t wait to hear Master Shiquan’s comments.

He opened the cherry mouth and bit into the bun in one bite.

I don’t know if this bite happened.

Just momentarily.

Her face became extremely red.

In the eyes, the water waves flow.

All over his body, as if being electrocuted by an electric current.

The guys around are all immersed in happiness.

No one noticed the strangeness of Dudu.

Only Master Ji Di looked at his daughter with a flushed face.

Thought she was sick.

Just as he was about to ask a few questions with concern, he saw Dudufei also fled the scene.

“This child…!”

Master Ji Di shook his head helplessly.

Only Meng Chuan looked embarrassed.

This Nima should have triggered the “Medicine King buff”!


Meng Chuan joined the back kitchen and did not arouse anyone’s dissatisfaction.

After all, even Admiral Li couldn’t fault his cooking.

Everyone has only admiration for him, and there is no jealousy at all.

Those apprentices even regarded Meng Chuan as their idol.

Everything is for him.

And among them, the number one player was naturally Tang Sanjie.

It can be said that since Meng Chuan handed him the blunt knife technique, he has regarded himself as Meng Chuan’s apprentice.

Meng Chuan did not agree at first.

But seeing Tang Sanjie so diligent.

He also acquiesced.

Although this Tang Sanjie was said to be a descendant of the Dragon Town Restaurant.

But there is not much temperament of the young master.

Instead, he was very kind.

After a while, everyone got to know him.

Everyone affectionately goes by his nickname, Ah Q.

Meng Chuan suddenly remembered when he heard the name.

Isn’t this kid the character who appeared in the first few episodes of “The Little Master of China”!

Thinking about his experience, it is quite pitiful.

So Meng Chuan usually gives him a few pointers.

In addition, he also taught Sanjie a set of swordsmanship.

This is to deal with his fear when chopping vegetables.

This sword technique is called the [Cicada Wing Thin Blade Technique]!

As the name implies, it is possible to cut the ingredients as thin as a cicada.

Under the guidance of Meng Chuan, Sanjie gradually overcame his inner fear.

Cooking skills are on the rise. *

【28】Eat in Guangdong!Domineering foreigner! (1 more, please collect!)

A month passed by in a flash.

Meng Chuan’s appreciation points are also steadily increasing.

As the third chef of Yangquan Restaurant, in addition to the back kitchen, he is also responsible for all aspects of the restaurant.

It happened that today, he was also idle.

Just brought a few guys, went to the vegetable market, and chose the ingredients.

This Guangdong, as the famous food capital.

Cantonese people love to eat, they know how to eat, and they are famous all over the world.

The biggest feature of Cantonese cuisine is the wide variety of ingredients used.

Birds and beasts, delicacies of mountains and seas, Chinese and foreign food, everything!

Not only that.

Cantonese cuisine is also very particular about the seasonality of ingredients.

Therefore, the vegetable market is full of fresh ingredients from all over the country.

As soon as I came to the vegetable market, I saw a crowd of people.

All kinds of shouts are endless.

The stalls selling vegetables and meat are dazzling.

Large bass, green lobster, meat snakes, and even bamboo rats can be seen.

“I always thought that the vegetable market in Shangyuan was the most prosperous!”

“I didn’t expect the food market in Guangdong to be even richer!”

Tang Sanjie looked at the stalls around and found many ingredients that he didn’t know.

Can not help but sigh.

Meng Chuan couldn’t help shaking his head with a smile.

“Okay, don’t look! It’s important to buy our ingredients quickly!”

Meng Chuan strode to a rice stall.

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