Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 699

Page 699

Even a mission with such a low reward.

Even when he just came into this world.

This experience value +1! What kind of reward is this.

Looking at the legendary task in front of him, Meng Chuan was also puzzled.

Regardless of

From what point of view, the more difficult the task, the better the reward!

He hadn’t seen the reward for a quest.

But he can also roughly know that in addition to a lot of experience points, he should also be able to get rewards such as recipes, kitchenware, or skills.

In short, it definitely won’t be an experience +1 or something.

But the task that has appeared now is really strange.

Moreover, from the introduction of this mission, he clearly saw that this… Tai Chi Immortal was one of the legendary Four Immortals.

Victory over such characters, without rewarding each and every artifact, is unreasonable.

And now! Look at the reward column.

Meng Chuan’s face is ugly! What are you kidding me! The experience value +1 is definitely unreasonable.

However, after seeing the word “compulsion” in this experience value, Meng Chuan was suddenly thoughtful.

Obviously, the tricky part of this reward should be on the word “force”.

Thinking of this, Meng Chuan couldn’t care about fighting with this… Tai Chi immortal.

Although, Meng Mengchuan originally wanted to kill the immortal and the queen mother, but after this task appeared.

He changed his mind again.

After thinking about it, he directly released the Golden Dayan

Holy Dragon.

After ordering it to protect Dudu et al.

He murmured directly in his heart.

After participating in this imperial city hegemony battle.

In order not to rely on the system, in order to be able to master the real cooking skills, in order to consolidate their cultivation.

Meng Chuan has not opened this system for a long time.

And at this time, after opening the system.

Meng Chuan’s brain banged! Countless information flows suddenly appeared in his mind.

First of all, Meng Chuan first saw a bunch of messages.

These messages were exactly the characters he had drawn in the dimensional system.

Speaking of which, Meng Chuan has not communicated with these characters for a long time.

Meng Chuan got his spirit right, and first saw Xiao Fugui’s message.

This is the first character Meng Chuan drew.

Chef Xiao Fugui: Brother Meng, I have already returned to my hometown with my grandfather, and I have seventeen golden kitchen utensils! The last one is just short of it! The next one is the King of Medicine.

Yaowang Xingping Chuangzhen: I have defeated everyone and became the first seat of Yuanyue! I hope to have time to discuss with the president! Then there is a spoonful

One spoonful of teapots in the flower room: Brother Meng, I have researched a new recipe! It has already been put in the store! Of course, except for the characters he drew first, almost everyone stayed with him said.

Meng Chuan spent some time reading these messages carefully.

Immediately he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Obviously, from these messages, Meng Chuan found that the conditions of these people were obviously very good.

The members of these Dimensional Cuisine Clubs have obviously made great progress, and their cooking skills have clearly surpassed that of the past.

This made Meng Chuan, the president of Dimension Cuisine, very pleased.

After reading a circle of messages, Meng Chuan picked a few sister members and responded very carefully.

Explain your situation and invite when to share your cooking skills.

【497】The opportunity to become a god-level chef!Meng Chuan’s strength! (1 more, please subscribe!)

As for the male cooking club members of several genders, that is naturally ignored.

Now that the enemy is facing, how can he have the time to respond to these people one by one.

Check out these comments a bit.

Meng Chuan took another look at the food spots that were about to overflow. He was carefully checking the oven, should he be drawing a wave of cards now.

However, after looking at the Golden Dayan Shenglong who was fighting with the Tai Chi immortal, Meng Chuan canceled this plan again.

Now he is still very busy, and it is easy to stop when he draws a card, so he will talk about it when he has time to calm down.

maybe time

I also have time to organize some metaphysics, such as putting some good luck and the like.

After reading all the messages, I picked a few to reply.

In the end, Meng Chuan turned his attention to his attribute panel.

Obviously, compared with the former him, Meng Chuan’s strength at this time is even stronger.

[Host Meng Chuan] [Identity: President of the Dimensional Cuisine Club] [Level: 9] [Skills: Eighteen Ways of Washing Vegetables, Twenty-Eight Crazy Knives, Seven Banned Hands of Pastry Chefs, Three Fire Skills, etc. 99 Skills] [Kitchenware: Legend of Yongling Knife, Legend of Zhuanlonghu, Legend of Magic Holy Bronze Ware, Legend of Garuda Knife, Legend of Greedy Wolf Pot, Legend of Lingzang

The legend of the library, the legend of the jade dragon pot] Note: Because the host has too many kitchen utensils, the legend below is not displayed.

[Must-kill dishes: Babao Linglong Pagoda, Shark’s Fin Tornado, Yanhuang Oven Pig, etc. 99 kinds] [Title: King-level chef] [Evaluation: Your strength has reached the peak of the world.

] Obviously, it can be seen from this attribute column that Meng Chuan at this time is almost the most powerful chef in the world.

However, after seeing all this, there was no smile on Meng Chuan’s face.

There was even a hint of sadness on his face, without the slightest excitement.


After all, he is the president of the Dimensional Cooking Club, and he is destined to become the strongest cook in the Dimension.

Such a little achievement was obviously not in Meng Chuan’s eyes.

Even at this time, Meng Chuan set his sights on the words coming to level 9 and the pinnacle of the world.

The peak of the world, level 9 looked at these, Meng Chuan suddenly let out a sigh.

He remembered very clearly that in the Dimensional Cuisine Club, the chefs had a total of 10 levels, and after the Heavenly King, there was a God-level.

Obviously, Meng Chuan’s heart was obviously surprised when he saw the level appearing in front of him.

After all, after getting the Eight Chefs

After the utensils, he thought that he should have reached the realm of the God of Cooking.

But after seeing this system property bar.

Meng Chuan suddenly found that he was obviously a little short of the realm of the chef god.

Although speaking, the power he possesses is no different from that of a real god.

But in cooking, he still has room for improvement.

But that’s how it should be! Looking at everything in front of him, Meng was also a little puzzled at this time.

He remembered that he had already left the realm of this god-level chef.

Because he was completing the eight kitchen utensils tasks, he

You should also get a lot of rewards.

And he could also feel that he did gain some very powerful power.

Regardless of

What is it, he who has completed the legendary quest should have reached the god level.

But! Now! He is still the king.

Looking at the dazzling number 9, Meng Chuan’s heart was suddenly dissatisfied.

Although the Heavenly King is very good, and he should also be the peak of the Heavenly King.

However, there is still a fundamental difference from the real god-level.

should not

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