Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 703

Page 703

The big man’s eyes were extremely vicious, his voice was like a bell, his face was full of whiskers, and there was a scar on his face.

At this time, the big man’s face was extremely ferocious, and anyone could see that this… big man was a vicious person.

The big man’s voice was very loud, and he shouted loudly, and it could be heard for several hundred meters from the empty city wall.

And with this loud shout.

The commanders of the Tai Chi army standing on the Great Wall immediately turned their attention to a young man. The young man’s calm expression was similar to this one.

The panicked crowd on the city wall formed a sharp contrast.

But after seeing the young man’s calm appearance clearly, one of the slender commanders’ eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he said to the big man, “General Zhen, that boy is Meng Chuan.”

Obviously this… lean commander has seen Meng Chuan’s portrait.

Hearing this, the burly, bearded Tai Chi army commander General Zhen suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Like the Qing court, the Tai Chi army was divided into several parts.

For example, the army of the Qing court was divided into eight banners, and this Tai Chi

The Tai Chi army of the cooking club is also divided into eight divisions.

The army of the Qing court was named after the flag, while the Taiji army took the gossip of Zhouyi as the name and was divided into eight divisions.

These eight are the cadre, the Kun, the Zhen, the Xun, the Kan, the Li, the Gen, and the Dui.

This… Dahan is the commander of the eight divisions of the Tai Chi Army, and is respected by the Tai Chi Army as General Zhen.

This… General Zhen is very powerful, even the most powerful Tai Chi masters.

Even in terms of strength, it is called the first in the Tai Chi army.

This… General Zhen is extremely powerful and extremely conceited.


After hearing his companion’s identification, General Zhen’s eyes narrowed.

Then he pulled out the giant axe directly behind him.

This giant axe is half a person high and very heavy.

Even a tall and burly man like General Zhen would look very big when he carried it on his back.

“Shocking Axe!”

This is the name of General Zhen’s weapon.

It is said that this… General Zhen was once a butcher, with great power.


After entering the Taiji Army, because the ordinary swordsman was not smooth, he deliberately struck an axe.

This… axe, used to be called a pig-killing axe. Strictly speaking, this… axe is also a kitchen utensil.

However, after General Zhen became the commander of the Taiji Army Zhen Department.

The name of this pig-killing axe is not suitable, it is not majestic enough.

Therefore, this pig-killing axe naturally changed its name.

Known as “Shaking Axe”

General Zhen’s stern shout was very powerful.

It directly scared everyone on the Great Wall at this time.

And in the distance, the Tai Chi immortals are fighting against the Golden Dayan Sacred Dragon.

Seeing such a situation, my heart suddenly rejoiced.

As the leader of Tai Chi cuisine.

Tai Chi immortals, naturally, are very aware of General Zhen’s strength.

And after seeing Meng Chuan’s expression at this time.

He almost laughed out loud.

At this moment, Meng Chuan seemed to be stunned.

Seeing this, the Tai Chi Immortal immediately let out a long howl.

After that, the Tai Chi Immortal Sword Slash became more and more beneficial.

And after feeling this situation


The Golden Dayan Sacred Dragon, who already had some consciousness, suddenly became more cheerful.

It also increases the power and speed of the attack.

Under the attack of the Golden Dayan Sacred Dragon, the Tai Chi Immortal hadn’t been happy for too long, but he felt a heavy pressure.

Feeling such a situation, the Taiji Immortal also shouted: “Quick, kill him!”

And accompanied by this loud shout.

Meng Chuan immediately saw a sharp axe appear in front of him.

At this time, General Zhen’s voice was fierce and looked terrible.

Of course

However, Meng Chuan, who was standing on the Great Wall at this time, was very calm.

After seeing that the sharp axe was in front of him, he didn’t even show the slightest evasion.

He touched the kitchen utensils behind him, and after thinking for a moment, he put them all down.

This kitchen utensil is used for cooking, and it is obviously not suitable for killing people, and it seems to be a kind of defilement.

Thinking of this, Meng Chuan retracted his hand again, and then clenched his fist again.

Since kitchen utensils cannot be used, then only fists can be used.

After condensing for a moment.

At this time, seeing

After the giant axe was slashed at him, Meng Chuan’s face was extremely calm, and there was no change in his face.

Obviously, Meng Chuan did not take General Zhen’s mighty axe into his eyes.

Meng Chuan clenched his fist, and he estimated his strength.

And just when he was about to smash the shock general into the air.

Above the Great Wall, three figures suddenly appeared, one of them.

An old man wearing a robe with a head like an egg suddenly appeared in Meng Chuan’s sight.

After seeing the old man, Meng Chuan narrowed his eyes, and immediately put down his fist.

I saw this… egg-headed old man falling from the sky.

Boom! A dull sound echoed on the Great Wall.

Then, the smoke filled the air, and a puff of dust rose up on the Great Wall.


Accompanied by this dust and smoke, there was a burst of abuse on the ground at the same time.

The abuse was weak and lacking in breath.

And the person who uttered this curse was the vicious General Zhen just now.

Just for a moment.

Immortal Jade Immortal descended from the sky, and with just one butt, he sat the shock general on the ground.

【501】Water Mirror Fairy!Jade Immortal!The two are together! (1/2, please subscribe!)

At this time, General Zhen, who had been extremely vicious just now, was immediately stunned.

What happened! Doubt! Annoyed! “Damn, let go of you!”

General Zhen shouted loudly.

Seeing this scene, Meng Chuan was speechless for a while, he withdrew his fist, and then turned his eyes to the old man.

Then, Meng Chuan said hello to the old man very familiarly.

“Old egg, why are you free to come here?”

Meng Chuan asked with a smile.

Old man egg! Hearing this, Master Yuxian’s brows twitched and his eyes narrowed even more

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