Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 9

Page 9

He continued to speak.

“As the president, I know each of you!”

At this time, Meng Chuan installed a magic stick directly.

First of all, his first goal is Xiao Fugui.

Among the three, he is the youngest, and it is best to fool around.

“Xiao Fugui, you are the 18th generation descendant of Hong Jiacai!”

“The index finger of the right hand can measure the taste of the dish! When the taste is the best, the finger can turn golden yellow!”

“Your grandfather, who is now in jail, asks him to cut after Qiuhou! You want to save him, right or not?”

In the imperial dining room of the Qing Dynasty!

Xiao Fugui listened to all this in a daze.

Your golden finger is a secret that very few people know.

This president actually knows this.

At this moment, he really believed in the existence of the God of Cookery.

Xiao Fugui held the spoon, and his face suddenly became excited.

With the leadership of the president.

He must be able to win the appreciation of Lafayette and make the most delicious dishes.

Meng Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

He then turned to Fang Yispoon.

“Your name is Fang Yishou and you are an orphan. You showed your talent in cooking from a very early age!”

“But in an accident, instead of the talented woman Fang Yao, she married the prodigal son Shen Yong!”


Meng Chuan said indifferently.

“That’s right!”

“I only married my husband yesterday!”

In the Shen family kitchen, Fang Yishao nodded.

This happened suddenly.

For some reason, she married into the Shen residence.

No one knows about this yet.

It must be unusual for this president to be able to say it directly.

Fang Yispoon was also convinced of Meng Chuan’s remarks.


On the opposite side, Meng Chuan couldn’t help sighing after hearing Fang Yishao’s words.

What a pity!

If one day in the morning.

Maybe she doesn’t have to marry that guy Shen Yong.

(I ask for your support, all kinds of requests!)*

【7】The best fool!God-level swordsmanship! (3/4, please collect!)

Forget it.

Meng Chuan calmed down his depressed mood.

Have started to continue their own deceitful great cause.

This King of Medicine is not something Xiao Fugui, a spoonful of them can compare with.

This kid is so smart!

But okay.

He has read the entire manga of the Spirit of Halberd.

As a former student of New Oriental.

He has a soft spot for gourmet anime.

The spirit of eating halberd, the Chinese master, the king of Japanese bread…

I watched it several times.

It has even been imitated in the present world, trying to restore the food in the comics!

He closed his eyes and recalled.

After sorting out his thoughts, he said.

“Xingping Chuangzhen, you have followed your father since childhood!”

“Starting cooking practice at the age of three! Twelve years in the kitchen!”

“Among them, 108 secret dishes were created!”

“Now you should go to school in Yuanyue student!”

In Totsuki student’s cooking class!

Yukihirazu nodded secretly.

He didn’t believe in anything weird at first.

But what happened today completely shattered his previous cognition.

Is there really a God of Cookery in this world?

Just when Kohei Soma was still hesitating and swaying.

Meng Chuan threw out a big surprise.

“One more message for you!”

“Your father, Ichiro Yukihiro, or rather, Ichiro Yubo!”

“It used to be the second seat of Yuanyue, known as [Shura]!”

“In your world, among all chefs, he can be ranked second!”


Xingping Chuangzhen suddenly froze in place.

He didn’t think so.

His own father actually has such a background.

The second best super chef in the world!

No wonder he has failed to eat halberds for so many years!

Perhaps, the only way to defeat his father is to use the power of the president of the food guild.


This cross-server chat function!

Other members can only hear voice and text.

Meng Chuan can use the permission to see the screen directly.

So seeing the real expression of Kohei, he knew that he had succeeded in flicking.

“it is good!”

A smile appeared on the corner of Meng Chuan’s mouth.

Since all the tricks are successful.

Then, it’s harvest time.

Meng Chuan instantly revealed the essence of his shoulders.

He first put the only skill he had on the guild mall!

Then set the price for 1000 gourmet points.

All of a sudden!

Three people in the guild received this news.

[Association News: President Meng Chuan, put a copy of “Eighteen Ways of Washing Vegetables” on the shelves! 】

[It has been put into the guild store, price: 100 food points, if you want to buy it quickly! 】

[President Meng Chuan, upload a copy of “Ingredient Identification Technique”! 】

[Price: 1000 points of gourmet points, boutique dense rolls, only 10 copies, first come first served! 】

“Eighteen ways to wash vegetables? Ingredient identification technique?”

The three of them couldn’t help but wonder.

What is this.

Meng Chuan saw that no one was buying.

He immediately spoke to the group.

“Everyone, if you want to pursue the profound meaning of food, you must start from the most basic!”

“I took a look at your basics, and they are not very qualified, so I specially uploaded the eighteen methods of washing vegetables!”

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