Classroom of the Elite

Book 7: Chapter 2: Notice of Parting and Reunion

"Damn it, who the hell do they think they are?".

Sudou, entering the classroom while grumbling, passed by his own seat and appoached Horikita. I could tell he's furious from that expression of his.

"Listen, Suzune".

"What's the matter?".

Horikita played along, no longer able to ignore him now that he's come up to her.

"It's those Class C guys or more like, it's Ryuuen. They've been tailing me since morning. They even blocked my way when I was walking down the corridor. I'm really getting pissed off".

"You haven't gotten physical with them or used any sort of violent language against them, have you?".

As Horikita lightly glared at him, Sudou immediately denied it.

"Of course not. I ignored the cancer and came here".

"I see. Looks like you followed my instructions to the letter".

The most important thing is that he hasn't caused any problems so far.

"By the way, what do you mean instructions?".

I asked Sudou.

"Suzune told me to just ignore something if I know I won't be able to handle it properly".

That's good advice. Rebuking Sudou poorly will just add fuel to the fire. That's why having Sudou put up with it even if it ends up stressing him out is the best course of action.

"Well, I guess maybe I bumped into their shoulders on my way through. The guys from the other classes should also know I just got caught up in it so it should be fine, right?".

"That's right, surely even they won't use that against you".

After all, they already got the school and the student council involved once and caused an uproar. It would be a different story if he threw a punch but just forcing his way through should be fine.

"So? What did they say to you?".

"They called me an idiot and a monkey, childish names like that. They were picking a fight".

Bang. He punched his own palm to let off some steam. I wonder if this is a continuation of their actions at the archery club yesterday.

"Akito also...Miyake also had the Class C guys stuck to him during his club activities".

"Miyake-kun too? They're being very active these days".

"What do you think their goal is? Are they trying to cause another incident like the one they used against me?".

"I don't know. I can't say anything at this point. But I'll think of a countermeasure. Even if they approach you again like this, be sure to not get physical".

"I get it. I won't break our promise. I won't do anything even if they start throwing punches".

Sudou's words now carry considerable weight compared to the last time he quarrelled with Class C. It's precisely because she understood this that Horikita honestly accepted them.

After satisfactorily concluding his report, Sudou returned to his seat and casually struck up a conversation with Ike and the others. Watching that, Horikita said.

"I wonder if Sudou-kun's finally become a well-adjusted person".

"Yeah, his manner of speech is still somewhat rough around the edges but it should be within the range of acceptability".

"Looks like it's necessary for him to take the next step too".

After saying that, Horikita took a notebook in hand and started writing on it with a pen.

"What do you mean by the next step?".

I tried to peek but Horikita immediately closed the notebook.

"That's still a far off topic. Right now, what we should be focusing on isn't Sudou-kun and his troubles".

She quietly added that we cannot afford to be focusing on him alone. I don't know what's going on in her head but I couldn't care less. Recently, Horikita's been acting after thinking things through more and more.

It's probably because she's gradually become capable of communicating with Sudou, Hirata and the others.

"Still, Ryuuen-kun's being rather active. It's still right after the Paper Shuffle and I figured he'd keep a low profile for a bit longer. I wonder if this means he's plotting something again right off the bat?".

"But isn't that strange? It's not like there's a special exam going on right now or anything".

"Looking back, exams aren't the only occasions he's used to attack us. Like attacking Sudou-kun for instance. And it seems he's also done something to Ichinose-san and Class B unrelated to the exams too. He seems to like doing things outside the box that doesn't involve fighting over points".

Don't you already know that without having to ask each and every time? As though asking me that, she looks over at me. Of course, I shrugged it off by playing dumb.

"But I wonder what he's after this time".

"Do you really not know? Or are you faking it?".

"What do you mean? I don't understand".

"He's looking for the mastermind controlling Class D from the shadows. And in order to do that, he's begun making moves without care for the consequences".

"In other words, he's looking for you?".

When I said that, she gave me an intense glare.

"Using me as your cloak of invisibility will no longer work on Ryuuen-kun".

Horikita continued seriously without humoring me.

"What's your basis for saying that?".

"If, like all the others, he still thinks I'm the one moving the pieces then it would be strange if he didn't approach me directly. But this time, he's done nothing to me".

All this time, Ryuuen's been obsessed with Horikita but it looks like this is no longer the case.

"Isn't that a matter of perspective? Doesn't that just mean the strategy you used during Paper Shuffle is effective beyond imagination? You could interpret this as him being indecisive about messing up his attack, right? He may be trying to remove the obstacles in the way of his objective first".

"I wonder about that. I don't think of it that way though. I should say he's lost interest in me".

"Does this mean you weren't all that unhappy about Ryuuen's interest in you?".

"That's not what I mean. Do you want me to kick you?".

"I don't want to be kicked".

I immediately denied it because she's the type to actually kick you.

"Isn't it just that this class's shadow leader stupidly attracted his attention?...feel free to brush it off but do you really want me to say any more than this here?".

Even if it's just before the start of homeroom when all the students have already taken their seats, including Kushida, and there's no one to eavesdrop on our conversation, it's still not something we should be discussing here.

"Still, you've come to understand Ryuuen pretty well. Ahh no, I'm not teasing you this time".

Since she started glaring at me again, I panicked and added that.

"His modus operandi is basically the same thing. Regardless of success or failure, he repeatedly uses similar methods to fight. If he attacks me over and over, it's natural I'd end up learning from it even if I don't want to. That's why she---that's why I predicted he'd use Kushida-san during Paper Shuffle. Of course, I don't even need to say that it would be ideal if that didn't happen though.....".

No one wants a fellow classmate to turn traitor. If Kushida hadn't betrayed the class, then we might not have had to struggle this hard in our exams. That's what Horikita thinks.

But let's think it through. It's precisely because there's an internal threat like Kushida present among us that Ryuuen let his guard down. If he didn't have a pawn he could act through, he probably would've thought of a different strategy.

As a result, for better or for worse, Kushida helped narrow down the enemy's attack pattern.

"It's not the only miscalculation but during the Paper Shuffle, I had every intention of outsmarting Ryuuen-kun".

"Isn't that what actually happened?".

"Yes. That's why someone from Class C may be expelled through neglecting their studies. That's why I thought but I suppose that was naive of me to think that".

If you can get your hands on the complete questions and answers then there's no need for you to study. That's why it wouldn't have been strange for expulsions to occur within Class C due to them having let their guard down. That's probably what she meant. Keisei and the others also thought the same. As I thought, everyone's on the same page here.

"It's probably because Class C also has smart people in it. It would be accurate to assume they played a support role unlike Ryuuen".

"I suppose so. If they're putting in effort behind the scenes then that's something worth praising".

After all, Ryuuen seems very eager to get to the person lurking behind Horikita.

If it's for the sake of doing that, he won't shrink back even if it means attracting the attention of the school.

I felt that sort of determination from his actions.

"I suppose his persistent attacks will only intensify from now on".

"This has nothing to do with me. Because it's your role to bear the full brunt of it".

"I know that. Being forcibly dragged out by you seems to be my fate".

"I'm surprised you're so accepting of it".

"Because there's no other choice but to accept it. You're not going to draw back now, are you?".

Optimism is a good thing. In the first place, Horikita's got potential. If she can only achieve communication skills on par with Hirata, she will become an existence worthy of her current image.

"So---do you have a strategy in mind?".

"For what?".

"I'm asking you whether or not you have a countermeasure against Ryuuen-kun's search. If we don't execute our strategy now then things will go past the point of no return".

So Horikita's worried about my true identity being revealed.

But that's unnecessary concern.

"I have nothing in mind".

"There you go again...".

She sighed deeply and openly showed irritation at me not telling her anything.

"Then I'll change the topic a bit. Are you still participating in those meetings?".

"Those? Are you talking about Keisei and the others? Is there a problem with that?".

"I don't think it's a very useful group. In the first place, it was a group formed because the subjects Hasebe-san and Miyake-kun are bad at necessitated it, right? Now that the exam is over, hasn't that group become unnecessary?".

"I'm not thinking in terms of how useful it is. It's very comfortable and I like being with them".

Horikita's always been about aiming for Class A and that's all there is to it with her. Since I never held much interest in it from the beginning, there's really no point in me keeping in touch with Horikita all that much.

If, by any chance, Horikita gives up on the class conflict and then talks to me then I would be able to interact with her the same way I interact with Keisei and the others.

" will cooperate with me, won't you?".

"I am. To the best of my ability".

She doesn't seem very convinced though.


Morning lessons are over and it's now lunch break. As I thought about inviting Akito and Keisei over for lunch, my neighbour looked over at me.

"What? Surely you're not going to continue this morning's topic, are you?".

"No. I have a request to make".

"I'll pass if it's a troublesome one".

"I won't deny that it's a troublesome one but it won't take long".

Horikita said that and then retrieved a book from inside her bag.

"Didn't you say last week that you wanted to read this?".

She placed the book, which had the seal of the library on it, on the desk.

"'Farewell, My Lovely', huh?".

A masterpiece by Raymond Chandler.

I've been interested in it for a while now and I've gone to the library several times already but for some reason, this book seems to be very popular here since it's always on loan.

I had pretty much given up on it, seeing no other choice but to purchase it.

"I'm impressed you managed to borrow it. By any chance, are you going to lend it to me?".

I imagine someone else will borrow it the moment it's returned. In order to ensure I get my hands on it, it's best to get it straight from the hands of the last person to borrow it even if it's slightly underhanded.

"If you want me to. Also, by the way, today's the return date. That's why it would be great if you could head over the library, return it and then borrow it yourself".

"Are you delegating this to me because returning it is a bother?".

"Even if I return it myself, you're going to have to be present there at the library anyway, right? On the contrary, I think this is the right call to make in terms of efficiency".

She has a point. This would only relieve Horikita of the burden of having to return it herself. You need your student card to borrow a book and it's impossible for me to borrow it in someone else's name. On the other hand, you don't need anything to return the book.

"Of course, if you refuse then I'll just have to head over to the library and return it myself. But I won't know when this popular and in-demand book will fall into your hands again though. I don't mind having to waste my time heading over to the library".

But that's inefficient, isn't it? That's the sort of unrelenting pressure I feel battering me.

I wonder if this is Horikita's kindness towards someone wanting to read the book like me.

"...alright. I'll happily accept it".

"I'll leave it to you".

After saying that, Horikita handed the book over to me.

"I don't mind when you go as long as you do it today during either lunch break or after school. But do make sure to do it. If I get an overdue notice, you'll be taking responsibility for it".

"I know that".

I've never borrowed a book from the library before but I understand the process itself.

Borrowing is free of charge but you'll have private points deducted if you're overdue. That's how it works.

"Strike while the iron is hot. I'm going now".

This would put Horikita at ease too and it's better this way not prolonging this troublesome matter.


The library at the start of the lunch break is surprisingly empty. Since food is prohibited inside the library, we can't use it as a place to have our meals. Right now, it appears only a few people are present so it looks like I'll be able to go through the process of returning the book smoothly.

"I'm already here so I might as well borrow another book...".

Whether I borrow one book or two books, the trouble of returning them will be the same either way after all. Before I return the book, I suppose I'll look for a book I'm interested in reading.

While holding 'Farewell, My Lovely' in one hand, I went over to the Mystery corner.

Since it's going to be this way, I might as well borrow one or two detective themed books.

It would best if I could borrow another one of Raymond Chandler's. Upon arriving at the Mystery corner, I spotted a lone female student. Struggling to reach out with her arms to retrieve a book that's placed higher on the bookshelf than her height. The book is located at this strange height where one moment it seems like she'd be able to reach it yet being unable to reach it the next moment.

Since it appeared as though she'd be able to reach it, she seems reluctant to use the step stool provided.

I suppose it's like this whether you're a boy or a girl.

The book she's trying to grab hold of is 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte.

It's a novel written by the Bronte sisters and is well-known in the literary world. No, while the synopsis alone may make it seem like a mystery, the actual genre of it would have to be romance, wouldn't it? I then reached out to grab the book "Wuthering Heights", which the girl was also trying to reach. "I may have done something unnecessary but...". At that moment, I realized that I recognized the female student beside me. "You're Class C's...".

Shiina Hiyori.

She was a student who appeared together with Ryuuen before us a while ago. After quietly looking at my face, it seems she also similarly recognized me. "If I recall you're...Ayanokouji-kun, was it?" she asked. It seems she's remembered my name. Considering the strange manner of contact we've made with each other I suppose it was inevitable. "Yeah. For now here...". I handed her the book.

"Thank you very much". "Do you like it? Bronte". "Personally, I neither like nor dislike anything. But the book was in the wrong place, genre wise, so I just thought to return it to its proper position" she replied. "I see". It seems she was trying to do the same thing I was. "By the way, the book you have with "Farewell, My Lovely" right? That's a masterpiece" she told me.

And with that, it seemed something lit up in Shiina's eyes. "I managed to borrow it from a friend today". "You're certainly in luck then, it seems Raymond Chandler is very popular amongst the 2nd-year students and there's been a battle over this book for a while. I've been wanting to read it for a while now, but I wasn't able to find it here today either" she continued. "I seem to have done something bad. Monopolizing it" I replied to her.

"I don't mind. I've read it before after all. And besides, while looking for that book, I was blessed to run into another one. It seems the library in this school has a large collection of books. I might graduate before I could read them all" she said while holding the Bronte book in her hands and slightly smiling. "I see, that might be so". There is indeed a large amount of books stored here. Even if you don't read one particular book, you can easily kill time in here.

"Sorry for disturbing you". This is a valuable lunch break. She came here instead of eating lunch, she's surely unwilling to let a student from another class bother her during this time. And so I decide to leave.

"Umm...are you looking for another book to borrow by any chance? If it's only about looking for a book to borrow, I would be glad to lend a hand. Since you're already here, wouldn't you rather borrow another book?" Shiina asks me as she stops me from leaving.

"I thought I'd leave it for another time---what are you doing?" I asked her. Shiina had already taken her eyes off me and was looking around in the mystery corner of the library. "Have you already read the Dorothy L. Sayers series?" she asks me. "No. I've read Christie, but not Dorothy yet". "If so---how about "Whose Body?" I recommend it. Also the Lord Peter series, if you read one of it you'll surely want to complete the series too". Saying that, she pulled the books off the shelves and presented them to me.

"Umm". The sudden development left me bewildered. I was left uncertain of how to respond to her. "I'm sorry for speaking out like this, did I annoy you?" she asks me. I was not particularly interested, but I also was not going to refuse her here. And besides, borrowing a book is free anyways so I suppose I'll go along. "Sorry. I was a bit surprised right now. But since I'm already here I'll borrow them I guess" I told her. "If you'd like". I don't know what she meant by this, but Shiina faced me with a happy expression and asked. "I don't think it's lunchtime just yet. If you're ok with me...would you like to eat together with me" she asks me.

"Eh?". From recommending books, to a development I did not expect. Rather than a chance encounter, I should assume she received instructions to do this from Ryuuen. Whether I refuse or accept her invitation, the impression Shiina would gain of me is the same. Whatever path I choose, I would inevitably be marked as gray by her. "There's no one in Class C who likes reading novels, so I have no one I could talk to".

Perhaps she just could not stand by silence, but Shiina said that to me.

"This won't be a problem? Right now Class C is in an uproar looking for someone from Class D right? I think I'm being counted as one of the suspects here".

Shiina probably heard I'm the one behind Karuizawa and Horikita and is likely trying to confirm it. If not, the chances of running into me here are infinitely low. It's extremely likely she was sent to make contact with me here. In a sense, she's an even creepier existence than Ryuuen. Because to me, Shiina Hiyori is a completely unknown quantity. I haven't even noticed her in the previous exams.

I'm sure I could dig up some information on her by using Karuizawa, but now that she's being targeted by Ryuuen that option is off the table. Since I only have a small community of people I can use, I don't possess the means to investigate Shiina at the moment. Keisei and Haruka, of course, are not useful for gathering information on other classes. I could use Hirata, but he's more or less neutral. And since I still don't know how Hirata feels about me, or how he views me, I don't want to rely on him for this. At least not with this timing.

"Please don't worry. I was only making a move formally for Ryuuen-kun. From the start, I was never interested in things like conflict anyways. Or is it a problem for you to talk to me?".

"No. If there's no problem on your end, I have none either".

"That's a relief, I would hate for classes to fight each other over such trivial things like that. I believe making friends is the most important thing".

It can't be helped. The school system was set up like this from the beginning. And besides, most of the students still interact with each other as usual. Since Hirata and Kushida seem to be especially popular, they will simply break through your personal walls to make 'friends'.

"Shall we leave then? It seems time is passing us by".

I then glanced at the clock in the library.

"Please let me finish borrowing this book first".

Who would have expected that I would have this kind of development in the library?


The two of us headed over to the cafeteria. As 20 minutes have already passed since the start of the lunch break, it's already crowded with a lot of students. But a lot of the students there appear to have finished their meals as there weren't many of them lining up at the ticket machine.

I chose the daily special but here's the problem. Shiina appears to be unable to choose, her fingers waving about in front of the buttons.

"Please wait......".

I waited patiently for about two minutes after being told that. Looks like she finally made up her mind and chose the same meal I did.

"I got a bit indecisive there".

"It's fine, it's not like there's anyone lining up behind us".

Right afterwards, two set meals were placed on the counter. Shiina seems to be having trouble holding the tray with the meal on it since she brought her schoolbag along with her to the cafeteria.

"Isn't the bag getting in the way? I'll carry it".

"No, I can't possibly ask you to do something that troublesome...".

"It's ok, tripping while holding that tray would be far more troublesome".


As she apologetically handed the bag over to me, I took it in hand and actually found it rather heavy. I wonder if it's got textbooks in it.

"It's heavy, isn't it? Thank you".

Avoiding the crowds as much as possible, we found empty seats and sat down facing one another. And we then belatedly began eating our lunch slowly.

"Do you usually eat here at the cafeteria?".

"No. I normally buy my lunch at the convenience store in the morning and I usually eat in the classroom. Do you come here often, Ayanokouji-kun?".

"Convenience store food isn't very delicious. I suppose nothing beats food fresh out of the oven".

It saves you the trouble plus it's worth the effort too. Shiina then picked up the food with her chopsticks and brought it to her mouth in a very dignified manner.

I observed her movements in admiration. The way she handles her chopsticks is exceedingly elegant.

"Hmm, I see...the school cafeteria's food is certainly delicious. I'll make sure to keep it in mind".

"Could it be that this is your first time eating here?".

"I suppose the cat's out of the bag?".

"I've been thinking that since we were at the ticket machine, that perhaps you haven't.....".

We're already at the end of our second semester and students who haven't made use of the cafeteria are a rare breed.

"I've been curious about it for a while now but once you lose that initial trigger to go then you just end up procrastinating, don't you? I thought this is as good a chance as any so I mustered up my courage to come".

Somehow, I do understand her feelings. You do need a fair bit of courage to show up at a place you normally don't go to. You don't know how you're supposed to act there so you end up hesitating. Your own feelings of not wanting to show the people who go there regularly how out of your depth you are would end up stopping you. I also had my reservations about buying drip coffee from the convenience store at first.

Because I wasn't sure I would be able to smoothly make coffee from a coffee cup with nothing but ice in it. But in the majority of cases, you'll find that it's nothing that difficult once you try it out.

"Then that means this could be the trigger for you to come here from now on".


Afterwards, we talked a bit while finishing our lunch. Since we are the latecomers here, most of the students eating lunch here have already finished up and left. Of course, there are students here and there who have stayed behind to have a chat or to take their time eating.

"I'd like to continue where we left off at the library. If it's not a bother, would you please read this?".

Saying that, Shiina places something on the table. Don. A heavy sound you wouldn't have expected from it at first glance resounded.

"Have you read any of these books before, Ayanokouji-kun?".

She just took four books out of her bag. No wonder it's so heavy.

William Irish and Ellery Queen as well as Lawrence Block and Isaac Asimov.

"You've got good taste.....".

These are all mystery novels, masterpieces of old.

"You can tell?".

"I'm also a fan of the mystery genre".

"I see".

Shiina happily laughs while bringing her hands together. And that's when I realized something was off about the books.

"These aren't from the library, are they?".

"They're all mine. I'm carrying them around in case I meet someone who shares my interest in them one day so I can lend it to them. It was only a book at first but before I found someone like that, they just kept piling up".

"Is that so?".

This girl's got a few screws loose.

"Please don't hold back, take whichever one you like".

"Then...I suppose I'll go with Ellery Queen since I haven't read that one yet".

"Please do".

If this is her putting up an act, then it's one hell of an act but I don't really feel that from her. I can only imagine these actions of hers to be because she genuinely loves books.

But I've made a strange connection in a strange place. Of course, I should be on my guard if this is a trap that Class C is setting up but I think it's safe to say this matter is a complete coincidence.

I promised to return it to her at a later date just as the bell signalling the end of our lunch break rang.


After school, I got contacted as usual through our group chat.

'Come to Keyaki Mall if you can. The usual place'.

A casual message from Haruka. The moment I tried to reply with my phone, a verbal sword from the neighbor came flying at me.

"That grinning face of yours is giving me the creeps".


"Yours. You do have some self-awareness, right? Even without me having to point it out?".

"I can at least say with confidence that I wasn't grinning".

Because I don't remember the corners of my mouth curving upwards.

"Is it just that you're even more serious than I am or perhaps you're playing dumb.....? I'm talking about your inner self".

Apparently Horikita can tell that I'm overjoyed at having a friend send me a chat message.

"You're fitting right in, aren't you?".

And with a throwaway remark like that, Horikita took her bag in hand and walked off alone.

"I was grinning, huh?".

Of course, I'll admit it doesn't feel bad to be contacted like this by a friend but if the conclusion you draw from that is that I was 'grinning' then it's not something Horikita should be celebrating.

Does she really want to remain a loner that badly...? I quickly wrapped things up and left the classroom. If we were a normal group, we could've headed to our destination while chatting the whole way there but for a group like ours lacking a driving force, that's not quite possible.

We only gather when there are people willing to meet up. When I arrived at our usual spot at Keyaki Mall, everyone had already assembled.

"Akito, what about your club activities?".

"...I'm skipping today's".

"Looks like the Class C guys showed up at the archery club again. From what I can tell, they haven't come to blows with anyone though.....".

Apparently there's been a quarrel there.

"I told my seniors I wasn't quite feeling it and that I'll be taking a break. Our club's quite lenient, you see".

Even if he is taking a break, this declaration is just far too honest. Well, I suppose if he used the excuse that he's not feeling well then he wouldn't be able to show up here after all.

"We seriously need to put an end to Class C's reckless actions. At this rate, it's even harming our club activities".

"What about discussing this with our teacher?".

Haruka offered. But Akito shook his head.

"Nothing you can do if the only thing you're going to say is that you're being watched by Class C. It'd be a different story if they intruded on a private area but they're free to visit the archery club".

Even if that's mostly a lie, they're still free to come have a look as many times as they want.

"I guess so. Class C's really giving us grief, aren't they? Ahh, speaking of Class C, I saw it, I saw it. How detestable, Boss".

Saying anachronistic words like that, Haruka elbowed me in the ribs.

"You saw? What?".

"What do you mean 'what'? I'm talking about Kiyopon eating together with Shiina-san from Class C".

...I see. I guess she spotted us in the cafeteria. Even though it's a spacious area, there weren't many people left by then so it's not really strange.

"I'll have you know Airi's been worried about that ever since to the point she's been spilling her rice all over the place".

"Wah! You promised you wouldn't talk about that, Haruka-chan!".

"Really? Then let's pretend that didn't happen just now".

Of course, the brain isn't really configured to forget things that easily. But with this, I've managed to catch on. That the reason she had us gather here today is, without a doubt, because she wanted to discuss this.

"Right before Christmas? Could it be a last minute romance?".

"Really, Kiyotaka? I didn't figure you for the worldly type though".

Almost as if he's slightly angered by that, Keisei said so.

"Naive. You're way too naive, Yukimu~. All roads lead to romance for a boy and a girl. Also, 'worldly type' is such a lame thing to say. Teenagers these days go at a much faster pace than you're imagining".

"What do you mean 'faster'? We're still in our 1st year of high school, you know".

"Look here, experiencing romance for the first time in your 1st year of high school is already considered too late. Back when I was in elementary school, some of my classmates were already dating middle schoolers and high schoolers".

Keisei's jaw dropped at Haruka's shocking declaration and he was left dumbfounded.

"I-I've never heard that before".

"That just means you never paid any attention to your surroundings, Yukimu~. Most girls aren't interested in a childish classmate after all".

I don't think you can really apply this logic to elementary school students but that could just be both Keisei and I lacking experience in worldly matters. But I must make a correction where one needs to be made.

"Sorry to rain on your parade but there's no such thing going on with me".

"Really? You sure you're not just trying to avoid the embarrassment?".

"S-See? I told you but you wouldn't believe me, Haruka-chan".

"I had some business at the library during lunch break. I just happened to run into Shiina there by coincidence. I think it's probably the same as Akito being watched by Ishizaki and the others at his club. She asked me a variety of things too. I didn't want to turn her down and end up attracting more unwanted attention...".

By going along with the flow of the conversation like this, it makes me sound more credible. Besides, it's not really a lie.

Even though our encounter was a coincidence, it's still highly possible she was trying to sound me out there.

"So you've finally been marked too, Ayanokouji. Does that Ryuuen guy really hate the idea of being overtaken by Class D that much?".

Akito resentfully said, aware now that he's not the only one affected by this. But Keisei began to consider this tailing problem from a different angle.

"No, that may not be the case. You've heard the recent rumors about there being a mastermind behind Class D too, right? I didn't give it much thought until now but that may be the reason why Ryuuen's tailing us. Ayanokouji, what exactly did Shiina ask you anyways?".

"You're exactly right, Keisei. She probably thought I'd be an easy target for conversation since I was alone. She talked about a variety of different topics too but she questioned me quite a bit about the mastermind and such".

"I-I see, so that's how it is. So it wasn't a date or anything".

Airi pats herself on the chest in relief after learning it's completely unrelated to that.

"But I didn't have a clue so I couldn't really answer no matter how many times she asked me. To be honest, it was really tough".

"Still, you seemed to be having fun though?".

"I can't just openly act displeased now, can I? She is still a colleague, for the record".

Haruka still seems suspicious of me but Keisei immediately changed the topic.

"Leaving aside the romance that Haruka's talking about, the things Class C's been saying are worrying. I do feel bad about eavesdropping but it looks like Sudou also got caught up in it and asked Horikita for advice".

Looks like he overheard the conversation with Sudou this morning.

"What about you? Are you okay, Keisei?".

Keisei seemed contemplative in response to Akito's concern.

"So far nothing's happened yet. Directly, that is. But I'd be lying if I said there's nothing I'm worried about".

As though reminiscing, Keisei told us about what's been on his mind.

"These days, I've been crossing paths with Class C students more than usual. I didn't pay it any heed but they were all Ryuuen's lackeys. It may be that I'm also being targeted".

The probability of that being the case is likely extremely high.

"I see...but they haven't done anything to me though?".

She reservedly raised her hand as though she doesn't recall anything.


Haruka also raised her hand like Airi did. One wouldn't normally think they're being tailed. All the more so because none of it is conspicuous.

"Maybe we just haven't realized it like Keisei and someone might actually be tailing us".

"Ehh~ That's what you'd call a stalker, right? Creepy".

Naturally, having a boy target a girl like this would lead to various problems. In this case, Ryuuen may be making use of girls if he wants to perfect his strategy.

"Being tailed, huh? That may be the case...".

Hearing that, Akito covered his mouth with his hand and said as though he had remembered something.

"The time I finish with my club activities and meet with you guys is often late, right?".

"Yeah. Usually around after 6 or 7?".

"I've been feeling there were more Class C students around that would be normal. The other day when we met up at Keyaki Mall, Komiya was there. He's here now too".

Akito is the sharp one in our group, he's got excellent observation skills.

Haruka tried to look around but Akito stopped her.

"Stop it. We don't know what they're after, it's better not to react".

I would've stopped her if Akito hadn't done so first. It's for the best if we avoid adding fuel to the flames as much as we can.


Haruka spitefully said while looking in the direction Komiya's in without even trying to hide it.

"So it's really true? That Class D has a hidden mastermind?".

Perhaps Haruka wasn't taking it seriously, it appears she still has her doubts.

"No use thinking about it, Haruka. Ryuuen's got no qualms about lying. There's no telling whether we've got someone like that or not".

Akito said while denying the very premise of it. However, it looks like Keisei's thinking about it from a different angle.

"I'm sure Ryuuen's thought it out. He's having us tailed precisely because he believes there's someone like that. But if so, then who could it be?".

"Hmm? You think there's someone like that?".

"If not, then none of their actions would make sense".

Akito didn't seem too convinced.

"That's assuming there's any meaning to the things Ryuuen thinks about".

Perhaps because of their entanglements up until now, Akito seems doubtful of that.

"What do you think, Kiyopon?".

The question I expected to come flying at me, did come flying at me.

"Regardless of whether or not a person like that exists, that's probably the reason why they're tailing us".

After hearing all of our opinions, Haruka crossed her arms and spoke.

"So we're talking about someone who isn't Horikita-san and whose actions have gotten us through the exams so far, right? Someone like Yukimu~ perhaps? He's smart and as a matter of fact, he always tops our tests".

"I did no such thing. I was only being swept along during the island exam and the zodiac exam".

Keisei sighs as though the topic is something pathetic.

"Then perhaps Kouenji-kun? You know how his personality is but he's top class when it comes to brains and brawns".

"No way, Haruka. His personality is just like what you said. Do you really think he's the type of person who'd make a move for the class?".

His lack of teamwork is far beyond Horikita's to the point it's almost off the charts.

"But maybe that's just faked?".

"You're saying that absurd personality of his is just a front?".

"Maybe his real personality is a calm, calculating".

Everyone shook their heads at once.

"No way. He's just whimsical".

It's precisely because they've known him for a long time now that they're able to say with confidence that this is the sort of person Kouenji is.

"Even leaving aside the personality issue, Kouenji being the mastermind is still very unlikely".

Keisei added that as though he has proof of that.

"He retired on the first day of the island exam. In other words, he wouldn't have been able to assess the situation one bit. If there's a mastermind besides Horikita during the island exam that it wouldn't add up for him".

"Ahh---I see. You're rather persuasive, Yukimu~".

"But this is just pure guesswork. And based on the premise that there is a mastermind like Ryuuen theorized. Besides, it's only if the mastermind made a move in every exam so far. Even if they exist, they may not have gotten involved during the island exam. It's all guesswork, of course".

"I see. That does sound right".

"But I do think there's a mastermind in our class".

"Why do you think so, Keisei?".

Keisei continues speaking in response to the doubtful Akito.

"Just a hunch. If I had to say then it would be because Class D's been making much progress so far, I suppose".

"But how could Ryuuen-kun tell that the mastermind isn't Horikita-san?".

Since no one knows the reason for that, the conversation stalled for a moment.

"Maybe it's Hirata-kun? If I recall, he got some advice from Horikita-san back during the island exam".

"Maybe it's actually Hirata issuing orders behind the scenes, you mean?".

"I don't really think he's that kind of guy though but I can't rule it out either".

Ultimately, it was Hirata who became the prime suspect.

"But I'm sure Hirata's also been marked by Ryuuen".

"That sounds tough...maybe about 10 people or so have been marked?".

Normally speaking, surveillance at the hands of that many people would leave you with no room to rest. Just like how Ishizaki's the one keeping an eye on Akito, Hirata is probably also being marked by someone else. But Hirata's policy is that of non-intervention.

I imagine he'd be considerate even of enemies that need to be defeated. And I haven't had much contact with Hirata these days. It is a fact that freedom of movement is limited while Ryuuen's in the middle of his investigation.

No point in giving them what they want.

"U-Um, Kiyotaka-kun".

After hearing everyone out, Airi reservedly started speaking.


"Please don't get angry but...could it be that the mastermind is actually Kiyotaka-kun?".

At those words, the remaining three simultaneously turned to look at me.

"Why do you think so?".

"I-I mean, umm...Kiyotaka-kun's always calm and smart...and also dependable...also, I thought you've been giving Horikita-san a lot of advice, so...".

"Were Kiyopon's test scores any good?".

"If I recall, they were neither good nor bad".

Keisei pushes up his glasses.

I suppose it's just in her nature, that remark of Airi's probably has no malevolent intent behind it since she herself doesn't know about the hidden affairs of the class.

"S-Sorry. I just, somehow, thought that...that maybe because of the advice you gave without realizing, Ryuuen-kun may be targeting you and I felt sad about that.....".

"Unfortunately, I'm the one always receiving advice from Horikita".

"Well, I mean, Kiyopon does have a mysterious side to him. Adding the fact that he's close to Horikita-san too, it wouldn't be out of place for him to seem suspicious".

"That...might be the case. Maybe that's also why Shiina directly confronted him".

Akito, who has denied the existence of a mastermind so far, reached that conclusion.

"There's certainly reason to be suspicious of Ayanokouji. Even if there is no mastermind, just by being close to Horikita, it may give rise to doubts that there is a mastermind, right?".

"If so, that's disastrous for you, Kiyopon".

" can say that again".

"A thorough marking by Ryuuen based on a misunderstanding, huh? It's annoying just thinking about it. If there's anything troubling you, feel free to consult us, ok?".

Akito said so while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. I'll do that".

But there's no way this surveillance is going to continue on forever. When there's a good opportunity to do so, Ryuuen will definitely attack.


The next day, after school, I sighed discreetly while relaxing my stiff shoulders. The reason my shoulders are stiff would be the actions of a certain classmate of mine whose actions I don't quite comprehend.

An unexpected visitor then came over to me without knowing a smidgen of my worries. Her skirt swaying slightly in the breeze, she stops in front of me.

"Say, Ayanokouji-kun, are you free today?".

The girl speaking to me is Satou from Class D.

"If you're okay with it, why don't we have tea together on the way back?".

She said so while twirling her hair like it's pasta with a finger of her left hand.

How should I put it...a rather bold, aggressive student is how I would have to describe her. This student, Satou, is acting almost like she's confessed to me before. In other words, almost like an invitation to a date.

The dweller beside me, Horikita, paid no heed and after packing her belongings, left the classroom. But I can somehow sense the members of the Ayanokouji Group observing the situation.

Why is a popular girl like Satou talking with Ayanokouji? Is probably what they're thinking. Haruka, in particular, is interested in the circumstances of the other girls.


I don't have any plans in mind for today. Our group assemblies aren't mandatory either so that's good too. The stares from the group members are worrying but that's still trivial.

"Was it bad timing?".

Since I didn't give an affirmative reply right away, Satou anxiously asked me.

"Sorry, Satou. Today's no good".

I hesitated a bit but in the end, I turned her down. The reason for that is because my shoulders are feeling stiff.

From morning until the end of school, I've been feeling unpleasant the whole day at the stare I received from time to time. Even now as I'm talking with Satou, that stare remains affixed on me.

Chabashira-sensei stayed behind in the classroom after school ended. She's pretending to fill out paperwork but it's obvious she's been staring at me from time to time.

Almost as though she wants to approach me.

"I-I see. See you later then, Ayanokouji-kun".

I feel bad for Satou's disappointment but it's just bad luck. As though to see Satou off, I walked out into the corridor to go back. And with this, the problem will be resolved...or rather, an immediate danger drew close right off the bat.

Almost simultaneously, Chabashira-sensei left the classroom and approached me. As I suspected, she must have some business with me. Looks like I made the right choice turning Satou down.

I avoided the conspicuous corridor and headed over towards a staircase that leads to the entrance in a roundabout fashion.


Since the crowd has thinned, Chabashira closed the distance and called out to me.

"Do you have business with me?".

"Yeah. Follow me. There's something I need to tell you".

"That's a tall order. I've got an appointment with Horikita now".

I made up an excuse to get out of this situation.

"I don't want to act carelessly as a teacher either, but circumstances are circumstances".

Chabashira-sensei, who often doesn't show emotion, now has an unusually vulnerable expression on her face.

"I've got a bad feeling about this".

"Unfortunately for you, you don't have the right to refuse. It's an extremely urgent matter".

I don't really want to follow her but I can't afford to disobey a teacher either, I suppose. What little resistance I put up proved futile, so I ended up following Chabashira-sensei.

We left the student area and finally arrived at this place.

"The reception office? What do you need to talk about that you brought me all the way here? It's still too early for career consultation, right?".

"You'll understand soon enough".

I tried making a joke but it doesn't appear like she's going to answer a student's question. But rather than what's beyond the door, I'm more curious about Chabashira-sensei.

Forget calmness, she seems almost agitated. Even if the person behind that door is the person I think it is, her acting strange this blatantly is still strange.

It'd be a different story if it's a teacher who's usually like this but Chabashira-sensei doesn't belong in that category. And without even realizing the doubts I'm harboring, Chabashira-sensei knocked on the door to the room.

"Headmaster. I've brought Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun".

Headmaster, huh? It should be someone a student like me would have no reason to interact with from enrollment until graduation.

"Please enter".

I heard a gentle voice, but a dignified one befitting his age. And Chabashira-sensei opened the door to the reception office.

A man roughly in his 60s sat on a sofa. I've seen him several times both at the entrance ceremony and the end of semester ceremony but this man is, without a doubt, this school's headmaster. But his expression is not a laidback one but rather, I could see beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

And there's one more person opposite him. I'm sure of it now. Of why I was called all the way out here.

"Now then, the two of you can have your don't mind, do you?".

"Of course not".

"I'll be taking my leave so please feel free to take your time. If you'll excuse me".

The man sitting opposite the headmaster is in his 40s. Despite the fact that he's clearly twice this man's age, the headmaster acted in an extremely and thoroughly polite manner and left his territory as though he were fleeing.

"Then I'll also excuse myself.....".

Chabashira-sensei also bowed before the man and left alongside the headmaster.

I didn't overlook the fact that in the last look she gave me, she seemed worried.

As the door closed, the only sound I can hear is the faint sound of the heating system. As I stood still without saying anything, the man quietly said.

"How about you sit down. I’m meeting up with you of my own accord after all."

It’s been one ye-, no……one and a half years since I’ve heard this man’s voice.

His way of speaking and tone hasn’t changed at all.

Not that I specifically wanted him to anyway.

"I’m not planning on holding a long conversation that requires me to sit down, I have planned on meeting some friends later."

"Friends? Don’t make me laugh. You aren’t capable of such things."

He hasn’t even seen how I live, yet still judges his statement to be true.

Believing he is absolutely right, that’s typical of him.

"Whether we talk together now or not will amount to nothing."

"So I can assume that I got a favourable answer? If that’s so, there’s no need to talk anymore. I’m also busy and just got some time in-between to come after all."

He didn’t pay me any attention while arriving at his conclusion.

"I don’t know what the answer you want is."

"I have prepared the papers for you to drop out. I was talking about it with the headmaster earlier. You just have to say "yes", then we can be done with it."

He saw my intention to gloss it over and went directly to the main topic.

"I see no reason why I should."

"That may be so for you, but I do have some on my own"

He looked at me for the first time.

That sharp glance hasn’t withered, in fact, it has seemingly increased with his age.

Pupils like sharpened blade edges, like he could see thorough into the core. Many people have probably felt being assaulted by them. I took them right on.

"You mean a parent, for now, plans on twisting the child’s wishes on his own accord?"

"Parent you say? You have never recognised me as a parent."


It’s suspicious whether this man has ever considered my his child in the first place. It’s likely we only recognised ourselves as father and son on paper only. Doesn’t matter whether there is a blood relation or not.

"The point is, you were acting on your own accord. I ordered you to remain on standby."

He threw out, forgetting to urge me to sit. Then he continued.

"You defied my orders and entered this school. I’m ordering you to drop out immediately as a matter of fact."

"Your orders were only valid inside the White Room only. Right now, I don’t need to listen to them anymore."

It was simple logic. But of course he wouldn’t be satisfied with that.

"You have become quite talkative since last time I saw you. Influenced by this worthless school I see."

Resting his cheek on his hand, the man looked at me like watching excrements.

"Anyway, let me hear your reply to my last question."

"The meaningless one about you not requiring to listen to me anymore? You are my property. The owner has every right to use it as he fits. I don’t need to tell you this. Whether you live or die is for me to decide."

To honestly being able say that in this country in which law rule prevails, what a wicked person.

"No matter how much you are stuck on it, I don’t plan on leaving this school."

Doesn’t matter what I say, we are just going in circles.

He hates wasting time on useless talk so he should know this. Then what is next? Of course he will strike his next card.

"Aren’t you curious what became of Matsuo who told you about this school and gave you the idea to enroll?"

"Not really."

That’s a name I remember, his face pops up in my mind.

"He was managing you as a butler for a year. In the end, he went against his employer’s orders."

He was talking non-stop, then suddenly stopped. By doing this, he could carve the contents and make the listener conscious of the grave matter this conversation contained. Using a heavy tone and a deep glance, the listener would assume the conversation was about to go in a negative direction, wondering how bad it may have went.

"Teach you how flee from me, about this school’s existence, and then ignoring me, your real parent’s intentions by sending the papers for your enrolment. Truly a foolish thing to do."

He picked up the teacup the school prepared for him and took a slurp.

"That is an inexcusable, unforgivable act. Of course he had to be punished."

It was not a threat, he was just stating the facts without mixing in his feelings on the matter.

"You may have imagined it already. He was fired by me."

"Since you are his employer, that’s a valid reason."

The man who was my butler was close to 60 years old. He was outstandingly good at looking after people, and was easy to like. A man well liked by all children. He married young, but was not blessed with children. He got his first child when he was over 40 years old, but he sadly lost his wife in exchange. His child was about the same age as me. I remember him bragging about his son all the time. I have never met his son, but Matsuo told be he was studying really hard as to repay his father. The smile he had is still burnt inside my memories.

"You must have known about him. Matsuo’s beloved son."

He must've seen me remembering about them, before he added.

"As you enrolled into this school, Matsuo’s son also managed to pass the difficult entrance exam and enrolled into a famous private high school. He surely worked really hard."

He added a pause, then continued.

"But, he has now been expelled."

His words were simple, the meaning clear.

He was avoiding to say it directly, but he had made sure the school retracted his son’s enrolment to punish him.

Because this man had power to do so.

"And so? Did a man such as you only end it with this? So kind you are."

"His son is a strong child. Even after expulsion from his desired school, he didn’t falter. He began enrolment into other schools. But I played my hand with them all. I stopped all his attempt at entering high school and made him give up. Same for Matsuo. Spreading his bad reputation resulted in him not finding any new work. The result, his son lost his course and became unemployed.

It was a speech about how my acts had resulted in Matsuo and his son losing everything. A made-up story it is not, but the truth. If he only meant to report about this petty thing, it was a letdown.

"You are probably not surprised at this point. Since they went against their employer’s orders, some form of compensation must be made. But it seems he didn’t expect one to such a degree. He was responsible, kind man from the very beginning. Losing his wife early, raising his son alone, grieving over that his careless actions had led to him robbing his son of his future. He found only one way to save his son. For reparations he pleaded me to not touch his son anymore, then last month he burned himself to death."

This was the point he wanted to say after his long speak. That my selfish actions was connected to the tragedy of others.

"His son is now working part-time without any guarantee to if he can survive to the next day. No dreams. no hope."

"His family falling into ruins is all your fault. His son must hate you."

"No forgiveness even after death."

As I was about to ask "And then", the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"The man who took care of you, the man who saved you has died and you don’t seem to by paying any attention. Matsuo would have turned in his grave seeing your attitude. The one he bet his own life."

Right or wrong, the reason for Matsuo and his son’s fall to ruins lies with this man. There is no need to feel remorse for dead people. But this man wasn’t trying to stir my feelings of guilt. Nor did he want me to show empathy. He just wanted to state it. That we would show no mercy to those who enraged him. Nothing more than that.

"For the first, I don’t have any evidence that what you told me is true."

"Matsuo’s report of death has been confirmed. If necessary, I will bring you his records."

So ask me anytime, he strongly implied.

"If he really is dead, then all the more the reason for me not to leave this school. As Matsuo helped me enrol despite knowing the consequences, I have to succeed his will."

A joke of a reply to bullshit like this.

"You sure have changed, Kiyotaka."

I can understand why he wanted to say that. I had always followed his… No, more precisely, the White Room’s orders. That was the whole world to me. His greatest failure was probably this blank unknown one year period of mine.

"What happened to you during this one year? What made you decide for this school in the first place?"

And since he already knew, he pursued the topic.

"Certainly, you have provided us with the best education possible. You may have used methods which the public won’t ever acknowledge, but still, I won’t reject the White Room itself. Which is why I’m not planning on speaking about the past to anyone, nor try to put you in a difficult position. However, you are excessively chasing an ideal. The result of that is me, that’s all."

I am a first year high schooler. 16 years old. However, my knowledge far exceeds the amount learnt in a lifetime. I realised it, was made to realise it. That humans have an endless amount of curiosity.

"You taught us a a lot of things. Not only the usual arts and sciences, martial arts and self-defence, wisdom and much more. It is because of that I wanted to learn about the "world" you threw away."

"Does the conclusion, the answer to that have anything to do with why you ran away?"

"Will I be able to learn the same things at this school as staying in the White Room? What freedom is, how is feels to not be bound by anything. I couldn’t have learned that in that place."

This is a fact even he can’t deny. The White Room was perhaps the most efficient place in the whole world to raise a human, but you couldn’t learn everything. It was an institution that threw away anything unnecessary to the extremes.

"Matsuo told me, the only place in Japan where you couldn’t reach was this school."

If I didn’t choose this school instead of waiting in standby as per orders, or if I had made a different decision, I would most likely have been returned back to the White Room."

Thus I strongly reject withdrawing from the school.

"There are some parts I can’t understand, but it seems I just have to accept that’s how the situation is. Now I see how temporarily shutting down the institution that time before the completion of the plan was a mistake. To think just one year could set back a plan which had been ongoing for over 16 years. And annoyingly you managed to escape to this school away from my reach."

I know that this temporary shutdown was a heartbreaking memory to him. That is why he so strongly wanted me back. But to make contact after half a year, there must be something else happening behind my back. Is there someone big behind this school?

"I now understand why you came here, but don’t think this is the end of it. As with Matsuo’s son, I can make you quit this school by force you know."

"I don’t believe you can interfere with this school as you are right now since it’s backed by the government."

"What makes you think so? That’s a statement without any proofs to back it up."

"The first one, the bodyguards you always surround yourself with are nowhere to be seen. You are making grudges all around so you shouldn’t be so willing to separate from them. But they are not in this room nor in the hallway as far as I can see."

The man grabbed the cup and drank the now lukewarm tea.

"Why should I need bodyguards just to visit a high school?"

"That’s sloppy considering you always have them guard when you go to the toilet. It seems to me you couldn’t take them with you even if you wanted to. The authorities behind this school didn’t permit it, is what I think."

And if he didn’t adhere, he wouldn’t be allowed to enter."

"You are still lacking evidence."

"Next, If you had the power to make me quit, you would have done so before even counting to 3. But you didn’t do that, instead going out of your way to talk to me face to face and convince me to quit. Something is weird."

For Matsuo’s son, he didn’t need to meet personally, he simply brought down the judgment I believe.

"And there's another thing. If you made your move in an enemy territory like this school and it becomes public, your ambitions… your comeback would forever be a faint dream, isn’t that so?"

"… Is that what Matsuo put inside your head? So even after death he still pesters me."

"I can’t know that just from his mumblings."

I didn’t hear anything detailed from him in the first place, but I can infer the details on my own. This man cannot be stopped halfheartedly, and Matsuo should have known this too.

"Leaving aside the shutdown and its influence, I noticed one more problem. No matter how perfect the discipline is, the so fitting rebellion period will occur in all humans."

A mere 15 years of educat

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