Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 37 - All done

“Great-grandfather.” Wu Ruoqiang said in front of Wu Qianqing: “It is true that the materials are not enough for us, because we do not only do for my elder brother, but also for me, my father, my mother and my sister Uxi.”

Wu Qiantong held out his anger and asked, “You and your father, they don’t have to go through what tools they need?”

“Uncle, you know my physical condition.” Wu Ruo lowered his eyelids and said sadly, “Now in a black house is no better than having a family member in the Wu house. If there are not a few powerful weapons to defend themselves, the situation is very difficult. They They bully me for having no spiritual power and inconvenient movement. I do n’t think of me as a master at all. I ’m eating coarse tea and rice, and I ’m not full. I have to call the toilet for a long time before someone enters the house to serve me. … “

He said that they were referring to Wu Da and Wu Xiao, but they did not refer to other people. As for Wu Qiantong, what they thought was their thing.

“I know, Xiaoruo you have been wronged.” Ubu Fang interrupted him and did not let him go on, because Wu Ruo was not good, he was beating his face.

This marriage was settled by him, but his great-grandson was greatly grieved, and his life was worse than the next generation. If this story goes out, many people will surely feel that Ubud’s cold blood is ruthless. In order to please Wu Chenzi, even the great-grandson’s situation will be ignored. In the future, the children and grandchildren of the family will truly respect him.

Ubud side looked at Wu Qianqing and said sternly: “Wu Ruo’s weapon must be prepared as soon as possible.”

Wu Qianqing responded quickly: “Yes.”

Wu Qiantong was reconciled: “Then the three brothers, the three concubines, and the small Greeks, they don’t need to prepare instruments, right?”

“Uncle, how can you say that?” Wu Ruo looked at him: “My elder brother is still at home and can still protect the people in Shu Qingyuan for a while. When my elder brother leaves, no one will protect me. Father, mother and sister. You know that my father has offended many people before, and now there must be a lot of people who want to take revenge while he is being destroyed. If there are few magic weapons to defend themselves, how can they defeat each other? Besides, he has to protect his wife who has no chicken hands. “

Wu Qiantong Lengheng: “Who dares sneak into our Wu family to assassinate?”

“My dad can’t go out all my life, right? Besides, my dad is the third grandfather of the Nanyuan compound. He doesn’t even have a decent instrument. Wouldn’t it be a laughing man if he said it out?”

Ubud’s most important thing is to nod and agree when he hears that the people of Wu family will be teased: “Well, Qian Qing and his wife are the three masters and three wives of the Nanyuan compound, and they must have no magic weapons.”

Wu Qiantong said, “That little Greek …”

Ubud slumped: “It’s all done.”

Everyone else has a magic weapon. How many magic weapons are you sending?

Besides, if it wasn’t for Wu Qianjing they had taken Wu Qianqing’s magic weapon, would Wu Qianqing be so disappointed that they could reuse the material weapon?

Wu Ruo did not give Wu Qiantong the opportunity to talk to them, and immediately thanked Wu Qiantong with a smile: “Thank your great-grandfather, thank you uncles and uncles for your materials, and I will return the materials to you after the elder brother returns.”

Hehe, it will take at least a few years for the elder brother to come back to practice, you wait slowly, even if you come back, the materials will not be returned to you.

Wu Qianjing’s face was too dark to be black, but they could not show their discomfort in front of grandfather. The idea was what they thought, and they agreed and nodded in agreement. Can they regret it?

Of course not.

The Ubud side confessed to Urumqi before they gave the materials to the Uro as soon as possible, and then told them something to let them leave.

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