Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 379

The old people who tied the red strips all leaned to the cage of Hei Ling Xing.

Hei Xingxing said to Hei Xieyu: “Prince, the old people with red cloth strips on their arms are willing to submit to the court, and can even cooperate with you against other old people.”

There was a flash of surprise in Wu Ruo’s eyes. Hei Pingxing joined forces with them to kill his father.

“What !?” The old clans who did not wear red strips looked at Heiming with a shocked expression: “Master, what did you just say?”

The black brother’s third brother, Hei Pingguan, was incredibly at the same time with a small chuckle. Originally, he wanted to solve the black bunker while he was in chaos, but he did not expect the black bunker to betray. As long as the black bunker was gone, he You can sit firmly in the position of little master, even the emperor.

He returned to God, and hurriedly shouted, “Hey, he is a traitor. He killed this traitor.”

The other brothers and sisters of Hei Lingxing have always been at odds with Hei Lingxing, knowing that whether Hei Lingxing is to be a leader or a traitor is not good for them, and it will be miserable in the end.

They also hurriedly followed Heiyuguan and shouted, “Yeah, kill Heiyuxing this traitor. If it weren’t for him, our leader would not have died. It was him, and he and the royals together killed our leader. Do n’t you Let him go. “

The elders have also gone back to God, anxious to break the black corpse into corpses. However, it is not easy to kill Hei Lingxing, because 40% of the old people have betrayed, and there are people from the imperial court here, and the situation is very unfavorable to them.

Before the elders ordered, other old people had already rushed to Hei Pingxing.

Both the royal family and the guards looked at Hei Xuanyu, waiting for his order.

Hei Xieyu announced to everyone: “The old people who don’t wear red cloth strips, let alone kill.

“Yes.” The guards locked their targets on the old clan without wearing a red cloth strip.

The old people wearing red cloth strips quietly breathed a sigh of relief. When Hei Ling Xing told them to rely on the court to deal with other old people, they were very worried that the court did not trust them, and they did not know whether they would Find them to dispose of them.

The old clans lost the support of their leader and part of the clans, and the momentum fell down at a glance. Without their advantage, they were losing ground.

In just one hour, many old corpses were lying at the gate of the palace.

The elders of the old people saw that the number of people from the old people was getting less and less reconciled. Their status in the old clan is comparable to that of the court minister, enjoying the glory and wealth. If they had laid down the palace, they might even be a king, but now everything is in vain.

The people of the old clans see that they are gone, and they have the thought of wanting to escape. Of course, he was seen through their thoughts and sent someone to capture them.

“Black howling, you bastard, white-eyed wolf.”

“Darkness, you must die.”

Hei Xingxing’s brothers and sisters yelled angrily at Hei Pingxing, who was standing outside Zhangzhang. They were all this man. If it were not for him, the old people would not have lost so badly.

Ignoring their roar, Hei Xing asked the people under his hand about their injuries.

Shen Song reported to him, “Some brothers have died, and one of them is also seriously injured.”

Kurosaki frowned.

“Limp.” Wu Ruo walked towards the black cricket. “you……”

Hei Xing murmured, “I know what you want to ask.”

He turned to look at the body of Hei Tu. A group of people under his hand was holding the body of Hei Tu to vent his anger, and a sword after sword was inserted into the body of Hei Tu. His expression was resentment and sorrow. Road: “Dead, he’s dead, Blackway is finally dead.”

The guards froze and watched them take out the black corpse. Anyway, this person is also their leader. How could there be such a deep hatred?

Hei Ling asked: “Do you know why they treat my father’s body like this?”

Wu Ruo looked in the direction of the black corpse.

“Since my father took over the old clan, he has brutally governed the entire clan. Those who do not accept him will fight them until they are served. Those who threaten him will kill them. If someone in the clan has more rights than him, he will be destroyed. , Always love my grandfather and grandmother, they died in the hands of my father, even the other people in my family did not let go, my mother was afraid to say nothing. I and my brothers and sisters are gone Foreign forces gradually began to pull people from other families. Brothers and sisters ’love began to break up, and even began to fight with each other, distrusting each other. My father not only did not stop, but also saw our brothers and sisters kill each other and kill him. In other words, only the person who has survived to the last one is eligible to inherit his position. The people who hate my father’s body are also former victims. Their families have been killed by my father. They thought of revenge. But neither his strength nor his power is his opponent. In addition, my father is very alert and has many powerful guards around him to protect him. It is difficult to assassinate him. Therefore, I can only wait for the moment, and today is the best opportunity. “Hei Xingxing squinted his face and squinted his eyes, and a bitter grief flashed under his eyes. He would not have done it as a last resort:” I didn’t want to kill him, After all, he is my father, but if he is rebellious, his followers will be cut off by him, because he will not let any untrustworthy side be there, and it will be a cruel one again. Now that the old people are corrupt, and they will not end the old people, they are like ants and insects eating the nation of the dead. “

Wu Ruo frowned lightly: “It should be more than that that can make you think of rebellion.”

“The children in Tongzhen are dead.”

Wu Ruoyi said: “All are dead.

Hei Xingxing continued, “Because I escaped to get married, I went with you to the Mymit to find a way to disappear. My father killed all the children with anger, along with …”

His voice was suddenly dumb, and the knot rolled up and down, inhaling and inhaling.

Shen Song continued for Hei Pingxing: “With our childhood, our brothers who were close to our brothers were also killed by our master …”

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he felt sad: “How can he do this, knowing that they are our good brothers, but he didn’t wait for us to come back and ask us how to deal with them, and killed people.”

“…” Wu Ruo sighed secretly without knowing how to comfort them.

Not far behind, the royals were passing by several old elders who were seriously injured.

The elders glanced at the black line and praised them. Suddenly, the great resentment in their hearts surged into their eyes, and even if they were to die, they would take several people to be buried.

They looked at each other quietly, and one of the elders gathered his spiritual power in the Lingtian.

The royal family who suppressed them realized that he wanted to explode, and while stunned, he ordered the guards to find the seal of the spiritual force.

At the same time, the other nine elders took advantage of their unpreparedness to break free of them, condensing the final spiritual power to attack them.

The royals were shocked, and shouted anxiously to those who turned their backs: “Little Ruo, Princess, please be careful.”

Wu Ruo turned around when he noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power, and saw someone rushing over and the urging voice of others. He subconsciously wanted to fight back, but he was pushed far away.

He quickly looked down and saw that Shen Song was also pushed into the distance. Hei Xieyu and Qian Shen, who rushed in desperately, attacked the five elders with attack spirits and defensive magic weapons, and then faced the spiritual impact of the other four elders.

Deeply chanting Dasong’s tone, thank Qian Shen for holding each other with ghost grips, so that they have a buffer time, otherwise the consequences are unthinkable, and fortunately, the elders’ spiritual power is almost consumed, otherwise the two will have difficulty resisting the four elders.

He was thinking about helping out, and suddenly, a guard next to him hit the black limps with two top-level instruments.

Wu Ruo was startled: “Walk carefully.”

Seeing this, Shen hurriedly threw out all defensive instruments to protect the black limps. No, the purpose of the guard was actually him. At the moment when he threw the tactics to protect the black limps, the guards took out three other magic weapons and attacked them. Qian Shen.

“Yi–” Qian Shen couldn’t help it. His abdomen was seriously injured, and a big blood spurted. The elders of the two foreign countries took the opportunity to hit Qian Shen’s chest with another palm.

He flew out like a broken kite and landed heavily on the ground.

The guard didn’t give the others time to react at all, and took the sword out of his waist to stab Qian Qian.

Wu Ruo subconsciously used Ghost Grips to hold everyone in, and rushed forward quickly, helping him kick away the two elders and the guards.

At the same time, an iron chain shot from a distance and inserted into the guard’s left shoulder blade.

The crowd froze and looked up at the person who shot the chain.

Wu Ruohao looked at the person: “Hey.”

Leng Leng hummed, kicked and kicked behind the guard’s paint blood, and immediately, the guard knelt down.

The members of the royal family returned to God and hurriedly captured all the elders for the black cricket, tortured them with a chain of sealed spiritual power, and pressed them to jail for interrogation.

Hei Xing Xing ran to Qian Shen and hugged people: “Qian Shen …”

“Master, feed him the wounded medicine.” Shen Song took out the wounded medicine and handed it to Hei Lingxing.

Hei Xing Xing quickly fed Qian Shen to his mouth, stopped him from vomiting blood, but the injuries were still serious.

“You. Didn’t you get hurt?” Qian Shen asked with severe pain.

“I’m fine, I’m not injured.”

Qian Shen smiled effortlessly, “That’s good.

Hei Xingxing looked at him with a complex look: “But you are very badly injured, and I extol you to go to the doctor.”

“Yes.” Shen Song turned around and saw Wu Ruo stepping forward and asked, “How is he?”

Hei Xingxing looked at Wu Ruo with bloodshot eyes: “Can you help me see him?”

Wu Ruo looked at Qian Shen who was walking in black with obsessed and admiring eyes, hesitated, squatted down, and found Qian Shen’s Lingtian was destroyed.

Kurosaki asked anxiously, “How is his condition?”

Wu Ruo answered truthfully: “His spiritual field has been destroyed.”

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