Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 43 - Omen

After asking God, if the three incense sticks in Ubud ’s hand are still burning in the incense burner, it means that the weather will be smooth next year, but if the incense is broken, it means a catastrophe.

More than ten years ago, Ubud had broken a piece of incense when he asked God. The following year, Gaoling City and the towns of thousands of miles suffered droughts, soil erosion, and withering plants. The summer climate was much hotter than in previous years. Later, a locust plague was triggered because there was no drop of rain in a year, and it just happened to close the gate of the ghost. The ghosts were wanton in the world, causing the people to suffer.

In that year, only one incense was broken, and hundreds of people died. If three incense were broken at the same time this year, how much disaster will be waiting for them?

Suddenly, people were trembling.

Wu Ruo looked at the broken three incense sticks and frowned.

In the last life, although he did not come to Xiangbo Temple to watch the sacrifice, but he never heard anyone say that three incenses or one incense was broken when asking God, and the following year was Wufu Min’an, which did not happen at all. Catastrophe.

Wu Bufang’s face was extremely ugly, so he asked Wu family to understand the divination technique of the elders Rong and Xian elders.

The two elders walked up to the altar and took out their magic weapons.

Everyone nervously looked at the people on the stage, and they were afraid to speak up, they were afraid to disturb the elders.

About two columns of incense passed, and the two elders finally calculated.

Seeing that the two elders weren’t looking right, Ubu Fang quickly lowered his voice and said, “Sooth the people first, and wait for something to come back to.”

Elder Rong sighed and said to the people: “Everyone need not be nervous. Ask the disaster that God foreshadows has nothing to do with the people in Gaolingcheng, so you don’t have to be afraid. Next year, you will be as peaceful as before.”

The people were relieved a little, but it was inevitable that they felt a little nervous.

Ubud declared that the sacrifice was over and everyone dispersed.

The two elders of Wujia can’t wait to go back to Wufu to say something.

Elder Xian quickly said, “Matriarch, great things are not good.”

“Three incenses are broken. What can be good for you?” Ubu Fang sighed, “What can you tell?”

Elder Xian looked at Elder Rong hesitantly: “Elder Rong, what did you do just now?”

Elder Rong tightened his eyebrows: “The results I calculated just now are hardly related to the people in Gaolingcheng, but this horrible omen points to our Wu family.”

Elder Xian sighed: “That’s what I counted.”

“What !?” With regard to the Wu family, Ubud was anxious: “Can you figure out what happened?”

Elder Rong and Elder Xian glanced at each other and shook their heads: “It can only be calculated that it is related to Wujia. It is really impossible to figure out what it is.”

Ubud eagerly looked at Elder Xian: “What about you? What did you figure out?”

Elder Xian said, “I consume a lot of spiritual power and longevity, and just calculate that the Wu family will encounter an inevitable calamity, and even the Wu family’s direct line will be implicated.”

The technique of divination requires a glimpse into the heavens. Sometimes it consumes not only spiritual power, but also life and longevity. This is why few people choose to learn the technique of divination.

Ubud stunned: “Is there no way to crack?”

The leisure elder sighed.

Elder Rong murmured: “With our current ability, there is no way to crack it. However, the National Normal University is different. He has high mana. If we report this to him, maybe the National Normal University will have a solution. “

When it comes to Wu Chenzi, Ubu Fang feels relieved, glanced at their Wu family descendants, and settled on Shinto: “Go back and talk.”

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